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This schedule is subject to change. Updated Announcement 04-A (November 2003)

This is a periodic announcement of new stamps and postal stationery items being issued during the calendar year. For additional information on stamps and stamp products visit our Postal Store Web site at

blank 37¢ Pacific Coral Reefs (10 designs)
(Nature of America)
Jan 2 Honolulu, HI 96820 PSA pane of 10 w/selvage Feb 1
blank 37¢ Year of the Monkey
(Lunar New Year)
Jan 13 San Francisco, CA 94188 PSA pane of 20 Feb 12
P 37¢ Love (Candy Hearts) Jan 14 Revere, MA 02151 PSA convertible book of 20 Feb 13
blank 37¢ Paul Robeson
(Black Heritage)
Jan 20 Princeton, NJ 08540 PSA pane of 20 Feb 19
blank 37¢ Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel Mar 2 La, Jolla, CA 92038 PSA pane of 20 w/header Apr 1
blank 37¢ and 60¢ Weddings:
Garden Blossoms (2 designs)
Mar 4 New York, NY 10199 PSA pane of 20 and PSA book of 20 Apr 3
blank 23¢ Columbia University Mar New York, NY 10199 Stamped card blank
blank 37¢ United States Air Force Academy Apr 1 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 PSA pane of 20 May 1
blank 37¢ Henry Mancini Apr 13 Los Angeles, CA 90052 PSA pane of 20 May 13
blank 37¢ Lewis and Clark (three designs) May 14 TBD PSA prestige book of 20 and PSA pane of 20 Jun 13
blank 37¢ American Choreographers
(four designs)
May New York, NY 10199 PSA pane of 20 w/header blank
blank 37¢ Isamu Noguchi (five designs) TBD Long Island City, NY 11101 PSA pane of 20 w/selvage blank
blank 37¢ National World War II Memorial May 27 Washington, DC 20066 PSA pane of 20 Jun 26
blank 23¢ Wilma Rudolph
(Distinguished Americans)
Jun TBD PSA pane of 20 blank
blank 23¢ Harriton House Jun Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Stamped card blank
blank 37¢ Summer Olympic Games: Athens Jun Athens, GA 30608
Athens, OH 45701
Athens, TX 75751
PSA pane of 20 blank
blank 37¢ USS Constellation TBD Baltimore, MD 21233 PSA pane of 20 blank
blank 37¢ R. Buckminster Fuller Jul 12 Stanford, CA 94305 PSA pane of 20 Aug 11
blank 37¢ James Baldwin (Literary Arts) Aug 2 New York, NY 10199 PSA pane of 20 Sep 1
blank 37¢ "Magnolia" by Heade
(American Treasures)
Aug 12 Sacramento, CA 95813 (APS Stamp Show) PSA double-sided book of 20 Sep 11
blank 37¢ Art of the American Indian
(10 designs)
Sep Washington, DC 20066 PSA souvenir sheet of 10 blank
blank 37¢ Sickle Cell Anemia Sep Atlanta, GA 30304 PSA pane of 20 blank
blank 37¢ Cloudscapes (15 designs) Oct 1 TBD PSA souvenir sheet of 15 Oct 31
blank 37¢ Holiday Ornaments (four designs) Oct 14 New York, NY 10199
(Mega Stamp Show)
PSA pane of 20 Nov 13
blank 37¢ Hanukkah (Holiday Celebrations) Oct 15 New York, NY 10199
(Mega Stamp Show)
PSA pane of 20 Nov 14
blank 37¢ Kwanzaa (Holiday Celebrations) Oct 15 New York, NY 10199
(Mega Stamp Show)
PSA pane of 20 Nov 14
blank 37¢ Moss Hart Oct 24 New York, NY 10199 PSA pane of 20 Nov 23
blank 37¢ Christmas: Madonna & Child by Lorenzo Monaco Oct Washington, DC 20066 PSA pane of 20 blank

Note Descriptions

C: Change in previously announced date, site, and/or rate

N: New issue

P: Pictorial first day postmark

+ Customers must affix additional postage to bring total postage to at least the minimum First-Class Mai® rate for an envelope or stamped card, depending on which is used. Also, the cost for a stamped envelope is the value of the postage plus 8 cents, and the cost for a stamped card is the value of the postage plus 2 cents.

suspicious mail. these tips can help protect you, your business, and your mailroom. a d-link is provided.


make a card of your design - netpost services online. visit

2004 Thrift Savings Plan Catch-Up Contributions for TSP Participants Age 50 and Older, and PostalEASE

When and Who

December 15, 2003, through December 21, 2004 - all career employees
Catch-Up Contribution Limit for Calendar Year 2004 IRS Annual Catch-Up limit for 2004 is $3,000.

Reminder: Calendar year 2004 will have 27 pay periods. If you would like to evenly distribute your TSP Catch-Up Contribution election over all the available pay periods, you must divide the Catch-Up limit ($3,000) by the available pay periods (27), which will equal $112 dollars per pay period (after rounding up to the nearest whole dollar).
TSP Catch-Up Contribution Elections

Use the PostalEASE telephone system or the PostalEASE employee Web site to begin contributing, to change your contribution amount, or to stop your TSP Catch-Up Contribution election.

To use PostalEASE, you will need your Social Security number (SSN) and USPS personal identification number (PIN), available only from PostalEASE.
Call toll free: 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273).
Don't know your USPS PIN? Call PostalEASE; press 1; enter SSN; when prompted to enter PIN, pause, then press 2. Your USPS PIN will be mailed to your address of record, usually by the next business day.
Employees who have trouble using PostalEASE, or who are unable to use a telephone, may contact their local Personnel office for help.
TSP Fund Investment Elections

Contact TSP directly, during or outside TSP open season, to change investment of future TSP contributions or money already in account.

Go to the TSP Web site at, or call the TSP ThriftLine at 504-255-8777. Or mail Form TSP-50, Investment Allocation, to TSP, available from your local Personnel office (election not effective as quickly).
To use the TSP Web site or TSP ThriftLine, you must know your TSP PIN, available only from TSP.
Don't know your TSP PIN? Request it from - choose Account Access. Or call the TSP ThriftLine at 504-255-8777 - press 2, enter SSN, follow instructions. Or call the TSP Service Office at 504-255-6000 and speak to a representative. Your new TSP PIN will be mailed to your address of record.
PostalEASE and TSP Information Mailed to Career Employees Career employees who meet the age requirements receive from Headquarters a direct mailing of a PostalEASE worksheet and cover letter containing TSP Catch-Up Contribution election information at their mailing addresses of record. If you do not receive the mailing by early December, contact your local Personnel office.
Closing Date and Time PostalEASE closes 12 noon Central Time on December 21, 2004, for 2004 TSP Catch-Up Contribution elections.

Please post on all bulletin boards through December 31, 2004.

make medical payments and elder care easier. and save on taxes. flexible spending accounts. open season 11/10 - 12/21/2003 5p.m. central time. call postalease at 1-877-477-3273.

walk right. make safety happen. a d-link is provided.


priority mail bundles. 1 with delivery confirmation service. 2 with insurance. 3 with delivery confirmation service and insurance. visit

This office will be CLOSED

December 25, 2003,

Christmas Day.

Need Postal Service information? Call 800-ASK-USPS, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Or visit our Web site,, for information, stamps, and so much more.