Effective June 30, 2002, certain international special
service fees are being changed as a result of the implementation of the new domestic rates.
Specifically, the following international special services
or fees are affected:
• Certificate of Mailing.
• Insured Mail Fees for Canada. (The insured mail fees
for all countries other than Canada are unchanged.)
• Global Express MailTM Insurance Fees. (The indemnity limits are changed to match the domestic limits.)
• Pickup Fee (for Global Express Guaranteed,TM Global Express Mail, Global Priority Mail,® and parcel
• Recorded Delivery.
• Registered Mail Fee.
• Restricted Delivery.
• Return Receipt.
• Nonmachinable Surcharge. (The definition is also
changed to conform to the domestic definition.)
• International Money Order Inquiry Fee.
We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of IMM 27 and into the next printed version of Publication 51, and also into the online versions of the IMM and
Publication 51, both of which can be accessed via Postal
Explorer at
International Mail Manual (IMM)
1 International Mail Services
* * * * *
140 International Mail Categories
* * * * *
141 Definitions
* * * * *
141.3 Global Express Mail
The next level of service, in terms of speed and value-
added features, is Global Express Mail (EMS). EMS is an
expedited mail service that can be used to send documents
and merchandise to most of the country locations that are
individually listed in this publication. EMS insurance coverage against loss, damage, or rifling, up to a maximum of
$100, is provided at no additional charge. Additional
merchandise insurance coverage up to $5,000 may be
purchased at the sender's option. However, document reconstruction insurance coverage is limited to a maximum of
$100 per shipment. Return receipt service is available, at
no additional charge, for EMS shipments that are sent to a
limited number of countries. See 221.4. Country specific
maximum weight limits range from 22 pounds to 70
pounds. See the Individual Country Listings. Although EMS
shipments are supposed to receive the most expeditious
handling available in the destination country, they are not
subject to a postage refund guarantee if a delivery delay
* * * * *
2 Conditions for Mailing
* * * * *
210 Global Express Guaranteed
* * * * *
213 Service Areas
* * * * *
213.3 Pickup Service
On-call and scheduled pickup services are available for an
added charge of $12.50 for each pickup stop, regardless of
the number of pieces picked up. Only one pickup fee will be
charged if domestic Express Mail, International Express
Mail, domestic Priority Mail, International Parcel Post, and/or domestic Parcel Post is picked up at the same time. No
pickup fee will be charged when Global Express Guaranteed is picked up during a delivery stop or during a scheduled stop made to collect other mail not subject to a pickup
fee. Pickup service is provided in accordance with DMM
* * * * *
216 Postage
* * * * *
216.3 Discounted Rates
* * * * *
216.35 Shipment Preparation and Deposit
* * * * *
216.352 Deposit
The following choices are available for depositing Global
Express Guaranteed shipments prepared online:
a. On-call and scheduled pickup services are available
for an added charge of $12.50 for each pickup stop,
regardless of the number of pieces picked up. Only
one pickup fee will be charged if domestic Express
Mail, International Express Mail, domestic Priority
Mail, International Parcel Post, and/or domestic Parcel Post is picked up at the same time. No pickup fee
will be charged when Global Express Guaranteed is
picked up during a delivery stop or during a scheduled stop made to collect other mail not subject to a
pickup fee. Pickup service is provided in accordance
with DMM D010. A complete listing of participating
Global Express Guaranteed Post Offices is available
on the Web site at
* * * * *
220 Global Express Mail
* * * * *
221 Description
* * * * *
221.3 Insurance and Indemnity
* * * * *
221.31 EMS Merchandise Insurance
Global Express Mail merchandise insurance coverage
against loss, damage, or rifling is provided up to $100 at no
additional charge. Additional insurance coverage above
$100 may be purchased at the sender's option. The fee for
optional Global Express Mail merchandise insurance
coverage is $1.00 for each $100 or fraction thereof, up to a
maximum of $5,000 per shipment. See the Individual Country Listings for the applicable Global Express Mail insurance fees.
221.32 Purchase of Additional Insurance
When a mailer wants to insure an EMS merchandise shipment in an amount more than $100, the insurance fee is entered in the block marked "Insurance" on the mailing label.
Coverage is limited to the actual value of the contents, regardless of the fee paid, or the highest insurance value increment for which the fee is fully paid, whichever is lower.
See DMM S500.
221.33 Document Reconstruction Insurance
Nonnegotiable EMS documents are insured against loss,
damage, or rifling at no additional cost to the mailer. Document reconstruction insurance coverage is limited to a
maximum of $100 per shipment. Additional coverage
beyond the $100 indemnity limit is not available. See DMM
S010 and S500.
Note: EMS indemnity payments are subject to the provisions of DMM S010, DMM S500, and IMM 935. Neither indemnity payments nor postage refunds are payable for
delayed delivery.
* * * * *
222 Postage
* * * * *
222.2 Payment of Postage
* * * * *
222.24 Pickup Service
On-call and scheduled pickup services are available for an
added charge of $12.50 for each pickup stop, regardless of
the number of pieces picked up. Only one pickup fee will be
charged if domestic Express Mail, domestic Priority Mail,
international parcel post, Global Express Guaranteed, and/or domestic Parcel Post is picked up at the same time. No
pickup fee will be charged when international Express Mail
is picked up during a delivery stop or during a scheduled
stop made to collect other mail not subject to a pickup fee.
Pickup service is provided in accordance with DMM D010.
* * * * *
230 Global Priority Mail
* * * * *
236 Mail Entry
* * * * *
236.3 Pickup Service
On-call and scheduled pickup services are available for
Global Priority Mail acceptance cities. There is a charge of
$12.50 for each pickup stop, regardless of the number of
pieces picked up. (See DMM D010 for standards of pickup
service.) Pickup service is not available for GPM items that
bear a permit imprint and that are paid for through an advance deposit account.
* * * * *
240 Letter-post
* * * * *
243 Weight and Size Limits
* * * * *
243.2 Size Limits
* * * * *
243.24 Nonmachinable Surcharge
A $0.12 per-piece surcharge is applied to airmail letter-post
items (but not to economy (surface) letter-post items) that
weigh 1 ounce or less, if any of the following apply:
a. Has an aspect ratio (length divided by height) of less
than 1.3 or more than 2.5.
b. Is polybagged, polywrapped, or enclosed in any plastic material.
c. Has clasps, strings, buttons, or similar closure
d. Contains items such as pens, pencils, or loose keys
or coins that cause the thickness of the mailpiece to
be uneven.
e. Is too rigid (does not bend easily when subjected to a
transport belt tension of 40 pounds around an 11-inch
diameter turn).
f. For pieces more than 4-1/4 inches high or 6 inches
long, the thickness is less than 0.009 inch.
g. Has a delivery address parallel to the shorter dimension of the mailpiece.
h. Self-mailers with a folded edge perpendicular to the
address if the piece is not secured according to DMM
i. For booklet-type pieces, the bound edge (spine) is
the shorter dimension of the piece or is at the top, regardless of the use of tabs, wafer seals, or other
* * * * *
280 Parcel Post
* * * * *
282 Postage
* * * * *
282.3 Pickup Service
Scheduled pickup service is available for an added charge
of $12.50 for each pickup stop regardless of the number of
pieces picked up. Only one pickup fee will be charged if domestic Express Mail, Global Express Mail, domestic Priority
Mail, Global Priority Mail, Global Express Guaranteed, and/or domestic Parcel Post is also picked up at the same time.
No pickup fee will be charged when international parcel
post is picked up during a delivery stop or during a scheduled stop made to collect other mail not subject to a pickup
fee. Pickup service is provided in accordance with DMM
* * * * *
3 Special Services
* * * * *
310 Certificate of Mailing
* * * * *
313 Fees
313.1 Individual Pieces
The fee for certificates of mailing for ordinary letter-post
and ordinary parcel post is $0.90 per piece, whether the
item is listed individually on PS Form 3817, Certificate of
Mailing, or on firm mailing bills. Additional copies of PS
Form 3817 or firm mailing bills are available for $0.90 per
page. PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable
Mail, or forms printed at the mailer's expense may be used
for certificates of three or more pieces of mail of any class
presented at one time. If mailer-printed forms are used
instead of PS Form 3877, these forms must contain, at a
minimum, the same information as PS Form 3877. The fee
is $0.30 per article.
313.2 Bulk Pieces
Identical pieces of ordinary letter-post mail that are paid for
with regular postage stamps, precanceled stamps, or meter
stamps are subject to the following certificate of mailing
Up to 1,000 pieces
Each additional 1,000 pieces or fraction
Duplicate copy
* * * * *
330 Registered Mail
* * * * *
333 Fees and Indemnity Limits
333.1 Registration Fees
The registry fee for all countries is $7.50.
Exception: See the Individual Country Listing for Canada.
* * * * *
340 Return Receipt
* * * * *
343 Fee
The fee for a return receipt is $1.75, and must be paid in
addition to postage and other applicable charges. Return
receipt service is available at no additional charge for Global Express Mail to certain countries.
Note: Include the weight of the return receipt when determining the postage for mailing the item.
* * * * *
350 Restricted Delivery
* * * * *
353 Fee
Fee is $3.50 and is in addition to postage and other applicable fees.
* * * * *
360 Recorded Delivery
* * * * *
363 Recorded Delivery Fee
The recorded delivery fee is $2.30 and is in addition to postage and other special service fees, if applicable.
* * * * *
370 Supplemental Services
371 International Money Orders
* * * * *
371.7 Inquiries
* * * * *
371.72 Inquiries Regarding Payment
371.721 Money Orders Issued Pursuant to an
Authorization to Issue an International Money
Order Form Set
To file an inquiry regarding a money order issued in the
United States, send PS Form 6684, Inquiry Concerning International Money Order Issued in the United States, to:
PO BOX 82412
ST LOUIS MO 63182-9421
Inquiries should not be made before 30 days after the issue
date of the money order. The charge for the inquiry is
$3.00, which must be accounted for by affixing and canceling postage stamps on PS Form 6684.
* * * * *
5 Nonpostal Export Regulations
* * * * *
550 Dried Whole Eggs
* * * * *
552 Charges
A charge of $0.90 will be made for each certificate of mailing, or for each package if a single certificate covers more
than one package. As prescribed in 553.21, postage
stamps to cover the charge will be affixed to the certificate
and canceled.
* * * * *
560 Tobacco Seeds and Tobacco Plants
* * * * *
562 Charges
A charge of $0.90 will be made for each permit presented
by the sender and for each package when a single permit
covers more than one package. Postage stamps to cover
the charge should be affixed to the permit and canceled by
the postmark of the office of mailing.
* * * * *
7 Treatment of Inbound Mail
* * * * *
710 U.S. Customs Information
* * * * *
713 Treatment of Dutiable Mail at Delivery Office
* * * * *
713.4 Payment of Duty
* * * * *
713.43 Registration of Items to Be Returned to the
United States
* * * * *
713.432 Certification by Postal Service Personnel
* * * * *
c. The postmaster or designated postal employee must
check to see that the description of the item to be exported is the same on both Customs Form 4455 and
the customs declaration form. If the description is the
same, he or she certifies to the mailing (lading) by
completing the "Signature of Customs Officer" space
on both copies of Customs Form 4455. A Certificate
of Mailing fee of $0.90 must be charged and accounted for by affixing postage stamps to the original
and duplicate copies of Customs Form 4455 and
canceling each stamp with the post office date
* * * * *
Individual Country Listings
All applicable countries: Effective June 30, 2002, in the
Individual Country Listing for each country to which the following services apply, the rates for the following services
are revised as follows: for Global Express Mail (EMS), the
amount of insurance coverage against loss, damage, or rifling provided at no additional charge is revised from $500
to $100, and the fee for insured amounts more than $100 is
$1.00 for each $100 or fraction thereof up to a maximum of
$5,000; for recorded delivery, the fee is revised from $2.10
to $2.30; for registered mail, the fee for all countries except
Canada is revised from $7.25 to $7.50; for restricted
delivery, the fee is revised from $3.20 to $3.50; and for return receipt, the fee is revised from $1.50 to $1.75.
Canada: Effective June 30, 2002, the insured mail fees for
Canada are increased by $0.20 for each level of "insured
amount not over," as follows: for insured amount not over
$50, the fee is revised from $1.10 to $1.30; for $100, from
$2.00 to $2.20; for $200, from $3.00 to $3.20; for $300,
from $4.00 to $4.20; for $400, from $5.00 to $5.20; for
$500, from $6.00 to $6.20; for $600, from $7.00 to $7.20;
for $675 (maximum), from $8.00 to $8.20. The registry fees
for Canada are revised as follows: for indemnity not over
$100, the fee is revised from $7.50 to $8.00; for indemnity
not over $500, the fee is revised from $8.25 to $8.85; and
for indemnity not over $1,000, the fee is revised from $9.00
to $9.70.
* * * * *
Publication 51, International Postal Rates and
* * * * *
Special Services
* * * * *
Parcel Post Insurance
[Revise only the fees for Canada as follows:]
Insurance Fees
Indemnity Limit
Not Over
* * * * *
Recorded Delivery
[Revise the next to last sentence to read as follows:]
***The fee is $2.30.***
Registered Mail
[Revise the third paragraph to read as follows:]
All destination countries, except Canada, have an indemnity limit of $40.45 and a registry fee of $7.50. Canada has an
indemnity limit of $1,000.00 and the following registry fees:
$8.00 for items valued at not more than $100.00; $8.85 for
items valued at more than $100.00 but not more than
$500.00; and $9.70 for items valued at more than $500.00
but not more than $1,000.00.
* * * * *
Return Receipt
[Revise the next to last sentence to read as follows:]
***The fee for this service is $1.75.***
Restricted Delivery
[Revise the next to last sentence to read as follows:]
***The fee for restricted delivery is $3.50.***
* * * * *
Miscellaneous Services
* * * * *
International Business Reply Service
* * * * *
[Revise the last sentence in the second paragraph to read
as follows:]
***To utilize this service, USPS customers must establish
an advance deposit account for business reply mail, participate in the Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) program, and pay both an annual $150.00 permit fee and an
annual $375.00 accounting fee.
* * * * *
- International Business, 6-13-02
We have combined ICM updates into one Postal Bulletin article to save space and paper. Six ICM updates appear here.
On May 14, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes
public the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 28, 2002, through May 27, 2003.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The
Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 600
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at eight (8) percent off of non-discounted published rates in effect on the date of
mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
On May 14, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement with
a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International Mail
Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes public
the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 28, 2002, through May 27, 2005.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 600
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at eight (8) percent off of non-
discounted published rates in effect on the date of
mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
On May 14, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes
public the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 28, 2002, through May 27, 2003.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 3,000
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at twelve (12) percent off of non-
discounted published rates in effect on the date of
mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
On May 14, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes
public the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 28, 2002, through May 27, 2005.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 3,000
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at twelve (12) percent off of non-
discounted published rates in effect on the date of
mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
On May 16, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes
public the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 30, 2002, through May 29, 2005.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 600
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
3. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
4. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at eight (8) percent off of non-
discounted published rates in effect on the date of
mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
On May 17, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes
public the following information concerning the Agreement:
a. Term: May 31, 2002, through May 30, 2005.
b. Type of mail: Global Express MailTM service (EMS).
Every item must conform to the mailing requirements
set forth in the IMM for EMS.
c. Destination countries: Worldwide.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate
e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has
agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 1,000
pieces of EMS.
f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:
1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing
EMS as set forth in the IMM.
2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated
Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at
a rate discounted at ten (10) percent off of non-discounted published rates in effect on the date of mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Annualized Volume (Piece) or
Annualized Postage ($)
Discount Applied (%)
600-999 or
1,000-2,999 or
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more
- International Business, 6-13-02
The Postal Service will issue a 60-cent Coverlet Eagle
(2-ounce rate) definitive stamp (Item 106000) in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 on July 12, 2002,
at the Americover Show in Oak Brook, Illinois. The stamp,
designed by Richard Sheaff, Scottsdale, Arizona, goes on
sale nationwide July 13, 2002.
This stamp features an artistic rendering by Arthur G.
Merkley of a detail from a coverlet made circa 1853 by
weaver Harry Tyler. Tyler typically wove the name of his
customer, the date the coverlet was made, and "Jefferson
Co. N.Y." in the two bottom corners of the coverlets. He
signed his works in the corner blocks using distinctive symbols, such as a lion motif. In 1845, Tyler introduced the
eagle that is depicted in the stamp art as his signature.
Merkley's circa 1941 rendering is part of the Index of American Design, a visual record of American material culture
now housed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington,
Customers have 30 days to obtain the first day of issue
postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their
local Post Office, by telephone at 800-STAMP-24, and at
the Postal Store Web site at They should
affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the
envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a
larger envelope addressed to:
OAK BROOK IL 60523-9998
Coverlet Eagle
Item Number:
Denomination &
Type of Issue:
60-cent Definitive
Pane of 20 (1 design)
Issue Date & City:
July 12, 2002, Oak Brook, IL 60523
Richard Sheaff, Scottsdale, AZ
Art Director:
Richard Sheaff, Scottsdale, AZ
Richard Sheaff, Scottsdale, AZ
Joseph Sheeran
Manufacturing Process:
Ashton Potter USA Ltd. (APU)
Printed at:
Williamsville, NY
Press Type:
Stevens, Vari-size Security Press
Stamps per Pane:
Print Quantity:
100 million stamps
Paper Type:
Prephosphored, Type I
Adhesive Type:
Pressure Sensitive
Processed at:
Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd.
Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
0.82 x 0.71 in./20.828 x 18.034 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
0.99 x 0.84 in./25.146 x 21.336 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h):
4.95 x 5.04 in./125.73 x 128.01 mm
Plate Size:
240 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
"P" followed by four (4) single digits
Marginal Markings:
"© 2002 USPS" • Plate block
(6 positions) • Plate numbers • Price
• Barcodes
Catalog Item Number(s):
106020 Block of 4 - $2.40
106030 Block of 10 - $6.00
106040 Full Pane w/plate
no. - $12.00
106061 First Day Cover - $0.98
106093 Full Pane w/First Day
Cover - $12.98
After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal
Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is
no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked
by August 12, 2002.
Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day
covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery
items postmarked with the official first day of issue
cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number
and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog.
Customers may request a free catalog by telephoning
800-STAMP-24 or writing to:
DEPT 6270
PO BOX 219014
KANSAS CITY MO 64121-9014
First day covers remain on sale for at least 1 year after
the stamp's issuance.
There are no philatelic products for this stamp issue.
Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) will receive an
approximate full standard automatic distribution quantity for
a PSA sheet stamp. Distributions are rounded up to the
nearest master carton size (40,000 stamps).
SDOs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item
106000 must order them from their designated SDO using
a separate PS Form 17. SDOs must not distribute stamps
to Post Offices before July 5, 2002.
Authorized philatelic centers requiring the 60-cent
Coverlet Eagle pane of 20 must order Item 106000 from
their designated SDO using PS Form 17.
Post Offices requiring additional stamps must requisition
them from their designated SDO using PS Form 17. SDOs
requiring additional stamps must order them from the
appropriate accountable paper depository (APD) using PS
Form 17.
For fulfilling supplemental orders from SDOs, San Francisco, Chicago, Memphis, and New York APDs will each
receive 4,000,000 additional stamps, and the Denver APD
will receive 1,400,000 additional stamps. For fulfilling supplemental orders from APDs, the Kansas City Stamp Service Center (SSC) will receive 3,000,000 additional stamps.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
The $15 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation
stamp for the 2002-2003 season goes on sale at Post
Offices nationwide July 1, 2002, and will remain on sale
through June 30, 2003. The Department of the Interior will
formally issue the stamp at the National Postal Museum in
Washington, DC, on July 1, 2002.
The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation
stamp will be issued in two formats - the traditional gummed pane of 20 stamps
and a self-adhesive single stamp. The stamp size in the self-adhesive version
is the same size as the gummed version and can be peeled from its carrier sheet.
The carrier sheet is the size of US paper currency and fits easily in cash drawers.
Postmasters should order enough of Items 332500 and 332600 to meet the expected
appreciable demand for this item by stamp collectors, conservationists, and
To allow postmasters to order the 2002-2003 Migratory
Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp in quantities approximating customer demand, the minimum ordering quantity
for both formats is five stamps. However, when practical,
postmasters should order full panes of 20 stamps for the
gummed version. Postmasters should review their records
to determine the appropriate number of the 2002-2003
stamps to requisition, rounded up to multiples of 5 or 20
Postmasters must immediately send a separate PS
Form 17, Stamp Requisition, to their stamp distribution
offices (SDOs) for enough Migratory Bird Hunting and
Conservation stamps (traditional gummed format, Item
332500 and/or self-adhesive format, Item 332600), to last
until February 29, 2003. If the initial supply is exhausted before February 29, 2003, postmasters must requisition an
additional supply. Retail units with authorized philatelic centers should order both formats and have them available to
meet philatelic demand. All postmasters and station managers must ensure that Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamps are available to meet public demand.
SDOs will receive automatic distributions of both Item
332500 and Item 332600 in quantities equivalent to their
postmaster requisition records for the 2001-2002 Migratory
Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp. Automatic distributions to SDOs are scheduled to begin May 25, 2001, and
complete June 11, 2001.
SDOs requiring additional gummed stamps (Item
332500) or additional self-adhesive stamps (Item 332600)
must requisition them from the designated accountable paper depository (APD) using PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition.
The Department of the Interior does not
automatically distribute pamphlets on hunting regulations because migratory
game bird laws vary by state. Direct inquiries about hunting regulations to
the state Fish and Wildlife Agency or state Department of Natural Resources.
Do not forward inquiries to the federal US Fish and Wildlife Service. Poster
3-124, Waterfowlers Attention (July 1992), is no longer available.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
Diversity Development released Publication 153,
People and Places of the Pacific, on Thursday, May 16,
2002, at the Asian Pacific Heritage Month program at
Headquarters. The new publication contains over 35 images to commemorate the people, places, history, and culture
of the Pacific Islands and the Pacific Rim.
You can order Publication 153 by one of the following
• Touch Tone Order Entry (TTOE): Call
800-332-0317, choose option 1, then option 2.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, choose option 8, extension
2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message
(wait 48 hours after registering before you place your
first order).
• E-mail: Complete PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition (manually or using F3Fill), and send it as an
attachment to the e-mail address MDC Customer
Service or to
• Mail: Mail a completed PS Form 7380 to the MDC at
the following address:
TOPEKA KS 66624-9702
Here's the information that you'll need to order Publication 153:
NSN: 7610-05-000-5043
Unit of Issue: PG
Bulk Pack Quantity: 20
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Price: $0.6074
Edition Date: 5/2002
- Affirmative Employment Programs,
Diversity Development, 6-13-02
Postal Bulletin 22076 (5-16-02, page 85) listed the price
for Catalog Item 781362 First Day Cover at a price of $0.75.
Catalog Item 781362 should be listed as Water-activated
Gum Coil of 10,000 First Day Cover at a price of $0.78.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
Postal Bulletin 22076 (5-16-02, page 104) listed the
price for Catalog Item 562462 First Day Cover at a price of
$9.40. Catalog Item 562462 should be listed as First Day
Cover with Full Pane at a price of $9.90.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
Postal Bulletin 22076 (5-16-02, page 112) listed the
price for Catalog Item 566061 First Day Cancellation at
$0.75. Delete Item 566061 and replace with new Item
566064 First Day Cancellation at $0.83. Add new Item
566093, Heroes of 2001 Full Pane with First Day Cover, at
$9.83, to the list of available items.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
Postal Bulletin 22077 (5-30-02, page 60) did not list two
items. Add Catalog Item 453364 First Day Cover at $0.75
and Catalog Item 453393, John James Audobon Full Pane
with First Day Cover, at $8.15, to the list of available items.
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
Postal Bulletin 22077 (5-30-02, page 62) listed Catalog
Item 452161 First Day Cover at $0.75. Delete Item 45261
and replace with new Catalog Item 452164 First Day Cover
at $0.75. Add new Catalog Item 452193, Harry Houdini Full
Pane with First Day Cover at $8.15, to the list of available
- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-13-02
