Thrift Savings Plan Open Season
and PostalEASE
When and Who
October 15 through December 31, 2003 - all career employees
Contribution limits for
calendar year 2004
IRS Annual Deferral limit for 2004 is $13,000.
FERS Contribution limit is 14% of basic pay for 2004.
CSRS & CSRS Offset limit is 9% of basic pay for 2004.
Reminder: If you are age 50 or older during calendar year 2004, to participate
in the TSP Catch-Up Contribution election you must have either a regular
election on file to contribute the maximum percentage of basic pay, or an
election on file where the maximum IRS elective deferral limit will be reached
during the calendar year.
TSP Contribution
Elections and
Use the PostalEASE telephone system or the PostalEASE employee Web site
during TSP open season to begin contributing, to change contribution amount
or percentage, or to cancel TSP contributions.
To use PostalEASE, you will need your Social Security number (SSN) and
USPS personal identification number (PIN); available only from PostalEASE.
Call toll free: 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273).
Don't know your USPS PIN? Call PostalEASE; press 1; enter SSN; when
prompted to enter PIN, pause, then press 2. Your USPS PIN will be mailed to
your address of record, usually by the next business day.
Career employees who have trouble using PostalEASE, or who are unable to
use a telephone, may contact local personnel office for help.
TSP Fund Investment
Contact TSP directly, during or outside TSP open season, to change
investment of future TSP contributions or money already in account.
Go to the TSP Web site at, or call the TSP ThriftLine at
504-255-8777. Or mail TSP-50, Investment Allocation, to TSP; available from
your local personnel office (election not effective as quickly).
To use the TSP Web site or TSP ThriftLine, you must know your TSP PIN,
available only from TSP.
Don't know your TSP PIN? Request it from - choose Account
Access. Or via TSP ThriftLine at 504-255-8777 - press 2, enter SSN, follow
instructions. Or, call the TSP Service Office at 504-255-6000 and speak to a
representative. Your new TSP PIN will be mailed to your address of record.
PostalEASE and TSP
Information Mailed to
Career Employees
A TSP leaflet with PostalEASE instructions is mailed to all career employees.
If you do not receive the mailing by mid-November, contact your local
personnel office. In addition, a TSP Summary, cover letter, and PostalEASE
instructions are mailed to all newly hired career employees soon after their
accession PS Form 50 action is processed.
Closing Date and Time
PostalEASE closes 5:00 P.M. Central Time on December 31, 2003, for TSP
open season elections.
< See Thrift Savings Plan Article
Please post on all bulletin boards
through December 31, 2003.
® This office will be
October 13, 2003,
Columbus Day.
This office will be
November 11, 2003,
Veterans Day.
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Service information? Call 800-ASK-USPS, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Or
visit our Web site,, for information, stamps, and so much
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and Publications).
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