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Domestic Mail


Advertising in Media Mail

Effective October 2, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) E713.1.1e is revised to clarify that sound recordings eligible as Media Mail may contain advertising consisting solely of incidental announcements of other sound recordings.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

E Eligibility

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E700 Package Services

E710 Basic Standards

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E713 Media Mail

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1.1 Qualified Items

Only these items may be mailed at the Media Mail rates:

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[Revise item e to read as follows:]

e. Sound recordings, including incidental announcements of recordings and guides or scripts prepared solely for use with such recordings. Video recordings and player piano rolls are classified as sound recordings.

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- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 9-18-03


Greater Flexibility for Repositionable Notes

Effective October 2, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) C810.7.5 is revised to clarify that repositionable notes on First-Class MailŽ and Standard Mail barcoded letter-size mailpieces may be constructed with a tolerance of +/- 1/8" from the 3" x 3" dimensions previously required.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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C Characteristics and Content

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C800 Automation-Compatible Mail

C810 Letters and Cards

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7.5 Notes Characteristics

Repositionable notes must:

[Revise item a to read as follows:]

a. Measure 3 inches by 3 inches, plus or minus 1/8 inch for either dimension.

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards
Pricing and Classification, 9-18-03


Express Mail Corporate Account - Payment Options

Effective October 1, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) P500.2.3 is revised to add a new payment option for mailers who open and maintain Express Mail Corporate Accounts (EMCAs). DMM P500.2.3 is also revised to clarify that mailers may participate in the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS) as another option for opening and maintaining an EMCA.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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P Postage and Payment Methods

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P500 Express Mail

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2.3 Minimum Balance

[Redesignate current 2.3 as new 2.3c. Add new introductory text, 2.3a, and 2.3b to read as follows:]

For opening and maintaining an account, the mailer may do any of the following:

a. Participate in the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS), which requires no initial deposit and no maintenance of a minimum balance.

b. Use a personal or business credit card, which requires no initial deposit and no maintenance of a minimum balance.

c. Make an initial deposit with cash or by check of $250, or the total postage and fees expected during the first 4 weeks of account usage, whichever is higher. After that, the minimum balance in the account must equal an average week's postage and fees, or $100, whichever is higher, calculated as follows:

(1) If the completed postal quarter is quarter one, two, or three, the average week's postage and fees is determined by dividing by 12 the actual postage and fee activities during the last completed postal quarter.

(2) If the completed postal quarter is quarter four, the actual postage and fee activities are divided by 16.

* * * * *

- Package Services,
Product Development, 9-18-03


Dating Metered Mail - Standard Mail and Package Services

Effective October 2, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) P030.9.12 and P030.9.13 are revised to clarify the standards for the format of mailing dates permitted with Standard Mail and Package Services mailpieces prepared with postage meters or postage evidencing systems and the standards for the deposit of such mail.

These standards were first condensed from three dating formats to two with the publication of DMM Issue 46 on July 1, 1993. These standards were then further shortened and reorganized with the publication of DMM Issue 57 on June 30, 2002 (also see Postal Bulletin 22062 (11-1-01, pages 9-23)). As a consequence, it is no longer clear how the mailing date should be prepared for metered Standard Mail and Package Services mailpieces.

Under this revision to DMM P030.9.12, text is restored that specifically permits the following three formats for dating metered Standard Mail and Package Services mailpieces:

• Complete date showing month (abbreviated), day, and year (represented by all four digits of the year or the last two digits of the year), such as "SEP 18 2003" or "SEP 18 '03."

• Month (abbreviated) and year (represented by all four digits of the year or the last two digits of the year), such as "SEP `03" or "SEP 2003."

• No date.

Regardless of date format used, the mailer may print the indicia directly onto the mailpiece or onto a tape to be affixed to the mailpiece. For Standard Mail and Package Services mailpieces, mailing standards before DMM Issue 57 allowed the indicia to reflect only the month and year format when printed onto a tape or meter strip rather than directly onto the mailpiece.

The following table summarizes the availability of the various date formats by class of mail, metered reply mail, and certain special services. Other special services available for metered Standard Mail and Package Services mail do not require the use of a complete date in the indicia. Regardless of class of mail, a complete date is always required on any mailpiece if the indicia or mailing labels with the indicia included are produced on nonadhesive paper, such as computer paper, and then affixed to the mailpiece.

Mail Type Date Format and Availability
Complete Date Month and Year Only No Date
First-Class MailŽ Yes No No
Priority MailŽ Yes No No
Express MailŽ Yes No No
Standard Mail Yes Yes Yes
Package Services Mail Yes Yes Yes
PC PostageŽ Metered Reply Mail Yes No No
Non-PC Postage Metered Reply Mail No No Yes
Insured Mail Yes No No
Collect on Delivery Mail Yes No No
Special Handling Mail Yes No No

Date of Deposit

The date when metered mailpieces are deposited as authorized or presented to the Postal ServiceTM for mailing depends on the format of mailing date used in the indicia:

Complete Date. Metered pieces showing a complete mailing date (month, day, and year) in the indicia must be deposited or presented for mailing on the date shown in the indicia, with these exceptions:

(1) Authorized dispatch-prepared presorted mail accepted by the Postal Service after midnight may bear the previous day's date.

(2) Mail entered after the day's last scheduled collection from the licensing Post OfficeTM or collection box may bear either that day's date or the date of the next scheduled collection from the licensing Post Office or collection box.

(3) Prepaid metered reply mail with an information- based indicia (IBI) generated by a PC Postage system.

Month and Year. Metered pieces bearing only the month and year in the indicia may be deposited or presented for mailing on any day during the month shown in the indicia and through the third day of the following month.

No Date. Metered pieces bearing no date in the indicia may be deposited or presented for mailing on any date.

Place of Deposit

All Standard Mail mailings must be verified either at an authorized detached mail unit or presented for verification at a designated Postal Service acceptance point where the permit or license is held and the annual presort mailing fee has been paid. Plant-verified drop shipment Standard Mail mailings must be presented for verification, acceptance, and entry under DMM M950.

All presorted, carrier route, destination entry, and barcoded discount Package Services mailings must be verified either at an authorized detached mail unit or presented for verification at a designated Postal Service acceptance point where the permit or license is held and where any required annual fee has been paid. Plant-verified drop shipment Package Services mailings must be presented for verification, acceptance, and entry under DMM M950.

Standard Mail pieces may not be deposited into Postal Service collection boxes and receptacles or into other mail collection receptacles in commercial buildings. Properly paid single-piece metered Package Services pieces may be deposited in such receptacles if they weigh less than 16 ounces and can fit completely into those receptacles.

Month and Year Dating

For most Standard Mail or Package Services mailers, the use of the month and year format of dating is practical for handling various production runs and for scheduling deposits of metered mail at the appropriate Postal Service facility. This flexibility is especially important if production schedules call for adjustments.

Using a complete date requires methodical and rigorous adherence to production and transportation schedules to ensure that the metered mail is deposited on the date in the indicia. For especially large Standard Mail or Package Services mailings, this lack of flexibility in scheduling can create additional production and logistical burdens for mailers.

Although using no date would provide the greatest production flexibility for Standard Mail and Package Services mailers, that practice is not always advisable. If a mailer chooses to use no date in the indicia, current mailing standards do not allow for postage refunds under DMM P014 if the mailer needs to claim a refund at a later date.

This revision should alleviate many of the concerns of Standard Mail and Package Services mailers who desire flexibility in their mailing operations and, at the same time, who seek assurance that their mailpieces would be eligible for postage refunds if necessary.

Mailers with questions should contact the Post Office where they usually enter their mail. Postal Service employees with questions should contact their district manager of business mail entry.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

P Postage and Payment Methods

* * * * *

P000 Basic Information

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P030 Postage Meters (Postage Evidencing Systems)

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[Revise heading and text of 9.12 to read as follows:]

9.12 Mailing Date Formats

The mailing date in meter indicia must meet the format standards in 9.6 and this section. The year must be represented by all four digits or by the last two digits. The indicia may be printed directly onto mailpieces or onto separate labels or tape affixed to mailpieces. The format of mailing date used in the indicia is subject to the following:

a. Complete Date. At the mailer's option, a complete mailing date (month, day, and year) in the indicia may be used for any Standard Mail or Package Services piece. A complete date must be used for the following:

(1) All First-Class Mail, Priority Mail, and Express Mail pieces.

(2) Any mail with Insured Mail, COD, or Special Handling service.

(3) All mail prepared with the indicia printed on nonadhesive paper (e.g., computer printer paper) and affixed to the mailpiece or used as part of an insert in a window envelope or similar holder.

(4) Prepaid metered reply mail generated by a PC Postage system under 10.4.

b. Month and Year. A mailing date consisting solely of the month and year in the indicia may be used only for Standard Mail and Package Services pieces.

c. No Date. No mailing date may be used in the indicia for prepaid metered reply mail under 10.4, except for IBI generated by a PC Postage system. No mailing date in the indicia may be used for Standard Mail pieces and Package Services pieces not subject to 9.12a.

[Revise heading and text of 9.13 to read as follows:]

9.13 Date Accuracy and Mailing Periods

The date or period when metered mail may be deposited or presented for mailing is controlled by the mailing date in the indicia as follows:

a. Complete Date. Mailpieces bearing a complete date in the indicia must be deposited or presented on that date, except that pieces entered after the day's last scheduled collection from the licensing Post Office or collection box may bear the actual date of entry or the date of the next scheduled collection from the licensing Post Office or collection box. Authorized dispatch-prepared presort mail accepted after midnight may bear the previous day's date. If the mailer knows that the mail is not to be deposited or presented on the date in the indicia, the mailer must use a date correction indicia under 10.1. Prepaid metered reply mail generated by a PC Postage system under 10.4 and showing a complete date in the indicia may be deposited or presented for mailing on any date without date correction.

b. Month and Year. Mailpieces bearing only the month and year in the indicia may be deposited or presented for mailing on any day during the month shown in the indicia and through the third day of the following month.

c. No Date. Mailpieces bearing no date in the indicia may be deposited or presented for mailing on any date.

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- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 9-18-03


Mailing Lottery Tickets

Effective October 2, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) C031.3.3 is revised to clarify that the prohibition against the mailing of lottery tickets does not apply to certain state lottery tickets.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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C Characteristics and Content

C000 General Information

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C030 Nonmailable Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter

C031 Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter Generally

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3.0 LOTTERY MATTER (18 USC 1302)

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3.3 Fishing Contests, Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Lotteries

This standard does not apply to:

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[Reletter current items b and c as new items c and d, and add new item b to read as follows:]

b. Mailings, to addresses within a state, of tickets or other material on a lottery conducted by that state under its laws (18 USC 1307).

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- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 9-18-03


Stop Family Violence Semipostal Stamp

Effective October 11, 2003, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) P022.1.6 and R000.4.0 are revised to incorporate standards for the new Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp. This semipostal stamp was established by the Stamp Out Domestic Violence Act of 2001, Public Law No. 107-67, § 653, 115 Stat. 558 (2001), and the Governors of the United States Postal ServiceŽ set the price of the stamp.

Public Law No. 107-67 directs the Postal ServiceTM to issue a semipostal stamp in order to give the public the opportunity to contribute to domestic violence programs. The Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp is to be issued on October 11, 2003, and may remain on sale through December 31, 2006. The price of the Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp will be 45 cents. Funds raised in connection with this semipostal stamp are to be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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P Postage and Payment Methods

P000 Basic Information

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P020 Postage Stamps and Stationery

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P022 Postage Stamps


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1.6 Semipostal Stamps

Semipostal stamps are subject to the following special conditions:

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b. The following semipostal stamps are available:

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[Add item 1.6b(3) to read as follows:]

(3) The Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp. The difference between the purchase price and the First-Class MailŽ nonautomation single- piece first-ounce letter rate in effect at the time of purchase constitutes a contribution to domestic violence programs and cannot be used to pay postage. Funds (net of reasonable USPS costs) raised in connection with the Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp are transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services.

[Revise item 1.6c to include the R000.4.0 reference for finding the price of semipostal stamps, to read as follows:]

c. The postage value of each semipostal stamp is the First-Class Mail nonautomation single-piece first- ounce letter rate in R100.1.2 that is in effect at the time of purchase. Additional postage must be affixed to pieces weighing in excess of 1 ounce, pieces subject to the nonmachinable surcharge, or pieces for which special services have been elected. The postage value of semipostal stamps purchased before any subsequent change in the First-Class Mail nonautomation single-piece first-ounce letter rate is unaffected by any subsequent change in that rate. The purchase price of each semipostal stamp is listed in R000.4.0.

* * * * *

R Rates and Fees

R000 Stamps and Stationery

* * * * *


[Revise the table in item 4.0 to add information on the Stop Family Violence semipostal stamp at the end of the table, to read as follows:]

Form Per Purpose Denomination
* * * * *
Stop Family Violence
Panes of up to 20
Purchase price of $0.45; postage value equivalent to First-Class Mail nonautomation single-piece rate ($0.37); remainder is contribution to fund domestic violence programs.

* * * * *

- Stamp Services,
Government Relations, 9-18-03


Ordering Information for PS Form 3602-NP

The Postal Bulletin article titled "Repositionable Notes - Revised Postage Statements" in Postal Bulletin 22110 (9-4-03, pages 21-22) contained an error in the quick pick number of PS Form 3602-NP, Postage Statement - Nonprofit Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Postage Affixed. The correct ordering information for this form is given below with the corrected number in bold.

PS Form 3602-NP, Postage Statement - Nonprofit Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Postage Affixed

Use the following information to order PS Form 3602-NP:

NSN: 7530-05-000-5031
Unit of Measure: EA
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Bulk Pack Quantity: NA
Quick Pick Number: 477
Price: $0.0197
Edition Date: 08/03

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 9-18-03


2003 Combined Federal Campaign Guidelines

Schedule and Responsibilities

Each fall, the Postal ServiceTM joins other federal agencies in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) drive. In accordance with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations, the campaign runs for a 6-week period between September 1 and December 15, as established by the Local Federal Coordinating Committee.

Vice presidents of Area Operations have campaign responsibility. Area offices must ensure that campaign information is disseminated to all offices in their jurisdiction.

Guidelines Online

Publication 530, Combined Federal Campaign Operational Guidelines, May 1994, explains how to carry out a successful campaign. The November 1998 update of Publication 530 (available only on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site at http:///; click on PUBs) revised position titles, facility locations, and dates of campaign. The OPM Web site ( offers additional information on the Combined Federal Campaign, including geographic boundaries. If you do not have access to the intranet, call the CFC national coordinator at Headquarters at 202-268-3654.

Pledge Form Management Instructions

1. Make sure local campaign staff check pledge forms for completeness.

2. Distribute pledge forms as follows:

a. Central Receipt and Accounting copy - submit to appropriate CFC official.

b. Employee copy - return to employee.

c. Payroll Office copy -

If the employee has chosen to... Then...
Give a one-time contribution (cash, check, or money order), Destroy the Payroll Office copy.
Make a contribution via payroll deduction, Make sure:
- The Social Security Number is legible.
- The deduction per pay period is indicated.
- The amount per pay period is at least $1.00.
- The amount of the contribution is to be made via payroll deduction.
Before January 1, 2004
Mail the Payroll Office copy to the following address, making sure a full return address for the CFC coordinator is included with each batch of forms:
EAGAN MN 55121-0777

The Eagan Information Services Center (ISC) retains the payroll deduction portions of the pledge cards for 6 months.
After January 1, 2004
Submit to the local DDE/DR site for entry.
Note: All cards dated or sent after January 1, 2004, will be returned to the CFC coordinator for entry by the local DDE/DR site.

Employees Continued