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2003 to 2004 Leave Year - Annual Leave Carryover

The Postal Service TM 2003 leave year ends on January 9, 2004. The 2004 leave year begins on January 10, 2004. The maximum amount of annual leave that employees may carry over from 2003 into the 2004 leave year appears below.

As of January 10, 2004, no provisions exist for employees to carry over annual leave in excess of the applicable carryover maximums.

Employees should coordinate with their supervisors to schedule any excess leave before January 10, 2004.

Maximum Carryover Hours Into the 2004 Leave Year*

Employee Classification Maximum Carryover
Bargaining Employees 440 hours (55 days)
Nonbargaining Employees
EAS (including rate schedule codes E, F, J, and U) 560 hours (70 days)
PCES I (who entered PCES in leave year 2003** 688 hours
Other PCES I** 2002 to 2003 carryover plus 128 hours
PCES II** 2002 to 2003 carryover plus 208 hours

All Postal Service Employees

Note: Leave earned or accumulated in the 2003 leave year in excess of the carryover limits stated above will be lost if not used before January 10, 2004.

* Employees who, on January 1, 1953, had more accumulated leave to their credit than the amounts provided above and who have maintained balances in excess of those amounts may carry over the balance they have maintained.

** PCES executives impacted by organizational change/reduction-in-force are subject to RIF policy.

- Compensation, Employee Resource Management, 12-25-03


The Postal Service brand is a customer's perception brought to you by the US Postal Service.


National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) application.

The Postal Service brand is a customer's perception brought to you by the US Postal Service.


This office will be CLOSED

January 1, 2004,

New Year's Day.

Need Postal Service information? Call 800-ASK-USPS, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Or visit our Web site,, for information, stamps, and so much more.

This office will be CLOSED

January 19, 2004,

Martin Luther King Jr's.


Need Postal Service information? Call 800-ASK-USPS, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Or visit our Web site,, for information, stamps, and so much more.