Diversity Development has published two posters
emphasizing the importance of addressing inappropriate
workplace behavior. Early identification and elimination of
inappropriate behavior helps to ensure that every employee in the United States Postal Service® can enjoy a
safe, secure, and productive work environment. Together,
these posters deliver a clear message that the Postal ServiceTM will not tolerate inappropriate behavior within the
Posters 128 and 143 are available on the Postal Service
PolicyNet Web site at; click on Posters.
You can also order Posters 128 and 143 from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) as follows:
• Touch Tone Order Entry (TTOE): Call
800-332-0317, option 2.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register,
call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave
a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before you place your first order).
• E-mail: Complete PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition (manually or using FormFlow), and send it as
an attachment to the e-mail address MDC Customer
Service or to
• Mail: Mail a completed PS Form 7380 to the MDC at
the following address:
TOPEKA KS 66624-9702
Both posters are described below and on the next page.
Poster 128 comes in two sizes (i.e., 8 1/2-by-11-inch
and 16-by-20-inch posters).
The following information is needed to order Poster 128:
NSN: 7610-05-000-5588
Unit of Measure: EA
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Bulk Pack Quantity: 200
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Price: $0.0395
Edition Date: 12/02
Poster 143 shows a dialogue between a persistent person who gives unwanted attention and the recipient who
takes action and reports it to her supervisor.
The following information is needed to order Poster 143:
NSN: 7610-05-000-5963
Unit of Measure: EA
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Bulk Pack Quantity: 1,000
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Price: $0.2325
Edition Date: 02/03
- Headquarters and Field Programs,
Diversity Development, 8-7-03
The Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 824 requires safety and health inspections of Postal ServiceTM installations,
including Vehicle Maintenance Facilities (VMFs). For VMFs with 100 or more employees,
the servicing Safety Office must conduct and document the semi- annual inspections.
For VMFs with fewer than 100 employees, the designated and trained VMF collateral
duty facility safety coordinator (FSC) must conduct and document the annual
For both types of VMFs, VMF managers must use inspection checklists to conduct the inspections. You can find
the VMF inspection checklists on the Postal Service intranet. Go to, and click on:
1. Headquarters,
2. Safety Resources (listed under "Human Resources"),
3. Program Management,
4. Safety Checklists,
5. VMF, and then
6. Safety and Health Checklists.
VMF managers must:
1. Complete all VMF safety and health inspections and
send the certification to the supporting Safety Office
by September 5, 2003.
2. Post inspection results (see ELM 824.426).
3. Ensure all deficiencies are timely abated (see ELM
4. Certify completion and abatement of the inspection to
the servicing Safety Office.
FSCs may use the Safety Toolkit 2.0 (see instructions
below) to enter their inspection findings and generate the
required safety and health inspection report. FSCs should
request access to the Safety Toolkit from their servicing
Safety Office manager.
Servicing Safety Office managers must enter the inspection completion dates in the scheduler provided in the
Safety Toolkit 2.0 available on the Postal Service intranet.
Go to, and click on:
1. Headquarters,
2. Safety Resources (listed under "Human Resources"),
3. Citation Management, and then
4. Safety Toolkit 2.0.
Servicing Safety Office managers must also provide
support to the VMF managers in abating hazards as
For technical and programmatic assistance, VMF managers should contact their servicing Safety Office.
- Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 8-7-03
As summer days grow shorter, communities across
America will soon observe that timeless annual ritual: the
first day of school. It's a time when parents breathe a sigh
of relief and students and teachers anticipate new beginnings and challenges. Unfortunately, the beginning of
school is also a time when children are at increased risk of
transportation-related injuries from pedestrian, bicycle,
school bus, and motor vehicle crashes, because many
more children are on the road each morning and afternoon
and many drivers' patterns change.
Shorter daylight hours make it especially difficult to see
young pedestrians and bicyclists. As schools open their
doors, it's time for everyone - motorists, parents, educators, and students - to improve their traffic safety practices. By adhering to the following safety tips from the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you can
help make this a safe and happy school year for the entire
• Slow down and obey all traffic laws and speed limits.
Be alert and ready to stop.
• Always stop for a school bus that has stopped to load
or unload passengers. Red flashing lights and an extended stop arm tell you the school bus is stopped to
load or unload children. State law requires you to
• Watch for children walking in the street, especially
where there are no sidewalks.
• Watch for children playing and gathering near bus
stops. Watch for children arriving late for the bus because they may dart into the street without looking for
• Watch for children walking or biking to school.
• When driving in neighborhoods or school zones,
watch for young people who may be in a hurry to get
to school and may not be thinking about getting there
- Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 8-7-03
The U.S. Postal Service® has embraced today's
technology in developing the new Corporate Succession
Planning (CSP) Process. The new process is secure and
will provide more access for eligible employees to
When we announce the CSP open season, you will be
able to apply online using your PostalEASE postal identification number (PIN). Access is that simple! If you don't
know your PIN, simply call PostalEASE toll free at
877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273).
- Headquarters and Field Programs,
Diversity Development, 8-7-03
The U.S. Postal Service® seeks nominations for the
2003 National Awards Program for Diversity Achievement.
This award recognizes career employees who have made
significant contributions by encouraging, promoting, and
celebrating diversity within the organization.
All career employees are eligible for nomination and
participation - excluding the manager of Diversity and Human Capital Development, senior Diversity Program coordinator, Diversity Development specialists, and Hispanic
program specialists, except where noted as an essential
member of a team or partnership.
Information on the awards program is available on
the Diversity Development Web site at
diversitynet/awards. If you do not have intranet access,
contact your local senior Diversity Programs coordinator or
specialist for information on how to complete and submit a
nomination. If you do not know who your local senior
Diversity Programs coordinator and specialist are, contact
Diversity Development specialists Theresa Leneau, at
202-268-6495, or Manny Vasquez, at 202-268-5134.
Awards will be given in the following five categories:
• Individual.
• Leadership.
• Team.
• Partnership.
• "Dot Sharpe" Lifetime Achievement Award.
The 2003 award winners will be selected for their exceptional contributions in the following areas:
• Focus on the Customer.
• Focus on the Employee.
• Focus on the Business.
The nomination deadline is September 12, 2003. See
the Award Eligibility Table that follows for specific criteria.
Focus on the Customer |
Focus on the Business |
Focus on the Employee |
In support of the Transformation Plan's imperative "Growth Through Value,"
nominees should discuss the acts that
support our customers' diverse needs and
develop services and solutions to meet
Possible areas of impact: Activities that
provide or improve service performance to
diverse populations, including the elderly,
multilingual, and physically challenged.
Multicultural awareness: Did the nominees
show increased understanding, sensitivity,
or appreciation of diversity by using or
promoting services for diverse
Customer needs: Did the nominee play an
instrumental part in formulating or extending
postal services to meet the needs of diverse
Emerging markets: Did the nominee show
the ability to implement strategies that target
emerging markets for Postal ServiceTM
products and services?
Community outreach: Did the nominee
improve service by initiating contacts and
providing information to the community in
response to local needs?
Marketing/Communications: Did the
nominee enhance the impact of diversity
awareness in marketing, communications,
promotions, and messaging?
Planning and assessment: Did the nominee
contribute actions or suggestions that
enabled the Postal Service to understand,
accommodate, or embrace cultural
differences? |
In support of the Transformation Plan's imperative "Operational Efficiency,"
nominees should initiate actions to address
diversity issues that impact business and
financial performance.
Possible areas of impact: Activities that
increase revenue, reduce spending, or
improve productivity.
Promotion of stamps and other Postal
Service products and services: Did the
nominee advertise or promote the sale of
ethnic stamps, Stamps-By-Mail®, Stamps
Online, or international products and
services to increase revenue, reduce lobby
lines, or make it easier for the customer to
do business?
Customer interface: Did the nominee
respond to external and internal customers' needs by using communication techniques
to provide quality service, encourage sales,
and increase revenue?
Strategic plan: Did the nominee implement
or employ diversity initiatives to achieve
business goals and objectives, or contribute
to the success of such initiatives?
Communications: Did the nominee express
appreciation of diversity in general
communication efforts and multicultural
communication initiatives?
Socio-economic: Did the nominee develop
a supplier base that mirrors the diversity of
the Postal Service's customer base?
In support of the Transformation Plan's imperative "Performance Based Culture,"
nominees should demonstrate actions that
support the development of a diverse
workforce and the improvement of the
workplace environment.
Possible areas of impact: Activities that
provide employee development
opportunities and improve the workplace
environment include the following: training,
career awareness conferences, mentoring
programs, elder/child care, work
environment, benefits, scheduling, and
special programs.
Vision: Did the nominee demonstrate a
vision for valuing, supporting, or
implementing diversity within the
Personal leadership: Did the nominee's
actions demonstrate personal responsibility
for increasing awareness and appreciation
of diversity?
Management: Did the nominee help
establish and develop a diversity-sensitive
management environment?
Communication: Did the nominee provide
effective direction and communication in
support of understanding, managing,
valuing, and affirming diversity?
Goal setting: Did the nominee integrate,
manage, or embody diversity as part of
organizational goals?
Cultural change: Did the nominee address
changing workplace needs and concerns
through employee forums, focus groups,
roundtable sessions, training, or
Affirmative employment: Did the nominee
promote all groups' participation in career
counseling and awareness, women's
and/or Hispanic conferences, or mentoring
programs for people with disabilities? |
- Headquarters and Field Programs, Diversity Development, 8-7-03
We have combined ICM updates into one Postal Bulletin article to save space and paper. 18 ICM updates appear here.
On April 30, 2003, the Postal ServiceTM amended an
International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement
dated November 15, 2001. The Agreement was published
on page 34 of Postal Bulletin 22105 (6-26-03). The Amendment modifies the term of the Agreement. In accordance
with International Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously announced entering into an International
Customized Mail Service Agreement with this Qualifying
Mailer and now makes public the following information regarding this Amendment:
a. Term: May 1, 2001, through June 30, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.
On June 30, 2003, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated
May 1, 2001. The Agreement was published on page 34 of Postal Bulletin 22105 (6-26-03). The Amendment modifies
the term of the Agreement. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously announced entering into an International Customized Mail
Service Agreement with this Qualifying Mailer and now
makes public the following information regarding this
a. Term: May 1, 2001, through August 31, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.
On June 13, 2003, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated
May 1, 2001. The Agreement was published on page 37 of Postal Bulletin 22105 (6-26-03). The Amendment modifies
the term of the Agreement. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously announced entering into an International Customized Mail
Service Agreement with this Qualifying Mailer and now
makes public the following information regarding this
a. Term: May 1, 2001, through August 31, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.
On June 30, 2003, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated
July 17, 1999. The Agreement was published on page 37 of Postal Bulletin 22021 (4-06-00). The Amendment modifies
the term of the Agreement. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously
announced entering into an International Customized Mail
Service Agreement with this Qualifying Mailer and now
makes public the following information regarding this
a. Term: July 17, 1999, through August 31, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.
On June 16, 2003, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated
April 5, 2001. The Agreement was published on page 49 of Postal Bulletin 22048 (4-19-01). The Amendment modifies
the term of the Agreement. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously
announced entering into an International Customized Mail
Service Agreement with this Qualifying Mailer and now
makes public the following information regarding this
a. Term: April 5, 2001, through August 31, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.
On June 24, 2003, the Postal Service amended an International Customized Mail (ICM) Service Agreement dated
May 1, 2001. The Agreement was published on page 61 of Postal Bulletin 22059 (9-20-01). The Amendment modifies
the term of the Agreement. In accordance with International
Mail Manual (IMM) 297.4, the Postal Service previously
announced entering into an International Customized Mail
Service Agreement with this Qualifying Mailer and now
makes public the following information regarding this
a. Term: May 1, 2001, through August 31, 2003.
b. Type of mail: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
c. Destination countries: All other provisions of the
Agreement shall remain in force.
d. Service provided by the Postal Service: All other
provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
e. Minimum volume commitments: All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in force.
f. Worksharing: All other provisions of the Agreement
shall remain in force.
g. Rates: All other provisions of the Agreement shall
remain in force.