722.22 Authority and Transaction Limit Only individuals delegated local buying authority in writing may make local buys. Unauthorized local buys are subject to the procedures contained in Management Instruction AS-710-1999-2, Unauthorized Contractual Commitments. In addition, a single transaction may not exceed an individual's delegated authority. A single transaction may comprise the purchase of a single item or multiple items from a merchant, and is the total of the items being purchased. 722.23 Approval Authority Information on requirements approval authority is contained in instructions updated and issued periodically by the vice president and controller, Finance. Direct your questions regarding this authority to that organization. 722.3 Prohibited and Restricted Purchases 722.31 Prohibited Purchases Do not use local buying authority to obtain the following: a. Building or land rental, lease, or purchase. b. Construction services, including facility repairs and alterations (such as repair of elevators, HVAC, switch gear, and other plant systems) valued at $2,000 or more. Contact Administrative Services at the district or your Facilities Service Office (FSO) for assistance. c. Services covered by the Service Contract Act when the requirement exceeds $2,500 per one-time expenditure or when an office estimates that a particular service provided by the same supplier will exceed $2,500 per year. Examples are ash, trash, and rubbish removal; snow and ice removal; lawn and grounds maintenance; vehicle washing, polishing, repair, and maintenance; maintenance of elevators, HVAC, and switch gear; window cleaning; and cloth and laundry service. Certain types of maintenance (e.g., calibration and repair of automated data and word processing equipment and office business machines) which are exempt from the Service Contract Act may be purchased from the manufacturer or supplier up to the limits of delegated buying authority. Contact the assigned PSC or applicable CMC for guidance. Note: Do not use Postal Service purchase credit cards to purchase vehicle washing, polishing, repair, and maintenance. (Reference U.S. Bank/Voyager Fleet Card program.) For more information visit the Supply Management Web site at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase, click on Credit Card User, and then eFleet Card System. d. Medical services. Contact the area medical director. e. Mail transportation services (includes mail-hauling vehicles). f. Requirements for which formal contracting procedures apply. Contact the appropriate Supply Management organization for ordering details. For contract postal units contact the Category Management Center in Denver, for leasing of administrative (non-mail hauling) vehicles contact the Category Management Center in Philadelphia (1-2 day vehicle rentals for special events is allowed), and for food services contact the servicing Purchasing Service Center (PSC). g. Professional/technical, consultant, or personal services (contact your servicing PSC or the Professional Services Category Management Team (CMC) and see Purchasing Manual, sections 4.5.3 and 4.5.4). h. The services of former Postal Service employees (contact your area Human Resources office, your servicing PSC, or the Professional Services CMC). 722.32 Restricted Purchases Some goods and services are controlled by specific functional areas and may require prior special management approvals before they can be bought under local buying authority. These controls are communicated in manuals, handbooks, management instructions, and memorandums. Carefully review requests for restricted purchases to ensure that appropriate management approvals have been obtained and other policy and procedural issues are addressed. The list below is not all-inclusive but provides some guidelines. (Also see section 722.42 for a discussion of purchases from Postal Service employees and their immediate family members.) a. Capital equipment (equipment with a service life of over 1 year, costing $3,000 or more). You may purchase capital equipment only when authorized by officers, vice presidents, plant managers, and district managers and their direct reports (if delegated local buying authority). The Postal Service capital purchase card is the only local buying means of purchasing capital equipment. Always check for supplemental capital commitment policies issued by the vice president/controller prior to using the capital credit card. b. Hazardous waste clean-up and disposal services. You may obtain these using local buying authority only under one of the following circumstances: (1) Use of local buying has been approved by the area or district environmental coordinator in writing. (2) Use of the Postal Service purchase card is an authorized means of placing delivery orders under a contract or agreement issued by a Supply Management organization. These records must be retained in accordance with federal regulations or contract requirements, whichever is longer. For additional information and guidance, contact: ENVIRONMENTAL AND MRO CMC Telephone: 800-241-6927 c. Supplies containing hazardous substances. You may purchase these as approved in Handbook AS-553, Hazardous Waste Management. d. Computer hardware and software. You may purchase these using local buying authority, but you must check with Information Technology or area contracts and/or local policy governing the items being purchased. e. Training/membership fees and dues. You may buy or pay these using local buying authority, subject to the requirements of Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), chapter 7. f. Employee awards. You may buy or pay these using local buying authority, subject to the requirements of Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), section 470. Also see Management Instruction FM-640-2001-1, Employer Tax Reporting Responsibilities — Conference, Meeting, and Training Session Mementos or Gifts. g. Meals and refreshments. You may purchase these using local buying authority, subject to the guidelines in Management Instruction FM-640-2001-4, Payment for Meals and Refreshments. h. Employee Personal Events. The purchase and payment of flowers, gifts, and food/refreshments for the purpose of celebrating personal events, retirements, changes in work assignments, and holiday gatherings is generally prohibited. In most instances, these events are not considered to be official Postal Service functions. Limited exceptions to this policy are covered in Management Instruction FM-640-2001-4, Payment for Meals and Refreshments. Any other requests for exceptions not covered by this policy must be approved by the responsible requesting officer with concurrence from the vice president/controller; or by the postmaster general, deputy postmaster general, or chief operating officer. i. Electrically operated convenience items. Check with your maintenance or building services personnel before buying personal electrically operated convenience items. There are specific electrical and wiring codes and safety standards that must be met. j. Printing, copying, and duplicating. Printing, copying, and duplicating policies and procedures are covered in section 37. Before buying these types of products and services, be sure that all policies in this section of the ASM are followed. 722.4 Standards of Ethical Conduct and Purchases from Postal Service Employees and Their Immediate Families 722.41 Standards of Ethical Conduct The ethical standards published in Part 2635 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, and restated in the booklet Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, apply to all employees of the Postal Service. (This booklet is available from Human Resources offices and Law Department offices, and on the Internet at www.usoge.gov.). Employees delegated local buying authority may seek ethics advice by calling the Law Department's Ethics Helpline at 202-268-6346 or sending an e-mail message to "GC ETHICS INQUIRY" (internal) or gethics@email.usps.gov (external). 722.42 Purchases From Postal Service Employees and Their Immediate Family Members Local buys may not be made from Postal Service employees, their immediate family members, or business organizations substantially owned or controlled by Postal Service employees or their immediate family members. Postal Service employees means all Postal Service officers and employees, whether in full-time, part-time, career, or noncareer positions, including specifically persons in temporary positions such as postmaster replacements and rural carrier reliefs. Immediate family members means spouse, minor child or children, and individuals related to an employee by blood who are residents of the employee's household. 722.5 Questionable Purchases and Misuse All local buys must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate authority. See Handbook AS-709, Credit Card Policies and Procedures for Local Buying, regarding actions to take when a purchase is deemed questionable or misuse is suspected. 722.6 Procedures 722.61 General Local buys may be made only under these conditions: a. By employees delegated local buying authority in writing. b. When requirements cannot be satisfied by other priority sources, including Postal Service excess and eBuy (see section 722.1 for additional information). c. With a properly approved purchase request. All employees who have Web access must use eBuy for all requisitions in lieu of a hard copy PS Form 7381, Requisition for Supplies, Services, or Equipment. d. At the best value for the Postal Service. Best value is obtained by evaluating the price, quality, and any other factor necessary to meet the requester's needs. When prices and other factors are equal, rotate your buys among different merchants when making recurring purchases. 722.62 Competition and Supplier Identification Local buys are not subject to the same regulations as contracts. However, when doing so is cost-effective, solicit suppliers, including small, minority-, and woman-owned businesses, and compare prices before making a local buy. Contact the assigned PSC or area diversity development specialist for sourcing assistance, or see section 333.42 of Handbook AS-709, Credit Card Policies and Procedures for Local Buying, for guidance on identifying local small, minority-, and woman-owned business suppliers. 722.63 Payment 722.631 General The approved payment hierarchy includes electronic data interchange (EDI) via eBuy, consolidated invoices, and credit cards; payment by the ASC through PS Form 8230, Authorization for Payment, or pursuant to Management Instruction FM-640-1999-1, Payments for Supplies and Services Using the Miscellaneous Disbursement Payment Process Under Local Buying Authority; and local payment through money orders, cash, and imprest funds. When operational needs cannot be satisfied through eBuy or other consolidated payment processes approved by Finance, the IMPAC credit card serves as the primary means of buying and paying for day-to-day operational needs under local buying authority. For noncapital items, when you cannot use eBuy, consolidated payment processes, or the IMPAC card, you may pay by any of the following (preference is listed in descending order): a. Submitting an invoice to San Mateo ASC with Form 8230, Authorization for Payment; or if at Headquarters or a Headquarters field unit, submitting an invoice to San Mateo ASC in accordance with Management Instruction FM-640-1999-1, Payments for Supplies and Services Using the Miscellaneous Disbursement Payment Process Under Local Buying Authority. b. No-fee money orders. c. Cash. If payment is from the imprest fund, see Handbook F-19, Accountability of Disbursing Officers. If a cash-fixed credit is used, see Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures. d. Imprest fund check (if less than $2,000). For more information on these means of payment see Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, and other related finance documents. 722.632 Advance Payment Do not make advance payment under local buying authority, except as described in Management Instruction FM-610-96-1, Advance Payments, and Handbook AS-709, Credit Card Policies and Procedures for Local Buying. 722.64 Documentation and Reconciliation In accordance with applicable policies and procedures, maintain appropriate documentation to reconcile all local buys. Reconciliation requires verifying that what was ordered was received and was paid at the agreed upon price. You must retain proper documentation (electronic or hard copy) to support this reconciliation process. This typically includes sales and credit receipts, delivery tickets or packing slips, buying logs, capital property records, dispute documentation, and payment records. When capital property is bought with the Postal Service capital purchase card, you must complete PS Form 8162, Capital Property Record, and forward it to the San Mateo ASC. Document retention requirements are available in Handbooks AS-709, Credit Card Policies and Procedures for Local Buying; AS-701, Material Management; and AS-305, Records Control; and, when applicable, in Material Logistics Bulletins (MLBs). 722.65 Assistance Contact Administrative Services at the district, the assigned PSC, or the Topeka NMCS for guidance on local buying authority or the Postal Service purchase card program. Direct questions about approval authority or non-credit card payment methods to district Finance. 722.7 Cleaning Services Valued at less than $10,000 Local agreements for janitorial services up to $10,000 per year may be made utilizing a self-employed individual. If the agreement will be for longer than 1 year, PS Form 7355, Cleaning Agreement, is used, and a one-page payment agreement is made directly with the St. Louis ASC. If the agreement is for a shorter period, PS Form 8230, Authorization for Payment, is used and a copy of the form and the original invoice are sent to the Scanning and Invoice Center, Sioux Falls, SD, ZIP+4, which processes the form and invoice for payment by the relevant ASC. * * * * * — Supply Management Infrastructure,
HANDBOOK REVISION Handbook AS-805, Information SecurityWe have revised Handbook AS-805, Information Security, chapter 9, to clarify account information as follows: • We have reorganized 9-5.3, Types of Accounts, to group the types of accounts and to add a section to address generic accounts. • We have added a section to 9-5.4, Account Management, to address the issue of departing personnel. We will incorporate these revisions into the online version of this handbook available on the Postal ServiceTM Intranet on the PolicyNet Web site at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim; click on HBKs. Handbook AS-805, Information Security * * * * * 9 Information Security Services * * * * * 9-5 Accountability * * * * * 9-5.3 Types of Accounts [Revise 9-5.3 to read as follows:] Access to information resources will be managed through the use of multiple types of accounts, including the following: a. Regular. b. Privileged. c. Managed. 1. Shared. 2. Training. 3. Machine. d. Generic. e. Guest. f. Other. * * * * * [Replace all the headings and text of existing 9-5.3.3 through 9-5.3.7 with new 9-5.3.3 through 9-5.3.6 to read as follows:] 9-5.3.3 Managed Accounts Managed accounts are accounts in which a Postal Service entity is responsible for the lifecycle of the account from creation, deployment, usage, and retirement when no longer needed. Managed accounts must be assigned to the organization's incumbent manager. 9- Shared Accounts Shared accounts have a single logon ID and are used by more than one person. Establishment of shared accounts will meet the following criteria: a. Shared accounts must be placed under management control. b. The requesting manager is responsible for the use of shared accounts. c. The requesting manager must control access to the password. d. If accountability is required, such as with privileged documents, the use of this account must be logged. 9- Training Accounts Training accounts are variants of individual or shared accounts that are established on a specific information resource for student use while in class. Training accounts must be limited to the minimum functionality required to achieve the training and must not include access to Postal Service production systems. 9- Machine Accounts Machine accounts are assigned to an information resource or other automated process used to identify actions or requests. Machine accounts must be placed under management control. Machine accounts must be created with the minimum access rights and privileges required to perform the necessary business function. These accounts must not be allowed root or administrative privileges. System administrators are responsible for the management and integrity of these accounts. 9-5.3.4 Generic Accounts Generic accounts are used where accountability is not required. Use of generic accounts must be approved by the manager, CISO. 9-5.3.5 Guest Accounts Guest accounts are not allowed for access to Postal Service network information resources. Guest accounts expose information resources to risk by allowing access to information resources through the use of a generic logon ID that utilizes either no password or a widely known password. Guest accounts incorporated into any software or established through any other means must be deleted or disabled. 9-5.3.6 Other Accounts Standards must be established for other types of accounts, such as started tasks. 9-5.4 Account Management * * * * * [Add new 9-5.4.4 to read as follows:] Departing Personnel Accounts must be deleted or passwords changed when personnel leave the organization. * * * * * — Corporate Information Security Office,
HANDBOOK REVISION Handbook AS-805-D, Information Security Network Connectivity ProcessWe have revised Handbook AS-805-D, Information Security Network Connectivity Process, to reflect the change of responsibility for the Network Connectivity Review Board chair. We will incorporate this revision into the online version of Handbook AS-805-D, which is available at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim; click on HBKs. Handbook AS-805-D, Information Security Network Connectivity Process * * * * * Transmittal Letter * * * * * D. Comments and Questions [Revise first line of address to read as follows:] CORPORATE INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICE * * * * * 1 Introduction * * * * * 1-4 Types of Connectivity Requiring Review by the NCRB [Revise text to read as follows:] The following types of network connections available with the Postal ServiceTM require review by the NCRB: a. Connections of non-Postal Service systems or networks to the Postal Service network infrastructure. b. Nonstandard (not on the Postal Service network infrastructure contract) Postal-to-Postal connectivity (i.e., cable or DSL). c. Extension of the Postal Service Intranet network into a remote site of a business partner. d. Externally facing applications such as FTP servers and web applications. e. Perimeter firewall configurations and perimeter firewall change requests. f. Secure enclave firewall configurations and secure enclave firewall change requests. g. Wireless LANs, wireless access points, and wireless devices such as personal digital devices (PDAs). h. Applications accessing development, production, or internal Postal Service networks via the Internet. 1-5 The Network Connectivity Review Board 1-5.1 Role of the Network Connectivity Review Board * * * * * [Revise the second paragraph to read as follows:] The NCRB will evaluate and approve or deny any changes to Postal Service firewall configurations before the Corporate Information Security Office, Telecommunication Services, or their designee makes any changes to firewall configurations. * * * * * 1-5.2 Membership of the Network Connectivity Review Board [Revise text to read as follows:] The NCRB consists of representatives from the Corporate Information Security Office, Telecommunications Services, and other Postal Service organizations (acting as ad hoc experts). 2 Roles and Responsibilities * * * * * 2-2 Manager, Telecommunications Services [Revise text to read as follows:] The manager, Telecommunications Services, is responsible for the following: a. Appointing representatives to the NCRB. b. Managing business partner firewalls. c. Managing remote access, VPN, and dial-in connectivity. d. Designing and managing the Postal Service network infrastructure. 2-3 Manager, Corporate Information Security Office [Revise text to read as follows:] The manager, Corporate Information Security Office, is responsible for the following: a. Appointing representatives to the NCRB. b. Appointing the NCRB chair. c. Managing all firewalls within the Postal Service intranet. d. Managing all perimeter firewalls. * * * * * 2-6 Executive Sponsors ***Executive sponsors are also responsible for the following: [Revise item d to read as follows:] d. Ensuring that the Postal Inspection Service or a designated Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) from the Corporate Information Security Office completes a BP site risk assessment. * * * * * [Revise item j to read as follows:] j. Ensuring that the NCRB has approved any substantive configuration or procedural change before it is implemented. * * * * * 2-8 Business Partners Business partners are responsible for the following: * * * * * b. After connectivity approval: * * * * * [Revise item 5 to read as follows:] 5. Allowing security reviews by the Corporate Information Security Office. * * * * * 2-9 All Requesters of Connectivity to Externally Facing Applications [Revise introductory text and item b to read as follows:] Anyone requesting connectivity to externally facing applications is responsible for the following: * * * * * b. After connectivity approval: * * * * * [Revise item 5 to read as follows:] 5. Allowing security reviews by the Corporate Information Security Office. * * * * * 3 The Network Connectivity Process * * * * * 3-2 Submitting the Package * * * * * b. Executive sponsor: * * * * * [Revise item 2 to read as follows:] 2. Submits the connectivity request package to the NCRB. * * * * * 3-3 Business-to-Business Connectivity Requirements * * * * * 3-3.2 Extending the Postal Service Internal Network Into A Remote Business Partner Site * * * * * [Revise items a and b to read as follows:] a. All connections to any networks other than the Postal Service network infrastructure will be controlled by firewalls managed by the Corporate Information Security Office (CISO) or its designee. b. Network change control must obtain the approval of CISO before any network changes are made for any network managed under the Postal Service network infrastructure contract. [Revise introductory text for item c as follows:] c. CISO or its designee must have: * * * * * — Corporate Information Security Office,
Title of Mailing | Class and Type of Mail |
Requested Delivery Dates |
Number of Pieces (Millions) | Distribution | Presort Level | Comments |
The Sportsman's Guide, July Main | Standard/Catalog | 6/23/03-6/27/03 | 1.2 | Nationwide | 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt | Quad Graphics, Martinsburg, WV |
Seventh Avenue | Standard/Letter | 6/30/03-7/4/03 | 1.0 | Nationwide | Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt | Wallace, Buffalo, NY |
Hallmark Late Summer Postcard | Standard/Letter | 6/30/03-7/15/03 | 4.5 | Nationwide | Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt | Vertis, Chalfont, PA |
JCP Uniform & Scrubs | Standard/Catalog | 7/4/03-7/7/03 | 1.3 | Nationwide | Car-Rt | Quebecorworld |
Pottery Barn Kids | Standard/Flat | 7/7/03-7/8/03 | 2.9 | Nationwide | 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt | Quad Graphics, Hartford, WI |
JCP Super Savings Day | Standard/Booklet | 7/7/03-7/9/03 | 17.0 | Nationwide | Car-Rt | Harte-Hanks |
Seventh Avenue | Standard/Catalog | 7/7/03-7/11/03 | 1.2 | Nationwide | Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt | Wallace, Buffalo, NY |
— Business Service Network Integration, Service and Market Development, 6-26-03 |
On June 13, 2003, the Postal ServiceTM published a notice in the Federal Register asking for public comment on our 2004-2008 Five-Year Strategic Plan. The Federal Register notice is titled "Request for Comments on Revising and Updating the 2004-2008 Five-Year Strategic Plan, Pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993."
We are requesting that the public submit its comments by July 18, 2003, to the following address:
WASHINGTON DC 20260-5142
A copy of the Federal Register notice is available on the following Postal Service Web sites:
• On the Intranet at http://blue.usps.gov; click on 2004-2008 Five-Year Strategic Plan.
• On the Internet at www.usps.com; click on 2004-2008 Five-Year Strategic Plan.
The direct link is www.usps.com/communications/organization/5yearplan.htm.
If you wish to comment on the Federal Register notice for the 2004-2008 Five-Year Strategic Plan, please send an e-mail to 5YearStrategicPlan@usps.gov (this e- mail address is not case-sensitive).
— Strategic Planning, 6-26-03
Effective June 26, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) A030.1.4f is revised to clarify that all ancillary service endorsements under DMM F010.5.1 may be used to meet the Move Update standard required for Presorted and automation rate First-Class Mail® pieces, except "Forwarding Service Requested." The eligible endorsements are "Address Service Requested," "Return Service Requested," "Change Service Requested," and "Temp - Return Service Requested."
DMM A030.1.0, E130.3.1, and E140.1.1 are also revised to reflect the editorial consistency of capitalizing the term "Move Update" throughout the DMM.
We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 58 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at http://pe.usps.gov.
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
A000 Basic Addressing
* * * * *
A030 Address Quality
[Revise 1.0 by changing every instance of "move update" to "Move Update" in the introductory text of 1.1, 1.1b, 1.1c, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5.]
1.1 Basic Standards
[Revise first sentence of 1.1 by changing "forwarding" to "forwarding or return" to read as follows:]
The Move Update standard is a means of reducing the number of mailpieces in a mailing that require forwarding or return by periodic matching of a mailer's address records with customer-filed change-of-address orders received and maintained by the USPS.***
* * * * *
1.4 USPS-Approved Methods
The following methods are authorized for meeting the Move Update standard:
* * * * *
[Revise 1.4f by changing "endorsement under F010.5.0" to "endorsements under F010.5.1 except `Forwarding Service Requested'" to read as follows:]
f. Ancillary service endorsements under F010.5.1 except "Forwarding Service Requested."
* * * * *
E Eligibility
* * * * *
E100 First-Class Mail
* * * * *
E130 Nonautomation Rates
* * * * *
3.1 All Pieces
[Change "move update" to "Move Update" in 3.1c(1).]
* * * * *
E140 Automation Rates
1.1 All Pieces
[Change "move update" to "Move Update" in 1.1d(1).]
* * * * *
- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 6-26-03
Effective October 1, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) A030.1.4b, A910.6.1, and A950.1.3 are revised to add National Change of Address Linkage System Product, or NCOALink, as an additional method by which mailers preparing Presorted and automation rate First-Class Mail® pieces can meet the Move Update standard described in this article and defined in DMM A030.1.0.
NCOALink will help mailers update addresses with the latest change-of-address information filed by customers. Mailers will be able to process a mailing list using NCOALink and update that list using secure data store technology. This new product will be available under license from the Postal ServiceTM to both individual mailers and service bureaus.
This product enables the Postal Service to make available a pre-mailing address correction service in a format that is not a clear text address list, but is instead a mathematical formulation. As a result, mailers can integrate the NCOALink product into their own in-house computer technology and have the ability to update address-specific information for mailings during their business operations.
Improving the quality of mailer address information benefits the mailer and the Postal Service. A mailer benefits by managing correct address information for the customer, which reduces mailing costs and other business costs associated with handling inaccurate address information. The Postal Service benefits from reduced volumes of undeliverable-as-addressed mail, which decreases processing and handling costs for such mail.
The Move Update standard is an address quality process that mailers seeking First-Class Mail Presorted and automation rates must use to improve the quality of address information in order to reduce the number of mailpieces in a mailing that require forwarding or return due to customer moves. This standard, however, does not apply to single-piece rate First-Class Mail items or to any other class of mail or any other rate.
For the purposes of this standard, address means a specific address associated with a specific occupant name. At the present time, the Move Update standard
for First-Class Mail Presorted and automation rate pieces requires the following:
• Each address and associated occupant name used on the mailpieces in a mailing must be updated within 180 days before the mailing date, with one of the Postal Service-approved methods in DMM A030.1.4.
• Each individual address in the mailing is subject to the Move Update standard.
• If an address used on a mailpiece in a mailing at one class of mail and rate is updated with an approved method (e.g., NCOALink or Address Change Service), the same address may be used during the following 180 days and meets the Move Update standard required.
For more information about NCOALink or Move Update, contact the Postal Service National Customer Support Center (NCSC) at 800-238-3150.
We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 58 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at http://pe.usps.gov.
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
A000 Basic Addressing
* * * * *
A030 Address Quality
* * * * *
1.4 USPS-Approved Methods
[Revise the introductory sentence by changing "move update" to "Move Update" to read as follows:]
The following methods are authorized for meeting the Move Update standard:
* * * * *
[Revise 1.4b by adding "or NCOALink to read as follows:]
b. National Change of Address (NCOA) or NCOALink.
* * * * *
A900 Customer Support
* * * * *
6.1 General
[Revise 6.1 by adding "or NCOALink" to read as follows:]
Election boards or voter registration commissions may use the "Return Service Requested" endorsement and/or the National Change of Address (NCOA) system or NCOALink to maintain current address lists.
* * * * *
A950 Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)
* * * * *
1.3 Methods
[Revise 1.3 by adding "or NCOALink" and by deleting "USPS CD-ROM diskette ZIP+4 coding service" to read as follows:]
Delivery point or ZIP+4 coding may be obtained by using the National Change of Address (NCOA) process or NCOALink; CASS-certified DPC address matching software; CASS-certified Z4CHANGE process; or Delivery Sequence File (DSF) or Delivery Sequence File, Second Generation (DSF2) process.
* * * * *
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 6-26-03
Effective June 26, 2003, Postal Operations Manual (POM) is revised to extend the length of time carriers hold the mail of a deceased person from 10 to 20 days.
We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of POM 10 and also into the online version of the POM, which can be accessed at http://blue.usps.gov; click on Manuals.
Postal Operations Manual (POM)
* * * * *
6 Delivery Services
61 Conditions of Delivery
* * * * *
612 Delivery of Addressee's Mail to Another
* * * * *
612.4 Mail Addressed to Deceased Persons
612.41 Delivery
[Revise text to read as follows:]
The Postal ServiceTM should deliver as addressed any mail addressed to a deceased person. Anyone who would normally receive the addressee's mail at that address may receive the mail. If there is evidence that an individual is deceased and the mail is not being picked up, then:
a. The carrier must:
(1) Complete a PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/ Reminder/Receipt, and leave it in the mail receptacle.
(2) Take the mail back to the office.
(3) Bundle the mailpieces and endorse the top mailpiece with the current date, then place the bundle with other mail held for customers. These actions begin the 20-day hold period.
b. The carrier must not:
(1) Make any further delivery to this address for this individual, unless written notification is received or the 20-day holding period has expired.
(2) Initiate a PS Form 3575, Change-of-Address Order, for a deceased person.
Only if the Postal Service has received no written instructions after 20 days should carriers treat the mail as undeliverable.
* * * * *
— Consumer Affairs Operations,
Consumer Advocate, 6-26-03