Mail (continued)
Publication 97, Express Mail Manifesting Technical
Guide, and Publication 97-A, Express Mail Manifesting
Implementation and Administration Guide, have been revised to reflect current information and procedures for the
Express Mail® manifesting (EMM) program.
Highlights of the revisions are as follows:
References to "Expedited Packages Services, USPS
Headquarters" have been changed throughout the
publications to "Product Information Requirements,
Product Development, USPS Headquarters."
References to "Rates and Classification Service
Centers" have been changed to "Business Mailer
Support (BMS), USPS Headquarters."
New sections (3-5.4 in Publication 97, and 3-7 in
Publication 97-A) have been added to provide information on the documentation that must accompany
indemnity claims for items paid by an EMM.
An option has been added that allows customers to
use the Centralized Account Processing System
(CAPS) to fund an Express Mail Corporate Account
A new requirement has been added that the Postal
Service acceptance employee must sign and round-
stamp PS Form 3152-E, Express Mail® Manifesting
PS Form 3152-E has been modified to allow the
National Customer Support Center (NCSC) to assign
an alpha prefix that an EMM customer must use. All
sections referring to PS Form 3152-E have been
updated to reflect the change to the form. The current
edition of PS Form 3152-E is April 2002.
References to PS Form 1357, Request for Computer
Access, have been changed to PS Form 1357-S,
(Customer) Request for Computer Access, which is
the form that customers use to request computer
An option has been added to allow customers to produce EMM labels using the standard shipping label
format described in "DMM Revision: New Guidelines
for Shipping Labels" in Postal Bulletin 22047
The EMM application has been revised and updated.
Several changes have been made to Appendix A,
"EMM Electronic File Layout," and Appendix B,
"Communication Standards."
The sample EMM manifest in Appendix K has been
updated to include the current Express Mail service
rates along with a note that rates are subject to
The NCSC no longer mails test kits but now sends
them electronically to customers submitting an application for authorization to present Express Mail
service items using an EMM system.
Publication 97 contains information for customers interested in or already participating in the EMM program. Publication 97-A contains information for Postal Service
employees who administer the EMM program. Both publications are available only in an electronic format.
We will incorporate these revisions into the online versions that can be accessed on the Postal Service PolicyNet
page on the corporate intranet at; click
on PUBs. Publication 97 is also available on the Postal Service Web site at; click on Info, then
Postal Periodicals and Publications.
Publication 97, Express Mail Manifesting
Technical Guide
* * * * *
* * * * *
3 Additional Requirements for Presentation and
Acceptance of EMM Mailings
* * * * *
3-5 Mailing Documentation
* * * * *
[Add new 3-5.4 to Contents to read as follows:]
3-5.4 Indemnity Claims
* * * * *
1 Express Mail Manifesting - The Basics
* * * * *
1-3 What May Be Manifested
[Revise 1-3 to read as follows:]
EMM may be used to pay postage on domestic Express
Mail service items and Global Express Mail service items
as well as any applicable special services fees. EMM is for
Express Mail service only - postage for other classes of
mail cannot be paid through EMM. Custom-designed service and mailings to APO/FPO addresses are currently unavailable.
* * * * *
2 Understanding Electronic File Requirements
2-1 Electronic File
2-1.1 Overview
[Revise 2-1.1 to read entirely as follows:]
EMM involves the transmission to the USPS host computer
of an electronic file containing information about each package in your mailing. The EMM file format is the same format
that is used for Delivery Confirmation service and Signature
Confirmation service electronic files. The layout of the EMM
electronic file appears in Appendix A. Information to determine what fields in the electronic file are required for EMM
is given at the beginning of Appendix A. Transmission protocols are covered in Appendix B.
Mailers using electronic data interchange (EDI) should refer to Appendix B.
* * * * *
2-1.4 Detail Record 1
[Revise 2-1.4 to read as follows:]
Each Detail Record 1 contains information specific to one
piece in the mailing. This includes a Package Identification
Code (PIC) that must remain unique for a 12-month period.
The PIC is represented on each package in the form of a
barcode (see 2-4).
The PIC consists of an alpha prefix, a unique label number,
a check digit, and the Express Mail Product Code "US." The
alpha prefix will be provided on the PS Form 3152-E that is
sent from the National Customer Support Center (NCSC).
The unique label number is created from the sequential
range of numbers furnished on the PS Form 3152-E. You
will be furnished a PS Form 3152-E by the NCSC at the
time of certification.
* * * * *
2-4 Barcode Requirements and Label Elements
* * * * *
2-4.2 Label Elements
[Revise the last sentence of the third paragraph in 2-4.2 to
read as follows:]
***If you will not use USPS-provided Express Mail service
packaging (e.g., identified Express Mail service box,
envelope, or stickers), the additional "Express Mail" identification shown in Appendix G (Label Options 1 and 3) or an
Express Mail service indicator (Appendix G, Label Option
4) must appear on the label.
* * * * *
[Revise the first sentence of the first checkmarked paragraph in 2-4.2 to read as follows:]
To facilitate product recognition and proper handling, it is
recommended that Express Mail service packaging be
used and the label contain an Express Mail service indicator or the additional "Express Mail" identification shown in
Appendix G.***
* * * * *
3 Additional Requirements for Presentation and
Acceptance of EMM Mailings
* * * * *
3-5 Mailing Documentation
3-5.1 Verification Manifest
[Revise the last two sentences of 3-5.1 to read as follows:]
***In Publication 401, Guide to the Manifest Mailing System, the exhibits contain examples of a combined manifest/PS Form 3877. Publication 401 is available on the
corporate internet at and also on the
Postal Service Web site at
* * * * *
[Add new 3-5.4 to read as follows:]
3-5.4 Indemnity Claims
To file an indemnity claim for an item when postage was
paid using EMM, you must submit all of the following documentation:
a. PS Form 1000, Domestic Claim or Registered Mail
b. Evidence of value for the item in question (see Domestic Mail Manual S010.2.5).
c. A copy of the manifest page showing the Package
Identification Code (PIC) for the item in question.
d. The manifest summary page for the date the piece
was mailed.
e. A copy of the PS Form 3152-E round-stamped on the
date of mailing by a Postal Service acceptance employee. Note: You may request a copy of PS Form
3152-E from the Postal Service if you did not obtain a
copy at the time of mailing.
f. A copy of your EMCA monthly statement that lists the
Express Mail label number and postage for the mailpiece in question.
g. If you purchased additional insurance or COD service, a signed and round-stamped copy of PS Form
3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail.
* * * * *
5 Application/Authorization Process
5-1 How to Apply
* * * * *
[Revise 5-1(2) by replacing "PS Form 1357" with "PS Form
1357-S"; no other changes to text.]
* * * * *
[Add the following text to the end of 5-1(3):]
***An EMCA can be funded by making deposits to the
appropriate EMCA Post Office or through a Centralized
Account Processing System (CAPS) account. CAPS provides customers the capability to electronically fund multiple permits located in one or more Postal units through one
centralized account. General information on CAPS and
CAPS application forms are available on the Postal Service
web site at
* * * * *
Appendix A - EMM Electronic File Layout
* * * * *
Detail Record 1
* * * * *
[For Record Positions 005-026, revise the information in
the "Content Rules and Limitations" column to read as
The alpha prefix shown on PS Form 3152-E must be used.
The 8-digit sequential number must be from the range of label numbers provided on PS Form 3152-E. The number
must remain unique for 12 months.
Refer to Appendix F for barcode specifications.
For Express Mail service, use 13-digit label numbers; left
justify with trailing spaces.
* * * * *
of Mail Codes Table (Positions 003-004)
[Revise the Class of Mail Codes Table to read entirely as
Rate Indicator
Express Mail service
Global Express Mail service
Rate Indicators Table (Positions 057-058 and 170-171)
[Revise the Rate Indicators Table to read entirely as
of Mail
Same Day Airport
Custom Designed
Post Office to Post Office
Post Office to Addressee
Express Mail Flat Rate Same Day
Express Mail Flat Rate Post Office to
Post Office
Express Mail Flat Rate Post Office to
Special Service Codes Table (Positions 080-081,
087-088, 094-095, 101-102, 108-109, and 115-116)
[Revise the Special Service Codes Table to read entirely as
Rate Indicator
COD (Collect on Delivery)
Return Receipt
[Remove the table entitled "Surcharge Type Codes Table
(for future use) (Positions 161-162)."]
Appendix B - Communications Standards
* * * * *
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
* * * * *
Dial-Up FTP
* * * * *
Connecting to USPS Servers
Do the following to connect to USPS servers:
* * * * *
[Revise j to read as follows:]
j. Send a quoted (or site) command that properly formats the file prior to file transfer. The script used for
this is: QUOTE SITE ATTR (TNT352). If the quote
command is accepted correctly, a response back of
"200 OKAY, READY" is provided. If the quote command is not accepted, you may need to use the full
quote command of: QUOTE SITE SPACE(100,10)
* * * * *
Appendix F - Barcode Specifications
* * * * *
Barcode Elements
* * * * *
[Revise the Barcode Elements chart to read as follows:]
Barcode Data
blank |
Start Code
blank |
USS Subset Shift
Service Type Code - 2-digit alpha
blank |
Sequential Package ID - 8 digits*
blank |
Check Digit -
MOD 10 (Domestic Mail Only)
MOD 11 (Required for International Mail
and may be used for Domestic Mail with
USS Code 39)
blank |
Express Mail Product Code - "US"
blank |
blank |
Mod 103 Check Digit
(USS Code 128 only)
blank |
Stop Code
* Use 8-digit sequential Express Mail numbers supplied by the Postal
Service on PS Form 3152-E.
USS Code 128 Barcode Elements
The following USS Code 128 barcode data elements and
barcode structure are recommended:
* * * * *
[Revise 3 and 4 to read as follows:]
3. Express Mail Service ID: The 2-digit Service Type
Codes for Express Mail electronic manifesting. The
2-digit alpha prefix provided by the USPS on PS
Form 3152-E must be used.
4. Data: Express Mail package sequence identification
number. Customers are assigned blocks of 8-digit sequential package identifiers (label numbers) on PS
Form 3152-E. The customer must assign individual
sequential package ID numbers from this block to
each Express Mail service piece. The package IDs
must remain unique for at least 12 months.
* * * * *
USS Code 39 Barcode Elements
The following USS Code 39 barcode data structure pattern
is required (wide/narrow bar ratio .2.5):
* * * * *
[Revise 3 and 4 to read as follows:]
3. Express Mail Service ID: The 2-digit Service Type
Codes for Express Mail electronic manifesting. The
2-digit alpha prefix provided by the USPS on PS
Form 3152-E must be used.
4. Data: Express Mail package sequence identification
number. Customers are assigned blocks of 8-digit sequential package identifiers (label numbers) on PS
Form 3152-E. The customer must assign individual
sequential package ID numbers from this block to
each Express Mail service piece. The package IDs
must remain unique for at least 12 months.
* * * * *
Appendix G - One-Ply Express Mail Labels (Domestic
[Revise the text on the first page of Appendix G to read as
Samples of the four options for One-Ply Express Mail labels
appear on the following pages, with explanations of their
various components. The four label options are as follows:
Label Option 1: Standard Domestic One-Ply Label.
Label Option 2: USPS Preprinted Label 11-SP with
Sample Shipping Label (Vertical Orientation).
Label Option 3: USPS Preprinted Label 11-SP with
Sample Shipping Label (Horizontal Orientation).
Label Option 4: Label With Service Indicator.
Note: Label Options 2 and 3 may also be used for International Mail.
[Revise the text and graphic for Label Option 1 to read as
Label Option 1 - Standard Domestic One-Ply Label
Show the following information on the label as noted
Express Mail permit imprint indicating postage
payment using Express Mail Corporate Account
(EMCA). Show either the name of the customer that
owns the EMCA or the EMCA number. Permit imprint
must appear in upper right portion of address area.
Only when the service is requested, print the optional
signature waiver and/or weekend or holiday delivery
instructions. Preferred placement is below the return
address on shipping label.
Domestic: If identified EM service packaging (EM
box, sticker) is not used, the "Express Mail"
identification is required.
Ship date.
"USPS Express Mail" text, barcode, human-readable
barcode information (blocks of Express Mail
numbers will be assigned by USPS), and bold
horizontal lines.
Remainder of label is for customer use and may
include other internal package IDs, barcodes,
customer information, contact telephone numbers,
1. For return receipt service, attach PS Form 3811 to
mailpiece and show endorsement "Return Receipt
Requested" above the delivery address and to the
right of the return address.
2. For COD, attach PS Form 3816 or 3816-AS to
3. To facilitate product recognition and proper handling,
it is recommended that Express Mail service
packaging be used and the label contain the
additional "Express Mail" identification shown above.
* * * * *
[After Label Option 3, add new text and graphic for Label
Option 4 to read as follows:]
Label Option 1 - Standard Domestic One-Ply Label
Service Icon. The service icon appears in a 1-inch
square in the upper left corner of the shipping label.
The letter "E" must be printed inside the 1-inch
square and must be no smaller than 0.75 inch (3/4
inch). A minimum 3/4-point line must border the
1-inch square.
Service Banner. The service banner appears directly
below the postage payment area and the service
icon, and extends across the shipping label. The text
"USPS EXPRESS MAIL®" must be printed in
minimum 20-point bold sans serif typeface,
uppercase letters, centered within the banner, and
bordered above and below by minimum 1-point
separator lines. There must be a 1/16-inch clearance
above and below the text.
Only when the service is requested, print the optional
signature waiver and/or weekend or holiday delivery
instructions. Preferred placement is below the return
address on shipping label.
If the registered trademark symbol cannot be
inserted after the Express Mail text, the following
statement must be added to the bottom of the label in
at least Helvetica 6-point type: "Express Mail is a
registered trademark of the U.S. Postal Service."
Service indicator format is recommended for all ordinary
domestic Express Mail.
* * * * *
Appendix I: Sample Customer Notification Letter
* * * * *
[Revise the NCSC manager's name in the signature block
on the sample letter from "Michael L. Murphy" to "Janice E.
* * * * *
Appendix J: PS Form 3152-E
* * * * *
[Revise the text by replacing the May 2000 edition of
PS Form 3152-E with the April 2002 edition, as shown on
page 14.]
* * * * *

Appendix K: Express Mail Verification Manifest (Sample)
[Revise the rates and services on the sample verification
manifest to read as follows, including the introductory
Note: The rates used in this sample Express Mail verification manifest are current as of the publication date for this
document. However, rates are subject to change. If necessary, contact the Postal Service for current rates.
Domestic and International Mail (With Cumulative Postage Column)
Name |
Mailers Address |
Post Office
of Mailing |
Date of
Manifest |
blank |
blank |
Sequence Number |
Mail Corporate Account No. |
Package ID Code
Weight (lbs.)
Rate Indicator
ZIP Code or Country Code
Page Totals: 10 Pieces
blank |
blank |
blank |
Cumulative Page Totals: 10 Pieces
blank |
blank |
blank |
Mailer's Name and Address
Itemized Manifest Summary
Express Mail
Number of Pieces
Weight (lbs.)
PA = Post Office to Addressee (Domestic)
E4 = Express Mail Flat Rate Post Office to Addressee (Domestic)
IE = Global Express Mail
Note: Other Express Mail options are currently not available for EMM.
* * * * *
Appendix L: Express Mail Manifest System
* * * * *
[Replace the existing application with PS Form 5550, as
shown on pages 19-20.]
* * * * *
Publication 97-A, Express Mail Manifesting
Implementation and Administration Guide
* * * * *
* * * * *
[Revise the text of the Contents by changing the title of
Chapter 4 to "PS Form 1357" and the heading for 4-2 to
"Completing PS Form 1357-S."]
1 Introduction
1-2 Candidates for EMM
[Revise the text in the first paragraph by changing "Expedited/Package Services" to "Product Information Requirements, Product Development, USPS Headquarters." No
other changes to text. ]
1-3 Understanding the Technical, Operational,
and Mailing Requirements for EMM Mailings
* * * * *
[In the "Resource Name" column of the chart, change "Expedited/Package Services" to "Product Information Requirements, Product Development." No other changes to
* * * * *
2 General Responsibilities
* * * * *
2-2 Sales Representative
Sales representatives have the following responsibilities:
* * * * *
[Revise c, d, and f by replacing "PS Form 1357" with "PS
Form 1357-S"; in c, revise the name of the form to "(Customer) Request for Computer Access"; and revise the text
of d and f to read as follows:]
d. Fax a customer's completed EMM application and
PS Form 1357-S to Product Information Requirements, Product Development office at USPS Headquarters and to the NCSC. Fax page 1 of the EMM
application to the Expedited Services Specialist.
* * * * *
f. Forward the original PS Form 1357-S to the Product
Information Requirements, Product Development,
USPS Headquarters. A logon ID and password cannot be issued without an original PS Form 1357-S.
* * * * *
2-4 Business Mail Entry (District)
Business Mail Entry (district) has the following
* * * * *
[Revise i to read as follows:]
i. After the temporary EMM service agreement has
been issued, forward a copy of the file to the office of
Business Mailer Support (BMS), USPS Headquarters for final approval.
2-5 NCSC Barcode Confirmation Office
The NCSC Delivery Confirmation office has the following
* * * * *
[Revise c to read as follows:]
c. Furnish customers with their 2-digit alpha prefix and
the range of label numbers to be used for EMM
* * * * *
2.6 Expedited Service Specialist (ESS)
The Expedited Service Specialist (ESS) has the following
* * * * *
[Revise d to read as follows:]
d. Review the customer's Manifest Data Edit Error/Warning Listing (the title of this listing may be
changed to the Confirmation/Error/Warning Report)
for the first 10 EMM mailings and refer file errors/warnings to the Product Information Requirements,
Product Development, USPS Headquarters for
* * * * *
[In 2-8, revise the title by changing "Expedited/Package
Services" to "Product Information Requirements, Product
Development, USPS Headquarters" to read as follows:]
2-8 Product Information Requirements, Product
Development, USPS Headquarters
[In 2-8, revise the text by changing "Expedited/Package
Services" to "Product Information Requirements, Product
Development, USPS Headquarters." No other changes to
* * * * *
[In 2-10, revise the title and first sentence to read as
2-10 Business Mailer Support, USPS Headquarters
The office of Business Mailer Support (BMS), USPS Headquarters has the following responsibilities:
* * * * *
3 Specific Responsibilities
* * * * *
3-2 Application Procedures
[Revise 2 and 6 by replacing "PS Form 1357" with "PS
Form 1357-S"; revise 6 and 8 by changing references to the
Expedited/Package Services office at USPS Headquarters
to "Product Information Requirements, Product Development, USPS Headquarters." No other changes to text.]
* * * * *
3-3 Establishing Security/Telecommunications
Access and Entering Financial Information
[Revise 1 by replacing "PS Form 1357" with "PS Form
1357-S"; revise 1 and 2 by changing "Expedited/Package
Services, USPS Headquarters" to "Product Information Requirements, Product Development, USPS Headquarters."
No other changes to text.]
* * * * *
3-4 Certification Process for Technical
* * * * *
[Revise 4 to read as follows:]
4. Notify the ESS to enter finance information into PTS
D003 screen. [NCSC and Product Information
Requirements, Product Development, USPS
[Revise the second sentence of 5 to read as follows:]
5. *** Send a copy of the notification letter to the Post
Office of mailing, the Business Mail Entry manager,
the district manager of Marketing, and the Business
Mailer Support manager to advise them of the certification. [NCSC]
* * * * *
3-5 Approval Process to Ensure Operational and
Mailing Requirements are Met
Note: Business Mail Entry is responsible for all these
* * * * *
[Revise 3 by changing "the district's RCSC" to "the office of
Business Mailer Support, USPS Headquarters." No other
changes to text.]
* * * * *
3-6 Verification and Acceptance of EMM Mailings
Note: Business Mail Entry or another postal EMM acceptance site is responsible for all these activities.
* * * * *
[Revise 2 by adding a final sentence to read as follows:]
2. *** Once the mailing is accepted, sign and round-
date the PS Form 3152-E in the space provided.
When requested, furnish the mailer with a copy of PS
Form 3152-E in accordance with local policy.
* * * * *
3-7 Daily Administration of the Express Mail
Corporate Account
* * * * *
[Revise 3-7 by adding 6 to read as follows:]
6. Ensure that the mailer provides all of the required
documentation when filing an indemnity claim for an
item when postage was paid by EMM. Since EMM
mailings utilize a one-ply label, mailers do not have a
mailing receipt as evidence of insurance, so to file an
indemnity claim, a mailer must submit all of the following documentation:
a. PS Form 1000, Domestic Claim or Registered
Mail Inquiry.
b. Evidence of value for the item in question (see
Domestic Mail Manual S010.2.5).
c. A copy of the manifest page showing the Package
Identification Code (PIC) for the item in question.
d. The manifest summary page for the date the piece
was mailed.
e. PS Form 3152-E round-stamped on the date of
mailing by a Postal Service acceptance
f. A copy of the mailer's EMCA monthly statement
that lists the Express Mail label number and postage for the mailpiece in question.
g. If the mailer purchased additional insurance or
COD service, a signed and round-stamped copy
of PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail.
* * * * *
3-8 Initial Monitoring Period
* * * * *
[Revise 3 and 4 by changing references to Expedited/Package Services to "Product Information Requirements, Product Development, USPS Headquarters." No other changes
to text.]
* * * * *
3-9 Final Approval
[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]
Note: The office of Business Mailer Support (BMS),
USPS Headquarters is responsible for all of the following
* * * * *
[Revise the text of 2 by changing "RCSC" to "BMS" in all
three instances.]
* * * * *
[Revise the title of chapter 4 by changing "PS Form 1357"
to "PS Form 1357-S," to read as follow:]
4 PS Form 1357-S
4-1 Overview
[Revise 4-1 by changing all references of "PS Form 1357"
to "PS Form 1357-S." Revise the last sentence to read as
*** PS Form 1357-S is available on the Postal Service Internet Web site at (click on "Forms").
[Revise the heading of 4-2 by changing "PS Form 1357" to
"PS Form 1357-S," to read as follow:]
4-2 Completing PS Form 1357-S
[Revise the text of 4-2 by changing all references of "PS
Form 1357" to "PS Form 1357-S." In the "Note," also revise
the text and mailing address by replacing "Expedited/Package Services" with "Product Information Requirements,
Product Development."]
* * * * *
Appendix A - Resource Information
[In the "Resource Name" column of the chart, change
"Expedited/Package Services" to "Product Information
Requirements, Product Development." No other changes
to text.]
* * * * *
Appendix C - Express Mail Manifest System
* * * * *
[Revise 16 by changing "RCSC manager" to "Business
Mailer Support (BMS) manager"; revise 17 by changing
"RCSC manager" to "BMS manager"; revise 17(e) by
changing "the RCSC" to "Business Mailer Support"; and
renumber 17(g) as 18 to read as follows:]
18. This agreement gives temporary authorization to mail
using an Express Mail Manifest System. When final
approval is given by the manager, Business Mailer
Support, USPS Headquarters, it will remain in effect
[Revise the note after new 18 to read as follows:]
This Express Mail Manifest System Agreement consists of
18 articles and cannot be amended or changed without the
approval of the manager, Business Mailer Support, USPS
* * * * *
[Revise the final paragraph of the "Express Mail Manifest
Mailing System Service Agreement Temporary Authorization" to read as follows:]
Signature by the above parties constitutes authorization for
the mailer to enter mailings under the EMMS on a temporary basis pending final approval of the manager, Business
Mail Support, USPS Headquarters.
[Revise the "Express Mail Manifest Mailing System Service
Agreement Temporary Authorization" by adding new text to
read as follows:]
Final Approval Authorization
Manager, Business Mailer Support, USPS Headquarters
Effective Date
City, State, ZIP + 4
Signature and Date:
Signature by the Manager, Business Mailer Support, USPS
Headquarters constitutes authorization for the mailer to enter mailings under the above service agreement.
- Business Mail Acceptance,
Marketing Technology and Channel Management, 5-2-02
A certificate of mailing provides evidence that a mailer
presented a specific mailpiece or group of mailpieces to the
Postal Service for mailing. In the event that a mailer and a
recipient have a dispute regarding whether or not an article
was mailed, the certificate of mailing will serve as evidence
for the mailing. That is why retail and acceptance employees must understand the importance of following the
established acceptance processes. Retail and acceptance
employees must properly complete the applicable certificate of mailing form by signing and date stamping it before
giving it back to the mailer to retain.
The Postal Service offers three types of certificate of
mailing options, each requiring its own Postal Service form,
its own acceptance process, and its own fees. One option
provides evidence of the total quantity of pieces in an identical weight mailing with postage affixed, and two options
provide evidence of individual pieces mailed.
The first option is a bulk certificate of mailing, which is
used for bulk quantities of identical weight First-Class
Mail®, Standard Mail, and Package Services pieces with
postage affixed. This option requires the mailer to use PS
Form 3606, Certificate of Bulk Mailing, showing the total
number of pieces mailed. The Postal Service employee
who accepts the mail must verify the weight of the mailing,
calculate the total quantity, and validate the number of
pieces claimed. A bulk certificate of mailing currently costs
$3.50 for the first 1,000 pieces in the mailing, plus $0.40 for
each additional 1,000 pieces.
The second option is an individual certificate of mailing
used for single First-Class Mail pieces. This option requires
the mailer to use PS Form 3817, Certificate of Mailing. The
Postal Service employee who accepts the mail is required
to match all information on PS Form 3817 to the individual
mailpiece. An individual certificate of mailing currently costs
$0.75 per item.
The third option is a certificate of mailing for three or
more pieces of mail presented at the same time. This option requires the mailer to list the individual pieces on PS
Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail. A customer who lists the pieces on PS Form 3877 must either (a)
present the pieces in the same order as shown on the list or
(b) consecutively number each entry and lightly number
each piece to show the corresponding sheet and line number. The Postal Service employee who accepts the mail
must conduct a sampling to verify the listing's accuracy.
Both the mailer and the accepting employee must initial any
alterations made to the firm mailing book. The fee for this
type of certificate of mailing is currently $0.25 for each
piece listed on PS Form 3877.
For all three types of certificate of mailing, the customer
may choose to submit an approved facsimile of the Postal
Service form. The facsimile must include all elements of the
Postal Service form that pertain to the customer's mail.
Either the local postmaster or the manager of business mail
entry may approve the facsimile. At a minimum, the facsimile of PS Form 3877 must include:
Sequence number.
Name and address of addressee.
Certificate of mailing fee.
Date of mailing.
Place of mailing.
Summary page showing cumulative totals.
For all three types of certificate of mailing, the Postal
Service employee who accepts the mail must sign and date
stamp the form presented with the mailing after following
the established procedures to verify the accuracy of the information on the accompanying form. When a customer
submits an approved PS Form 3877 facsimile with multiple
pages, the Postal Service employee who accepts the mail
must sign and date stamp the summary page.
- Business Mail Acceptance,Marketing Technology and Channel Management, 5-2-02