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Administrative Services


Part 286, Emergency Lines of Succession

Effective May 2, 2002, Administrative Support Manual (ASM) 13, section 286.1, Postmaster General, is revised. We revised the section to add the vice president, area operations, eastern area, to the list of persons who succeed the postmaster general and perform the duties of the position in the event of an emergency that incapacitates the postmaster general. This change provides additional geographic dispersion (i.e., persons located away from the Washington, DC, area), and ensures the Postal Service's ability to perform essential functions and remain a viable part of the federal government through any emergency.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of ASM 14 and into an incremental update of the online ASM 13, which is accessible through the Postal Service PolicyNet page on the intranet at; click on Manuals.

Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

2 Audits and Investigations

28 Emergency Preparedness

286 Emergency Lines of Succession

286.1 Postmaster General

[Add new item c. Reletter existing item c as new item d.]

In case the postmaster general is incapacitated from an enemy attack or other national emergency, the following is the line of succession to perform the duties of the postmaster general (see 112.11):

a. Deputy postmaster general.

b. Chief operating officer and executive vice president.

c. Vice president, area operations, eastern area.

d. Vice president, area operations, western area.

- Security Group,
Postal Inspection Service, 5-2-02

- Corporate/Field Operations Support,
Office of the Chief Operating Officer, 5-2-02


Registering Systems in the Enterprise Information Repository

Effective immediately, all Postal Service information systems must be registered in the Enterprise Information Repository (EIR). Management Instruction (MI) AS-830-2002-2, Registering Systems in the Enterprise Information Repository, sets forth policy regarding the registration of Postal Service information systems and the subsequent maintenance of system-related information in the EIR.

The term "system" refers to an application, web application, web site, or web page. MI AS-830-2002-2 applies to all Postal Service employees associated with owning, developing, and maintaining such systems, including vice presidents, portfolio managers, program managers, project managers, and business project leaders.

As a complete and accurate inventory of system information, the EIR will enable managers to more effectively monitor the status of systems, review systems by components, identify existing systems that may enhance or be affected by proposed systems, and avoid redundancies.

MI AS-830-2002-2 is available online through the Postal Service PolicyNet page on the Intranet at; click on MIs. We are not printing copies of the MI to distribute.

- Raleigh Integrated Business Solutions Service Center, Information Technology, 5-2-02


Maintaining a Service Level Agreement

Effective immediately, every computer application (e.g., eTravel or PERMIT) supported by the Information Technology (IT) organization must have a current and signed service level agreement (SLA) in effect. Management Instruction (MI) AS-860-2002-4, Maintaining a Service Level Agreement, provides the policy on SLAs, which apply to all computer applications supported within the Postal Service IT environment.

SLAs define services, create realistic expectations for resolving service problems, and ensure that service is maintained at expected and agreed-upon levels. MI AS-860-2002-4 provides you with the following:

• Information about what the SLA provides.

• Steps to help you develop the SLA.

• Funding information.

• Policies about the SLA's expiration date, annual review, and renewal.

• Contact information in case you need more information.

Please direct any questions to the manager, IT Customer Satisfaction, Customer Care Operations (CCO), Distributed Systems Service Center (DSSC), at 919-874-3132 or via cc:Mail to Satisfaction, Customer.

MI AS-860-2002-4 is available online through the Postal Service PolicyNet page on the Intranet at; click on MIs. We are not printing copies of the MI to distribute.

- Customer Satisfaction, DSSC, CCO,
Information Technology, 5-2-02

Directives and Forms Update

Effective immediately, Publication 223, Directives and Forms Catalog (June 1999), is revised. The tables below contain the document ID, edition date, title, national stock number (NSN), and the postal and public supply source for all new, revised, and obsolete directives and forms. Use this article to keep Publication 223 current. Information on how to order directives and forms can be found in chapter 1 of Publication 223.

IWEB = Intranet =; click on Information, then Policies and Procedures.

WWW = USPS Web page =

PE = Postal Explorer =

F3 = F3 Fill Software.

New Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title NSN Org USPS Source Public Source
HBK MS-178-VOL-E 9/1/01 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), Software Reference 7610-05-000-4573 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-180-VOL-A 10/15/01 Semi-Automatic Scan Where You Band (SASWYB), Parts Information 7610-05-000-4578 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-180-VOL-B 10/15/01 Semiautomatic Scan Where You Band (SASWYB), Parts Information 7610-05-000-4579 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-191-VOL-C 12/1/01 Delivery Bar Code Sorter 5 Input/Output Subsystem (DBCS 5 DIOSS), Parts Information 7610-05-000-4561 ENG MDC R
MI EL-410-2002-1 3/22/02 Process for Completing EAS Merit Performance Evaluations and Setting Objectives N/A ERM IWEB N/A
MI FM-640-2002-1 3/15/2002 Government-Issued, Individually Billed Travel Charge Cards N/A FIN IWEB N/A
MI PM-2.1.6-2002-1 1/31/2002 Noncompetitive Purchases N/A P&M IWEB N/A
MOP COO-02-28-2002-1 2/28/2002 Personnel Cooling Fans N/A ERM IWEB N/A
MOP OS-1-17-2002 1/17/2002 Mandatory Consignment of Vehicle Repair Parts Inventory; National Program Contracts N/A DP&P IWEB N/A
MOP-IT-03-11-2002 3/11/2002 USPS.Com Development and Domain Usage N/A IT IWEB N/A
MOP IT-05-11-2001 5/11/2001 Production Database Administration Management N/A IT IWEB N/A
MOP IT-11-14-2001 11/14/2001 Sources for Accurate Time N/A IT IWEB N/A
NOT 4314-A 3/2002 We Want to Know (Spanish) 7610-05-000-4889 CA MDC P/F
NOT 4314-C 3/2002 We Want to Know 7610-05-000-4859 CA MDC P/F
POS 311 12/2001 Tampering with Mail 7690-05-000-4815 IS MDC, WWW MDC, WWW
PS 8220 1/2002 EAS Merit Performance Evaluation N/A ERM IWEB N/A

Revised Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title NSN Org USPS Source Public Source
HBK AS-503 3/2002 Standard Design Criteria N/A FAC IWEB N/A
HBK EL-802 4/2002 Executive's and Manager's Safety Compliance Guide N/A ERM IWEB N/A
HBK F-66 2/2002 General Investment Policies and Procedures 7610-04-000-6117 FIN IWEB N/A
MHBK MS-136-VOL-A 10/2001 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, General Information 7610-05-000-4287 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-136-VOL-B 2/2001 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, Maintenance Information 7610-05-000-4288 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-136-VOL-C 2/2001 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, Troubleshooting Information 7610-05-000-4289 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-178-VOL-A 9/1/2001 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), General Information 7610-05-000-4207 ENG MDC R
HBK MS178-VOL-B 9/1/2001 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), Maintenance Information 7610-05-000-4208 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-178-VOL-C 9/1/2001 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), Troubleshooting Information 7610-05-000-4209 ENG MDC R
HBK MS-178-VOL-D 9/1/2001 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), Parts Information 7610-05-000-4210 ENG MDC R
HBK PO-102 5/1999 Self Service Vending Operational and Marketing Program 7610-03-000-9261 RET MDC N/A
PUB 2 1/2002 Packaging for Mailing 7610-01-000-9774 P&C MDC P/F
PUB 12 11/1/2001 Health Benefits Open Season Administrative and Processing Information N/A ERM IWEB N/A
PUB 275 2/1/2002 Post Office Robbery 7610-01-000-9914 IS MDC,
PUB 354 2/2002 African Americans on Stamps: A Celebration of African-American Heritage 7610-03-000-9403 DIV MDC P/F
PUB 805-E 2/2002 Information Security 7610-05-000-4831 IT MDC,

Obsolete Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title Obsolete Date Replaced By
HBK AS-707 2/1992 Procurement Handbook 1/9/2002 HBK P-1
HBK AS-818 4/1994 Local Area Network and Personal Computer Security 4/15/2002 N/A
HBK MS-136 2/1/2001 PBCS Information Packet for MS-136, GRL Printer Applicator Modification 9/2001 N/A
HBK MS-136-VOL-B 6/1995 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, Parts Information 9/2001 N/A
HBK MS-136-VOL-AP-1 6/1995 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, Maintenance Information 9/2001 N/A
HBK MS-136-VOL-AP-2 6/1995 Package Bar Code Sorting (PBCS) System, Maintenance Information 9/2001 N/A
HBK MS-178-CHG-1 2/15/2001 Change 1 to MS 178, Vol. A & D (TL-1) 9/2001 TL-2 version of HBK MS-178-VOL-A and HBK MS-178-VOL-D
HBK MS-178-CHG-2 4/15/2001 Change 2 to MS 178, Vol. C & D (TL-1) 9/2001 TL-2 version of HBK MS-178-VOL-C and HBK MS-178-VOL-D
MI AS-710-92-3 2/25/1992 Contracting for Consultant Services 12/7/01 blank
MI AS-830-92-11 11/3/1992 Electronic Messaging System Policy 4/15/2002 N/A
MI AS-850-97-3 2/14/1997 Security Certification and Accreditation of Sensitive Applications and Systems 4/15/2002 N/A
MI AS-840-95-12 7/31/1995 Employee Access to the Internet 3/25/2002 HBK AS-805
MI AS-870-90-7 6/29/1990 Computer Virus Awareness Guideline 4/15/2002 N/A
MOP HR-05-11-1999 5/11/1999 Dust Control 4/11/2002 N/A
PUB 4 2/1990 Importing Animal and Plant Products Through Overseas Military Post Offices 1/10/2002 N/A
PUB 305 2/1998 Diversity Development 4/15/2002 N/A

Revised Forms

Form Number Edition Date Oldest Usable Date Title NSN Where Used Unit of Issue Org USPS Source Public Source
PS 1010 3/2002 3/2002 eTravel Participant Enrollment Form N/A PS SH FIN FF N/A
PS 2159 3/2002 3/2002 Certification Sheet 7530-03-000-0701 HQ EA GC HQO N/A
PS 2159-A 3/2002 3/2002 Certification Blank 7530-03-000-0702 HQ EA GC HQO N/A
PS 3541 1/2002 4/1988 Postage Statement - Periodicals One Issue of One Edition 7530-05-000-4277 PS EA IB IWEB, MDC WWW
PS 3541-M 1/2002 1/2001 Postage Statement - Periodicals All Issues in a Calendar Month 7530-05-000-4278 PU SH IB IWEB, MDC WWW
PS 3615 3/2002 2/2002 Mailing Permit Applications and Customer Profile 7530-03-000-6048 PO EA P&PD IWEB PO
PS 3650 1/2002 1/2001 Postage Statement - International Surface Air Lift 7530-02-000-9024 PU SH IB IWEB WWW
PS 3652 1/2002 1/2002 Postage Statement - International Priority Airmail 7530-02-000-9028 PU SH IB MDC WWW
PS 3813-P 11/2001 7/1999 Insured Mail Receipt 7530-02-000-9057 PU SH MKT MDC PO
PS 3815 2/2002 2/2002 Plant-Load authorization Applications, Worksheet, and Agreement 7530-02-000-9060 PO EA NOM IWEB N/A
PS 3877 2/2002 8/2000 Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail 7530-02-000-9098 PU EA MKT MDC WWW
PS 4000-A 2/2002 9/2000 Retail Lobby Observation N/A CD SH MKT IWEB N/A
PS 4000-B 2/2002 2/2002 Retail Employee Observation N/A CD SH MKT IWEB N/A
PS 4010 1/2002 1/2002 Request for Postage Meter Keys N/A PO SH blank IWEB N/A
PS 8190 2/2002 2/2002 USPS-NALC Joint Step A Grievance Form 7510-05-000-4168 PS SH LR MDC N/A
PS 8201 2/2002 2/2002 Pre-Tax Health Insurance Premium Waiver/Restoration Form 7530-03-000-8834 PS ST ERM HQO N/A
PS 8202 2/2002 2/2002 Pretax Health Insurance Premium Election/Waiver Form for Noncareer Employees
7530-03-000-8301 PS st ERM HQO N/A

Obsolete Forms

Document ID Edition Date Title Obsolete Date Replaced By
PS 3609-SP 7/1/1980 Record of Permit Imprint Mailings 2/7/2002 N/A
SF 1179 12/1/1968 Recapitulations of Block Control Level Totals of Checks Issued 1/31/2002 N/A
TUS 5206 6/1/1960 Advice of Check Issue Discrepancy 1/31/2002 N/A
TUS 5504 7/1/1962 Debit Voucher 1/31/2002 N/A

Changes (changes highlighted in bold)

Document ID Edition Date Oldest Usable Date Title NSN Org Where Used Unit of Issue USPS Source Public Source
PS 150 1/1983 1/1983 Postmaster Workload Information 7530-01-000-9053 ERM PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 571 6/1993 6/1993 Discrepancy of 4100 or More in Financial Responsibility 7530-02-000-7223 IS PS SE MDC, FF N/A
PS 800-B 10/1995 10/1995 Money Order Post Audit Request N/A FIN PS SH ASC, FF N/A
PS 969 9/1994 7/1990 Material Recycling and Disposal 7530-02-000-7258 P&M PS SE MDC, FF N/A
PS 990 3/1994 5/87 Vacancy Announcement 7530-02-000-9530 ERM PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 1010 3/2002 3/2002 eTravel Participant Enrollment Form N/A FIN PS SH FF N/A
PS 1221 5/1993 1/1978 Advanced Sick Leave Authorization 7530-02-000-7356 FIN PS PD MDC, FF N/A
PS 1261 10/1995 10/1995 Non-Transactor Report 7530-01-000-9269 FIN SD SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 1345 11/1987 5/1983 Request for Service Award Certificate/Letter 7530-03-000-3618 ERM PS EA FF N/A
PS 1357 1/1991 1/1991 Request for Computer Access 7530-01-000-9289 IT PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 1723 1/1/1995 1/1995 Assignment Order 7530-02-000-7366 ERM PS PD MDC, FF N/A
PS 2013 7/1994 7/1994 Sensitive Security Clearance Processing Request 7530-01-000-9515 IS PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 2130 10/1996 10/1996 Claim for Loss - Initial Letter 7530-02-000-7390 FIN PS SE MDC, FF N/A
PS 2432 6/1998 6/1998 Individual Training Progress Report 7530-01-000-9629 ERM PS EA MDC, FF N/A
PS 2608 8/1986 1/1980 Grievance Summary - Step 1 7530-01-000-9740 LR PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 2609 1/1992 6/1988 Grievance Summary - Step 2 7530-01-000-9741 LR PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 2610 1/1980 1/1980 Grievance Summary - Step 3 7530-01-000-9742 LR AR SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 2971 11/1996 1/1991 Verification Note 7530-01-000-9832 IB PO SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 3238 7/1998 7/1998 Stamps & Stamped Paper Destruction Certificate 7530-01-000-9889 FIN PS SE MDC, FF N/A
PS 3239 6/1/1995 6/1995 Payroll Deduction authorization to Liquidate Postal Service Indebtedness 7530-01-000-9890 FIN PS SE MDC, FF N/A
PS 3970-T 11/1/1991 11/1/1991 Donated Leave Transfer 7530-02-000-7244 ERM PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 5309 4/1998 4/1998 Incident Report 7530-02-000-9451 IS PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 7381 9/2001 9/2001 Requisition for Supplies, Services, or Equipment 7530-02-000-9636 PM PS SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 7498-D 10/1997 10/1997 Facilities Environmental Checklist 7530-02-000-9429 FAC PS SH FF, MDC N/A
PS 7499 10/1997 10/1997 Transaction Screen Questionnaire 7530-04-000-6420 FAC PS SH FF N/A
PS 8139 10/1/1992 10/1992 Your Role in Protecting the Security of the United States Mail 7530-03-000-9034 IS PO SH MDC, FF N/A
PS 8167 1/2002 1/2002 PCES Recognition Authorization or Vice President Award Authorization for PCES in EAS N/A FIN PS SH IWEB, FF N/A
PS 8168 1/2001 1/2001 Individual EAS Recognition/Awards Program Authorization N/A ERM PS SH IWEB, FF N/A
PS 8169 11/1998 11/1998 EAS Team Recognition Authorization N/A ERM PS SH FF N/A
PS 8194 10/1997 10/1997 Record of Environmental Consideration 7530-03-000-7585 FAC PS SH FF N/A
PS 8215 2/1998 2/1998 Statistical Programs Employee Training Profile N/A FIN PS SH FF N/A
PS 8216 2/1998 2/1998 Statistical Programs Planning Calendar for Monitoring Data Collectors N/A FIN PS SH FF N/A

- Policies and Procedures Information, Public Affairs and Communications, 5-2-02

Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Integration at 703-292-3867 at least 1 month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal Service also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.

Title of Mailing Class and
Type of Mail
Requested Delivery
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort Level Comments
JC Penney Mother's Day Appreciation Standard 5/06-5/08 12.3 National Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Apparel & Sale Standard/Catalog 5/11-5/16 7.5 National Car-Rt RR Donnelley
JC Penney Sale Standard/Catalog 5/11-5/16 6.8 National Car-Rt RR Donnelley
Billy Graham Letter Standard/ Letter 5/15-5/28 1.9 National Barcode, 3/5 Digit, Basic Minneapolis, MN

- Business Service Network Integration,
Service and Market Development, 5-2-02


Introducing Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know

In the article "Introducing Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know," in Postal Bulletin 22073 (4-4-02, pages 4-5), we incorrectly named the procedure for handling issues received from 800-ASK-USPS as "Consumer Affairs Issue Resolution SOP."

The correct name of the process is "Consumer Affairs Complaint Handling Process SOP."

- Consumer Affairs Operations,
Consumer Advocate, 5-2-02


Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know

On April 29, 2002, the Postal Service implemented a more automated process using Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know, that allows customer to contact the Postal Service. These instructions establish the minimum requirements for responding to customer complaints and the procedures for handling tracking and assigning accountability for timely response. Postal Service employees are to provide timely, customer friendly, and professional resolution to customer complaints.


The Customer Satisfaction Measurement indicates that a more prompt response to our customer complaints will increase customer satisfaction with the complaint handling process. The Customer Satisfaction Measurement documents areas where the Postal Service receives low marks from customers and where service needs improvement.


The following, or their designees, are responsible for implementing these requirements and for informing assigned personnel about local procedures for responding to or forwarding complaints received:

1. Headquarters Consumer Affairs.

2. Area office managers.

3. Customer Service district managers.

4. Plant managers.

5. Consumer Affairs and Claims managers.

6. Postmasters and station or branch managers.

7. Postal Service employees delegated responsibility for handling complaints.

Source of Complaints

The Postal Service receives complaints from business and residential customers who report them through:

1. Local person-to-person contact.

2. Our Web site,

3. Calls to our toll-free number 800-ASK-USPS (800-275-8777).

4. Written correspondence, including customer surveys (e.g., the Customer Satisfaction Measurement).

5. Headquarters-to-field referrals (customer correspondence initially directed to the postmaster general or the consumer advocate, then reassigned to the field for resolution).

6. Governmental inquiries from the legislative and executive branches of the federal government.

Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, promotes three methods for contacting the Postal Service and voicing a service issue. The notice is mandatory stock at all Post Office lobby information racks as "take one" and used by Postal Service employees in assisting with complaint concerns.


Headquarters Management

Consumer Affairs, Headquarters, is responsible for establishing requirements and measuring compliance with this instruction.

Field Management

The following managers must ensure compliance with this instruction and resolve complaints within their area of responsibility:

1. Area managers.

2. District managers.

3. Plant managers.

4. Consumer Affairs and Claims managers.

5. Postmasters and station or branch managers.

Consumer Affairs and Claims managers must also do the following:

1. Monitor activity through their respective districts for compliance with this instruction.

2. Refer customer complaints to the appropriate functional area for resolution.

3. Establish and maintain a customer complaint file.

Postmasters and station or branch managers must also do the following:

1. Ensure that their offices meet the requirements of this instruction.

2. Maintain one or more customer control logs (see page 11).

3. Investigate and take corrective action to resolve complaints by contacting and working with other functional areas of the Postal Service, if necessary, to resolve customer complaints.

4. Establish and maintain a complaint file.

Other Postal Service employees, especially retail window clerks, should direct the customer to the station manager or appropriate functional area, as well as suggest that the customer pick up a Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know.


Follow the procedures in the following chart to ensure that necessary actions are performed within the indicated time frames.

Initial Contact Time Frame Action
Person-to-Person Immediate Acknowledge complaint by personal contact with the customer. If unresolved, provide customer with Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, for escalation to Web site or to the toll-free line.
24 hours

48 hours
Acknowledge receipt of issue and direct as a Service Issue Request (SIR).
Resolution of the issue and closure is recorded in Post Office Management System (POMS)/Consumer Affairs Tracking System (CATS). 24 hours

48 hours
Acknowledge receipt of issue and direct as a SIR.
If service issue, agent will acknowledge or forward to district Consumer Affairs and Claims Manager via RightNow Technology.

Processing a Walk-in (Person-to-Person) Complaint

When a customer walks in to a local Post Office with a concern, the Postal Service employee should do the following:

1. Research and respond to the issue.

2. Work with the customer on resolution.

3. Provide the customer with Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, which can direct the customer to our Web site or our toll-free line for more information.

4. Record documentation if desired (but not required).

Processing a Telephone Complaint (800-ASK-USPS)

If a customer dials the toll-free line to submit a complaint, follow these instructions when processing it:

1. Record the customer name, address, and phone number.

2. Record their complaint and handle it as a SIR.

3. Document the response/closure in SIMS (Service Issue Modules System)/POMS/CATS.

4. If it is a service issue, the agent will acknowledge it, offer a final response, or forward it to the district Consumer Affairs and Claims manager via RightNow Technology. The customer is then contacted with the resolution and the issue is documented and closed in RightNow Technology.

5. If it is a policy issue, the agent will acknowledge and forward to the Headquarters Consumer Affairs office for resolution. A specialist will then respond via e- mail and the issue is documented in RightNow Technology.

Processing Written Correspondence to Headquarters (Postmaster General/CEO, VP/Consumer Advocate)

1. Consumer Affairs logs correspondence into CATS.

2. If it is a policy issue, the response is made and closed in CATS.

3. If it is a service issue, a referral is made to the district Consumer Affairs and Claims manager.

4. The Consumer Affairs and Claims manager is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate response is made within 14 days from the date the district office receives the complaint.

5. Field offices must respond by the assigned suspense date established by the Consumer Affairs and Claims manager.

6. Resolution/closure is recorded in POMS/CATS.

Government Inquiries

Process inquiries from legislative and executive branch officials as follows:

1. Follow the procedures in the Administrative Support Manual.

2. Promptly and conscientiously process service inquiries in the customer's area.

Measurement of Effectiveness

Consumer Affairs monitors the quality and the timeliness of the complaint handling process in the following ways:

1. Performing a Customer Satisfaction Measurement.

2. Conducting Consumer Affairs field audits.

3. Periodically reviewing Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, process.

4. Analyzing CATS national performance reports.

5. Employing randomly targeted surveys and questionnaires.

Exception: The response time discussed above does not apply to complaints requiring issuance of a publication watch for daily, weekly, and monthly newspapers or magazines. All other requirements do apply. Process the publication watch in accordance with Management Instruction PO-440-88-4, Publication Watch - Revised Form and

Procedures, dated October 21, 1988. The time frames for responding to these complaint areas are as follows:

Type of Publication Final Response Due
Daily Within 35 days after complaint received
Weekly Within 45 days after complaint received
Monthly Within 75 days after complaint received

Documenting Customer Complaints

Record customer complaints in CATS to ensure timely response and analyze complaints routinely.


Include the following information regarding customer complaints:

1. Customer name.

2. Company name, if applicable.

3. Customer address.

4. Customer telephone number.

5. Source of complaint.

6. Type of contact.

a) Type of acknowledgment (e.g., personal, telephone, letter, and postcard).

b) Type of final response (e.g., personal, telephone, and letter).

7. Date received.

8. Suspense date.

9. Assignment of responsibility for suspense and resolution of the complaint.

10. Date closed.

Complaints Resolved Immediately

If a complaint received in person or over the telephone is resolved immediately, document the contact in the customer complaint control log. However, if further investigation is needed, advise the customer to use the Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, process.

Using the Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know, Process

The notice provides consumer contact through the following methods:

1. A customer speaks with the supervisor or station or branch manager.

2. A customer contacts us at our Web site,

3. A customer calls our toll-free number, 800-ASK- USPS (800-275-8777).

Processing a Complaint

Follow these instructions when a customer wants to report a complaint:

1. Encourage the customer to speak with a supervisor or station or branch manager.

2. Provide a Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, when a customer wants to escalate an issue.

3. Inform them of the options to visit our Web site,, or call our toll-free number, 800-ASK-USPS (800-275-8777).

4. Advise the customer to file a formal complaint in writing with:

475 L'ENFANT PL SW RM 5801
WASHINGTON DC 20260-2200


The Postal Service expects to:

1. Improve customer satisfaction with the complaint handling process.

2. Establish accountability for effective resolution of customer complaints.

3. Identify and correct service deficiencies that cause complaints.


The following reference material, available from the Material Distribution Center, must be accessible to assist Postal Service employees in resolving complaints related to Postal Service policies or regulations:

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

International Mail Manual (IMM)

Postal Operations Manual (POM)

• Handbook PO-250, Consumer Answer Book

• Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services

• Handbook M-41, City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities

• Handbook PO-102, Retail Vending Operational and Marketing Program, Chapter 8, Customer Complaints

See also "Introducing Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know" in Postal Bulletin 22073 (4-4-02).

- Consumer Affairs Operations,
Consumer Advocate, 5-2-02

Customer Complaint Control Log.


Mom, why didn't you wear your work shoes? Always wear proper footwear - safety depends on me.

Domestic Mail


Express Mail Manifesting Systems

Effective May 2, 2002, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) D500, E500, M500, P013, P500, P910, S010, and S500 are updated to include information about Express Mail® manifesting.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available through Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

D Deposit, Collection, and Delivery

* * * * *

D500 Express Mail

* * * * *


* * * * *

2.3 Next Day and Second Day Services

* * * * *

[Add new item c as follows:]

c. If manifested, will be accepted at the locations specified in the Express Mail manifesting agreement.

* * * * *

E Eligibility

* * * * *

E500 Express Mail


* * * * *

1.8 Service Agreement

[Revise text of 1.8 as follows:]

A service agreement is required before mailings may be made under Express Mail Custom Designed Service. An Express Mail manifesting agreement is required for all manifested Express Mail items accepted under P910.6.0.

1.9 Account

[Add the following at the end of text in 1.9:]

***Mailers must pay postage through an Express Mail Corporate Account for all Express Mail items accepted under the terms of an Express Mail manifesting agreement in P910.

* * * * *

M Mail Preparation and Sortation

* * * * *

M500 Express Mail

* * * * *


3.1 Mailing Label

[Add the following at the end of the text.]

***Mailers authorized to present Next Day or Second Day Express Mail items using an Express Mail manifesting system are required to follow label preparation procedures in Publication 97, Express Mail Manifesting Technical Guide.

3.2 Military

[Add the following at the end of the text:]

***Military (APO/FPO) mail cannot be accepted under an Express Mail manifesting agreement in P910.

* * * * *

3.6 Completing Form 3877

* * * * *

[Add new item f as follows:]

f. For Express Mail manifesting, a special "verification manifest" is used to present Express Mail items for acceptance as described in Publication 97. Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail, may be used only to list items for which special services have been requested. See P910.6.0 for further information.

* * * * *

P Postage and Payment Methods

P000 Basic Information

P010 General Standards

* * * * *

P013 Rate Application and Computation

* * * * *


[Revise the second sentence to read as follows:]

***For Express Mail items, affix postage to each piece under 1.4, pay postage through a corporate account, or, for Express Mail manifesting items (P910.6.0), pay postage through a corporate account.***

* * * * *

P500 Express Mail


1.1 Payment Method

[Add the following sentence at the end of 1.1:]

***Customers wishing to manifest Express Mail items may request authorization to use an Express Mail manifesting system according to the procedures in P910.6.0.

* * * * *

P900 Special Postage Payment Systems

P910 Manifest Mailing System (MMS)

* * * * *


4.1 Application

[Add the following sentence at the end of the text:]

***P910.6.0 outlines application procedures for mailers who want to manifest and pay postage for Express Mail items using an Express Mail manifesting system.

* * * * *

[Add new 6.0 as follows:]


6.1 Description

Express Mail manifesting (EMM) is an automated system that allows a mailer to document postage and fees for all pieces in an Express Mail mailing by transmitting an electronic file to the Postal Service.

6.2 What May Be Manifested

Express Mail manifesting may be used to pay postage for domestic Express Mail items and Global Express Mail items as well as any special service fees. EMM is for Express Mail items only. Postage for other classes of mail cannot be paid through EMM. Custom-designed service and mailings to military (APO/FPO) addresses may not be mailed using EMM.

6.3 Service Guarantee

Express Mail items mailed using an EMM agreement are covered by current Express Mail service and postage guarantees. Refunds for service failures are subject to the standards in P014.5.0. Reimbursements are paid as noted in P014.5.7.

6.4 Postage Payment

Postage for EMM is paid through an Express Mail Corporate Account (EMCA) using the information in the mailer's electronic file. Mailers wishing to mail using an EMM system must apply for an EMCA using the procedures in P500 before an EMM agreement will be authorized.

6.5 Mail Volume

Express Mail manifesting is designed for large volume mailings but there are no minimum volume requirements.

[Add new 7.0 as follows:]


7.1 Mailer Participation Requirements

To participate in Express Mail manifesting, mailers must:

a. Develop or purchase computer software that will meet the EMM technical requirements outlined in Publication 97, Express Mail Manifesting Technical Guide.

b. Obtain a DUNS® number for each mailing location.

c. Obtain USPS certification that the mailer's software and barcoded labels meet EMM requirements.

d. Develop and administer effective quality control procedures that will ensure the integrity of the system.

e. Use one-ply Express Mail labels that meet the requirements in Publication 97.

f. Be able to have the USPS accept and dispatch EMM items from their company or a postal facility at the times approved by the district Marketing manager.

g. Receive authorization to mail items using EMM under 8.0.

7.2 Mailer Quality Control

The mailer must implement a quality control program that ensures proper mail preparation and provides accurate documentation. The service agreement must detail the USPS-approved quality control procedures.

7.3 Mailer System Accuracy/Manifest Adjustments

The Postal Service verifies the accuracy of the EMM system by selecting mailpieces at random and comparing them to a verification manifest. If the sampling indicates that the total postage (for the sample mailpieces) is understated by more than 1.5%, the mailer must either withdraw the mailing or pay postage at an adjusted postage rate. Specific procedures are outlined in Publication 97.

7.4 Markings, Label Specifications, and Barcodes

There are no special rate markings required on EMM items. However, barcoded EMM labels are required on all EMM mailpieces, and specific label formats must be followed. Detailed barcode and Express Mail label specifications and options are published in Publication 97. The labels are subject to approval by Product Information Requirements, Product Development, USPS Headquarters, and the National Customer Support Center (NCSC). Mailers must follow the specific certification procedures outlined in Publication 97.

7.5 Mail Entry

Mailers must present a photocopy or facsimile of Form 3152-E, Express Mail Manifesting Certification, and a verification manifest with each mailing.

7.6 Manifest Data Edit Error/Warning Listing

Mailers must retrieve and retain the Manifest Data Edit Error/Warning Listing for each mailing that will be made available by the host computer. The listing confirms whether an electronic transmission was successful or contained errors or warnings. Specific information about this requirement is included in Publication 97 and in the mailer's EMM agreement.

7.7 Form 3152-E (Postage Payment)

Form 3152-E, Express Mail Manifesting Certification (issued by the National Customer Service Support Center) is presented with each mailing. There is no postage affixed to the mailpieces and no postage statement presented with mailings. Postage payment is completed by electronic withdrawal of funds from a mailer's Express Mail Corporate Account. Form 3152-E must include the following information:

a. Number of pieces in the mailing.

b. Total weight of pieces in the mailing.

c. Total postage and special service fees, if applicable, for the mailing.

d. EMCA number.

e. Electronic File Number from the Header Record positions 4-25.

f. Mailer signature.

g. Date of mailing.

[Add new 8.0 as follows:]


8.1 Applications

Mailers must apply to use an EMM system by completing the application in Publication 97. The application must be sent to the USPS sales representative at the post office where the items will be accepted as mail. After the application and other documentation has been received and reviewed according to the procedures in Publication 97, the application and Form 1357-S, Customer Request for Computer Access, is faxed to Product Information, Product Requirements, USPS Headquarters. This office will send a contact page of the application to the Postal Service NCSC delivery confirmation office. The delivery confirmation office will send a test kit to the applicant via electronic mail to test the electronic file transmission accuracy. The application for EMM must be accompanied by the following information:

a. A completed Form 1357-S.

b. A copy of Form 5637, Express Mail Corporate Account Agreement, showing that an Express Mail Corporate Account has been established.

c. A DUNS® number for each mailing location.

d. Sample copies of a verification manifest created from the mailer's EMM software.

e. An EMM label sample.

f. A rate matrix, if applicable.

8.2 Approval

An initial service agreement will be issued by the district Marketing manager at the location where the mailings will be verified and accepted when the mailer has met the eligibility requirements for entry of Express Mail items using an EMM system. The Office of Business Mailer Support, USPS Headquarters, gives final approval of the EMM system. Publication 97-A, Express Mail Manifesting Implementation and Administration Guide, outlines the specific responsibilities of the various USPS departments involved in the approval process.

8.3 Denial

If an application for EMM is denied by the district Marketing manager the denial is effective 15 days from the mailer's receipt of the notice unless a written appeal is filed within that time to the Business Mailer Support manager, USPS Headquarters, who issues the final agency decision regarding the application.

8.4 Changes, Additions, or Modifications to the Service Agreement

If a mailer proposes to change the method of presenting or documenting mailings from the method specified in the agreement, or the mailer is no longer able to comply with the standards that apply to the authorization, the mailer must immediately notify the Business Mailer Support manager through the district Marketing manager at the administering post office.

8.5 Renewal

EMM agreements are valid for a period of 2 years. The Business Mailer Support manager, USPS Headquarters, will conduct renewal reviews.

8.6 Postal Service Suspension

The Business Mailer Support manager may suspend an EMM agreement at any time, pending review, when there is an indication that postal revenue is not fully protected. The Business Mailer Support manager will notify the mailer of the decision in writing. The suspension becomes effective upon the mailer's receipt of the notification.

8.7 Postal Service Cancellation

The Business Mailer Support manager may cancel an EMM agreement upon 15 days notice if:

a. The mailer fails to provide a manifest with correct data.

b. The required quality control procedures described in the EMM agreement are not properly performed.

c. The EMM does not comply with USPS requirements.

d. Mailings are presented that are not properly prepared or paid.

e. No Express Mail manifest mailings are presented for more than 6 months (unless approved by the Business Mailer Support manager).

f. The mailer has relocated or has changed ownership without notification.

g. The 2-year renewal review reveals that the EMM agreement should no longer be authorized, or the mailer is not complying with the agreement.

8.8 Cancellation Notice and Appeal

The cancellation takes effect 15 days from the mailer's receipt of the notice unless, within that time, the mailer files a written appeal with the Business Mailer Support manager. The appeal must present additional information explaining why the EMM agreement should not be canceled. If the Business Mailer Support manager does not uphold the appeal, it, any additional information, and the complete record underlying the initial decision to cancel the agreement/authorization are forwarded to the Business Mail Acceptance manager, USPS Headquarters, who will issue the final agency decision.

* * * * *

S Special Services

S000 Miscellaneous Services

S010 Indemnity Claims

* * * * *


* * * * *

2.5 Evidence of Insurance

* * * * *

[Add new item c as follows:]

c. For Express Mail items accepted for mailing under an Express Mail manifesting agreement in P910, a copy of the manifest page showing the Express Mail label number for the item in question; the manifest summary page for the date the piece was mailed; a copy of Form 3152-E, Express Mail Manifesting Certification, round-dated by the accepting post office; and a copy of the EMCA monthly statement that lists the label number and postage for the mailpiece. If the customer purchased additional insurance, a copy of the round-stamped Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail, must also be submitted.

* * * * *

S500 Special Services for Express Mail


1.1 Mailing Receipt

[Add the following at the end of the text:]

***Mailers authorized to present Express Mail items under Express Mail manifesting procedures in P910 must use a one-ply label and retain the verification manifest as the mailing receipt.

- Marketing Technology and Channel Management, Business Mail Acceptance, 5-2-02


Reusable Mailpieces

Effective May 2, 2002, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) C010.6.5 and P040.2.4 are revised to allow more flexibility in designing and producing reusable envelopes.

Reusable envelopes are designed for two-way mailing: The recipient reconfigures the original envelope to obscure the delivery address and reveal a new address for reply purposes. These mailpieces are environmentally friendly and, at the same time, reduce costs for mailers.

Revised C010.6.5 will allow a facing identification mark (FIM) A when originally mailed. P040 allows a permit imprint to appear to the right of the address; revised P040.2.4 simply confirms that the permit imprint indicia can appear on an insert when showing through an envelope window.

Mailers are reminded that the permit imprint must be legible, cannot interfere with address and barcode readability, and must appear completely in the window even when the insert is moved to its full limits within the envelope.

Acceptance employees must look for permit imprint postage to the right of the address in the envelope window when these pieces are presented for acceptance. The upper right corner of the envelope is reserved for reply postage when the piece is remailed. In addition, employees should be aware that FIM A may appear on the envelope when originally mailed. Since permit imprint mailings do not pass through facer-canceler operations, the presence of a FIM A has no relevance until postage is affixed and the piece is remailed.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

C Characteristics and Content

C000 General Information

C010 General Mailability Standards

* * * * *


* * * * *

6.5 Reusable Mailpieces That Originate as Permit Imprint Mailings

As an alternative to the standards in 6.4, reusable mailpieces that originate as permit imprint mailings may meet these standards:

* * * * *

[Revise 6.5b to add an exception for window envelopes as follows:]

b. Distribution. When a reusable mailpiece is originally mailed, postage must be paid with permit imprint and a complete address and corresponding barcode must be located in the address block. A reusable piece must be entered at a postal facility as part of a permit imprint mailing. On a mailpiece other than a window envelope, the address block for return of the piece (including the delivery address and a corresponding barcode) and FIM A will be located on the reverse side. If included, prepaid reply postage must be located or obscured so that it is not mistaken by postal mail processing equipment or employees as applying to the originating piece.

* * * * *

P Postage and Payment Methods

P000 Basic Information

* * * * *

P040 Permit Imprints

* * * * *


* * * * *

2.4 Placement

[Revise 2.4 to read as follows:]

Permit imprint indicia must be aligned parallel with the address of the mailpiece. The indicia must not encroach on reserved space (e.g., ACS participant code, delivery point barcode) if such a standard applies and can be placed in one of these four positions:

a. Upper right corner of the mailpiece.

b. Upper right corner of the address area.

c. To the right of the address on an address label.

d. To the right of the address on an insert appearing through a window envelope.

- Mail Preparation and Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 5-2-02


Labeling List Changes

Effective May 2, 2002, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) L001, L002, L003, L004, L005, L601, L603, L604, L605, L606, L801, L802, and L803 are revised to reflect changes in mail processing operations. Mailers are encouraged to label according to these revised lists immediately, but must comply with these changes no later than July 14, 2002.

We will incorporate these changes into the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

L Labeling Lists

L000 General Use

L001 5-Digit Scheme - Periodicals Flats and Irregular Parcels, Standard Mail Flats, and BPM Flats

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
34201-04 BRADENTON FL 34203
34231, 38, 41, 42, 76 SARASOTA FL 34231
34265, 66 ARCADIA FL 34265
34286, 87 NORTH PORT FL 34287
34601-05, 13, 14 BROOKSVILLE FL 34601
34606-09, 11 SPRING HILL FL 34606
55441, 42 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55441
Change To:
34201-04, 11, 12 BRADENTON FL 34203
34231, 42, 76 SARASOTA FL 34231
34265, 66, 69 ARCADIA FL 34265
34286-89 NORTH PORT FL 34287
34601, 02, 05 BROOKSVILLE FL 34601
34606-08, 11 SPRING HILL FL 34606
55441, 42, 46 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55441
34238, 41 SARASOTA FL 34238
34604, 09, 10 BROOKSVILLE FL 34604
34603, 13, 14 BROOKSVILLE FL 34613
55446, 47 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55446

* * * * *

L002 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Matrix

* * * * *

ZIP Code Prefix
Column A
3-Digit Destinations
Label to
blank Column B
3-Digit/Scheme Destinations
Label to
Column C
SCF Destinations
Label to
Change From:
317 ALBANY GA 317 blank ALBANY GA 317 ALBANY GA 317D
398X blank blank blank blank
Change To:
317 ALBANY GA 317 blank ALBANY GA 317S SCF ALBANY GA 317
398 ALBANY GA 398 blank ALBANY GA 317S SCF ALBANY GA 317

* * * * *

L003 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups - 3-Digit Scheme Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
Column B
Label to
317, 398 ALBANY GA 317

* * * * *

L004 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups - ADC Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
blank Column B
Label to
Change From:
299, 304, 313-315, 320-324, 326, 344 (STD and BPM only) ADC JACKSONVILLE FL 32199
310, 312, 316-319 (FCM and PER only) ADC MACON GA 310
310, 312, 316-319 (STD and BPM only) ADC MACON GA 31293
540, 546-548, 550, 551, 556-559 (STD and BPM only) ADC ST PAUL MN 55532
553-555, 560-564, 566 (PER only) ADC MINNEAPOLIS MN 55228
553-555, 560-564, 566 (STD and BPM only) ADC MINNEAPOLIS MN 55538
669-679, 739 (FCM only) ADC WICHITA KS 670
669-679, 739 (STD and BPM only) ADC WICHITA KS 66370
Change To:
299, 304, 313-315, 320-324, 326, 344 (STD and BPM only) ADC JACKSONVILLE FL 32088
310, 312, 316-319, 398 (FCM and PER only) ADC MACON GA 310
310, 312, 316-319, 398 (STD and BPM only) ADC MACON GA 31293
540, 546-548, 550, 551, 556-559 (STD and BPM only) ADC ST PAUL MN 55233
553-555, 560-564, 566 (PER only) ADC MINNEAPOLIS MN 55522
553-555, 560-564, 566 (STD and BPM only) ADC MINNEAPOLIS MN 55533
669-679, 739 (FCM and PER only) ADC WICHITA KS 670
669-679, 739 (STD and BPM only) ADC WICHITA KS 67099
669-679, 739 (PER only) ADC WICHITA KS 64270

* * * * *

L005 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups - SCF Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
Column B
Label to
Change From:
317 ALBANY GA 317S
Change To:
317, 398 SCF ALBANY GA 317

* * * * *

L600 Standard Mail and Package Services

L601 BMCs

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From: blank
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31195
Change To:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 398, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31195

* * * * *

L603 ADCs - Irregular Standard Mail Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31196
Change To:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 398, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31196

* * * * *

L604 Originating ADCs - Standard Mail Irregular Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Originating ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 399 MXD BMC ATLANTA GA 31196
Change To:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 398, 399 MXD BMC ATLANTA GA 31196

* * * * *

L605 BMCs/ASFs - Nonmachinable Parcel Post BMC Presort and OBMC Presort

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From:
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31195
Change To: blank
298, 300-312, 317-319, 350-352, 354-368, 373, 374, 377-379, 398, 399 BMC ATLANTA GA 31195

* * * * *

L606 5-Digit Scheme - Standard Mail and Package Services Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
34203, 04 BRADENTON FL 34203
34286, 87 NORTH PORT FL 34287
Change To:
34203, 04, 11, 12 BRADENTON FL 34203
34286-89 NORTH PORT FL 34287

* * * * *

L800 Automation Rate Mailings

L801 AADCs - Letter-Size Mailings

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From:
310, 312, 316-319 AADC MACON GA 310
Change To:
310, 312, 316-319, 398 AADC MACON GA 310

* * * * *

L802 BMC/ASF Entry - Periodicals and Standard Mail

* * * * *

Column A
Column B
Label to
Change From:
Change To:

* * * * *

L803 Non-BMC/ASF Entry - Periodicals and Standard Mail

* * * * *

Column A
Originating ZIP Codes
blank Column B
Label to
Change From:
310, 312, 316-319 blank MXD MACON GA 310
540, 546-548, 550, 551, 553-564, 566 blank MXD MINNEAPOLIS MN 553
Change To:
310, 312, 316-319, 398 blank MXD MACON GA 310
540, 546-548, 550, 551, 553-564, 566 blank MXD MINNEAPOLIS MN 555

* * * * *

- Logistics, Network Operations Management, 5-2-02


Postal Zone Charts

Effective June 30, 2002, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) G030 is amended to clarify the language that describes the method used to determine postal zones. This clarification does not change the method used to calculate postal zones 1 through 8.

Postal rates for certain subclasses of mail are based on the weight of the individual piece and the distance that the piece travels from origin to destination (i.e., the number of postal zones crossed). For the administration of the system of postal zones, the sphere of the earth is geometrically divided into units of area 30 minutes square, identical with a quarter of the area formed by the intersecting parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude. Postal zones are based on the distance between these units of area. The distance is measured from the center of the unit of area containing the sectional center facility (SCF) serving the origin Post Office to the SCF serving the destination Post Office. The SCFs serving the origin and destination Post Offices are determined by the appropriate SCF in L005, Column B.

Effective June 30, 2002, the longitude and latitude of 130 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes for SCF coordinates in L005, Column A, will be updated to reflect the parent SCF in L005, Column B. This update will align the 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes with current postal processing and distribution networks. To accommodate the small number of 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes for military post offices (MPOs) that are not listed in L005, the Postal Service will add a new table to DMM G030.1.2. The information in DMM G030.1.3 regarding the available formats in which zone chart data may be obtained from the Postal Service will be updated to reflect current distribution methods. Additionally, DMM G030.3.0 will be deleted because it repeats eligibility information for intra-BMC, inter-BMC, SCF, and delivery unit rates contained in other portions of the DMM.

The Postal Service Official National Zone Chart Data Program is administered from the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) in Memphis, Tennessee. Single-page zone charts for originating mail are available online through Postal Explorer at Zone chart data for the entire nation can be purchased in a CD-ROM format. For more information, or to purchase zone charts, call the zone chart program administrator at 800-238-3150. The single-page zone chart program, available online through Postal Explorer, has a link (click on what's new) to the updated zone chart data that becomes effective on June 30, 2002.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

G General Information

G000 The USPS and Mailing Standards

* * * * *

G030 Postal Zones


[Amend Summary text by removing the references to BMC, SCF, and delivery unit zones to read as follows:]

G030 describes how postal zones are used to compute postage for zoned mail. It also defines local and nonlocal zones.


1.1 Basis

[Amend 1.1 by removing the last sentence and adding the following two sentences to read as follows:]

***The distance is measured from the center of the unit of area containing the SCF serving the origin post office to the SCF serving the destination post office. The SCFs serving the origin and destination post offices are determined by using L005, Column B.

1.2 Application

[Amend 1.2 by redesignating 1.2a and 1.2b as 1.2b and 1.2c, and inserting new item 1.2a to read as follows:]

Zones are used to compute postage on zoned mail sent between USPS facilities, including military post offices (MPOs), wherever located, as follows:

a. For the purposes of computing postal zone information, except for items 1.2b or 1.2c, the following table applies to MPOs not listed in L005.

3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group SCF Serving the Destination Office
090-098 SCF New York NY 100
340 SCF Miami FL 331
962-966 SCF San Francisco CA 940

* * * * *

1.3 Zone Charts

[Amend 1.3 to include updated information on the format of zone chart data available for purchase to read as follows:]

The USPS Official National Zone Chart Data Program is administered from the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) in Memphis, Tennessee. Single-page zone charts for originating mail are available at no cost from local post offices or online at Zone chart data for the entire nation can be purchased in a CD-ROM format. For more information, or to purchase zone charts, call the zone chart program administrator at 800-238-3150 or write to the NCSC (see G043 for address).

* * * * *


* * * * *

2.1 Nonlocal Zones

Nonlocal zones are defined as follows:

[Amend item 2.2a to read as follows:]

a. The zone 1 rate applies to pieces not eligible for the local zone in 2.1 that are mailed between two post offices with the same 3-digit ZIP Code prefix identified in L005, Column A. Zone 1 includes all units of area outside the local zone lying in whole or in part within a radius of about 50 miles from the center of a given unit of area.

* * * * *

[Remove 3.0 in its entirety.]

* * * * *

- National Customer Support Center, 5-2-02


Hazardous Materials - Mailability Rulings

To ensure that mailability rulings concerning hazardous materials are issued only as provided for in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and that customers who receive adverse decisions are afforded their rights of appeal, the following information is published as a reminder to all Postal Service field personnel.

The primary rules that apply to the mailing of hazardous materials are contained in DMM C021 and C023. Under these rules, most items that are regulated in commerce as hazardous materials by the U.S. Department of Transportation are nonmailable. With few exceptions, the only hazardous materials that are mailable are those that meet all of the following requirements:

• The hazardous material is eligible to be reclassed as an ORM-D material under the provisions in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

• The hazardous material is eligible under 49 CFR to be renamed with the proper shipping name of "Consumer Commodity."

• The hazardous material meets the applicable Postal Service quantity limits and packaging requirements specified in DMM C023 and in Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail.

The authority for issuing mailability rulings is specified in DMM G020.3.0. As with all questions concerning the mailing rules in the DMM, the basic point of inquiry is the local Post Office or the district business mail entry unit (BMEU). Local Postal Service personnel who need assistance with inquiries concerning the mailing of hazardous materials should contact the BMEU at their district Post Office. The district BMEU has the functional role of providing Postal Service customers with mailing information concerning the rules in the DMM. District BMEU personnel who need guidance or assistance with interpreting or applying the mailing rules must contact their rates and classification service center (RCSC). The addresses and telephone numbers for the district BMEUs and the RCSCs are published in DMM G042.

Customers who desire a ruling on the mailability of a specific hazardous material must follow the procedure in DMM C023.1.5. Under this provision, the customer must submit a material safety data sheet (MSDS) and the following information, as listed in the DMM, to the appropriate RCSC:

a. Name of material, hazard class, and assigned United Nations (UN) or North America (NA) identification number.

b. Chemical composition by percentage of ingredient.

c. Flashpoint.

d. Toxic properties.

e. Irritant action when inhaled, swallowed, or contacted by eyes or skin.

f. Special precautions necessary to permit handling without harm to Postal Service employees or damage to property or other mail.

g. Explanation of warning labels and shipping papers required by state or federal regulations.

h. Proposed packaging method, including the addressing and required markings.

i. Proposed number of pieces to be mailed, class of mail, and Post Office(s) of mailing.

When all of this information is provided, the RCSC will determine the mailability of the material and issue a written ruling to the customer that details the conditions for mailing. If insufficient information is provided, the customer will be notified by the RCSC that a ruling cannot be made and, therefore, the material may not be presented for mailing. Customers have the right to appeal adverse decisions initially issued by an RCSC to the manager, Mail Preparation and Standards, Postal Service Headquarters, as stated in DMM G020.3.4.

DMM C021.2.2 states that the mailer of a hazardous material is fully responsible for meeting all postal and nonpostal requirements prior to mailing. Additionally, as stated in Title 18, United States Code (18 U.S.C.) 1716, the mailer is fully responsible for any violation of law that may result from placing hazardous materials in the mailstream.

In order to provide the best service possible to our customers and to ensure consistency in the decisions issued, field personnel must adhere to these established procedures.

- Mail Preparation and Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 5-2-02