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Summer Shirt and Tie Policy

Effective June 27, 2002, the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 16, Wearing of Uniform Items, is revised.

We will incorporate the revision into the next printed version of the ELM and into the online version of the ELM, available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site at; click on Manuals.

Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)

* * * * *

9 Labor Relations

* * * * *

930 Work Clothes and Uniforms

* * * * *

934 Wearing of Uniform Items

* * * * *

[Revise the title of 934.3 to read as follows:]

934.3 Warm Weather Items - Type 1 Uniforms (see 933.11)

* * * * *

934.32 Summer Shirt and Tie

[Revise 934.32 to read as follows:]

Where a convertible collar, short- or long-sleeve summer shirt is authorized, the tie is not necessarily required. The tie must be worn whenever a jacket or coat is worn. After consulting with union representatives of affected employees at the Post Office, if the postmaster decides a tie is to be worn with the convertible collared summer shirt, the tie is worn by all affected employees at that Post Office. However, if the decision is that a tie need not be worn, individual employees who desire to wear the tie may do so even though the majority are without ties.

* * * * *

- Labor Relations Policies and Programs,
Labor Relations, 6-27-02


Three Trek Bikes Offered in USPS Pro Cycling Team National Drawing

Here's your chance to win great prizes and cheer on the USPS Pro Cycling Team as Lance Armstrong tries to win a fourth consecutive Tour de France. Twenty-three lucky entrants into the national career postal employee drawing will be selected as members of the ceremonial USPS Pro Cycling Team Support Squad to become eligible to win prizes. The squad will be selected by random drawing starting July 6, but entries will be accepted through July 19.

Entry Rules

Only career employees may participate. No employees of Public Affairs and Communications are eligible. Only one entry per postal family will be eligible. Entries must contain one photo (or one digital photo on disk) of the employee - either alone or with family members - riding on or posing with their bike(s). The photo must be of good quality and in good taste. Employees are welcome to incorporate a patriotic theme or other appropriate theme.

Entries also must include one brief message of encouragement to the USPS Pro Cycling Team (100-word max.). No handwritten messages, please.

Each entry photo and message of encouragement must be mailed together in an envelope bearing First-Class Mail® postage. No entries mailed via penalty (G-10) mail will be accepted. The envelope must be mailed to:

PO BOX 23783
WASHINGTON DC 20026-3783

Entries will be accepted through July 19.

Building the USPS Pro Cycling Support Squad

Once the Tour de France begins, one entry envelope will be drawn randomly each day of the Tour (23 total entries). Each entry's corresponding photo and message of encouragement will be posted to the USPS Pro Cycling Team Web site ( and featured on USPS-TV Tour de France highlights that air daily in postal facilities. On the final day of the Tour, the 23rd and final photo and message will be posted, which then completes the USPS Pro Cycling Team Support Squad. Only the photo, message, and name of city and state for each of the 23 drawn entries will be posted to the Web site. Personal information such as name and street address will not be posted. Photos and messages will not be returned.

Selecting Prize Winners

First-, second-, and third-prize winners will be determined by a random drawing from the names of the 23 members of the squad. The drawing will be held on July 29. The 20 members of the squad not selected as first-, second-, and third-prize winners will receive a prize package from selected team sponsors.


First prize: Trek Model XC Hardtail 8000 mountain bike and prize package.

Second and third prizes: Each winner will receive a Trek Model 800 Sport mountain bike and prize package.

See these and other Trek bikes at

Consolation prize (20): Prize package including selected items ranging from T-shirts, caps, and jerseys (some autographed) to lapel pins and sport towels from USPS Pro Cycling Team sponsors such as VISA, Clif Bar, All Sport, Shimano, and Trek.

- Community Relations,
Public Affairs and Communications, 6-27-02

Poster:  Dad, you always make me buckle up. Why didn't you? Always buckle up - safety depends on me. Brought to you by the US Postal Service.



Update to Exhibit 213, AIC Amount Multiples

Effective June 30, 2002, Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, is revised to reflect the impact of the rate change on Exhibit 213, AIC Amount Multiples. We have added account identifier code (AIC) 087 to Exhibit 213.

We will incorporate this revision into the next printed edition of Handbook F-1 and into the next update of the online version accessible on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site at; click on HBKs.

Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures

* * * * *

2 Financial Reporting Procedures

* * * * *

Exhibit 213 AIC Amount Multiples

[Add AIC code 087 and the corresponding amount (0.05) to the "Receipts" column in Exhibit 213:]

AIC Amount
010 15.00
084 0.05
087 0.05
091 15.00
101 0.05
103 0.25
112 1.00
115 0.10
116 475.00
117 150.00
118 150.00
134 150.00
138 150.00
139 5.00
140 150.00
141 150.00
142 150.00
155 475.00
158 0.10
172 150.00
197 150.00
264 15.00

* * * * *

- Revenue and Field Accounting,
Finance, 6-27-02

International Mail


International Customized Mail

We have combined ICM updates into one Postal Bulletin article to save space and paper. Four ICM updates appear here.

On May 30, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International Mail Manual (IMM) 294, the Postal Service now makes public the following information concerning the Agreement:

a. Term: May 30, 2002, through May 31, 2005.

b. Type of mail: International Priority Airmail Service (IPA), International Surface Air Lift Service (ISAL), and Global Bulk Economy Service (GBE). Every item must conform to the mailing requirements set forth in the IMM for Qualifying Mail.

c. Destination countries: Worldwide.

d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to:

1. Furnish the Mailer with the postal equipment and postal supplies required for the use of Qualifying Mail.

2. Provide the Mailer with the preparation requirements for Qualifying Mail and any training necessary to prepare ICM Mail in conformity with the requirements for Qualifying Mail.

3. Arrange with carriers to transport Qualifying Mail to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate authority.

e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has agreed to tender to the Postal Service mail intended for delivery outside the United States that generates at least $25 million in actual postage in each year beginning on the effective date of this Agreement and ending on each anniversary of this date for the duration of the Agreement.

f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:

1. Tender at least ninety-nine (99) percent of IPA Qualifying Mail in drop shipments to the appropriate locations specified in IMM 292.153.

2. Tender at least ninety-nine (99) percent of ISAL Qualifying Mail in drop shipments to the appropriate locations specified in IMM 293.32.

3. Tender no more than one (1) percent of IPA and ISAL Qualifying Mail to other postal facilities at the national rate or full service rate as appropriate.

4. Drop-ship GBE Qualifying Mail at the New Jersey International and Bulk Mail Center.

5. Provide the Postal Service with notification of intent to drop ship Qualifying Mail at a specific International Service Center (ISC) 2 weeks before the initial shipment to that ISC.

6. Provide the Postal Service with notification of new dedicated permit numbers 2 weeks in advance of using the new dedicated permit numbers.

7. Provide the Postal Service with projections of mailings to include the intended date of mailing, weight, and volume of the mailings.

8. Pay postage to the Postal Service for GBE using an exclusive permit imprint number.

9. Pay postage to the Postal Service for ICM Qualifying Mail using dedicated permit imprints.

g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage for:

1. GBE at rates discounted sixteen (16.0) percent off the base rates contained in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1
Global Bulk Economy Base Rates

Rate Group Per Piece ($) + Per Lb. ($)
1 (Western Europe) 0.20 + 2.04
2 (Japan, Australia, New Zealand) 0.20 + 2.16
3 (Rest of World) 0.12 + 3.36

2. Qualifying Mail at discounted rates as detailed in Exhibit 2, based on a commitment of at least $25 million in actual postage on an annualized basis.

Exhibit 2

Total Annual IPA, ISAL,
and GBE Revenue

(After Discount Is Taken) ($)
Percentage Discount (%)
2,000,000 - 4,999,999 5.00
5,000,000 - 5,999,999 10.00
6,000,000 - 6,999,999 11.00
7,000,000 - 7,999,999 12.00
8,000,000 - 8,999,999 13.00
9,000,000 - 9,999,999 14.00
10,000,000 - 14,999,999 15.25
15,000,000 - 19,999,999 15.50
20,000,000 - 24,999,999 15.75
25,000,000 and over 16.00

On May 31, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes public the following information concerning the Agreement:

a. Term: June 14, 2002, through June 13, 2003.

b. Type of mail: Global Express Mail (EMS). Every item must conform to the mailing requirements set forth in the IMM for EMS.

c. Destination countries: Worldwide.

d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate authorities.

e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 600 pieces of EMS.

f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:

1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing EMS as set forth in the IMM.

2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).

g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at a rate discounted at eight (8) percent off of nondiscounted published rates in effect on the date of mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1

Annualized Volume (Piece) or Annualized Postage ($) Discount Applied (%)
600 - 999 or
12,000 - 19,999
1,000 - 2,999 or
20,000 - 59,999
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more

On May 31, 2002, the Postal Service entered into an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement with a qualifying mailer. In accordance with International Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service now makes public the following information concerning the Agreement:

a. Term: June 14, 2002, through June 13, 2003.

b Type of mail: Global Express Mail (EMS). Every item must conform to the mailing requirements set forth in the IMM for EMS.

c. Destination countries: Worldwide.

d. Service provided by the Postal Service: The Postal Service has agreed to transport EMS to international destinations for delivery by the appropriate authorities.

e. Minimum volume commitments: The Mailer has agreed to meet an annualized minimum of 600 pieces of EMS.

f. Worksharing: The Mailer has agreed to:

1. Comply with the terms and conditions for mailing EMS as set forth in the IMM.

2. Pay postage for EMS by means of a dedicated Express Corporate Account (EMCA) in accordance with the EMCA requirements set forth in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).

g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage at a rate discounted at ten (10) percent off of nondiscounted published rates in effect on the date of mailing in accordance with Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1

Annualized Volume (Piece) or Annualized Postage ($) Discount Applied (%)
600 - 999 or
12,000 - 19,999
1,000 - 2,999 or
20,000 - 59,999
3,000 or more or
60,000 or more

On June 1, 2002, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated January 1, 2001. The Agreement was published in Postal Bulletin 22044 (2-22-01, page 56). The Amendment adds Global Direct - Canada Admail service to the Agreement. In accordance with International Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously announced entering into an International Customized Mail Service Agreement with this qualifying mailer and now makes public the following information regarding this Amendment.

a. Term: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.

b. Type of mail: International Priority Airmail (IPA), International Surface Air Lift (ISAL), Global Express Mail (EMS), Global Bulk Economy, and Global Direct - Canada Admail. Every item must conform to the mailing requirements set forth in the IMM for Qualifying Mail.

c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.

d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.

e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.

f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.

g. Rates: The Mailer has agreed to pay postage for Global Direct - Canada Admail in accordance with Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1

Global Direct - Canada Admail Rates

First 1.76 oz (0.11 lb.) (50 g.) Letter Carrier Presort National Distribution Guide
Standard Large Standard Large
Delivery Mode Direct US $0.201 US $0.248 US $0.261 US $0.315
Delivery Facility US $0.235 US $0.282 US $0.261 US $0.315
Distribution Center Facility (DCF) US $0.235 US $0.282 US $0.261 US $0.315
Residue US $0.295 US $0.349 US $0.261 US $0.315
Over 1.76 oz. (0.11 lb.) (50 g.) Per additional pound US $0.525 US $0.682 US $0.525 US $0.682

- International Business, 6-27-02



Jefferson Memorial Priority Mail Stamp

Stamp Announcement 02-23: Jerrerson Memorial Priority Mail Stamp, copyright USPS 2001.

The Postal Service will issue a $3.85 Jefferson Memorial Priority Mail® stamp (Item 112100) in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 on July 30, 2002, in Washington, DC. The stamp, designed by Derry Noyes, Washington, DC, and photographed by Carol Highsmith, Tacoma Park, Maryland, goes on sale nationwide July 30, 2002.

Dedicated April 13, 1943, on the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth, this picturesque landmark is located on the south side of the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC. In 1934, Congress established the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission to plan, design, and construct a memorial to the nation's third president. The memorial's design is a circular domed structure based on the Pantheon in Rome. In 1819, Jefferson used the Pantheon as in- spiration for his design of the rotunda at the University of Virginia.

How to Order the First Day of Issue Postmark

Customers have 30 days to obtain the first day of issue postmark by mail. They may purchase the new stamp at their local Post Office, by telephone at 800-STAMP-24, and at the Postal Store Web site at They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice,

address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

PO BOX 92282
WASHINGTON DC 20090-2282

Issue: Jefferson Memorial
Item Number: 112100
Denomination &
Type of Issue:

$3.85, Priority Mail
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: July 22, 2002,
Washington, DC 20066
Designer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Photographer: Carol Highsmith,
Takoma Park, MD
Engraver: N/A
Art Director: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Typographer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Modeler: Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. (BCA)
Manufacturing Process: Offset, with Scrambled Indicia®
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. (BCA)
Printed at: Browns Summit, NC
Press Type: Man-Roland, 300
Stamps per Pane/Sheet: 20
Print Quantity: 100 million stamps
Paper Type: Prephosphored, Type II
Gum Type: Pressure Sensitive
Processed at: BCA, Browns Summit, NC
Colors: Black, Cyan, Yellow, Magenta
(for Scrambled Indicia)
Stamp Orientation: Horizontal
Image Area (w x h): 1.42 x 1.09 in./36.07 x 27.69 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.56 x 1.23 in./39.62 x 31.24 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 7.26 x 7.13 in./184.40 x 181.10 mm
Plate Size: 180 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers: "B" followed by four (4) single digits
Marginal Markings: "© 2002 USPS" • Plate numbers • Plate position diagram • Price • Barcode • Barcode on back
Catalog Item Number(s): 112110 Single Stamp - $3.85
112120 Block of 4 w/plate
no. - $15.40
112140 Full Pane of 20 w/plate
no. - $77.00

After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked by August, 29, 2002.

Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog. Customers may request a free catalog by telephoning 800-STAMP-24 or writing to:

DEPT 6270
PO BOX 219014
KANSAS CITY MO 64121-9014

First day covers remain on sale for at least 1 year after the stamp's issuance.

Philatelic Products

There are no philatelic products for this stamp issue.

Distribution: Item 112100, $3.85 Jefferson Memorial Priority Mail, Pane of 20 (PSA)

Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) will receive an automatic distribution quantity for this $3.85 Priority Mail, PSA sheet stamp. Distributions are rounded up to the nearest master carton size (40,000 stamps).

Initial Supply to Post Offices

SDOs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item 112100 must order them from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition. SDOs must not distribute stamps to Post Offices before July 22, 2002.

Philatelic Requirement

Authorized philatelic centers requiring the $3.85 Jefferson Memorial Priority Mail stamp must order Item 112100 from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17.

Additional Supply

Post Offices requiring additional stamps must requisition them from their designated SDO using PS Form 17. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate accountable paper depository (APD) using PS Form 17.

For fulfilling supplemental orders from SDOs, San Francisco, Chicago, Memphis, and New York APDs will each receive 4,000,000 additional stamps and the Denver APD will receive 1,400,000 additional stamps.

- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-27-02


U.S. Capitol at Dusk Express Mail Stamp

Stamp Announcement 02-24: U.S. Capitol at Dusk Express Mail Stamp, copyright USPS 2001.

The Postal Service will issue a $13.65 U.S. Capitol at Dusk Express Mail® stamp (Item 112200) in a pressure- sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 on July 30, 2002, in Washington, DC. The stamp, designed by Derry Noyes, Washington, DC, and photographed by Robert Shafer, La Quinta, California, goes on sale nationwide July 30, 2002.

The U.S. Capitol is a stunning example of neoclassical architecture and an enduring symbol of democracy and the American people. President George Washington laid the building's cornerstone in 1793. The rotunda underneath the dome itself is decorated with a variety of paintings and sculptures that depict scenes and people from American history. Located at the east end of the National Mall in Washington, DC, the U.S. Capitol houses the meeting chambers of the Senate and the House of Representatives and draws an estimated 3-5 million visitors each year.

How to Order the First Day of Issue Postmark

Customers have 30 days to obtain the first day of issue postmark by mail. They may purchase the new stamp at their local Post Office, by telephone at 800-STAMP-24, and at the Postal Store Web site at They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

PO BOX 92282
WASHINGTON DC 20090-2282

Issue: U.S. Capitol at Dusk
Item Number: 112200
Denomination &
Type of Issue:

$13.65, Express Mail
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: July 22, 2002,
Washington, DC 20066
Designer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Photographer: Robert Shafer, La Quinta, CA
Engraver: N/A
Art Director: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Typographer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Modeler: Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. (BCA)
Manufacturing Process: Offset, with Scrambled Indicia®
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. (BCA)
Printed at: Browns Summit, NC
Press Type: Goebel, 670
Stamps per Pane/Sheet: 20
Print Quantity: 35 million stamps
Paper Type: Prephosphored, Type II
Gum Type: Pressure Sensitive
Processed at: BCA, Browns Summit, NC
Colors: Black, Cyan, Yellow, Magenta
(for Scrambled Indicia)
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 1.09 x 1.42 in./27.69 x 36.07 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.23 x 1.56 in./31.24 x 39.62 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 7.13 x 7.26 in./181.10 x 184.40 mm
Plate Size: 120 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers: "B" followed by four (4) single digits
Marginal Markings: "© 2002 USPS" • Plate numbers • Plate position diagram • Price • Barcode • Barcode on back
Catalog Item Number(s): 112210 Single Stamp - $13.65
112220 Block of 4 w/plate
no. - $54.60
112230 Block of 10 w/plate
no. - $136.50
112240 Full Pane w/plate
no. - $273.00
112261 First Day Cover - $14.03

After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked by August, 29, 2002.

Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog. Customers may request a free catalog by telephoning 800-STAMP-24 or writing to:

DEPT 6270
PO BOX 219014
KANSAS CITY MO 64121-9014

First day covers remain on sale for at least 1 year after the stamp's issuance.

Philatelic Products

There are no philatelic products for this stamp issue.

Distribution: Item 112200, $13.65 U.S. Capitol at Dusk Express Mail, Pane of 20 (PSA)

Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) will receive an automatic distribution of the $13.65 Express Mail, PSA sheet stamp. Distributions are rounded up to the nearest master carton size (40,000 stamps).

Initial Supply to Post Offices

SDOs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item 112100 must order them from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition. SDOs must not distribute stamps to Post Offices before July 22, 2002.

Philatelic Requirement

Authorized philatelic centers requiring the $13.65 U.S. Capitol at Dusk Express Mail stamp must order Item 112200 from their designated using SDO a separate PS Form 17.

Additional Supply

Post Offices requiring additional stamps must requisition them from their designated SDO using PS Form 17. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate accountable paper depository (APD) using PS Form 17.

For fulfilling supplemental orders from SDOs, San Francisco, Chicago, Memphis, and New York APDs will each receive 2,000,000 additional stamps and the Denver APD will receive 800,000 additional stamps.

For fulfilling supplemental orders from APDs, the Kansas City Stamp Service Center (SSC) will receive 5,600,000 additional stamps.

- Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-27-02