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WORKHOURS DOWN, PRODUCTIVITY UP: Employee complement falls below 720,000

USPS® continues to do more with less. Employee workhours in quarter 1 of fiscal year 2004 declined by 10 million - 3 million more than forecast - while productivity rose 1.7 percent, Chief Financial Officer Richard Strasser said at a recent USPS Board of Governors meeting.

Nearly 8,500 career employees left the postal workforce through attrition during the first quarter, bringing the USPS career employee complement to 719,850 - the first time it has dipped below 720,000 since 1993.

During quarter 1, USPS posted a net income of $1.8 billion - nearly a half billion less compared with last year. Expenses increased only 1.7 percent, despite rising costs for health benefits, fuel and an ever-expanding delivery network. USPS added 1.7 million s and businesses to its nationwide network, boosting the total to 141.8 million deliveries.

Strasser said revenue for quarter 1 was $18.2 billion, down $181 million, and expenses were $16.4 billion, an increase of $272 million over the same period last year.

Overall mail volumes dropped three-tenths of a percent to 54 billion, said Strasser. Standard Mail volume increased a modest 51 million pieces or two-tenths of a percent.

A lot has been accomplished since the Transformation Plan was announced more than a year and a half ago, but there's still more to be done.


You did it again. You helped give customers record service for the fourth straight quarter. USPS employees collected, transported, processed and delivered overnight First-Class Mail® items the next day to local destinations 95 percent of the time. Our customers appreciate that service - 93 percent of those surveyed gave USPS a favorable rating.

Those achievements came during the busy holiday season, Oct.1 to Dec. 31, 2003. Way to go!

First-Class Mail delivery performance is measured externally and independently by IBM's Business Consulting Services unit, using the External First-Class measurement system, EXFC. Customer Satisfaction Measurement for households is independently measured by The Gallup

Organization, which conducts surveys on a variety of postal issues and services from a customer's perspective.

The top six performance clusters in overnight composite performance were Albany, NY; Suncoast, FL; Northland; Dakotas; Central Plains and Big Sky.

DON'T GET SCAMMED: Fraudulent e-mail targets IMPAC cardholders

USPS IMPAC credit cardholders should be on alert for a fraudulent e-mail making the rounds. It appears to come from U.S. Bank. It asks cardholders for their account numbers and other personal information.

Do not reply to this e-mail under any circumstances and don't click on the link in the e-mail. This is a fraudulent e-mail and didn't come from U.S. Bank.

Remember, U.S. Bank won't contact cardholders directly under any circumstances to verify account numbers or personal information. If cardholders ever receive a request like this via e-mail or telephone, they shouldn't respond.

U.S. Bank assures all clients that there has been no fraudulent activity reported and no cards have been suspended as this e-mail suggests. There was no breach of secure account information. These e-mails are randomly sent using a spam list that includes individuals who in many cases don't even have U.S. Bank accounts. Similar e-mail fraud campaigns have been reported using names of other banks, including Citibank.

TALKING ENVELOPES: Intelligent Mail moves forward

Intelligent MailTM. What is it? Talking envelopes answering questions on Jeopardy? Or maybe it's a bunch of letters sitting around at a cocktail party chatting it up about the latest Domestic Mail Manual revisions?

Actually, that image isn't that far off, because barcode technology is enhancing the way mail communicates.

Barcodes can tell us a lot about the mail - origination, destination and processing information. They can tell us when and where a mailpiece was processed, on what piece of equipment and during what operation. In fact, that's the basis of Confirm® service - an Intelligent Mail initiative that lets business customers track their mailings through the postal system. Also, USPS is using internal seeding of Confirm pieces to increase processing efficiency.


The goal of the Intelligent Mail group is to add value to the mail through technology. That can be done by increasing operational efficiency, enhancing security or generating revenue.

Current Intelligent Mail initiatives in place or being developed include:

OneCode VisionTM - consolidating and reducing the current number of postal barcodes.

Internet Change of Address - making it easier for customers to submit change-of-address information to USPS.

Mail Processing Infrastructure - increasing automation equipment's "brain power" with high-bandwidth wiring.

Acquiring new "intelligent" mobile scanners for employees.

Intelligent Mail is the wave of the future. And the Postal ServiceTM is catching that wave.

CANDID CAMERA: Cell phones used for identity theft scams

Strangers with cell phones standing a bit too close to you in the checkout line at stores and restaurants - especially when you have your credit card pulled out? Information Technology has this security tip: beware! With the new camera cell phones, the unscrupulous among us can take a picture of a credit card - complete with name, number and expiration date. It's the latest identity theft scam. Be aware of your surroundings. Protect your space.

HERE TO STAY: Black Heritage stamp series

Rumors spread misinformation. And in this day of the Internet, rumors spread even faster electronically. One rumor that won't go away is that the Black Heritage stamp series is going away. It simply isn't true.

USPS recently issued the Paul Robeson stamp - 27th in the award-winning Black Heritage series. The stamps are used as a cornerstone of Black History Month celebrations at Post OfficesTM throughout the country.

Currently, two Black Heritage series stamps are available - Paul Robeson and Thurgood Marshall. If local Post Offices have sold out of these stamps, customers can order Black Heritage series stamps online at The Postal Store or by telephone at 800-STAMP-24.

FINGERTIP SERVICE: Customers can call 1-800-ASK-USPS for info

When customers have questions or service requests, they can dial 1-800-ASK-USPS®. That's the number to call for general postal information.

1-800-ASK-USPS provides customers info on almost all matters postal, including ZIP CodesTM, rates, Post Office hours and locations, requests for redelivery and hold mail, Express Mail® tracking, Delivery ConfirmationTM service and more.

USPS does use other specialized toll-free numbers. Some customers have been inadvertently referred to these other toll-free numbers. When that happens, it takes longer for customers to get the information they need and it drives up USPS costs.

Got general information requests? Dial 1-800-ASK-USPS.

The Postal Bulletin - Help Us Save Paper and Money

The Postal Bulletin has been around for 123 years, and it's the most relied-upon, trusted source of information in the Postal ServiceTM today.

In the 1970s, when our nation became more concerned about our environment, the Postal Service began using recycled paper to print the Postal Bulletin. We have also tried over the years to print just the right number of copies to save our nation's resources.

Despite our efforts, some offices tell us that they receive too many copies. We need to do something about this.

Reducing or Canceling Your Subscription

Therefore, if you want to reduce the number of copies your office receives or if you want to cancel your subscription altogether, send an e-mail to or call 202-268-5776 (if you reach a recording, be sure to leave a message with your name, telephone number, and ZIP CodeTM). Please be assured that we will not reduce or cancel your subscription unless you ask us to do so.

As we review our subscription list, we will begin calling facilities that seem to have duplicate subscriptions. If we call your facility, please help us determine if we can reduce your subscription.

Accessing the Postal Bulletin Online

Remember, each issue of the Postal Bulletin since 1995 is available online. To access the online version of the Postal Bulletin, please follow either of these routes:

On the Intranet: Go to the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site at; click on View Postal Bulletins.

On the Internet: Go to; click on About USPS & News, then Forms and Publications, then Postal Bulletin.

More Information

For more information on the Postal Bulletin, please see our article in Postal Bulletin 22097 (3-6-03, pages 5-6) titled "The Postal Bulletin - Your Source for Trusted Information."

We started publishing this article in early April, asking you to let us know if we can reduce or eliminate your subscriptions. Since April of this year, many of you have responded, and together we have reduced the total number of printed copies by more than 17,000!

We've come a long way, and we'll continue to evolve with the times. Our job is to make your job easier. As you know, the Postal Bulletin is here to serve you, as it has been for almost 125 years.

- Policies and Procedures Information,
Public Affairs and Communications, 2-19-04

Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Integration at 703-292-4041 at least 1 month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal ServiceTM also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.

Title of Mailing Class and
Type of Mail
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort
JCP Children's Activation Standard/Catalog 2/20/04-2/23/04 35.8 Nationwide Car-Rt RR Donnelly
Queen of Clean Standard/Flat 2/22/04-2/24/04 2.5 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Rodale/ALG Direct
Pottery Barn Kids Standard/Flat 2/23/04-2/24/04 3.15 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Hartford, WI
JCP Spring Shopping Spree Catalog Standard/Postcard 2/23/04-2/25/04 3.6 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
Monroe & Main Standard/Catalog 2/23/04-2/26/04 1.580 Nationwide Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt RR Donnelly, Warsaw, IN
Through the Country Door Standard/Catalog 2/23/04-2/26/04 2.320 Nationwide Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI
The Sportsman's Guide, March Main Standard/Catalog 2/23/04-2/27/04 2.2 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt RR Donnelly, Lynchburg, VA
Midnight Velvet Standard/Catalog 3/1/04-3/4/04 2.494 Nationwide Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI
JCP Shopping Spree Catalog Follow-up Standard/Postcard 3/3/04-3/5/04 7.7 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JCP Week 6 VIP Night Standard/
3/3/04-3/5/04 10.3 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
Shrink Your Female Fat Zones Standard/Flat 3/4/04-3/6/04 1.5 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Rodale/ALG Direct
- Business Service Network Integration,
Service and Market Development, 2-19-04

Domestic Mail


Permissible Barcode Symbology for Parcels Eligible for the Barcode Discount

Effective March 4, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) C850 is revised to clarify the standards for parcel barcoding and specify that the UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode is now the only permissible symbology for parcels eligible for the barcode discount.

On July 14, 1998, the Postal ServiceTM published in the Federal Register [63 FR 37946] a final rule setting forth DMM standards for Package Services barcodes. The standards summarized in the rule were approved on June 29, 1998, by the Postal Service to implement the Decision of the Governors of the Postal Service in Postal Rate Commission Docket No. R97-1, Notice of the U.S. Postal Service's Filing of Proposed Postal Rate, Fee, and Classification Changes and Order Instituting Proceedings. The standards took effect at 12:01 a.m. on January 10, 1999.

The final rule addressed the permissible barcode symbologies for Package Services parcels eligible for the barcode discount. Until January 10, 2004, barcodes could be printed in one of four symbologies: UCC/EAN Code 128, USS Code 128, USS Code I 2/5, and USS Code 39. Effective January 10, 2004, only the UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode may be used.

In addition to the January 10, 2004, effective date published in the July 14, 1998, Federal Register for Package Services parcels, the Postal Service extended the barcode discount to Standard MailTM machinable parcels as part of the R2000-1 rate case effective January 7, 2001. This was announced as part of the R2000-1 final rule in the Federal Register [65 FR 78537] published December 15, 2000.

Effective January 10, 2004, parcels not bearing a UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode are not eligible for the barcode discount.

Using the UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode symbology will benefit mailers in a number of ways:

• Increased accuracy and improved service - reduces manual processing of parcels.

• Variable length - compact, accurate, and reliable.

• Easy data capture capabilities - international availability.

In addition to the changes mentioned in the list above, DMM C850 is revised and updated in its entirety to clarify the standards for parcel barcoding. While this revision does not substantially change DMM C850, it does remove outdated references and redundant standards that appear elsewhere in the DMM and reorganizes the information in a more logical sequence.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM Issue 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

C Characteristics and Content

* * * * *

C800 Automation-Compatible Mail

* * * * *

C850 Barcoding Standards for Parcels

* * * * *


[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]

C850 describes the technical standards for all barcoded parcels.***


[Combine current 1.1. through 1.3 into new 1.1 and revise to read as follows:]

1.1 Basic Requirements and Elements

The UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode is the only acceptable barcode symbology to encode the ZIP CodeTM or ZIP+4® code information from delivery addresses on parcels to qualify for the barcode discount. To be eligible for the barcode discount, each machinable parcel (see C050) must bear a properly prepared UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode that accurately represents the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code of the delivery address preceeded by the application identifier (AI) "420." The ZIP Code for the address on the mailpiece may be either the 5-digit ZIP Code or the ZIP +4 code.

[Delete introductory paragraph in 1.4; redesignate 1.4a and 1.4b as new 1.2 to read as follows:]

1.2 Use With Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation Service

Parcels may qualify for the barcode discount and bear a Delivery ConfirmationTM or Signature ConfirmationTM barcode using one of the following options:

a. Single Concatenated Barcode (preferred method). Mailers may place a single concatenated barcode that combines the postal routing information and Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation information. Single concatenated barcodes must be prepared in accordance with the technical specifications and requirements in S918 for Delivery Confirmation service, S919 for Signature Confirmation service, and Publication 91. If a parcel bears a single concatenated barcode, then no other barcode that contains the postal routing code structure described may be affixed to the package.

b. Separate Barcodes. Mailers may place both a postal routing code described in 1.1 and a Delivery Confirmation barcode described in S918, or a Signature Confirmation barcode described in S919, on the same parcel. A single concatenated barcode is the preferred method.

[Redesignate 1.4c as new 1.3 and revise to read as follows:]

1.3 Single Integrated Barcode

Parcels may bear a single integrated barcode that combines postal insurance (see S913) with Delivery Confirmation service or Signature Confirmation service electronic option. To qualify for the barcode discount, parcels also must bear a postal routing barcode in either format described in 1.2 (see Publication 91).

[Delete 1.5 and 1.6.]


[Renumber current 2.4 as new 2.7. Renumber current 2.2 and 2.3 as new 2.3 and 2.4. Renumber current 3.2 as new 2.2 and revise to read as follows:]

2.2 Clear Zone

The barcode must be located as specified in 3.0. No printing may appear in an area 1/8 inch above and below the barcode. A minimum clear (quiet) zone equal to 10 times the average measured narrow element (bars or space) width must be maintained to the left and right of the barcode.

* * * * *

2.4 Quality

[Add a new second sentence and revise the third sentence of new 2.4 to read as follows:]

***ANSI grade barcodes D or F are unacceptable. It is strongly recommended that all printing processes be tested to ensure that they meet specification requirements. Information concerning ANSI guidelines X3.182-1990 may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute (see G043).

[Renumber current 4.0 as new 2.5 and revise to read as follows:]

2.5 Human-Readable Information

The human-readable information on the barcode must conform to one of the following options:

a. If the barcode is printed on the delivery address label and in close proximity to the address, the AI "420" and the human-readable equivalent of the ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code information may be omitted. This standard applies to barcodes printed under 1.1 or 1.2a and 1.2b, and 1.3.

b. For routing barcodes printed under 1.1, if the barcode is printed on a separate label, the human-readable equivalent of the ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code (omitting the AI "420") encoded in the barcode preceded by the word "ZIP" must be printed between 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch below the barcode in 10 point or larger bold sans serif type. Alternatively, the word "ZIP" may be placed no less than 10 times the average narrow bar or space element width and no more than 1/2 inch to the left of the barcode, in 12 point or larger bold sans serif type.

c. For barcodes printed under 1.2 or 1.3, the human- readable presentation of the concatenated barcode must include only the AI "91" and the full tracking identification number as text. The AI "420" and the ZIP Code information is optional. The text must not include ZIP+4 information. If the AI "420" and ZIP Code information are used, they must be parsed separately from the main body of the barcode text. The ZIP Code must be placed in parenthesis (e.g., 420 (99999) 9101 2345 6789 1234 5678).

[Add new 2.6 to read as follows:]

2.6 Technical Specifications

Postal routing codes must meet the technical specifications in the UCC/EAN 128 Application Identifier Standard, which can be obtained from Uniform Code Council, Inc. (see G043), and the barcode characteristics in 2.0.

2.7 Substrate Material

[Revise new 2.7 to read as follows:]

Barcodes must be printed on substrate material that preserves the optical specification as described in the AIM- USA Uniform Symbology Specification documents. Typically, white label stock commonly used for barcode generation is suitable, providing it is not glossy (causing mirror-like, specular reflection) or prone to smearing or smudging.


3.1 General Standards

[Revise 3.1 to read as follows:]

The address and barcode must be placed squarely onto the largest surface area of the parcel, except when its shape and contents requires specific orientation for stability during processing; then the address and barcode(s) must be placed on the top. The address and barcode label(s) must not overlap any side of the parcel or other label. The barcode should be placed immediately adjacent to the delivery address and at least 1 inch from the edge of the parcel. The delivery address and barcode may be printed on an attachment or enclosure in a window envelope affixed to the parcel, subject to the reflectance standards in 2.3. The barcode may be placed on a separate label or an alternate location on the address label, subject to the clearance standards in 2.2. Barcodes that are not placed immediately adjacent to the delivery address must not encroach the return address, postage, applicable markings, endorsements, and special service labels.

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 2-19-04


Date Corrections on Metered Flats

Effective March 4, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) P030.10.1 is revised to allow ink jet-applied date corrections on metered flats just above the barcode when an ink jet printer is used to apply the barcode under the placement requirements in C840.3.0.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM Issue 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

P Postage and Payment Methods

P000 Basic Information

* * * * *

P030 Postage Meters (Postage Evidencing Systems)

* * * * *


10.1 Date Correction or Redate

*** Formats are as follows:

[Revise item a by adding an exception for placement of date corrections when applied by ink jet printers on barcoded flats to read as follows:]

a. For all postage evidencing systems except PC Postage® systems, a date correction must show the actual date of deposit and zero postage value ("0.00"). On letter-size mail, the date correction is placed on the nonaddress side in the upper right corner or on the address side in the lower left corner. On flat-size mail or parcels, the date correction must be placed next to the original indicium, except when applied by an ink jet printer on barcoded flats. The mailer may use an ink jet printer to correct the date in the indicia on mailpieces in barcoded mailings if the text, preceded by two asterisks and showing the actual date of deposit, city, state, and 3-digit ZIP CodeTM of the mailing office, is placed above the address block and below the indicia. Alternatively, on flat-size mailpieces in barcoded mailings only, the mailer may use an ink jet printer to apply the date correction just above the barcode when the barcode is applied by an ink jet printer in accordance with C840.3.0.

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 2-19-04


Value Added Refund Mailings

Effective March 4, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) P014.4.17 is revised to remove the requirement in item 4.17a(3) that mailers must submit PS Form 3553, Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) Summary Report, with each mailing for which a value added refund (VAR) is requested. This change aligns the text in DMM P014.4.17 with that in DMM A950.5.2, which does not require that mailers submit PS Form 3553 for each mailing made at the automation rates and carrier route rates at the time of mailing. Mailers must retain PS Form 3553 for 1 year from the date of mailing and, if requested, make it available to the Postal ServiceTM within 24 hours.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

P Postage and Payment Methods

P000 Basic Information

P010 General Standards

* * * * *

P014 Refunds and Exchanges

* * * * *


* * * * *

4.17 Documentation for Mailing

* * * * *

[Delete item a(3) and renumber current items a(4) through a(7) as new items a(3) through a(6).]

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 2-19-04


Parcel Select Exhibit ZIP Code Deletion

Effective March 4, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) E751 Exhibit 8.0 is corrected to delete one ZIP CodeTM. Now that this ZIP Code has been deleted from the exhibit, drop shipments for this one ZIP Code must be deposited at the location specified in the Drop Ship Product maintained by the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) in order to be eligible for destination delivery unit (DDU) discount rates. For more information about the entry standards, please refer to DMM E751.1.1c.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

E Eligibility

* * * * *

E700 Package Services

* * * * *

E750 Destination Entry

E751 Parcel Select

* * * * *


* * * * *

Exhibit 8.0 Delivery Facilities Different From
Those in the Drop Shipment Product

[Revise Exhibit E751.8.0 by deleting ZIP Code entry 02140 for Massachusetts.]

* * * * *

- Operational Requirements and Integration,
Operations, 2-19-04

Express Mail Service - Guam and Other Pacific Islands

Effective March 1, 2004, Express Mail® Two-Day service will no longer be available for mail destined for ZIP Codet areas 969 and 96799. These ZIP Codes include areas of Guam, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands, and American Samoa. This change does not affect originating Express Mail Two-Day service from ZIP Code areas 969 and 96799.

Express Mail service to these ZIP Codes will still be available to customers through custom-designed service agreements. Priority Mailr service is also available to these areas and offers a time-valued alternative.

- Integrated Network Development,
Network Operations Management, 2-19-04



Emergency Response to Mail Allegedly Containing Anthrax

Management Instruction (MI) EL-860-1999-3, Emergency Response to Mail Allegedly Containing Anthrax, is now obsolete. Written before the anthrax attacks of 2001, the MI referred to hoaxes and other threats occurring at the time and provided valuable information on how to respond to anthrax. However, much has changed since the MI was issued. Emergency planning and response in general have undergone significant improvements, and guidance on how to respond to anthrax in the mail has undergone major changes.

Current Postal ServiceTM policy on anthrax is in the document "Interim Guidelines for Sampling, Analysis, Decontamination, and Disposal of B. Anthracis Spores for USPS® Facilities," dated December 2003. The document, which was prepared by the Mail Security Task Force, complements and references the National Response Team's "Technical Assistance for Anthrax Response," dated September 2002. Additional guidance on emergency response, suspicious mail handling, and anthrax-related issues is available on the Safety Resources Web page; go to and click on Emergency Management.

- Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 2-19-04

Ethics - Anniversary Year Message

This is the 25th anniversary year of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. The Act established the foundation of the modern ethics program in federal agencies, including the Postal ServiceTM.

We encourage Postal Service employees to make use of the ethics resources that are available. The Postal Service's ethics advisors are ready to provide advice whenever you are unsure about a situation and may need help in identifying and resolving an ethics issue.

To learn more about ethics, check out the General Counsel Web site at Headquarters/Civil/EthicsInfo (note that this URL is case sensitive). This user-friendly site includes the basic rules governing issues such as gift exchanges between employees, gifts sent from outside sources, procedures for seeking employment while working for the Postal Service, and leaving the Postal Service for another job. The site also provides answers to frequently asked questions.

If you are in a situation in which you think an ethics law or regulation may apply, don't guess! Here's how to get answers to your questions:

• Call the Ethics Hotline at 202-268-6346.

• Call the Law Department's ethics advisors at Headquarters or the ethics advisor in your area office. You will find advisor numbers at the Web site address listed above.

• Call your district Human Resources manager.

The ethics laws and rules are meant to ensure that Postal Service decisions are made in a fair and impartial manner and that employees' official actions are not tainted by personal gain or conflicts of interest. Ethics rules also help to maintain an ethical workplace free of improper pressures. Finally, observing high ethical standards is essential to our overall effectiveness, and essential to promoting public confidence in the integrity of our activities and our employees.

- General Counsel,
Law Department, 2-19-04

Every Postal Employee has the chance to fill out the voe survey. fill it out. send it back. be heard.



PS Forms 8105-A, Funds Transaction Report, and 8105-B, Suspicious Transaction Report

The following forms are revised to comply with new reporting regulations:

• PS Form 8105-A, Funds Transaction Report.

• PS Form 8105-B, Suspicious Transaction Report.

The January 2004 editions of these forms replace the May 2003 editions. The Material Distribution Center (MDC) will automatically distribute the January 2004 forms to Post OfficesTM. They also appear on pages 13 - 16 of this Postal Bulletin. Offices may reproduce these copies locally until they receive the stock from the MDC. The forms are also available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site; go to; under References, click Forms.

Summary of Changes

PS Form 8105-A

We changed the title from Funds Transaction/Transfer Report to Funds Transaction Report.

We deleted sections II and III from the May 2003 edition of PS Form 8105-A. Sections II and III, which related to Wire Transfer (DineroSeguro®) transactions, are no longer necessary because the information is captured automatically.

We replaced section II from the May 2003 edition of PS Form 8105-A with a section titled "Other Person or Business on Whose Behalf Transaction Is Conducted." Customers must complete this section if they purchase money orders in amounts of $3,000 or more and if they advise that they are purchasing the money orders on behalf of a business or another individual.

We replaced section III from the May 2003 edition of PS Form 8105-A with the section titled "Completed by Postal Employee" (formerly Section IV). We deleted the following data elements from section III:

1. Debit/Credit Card No.

2. Funds Transaction/Transfer Account No.

3. Clerk ID No.

4. Issue ID No.

We added the following data elements to section III:

1. Purchased.

2. Cashed.

We moved sections I, II, and III to the front of the form. Use the reverse of the form if the transaction involves more than one money order serial number range, stored value card number, or funds transfer transaction number.

PS Form 8105-B

The title of PS Form 8105-B, Suspicious Transaction Report, remains the same.

We deleted the following data elements:

1. Clerk ID No.

2. Issue ID No.

3. Phone No. of Office.

4. In Type of Activity:

a. Meter Setting.

b. Stamp Sales.

c. Trust Fund.

5. The entire Description of Customer section (Sex, Race, Approximate Age).

6. Did Customer Use Express Mail.

We added the following data elements:

1. In Identifying Information for Primary Customer:

a. Social Security No.

b. Driver's License No. and State.

c. Other ID No. and Type of Other ID.

d. Debit/Credit Card No.

e. Vehicle License No. and State.

2. Four options in the Comments section, as follows:

a. Comes in frequently and always purchases less than $3,000 worth.

b. Asked for lesser amount after being advised to complete PS Form 8105-A.

c. Two or more people working together.

d. Other: Describe the customer including the approximate height and weight.

Ordering Information

You can order PS Forms 8105-A and 8105-B from the MDC by using Touch Tone Order Entry (TTOE): Call 800-332-0317, option 2.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)

Use the following information to order PS Form 8105-A:

PSIN: PS8105-A
PSN: 7530-04-000-0302
Unit of Measure: SH
Minimum Order Quantity: 25
Bulk Pack Quantity: 4,000
Quick Pick Number: 500
Price: $0.0203

Use the following information to order PS Form 8105-B:

PSIN: PS8105-B
PSN: 7530-04-0000-0303
Unit of Measure: SH
Minimum Order Quantity: 25
Bulk Pack Quantity: 4,000
Quick Pick Number: 501
Price: $0.0174

Use of May 2003 Editions

Destroy/recycle all stock of the May 2003 editions of PS Forms 8105-A and 8105-B after you receive your new stock.


Completing PS Form 8105-A

Use PS Form 8105-A (January 2004) for all sales of money orders and stored value cards totaling $3,000 or more to the same customer in the same day. Use PS Form 8105-A (January 2004) for DineroSeguro transactions only if the customer purchases DineroSeguro in combination with money orders or stored value cards and the purchase price is equal to or greater than $3,000.

If the customer is purchasing the money orders on behalf of a business or another individual, then the customer purchasing the money orders must complete Section I, Completed by Customer Conducting Transaction(s), and Section II, Other Person or Business on Whose Behalf Transaction Is Conducted.

Completing PS Form 8105-B

Fill out PS Form 8105-B (January 2004) immediately after the suspicious transaction occurs. Federal law prohibits notifying the customer that a suspicious report is being completed; therefore, complete PS Form 8105-B immediately after the customer leaves the counter line.

Check all of the options that apply in the Comments section, and complete the fourth option (Other) if possible, including age (e.g., 20, 25, 35), gender (e.g., male or female), and other identifying information that may be available.

Submitting Forms

After completing PS Forms 8105-A and 8105-B, mail them to the St. Louis Accounting Service Center at the address shown at the bottom of the forms. Mail the forms on the same day that you complete them.

- Corporate Treasury,
Finance, 2-19-04

ps form 8105-A, January 2004, page 1 of 2, funds transaction report (ftr)

ps form 8105-A, January 2004, page 2 of 2, funds transaction report (ftr)

ps form 8105-B, January 2004, page 1 of 2, suspicious transaction report (str)

ps form 8105-B, January 2004, page 2 of 2, suspicious transaction report (str)

International Mail


Change in U.S. Dollar and Special Drawing Right (SDR) Conversion Rates

Effective February 21, 2004, International Mail Manual (IMM) 324.22 and Exhibit 324.22 are revised to reflect a change in the U.S. dollar and SDR conversion rates.

Postal ServiceTM retail employees use this information whenever an insured parcel is presented for mailing. Employees must write the insured amount, stated in terms of both U.S. dollars and SDR values, in the designated blocks on PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note - CP 72.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of IMM Issue 30 and also into the online IMM, which can be accessed via Postal Explorer at

International Mail Manual (IMM)

* * * * *

3 Special Services

* * * * *

320 Insurance

* * * * *

324 Processing Requests

* * * * *

324.2 Marking

* * * * *

324.22 Retail Employee's Responsibility

[Revise 324.22 in its entirety to read as follows:]

The retail employee must enter the insured number and the insured amount - in both the U.S. dollar value and the SDR value - in the upper-right portion of PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note - CP 72. See Exhibit 324.22 for a table showing the conversion of U.S. dollar values (up to $600) to SDR values. To determine SDR equivalents above $600, multiply the insured value (rounded up to the next full dollar amount if necessary) by 0.7292. For example, if a customer values a parcel at $625.45, round up that amount to $626 and then multiply it by 0.7292, resulting in an SDR value of 456.4792.

Note: The conversion of U.S. dollars into SDR equivalents is based on the following formulas:

1 US $ = 0.7292 SDR 1 SDR = $1.37 (1.3714 US $)

Exhibit 324.22

Conversion Table: U.S. Dollars to Special Drawing Right (SDR)

[Revise Exhibit 324.22 by inserting the new conversion formulas before the table as well as the new table to read as follows:]

1 US $ = 0.7292 SDR 1 SDR = $1.37 [1.3714]

1 0.7292
2 1.4584
3 2.1876
4 2.9168
5 3.6460
6 4.3752
7 5.1044
8 5.8336
9 6.5628
10 7.2920
11 8.0212
12 8.7504
13 9.4796
14 10.2088
15 10.9380
16 11.6672
17 12.3964
18 13.1256
19 13.8548
20 14.5840
21 15.3132
22 16.0424
23 16.7716
24 17.5008
25 18.2300
26 18.9592
27 19.6884
28 20.4176
29 21.1468
30 21.8760
31 22.6052
32 23.3344
33 24.0636
34 24.7928
35 25.5220
36 26.2512
37 26.9804
38 27.7096
39 28.4388
40 29.1680
41 29.8972
42 30.6264
43 31.3556
44 32.0848
45 32.8140
46 33.5432
47 34.2724
48 35.0016
49 35.7308
50 36.4600
51 37.1892
52 37.9184
53 38.6476
54 39.3768
55 40.1060
56 40.8352
57 41.5644
58 42.2936
59 43.0228
60 43.7520
61 44.4812
62 45.2104
63 45.9396
64 46.6688
65 47.3980
66 48.1272
67 48.8564
68 49.5856
69 50.3148
70 51.0440
71 51.7732
72 52.5024
73 53.2316
74 53.9608
75 54.6900
76 55.4192
77 56.1484
78 56.8776
79 57.6068
80 58.3360
81 59.0652
82 59.7944
83 60.5236
84 61.2528
85 61.9820
86 62.7112
87 63.4404
88 64.1696
89 64.8988
90 65.6280
91 66.3572
92 67.0864
93 67.8156
94 68.5448
95 69.2740
96 70.0032
97 70.7324
98 71.4616
99 72.1908
100 72.9200
101 73.6492
102 74.3784
103 75.1076
104 75.8368
105 76.5660
106 77.2952
107 78.0244
108 78.7536
109 79.4828
110 80.2120
111 80.9412
112 81.6704
113 82.3996
114 83.1288
115 83.8580
116 84.5872
117 85.3164
118 86.0456
119 86.7748
120 87.5040
121 88.2332
122 88.9624
123 89.6916
124 90.4208
125 91.1500
126 91.8792
127 92.6084
128 93.3376
129 94.0668
130 94.7960
131 95.5252
132 96.2544
133 96.9836
134 97.7128
135 98.4420
136 99.1712
137 99.9004
138 100.6296
139 101.3588
140 102.0880
141 102.8172
142 103.5464
143 104.2756
144 105.0048
145 105.7340
146 106.4632
147 107.1924
148 107.9216
149 108.6508
150 109.3800
151 110.1092
152 110.8384
153 111.5676
154 112.2968
155 113.0260
156 113.7552
157 114.4844
158 115.2136
159 115.9428
160 116.6720
161 117.4012
162 118.1304
163 118.8596
164 119.5888
165 120.3180
166 121.0472
167 121.7764
168 122.5056
169 123.2348
170 123.9640
171 124.6932
172 125.4224
173 126.1516
174 126.8808
175 127.6100
176 128.3392
177 129.0684
178 129.7976
179 130.5268
180 131.2560
181 131.9852
182 132.7144
183 133.4436
184 134.1728
185 134.9020
186 135.6312
187 136.3604
188 137.0896
189 137.8188
190 138.5480
191 139.2772
192 140.0064
193 140.7356
194 141.4648
195 142.1940
196 142.9232
197 143.6524
198 144.3816
199 145.1108
200 145.8400
201 146.5692
202 147.2984
203 148.0276
204 148.7568
205 149.4860
206 150.2152
207 150.9444
208 151.6736
209 152.4028
210 153.1320
211 153.8612
212 154.5904
213 155.3196
214 156.0488
215 156.7780
216 157.5072
217 158.2364


219 159.6948
220 160.4240
221 161.1532
222 161.8824
223 162.6116
224 163.3408
225 164.0700
226 164.7992
227 165.5284
228 166.2576
229 166.9868
230 167.7160
231 168.4452
232 169.1744
233 169.9036
234 170.6328
235 171.3620
236 172.0912
237 172.8204
238 173.5496
239 174.2788
240 175.0080
241 175.7372
242 176.4664
243 177.1956
244 177.9248
245 178.6540
246 179.3832
247 180.1124
248 180.8416
249 181.5708
250 182.3000
251 183.0292
252 183.7584
253 184.4876
254 185.2168
255 185.9460
256 186.6752
257 187.4044
258 188.1336
259 188.8628
260 189.5920
261 190.3212
262 191.0504
263 191.7796
264 192.5088
265 193.2380
266 193.9672
267 194.6964
268 195.4256
269 196.1548
270 196.8840
271 197.6132
272 198.3424
273 199.0716
274 199.8008
275 200.5300
276 201.2592
277 201.9884
278 202.7176
279 203.4468
280 204.1760
281 204.9052
282 205.6344
283 206.3636
284 207.0928
285 207.8220
286 208.5512
287 209.2804
288 210.0096
289 210.7388
290 211.4680
291 212.1972
292 212.9264
293 213.6556
294 214.3848
295 215.1140
296 215.8432
297 216.5724
298 217.3016
299 218.0308
300 218.7600
301 219.4892
302 220.2184
303 220.9476
304 221.6768
305 222.4060
306 223.1352
307 223.8644
308 224.5936
309 225.3228
310 226.0520
311 226.7812
312 227.5104
313 228.2396
314 228.9688
315 229.6980
316 230.4272
317 231.1564
318 231.8856
319 232.6148
320 233.3440
321 234.0732
322 234.8024
323 235.5316
324 236.2608
325 236.9900
326 237.7192
327 238.4484
328 239.1776
329 239.9068
330 240.6360
331 241.3652
332 242.0944
333 242.8236
334 243.5528
335 244.2820
336 245.0112
337 245.7404
338 246.4696
339 247.1988
340 247.9280
341 248.6572
342 249.3864
343 250.1156
344 250.8448
345 251.5740
346 252.3032
347 253.0324
348 253.7616
349 254.4908
350 255.2200
351 255.9492
352 256.6784
353 257.4076
354 258.1368
355 258.8660
356 259.5952
357 260.3244
358 261.0536
359 261.7828
360 262.5120
361 263.2412
362 263.9704
363 264.6996
364 265.4288
365 266.1580
366 266.8872
367 267.6164
368 268.3456
369 269.0748
370 269.8040
371 270.5332
372 271.2624
373 271.9916
374 272.7208
375 273.4500
376 274.1792
377 274.9084
378 275.6376
379 276.3668
380 277.0960
381 277.8252
382 278.5544
383 279.2836
384 280.0128
385 280.7420
386 281.4712
387 282.2004
388 282.9296
389 283.6588
390 284.3880
391 285.1172
392 285.8464
393 286.5756
394 287.3048
395 288.0340
396 288.7632
397 289.4924
398 290.2216
399 290.9508
400 291.6800
401 292.4092
402 293.1384
403 293.8676
404 294.5968
405 295.3260
406 296.0552
407 296.7844
408 297.5136
409 298.2428
410 298.9720
411 299.7012
412 300.4304
413 301.1596
414 301.8888
415 302.6180
416 303.3472
417 304.0764
418 304.8056
419 305.5348
420 306.2640
421 306.9932
422 307.7224
423 308.4516
424 309.1808
425 309.9100
426 310.6392
427 311.3684
428 312.0976
429 312.8268
430 313.5560
431 314.2852
432 315.0144
433 315.7436
434 316.4728
435 317.2020
436 317.9312
437 318.6604
438 319.3896
439 320.1188
440 320.8480
441 321.5772
442 322.3064
443 323.0356
444 323.7648
445 324.4940
446 325.2232
447 325.9524
448 326.6816
449 327.4108
450 328.1400
451 328.8692
452 329.5984
453 330.3276
454 331.0568
455 331.7860
456 332.5152
457 333.2444
458 333.9736
459 334.7028
460 335.4320
461 336.1612
462 336.8904
463 337.6196
464 338.3488
465 339.0780
466 339.8072
467 340.5364
468 341.2656
469 341.9948
470 342.7240
471 343.4532
472 344.1824
473 344.9116
474 345.6408
475 346.3700
476 347.0992
477 347.8284
478 348.5576
479 349.2868
480 350.0160
481 350.7452
482 351.4744
483 352.2036
484 352.9328
485 353.6620
486 354.3912
487 355.1204
488 355.8496
489 356.5788
490 357.3080
491 358.0372
492 358.7664
493 359.4956
494 360.2248
495 360.9540
496 361.6832
497 362.4124
498 363.1416
499 363.8708
500 364.6000
501 365.3292
502 366.0584
503 366.7876
504 367.5168
505 368.2460
506 368.9752
507 369.7044
508 370.4336
509 371.1628
510 371.8920
511 372.6212
512 373.3504
513 374.0796
514 374.8088
515 375.5380
516 376.2672
517 376.9964
518 377.7256
519 378.4548
520 379.1840
521 379.9132
522 380.6424
523 381.3716
524 382.1008
525 382.8300
526 383.5592
527 384.2884
528 385.0176
529 385.7468
530 386.4760
531 387.2052
532 387.9344
533 388.6636
534 389.3928
535 390.1220
536 390.8512
537 391.5804
538 392.3096
539 393.0388
540 393.7680
541 394.4972
542 395.2264
543 395.9556
544 396.6848
545 397.4140
546 398.1432
547 398.8724
548 399.6016
549 400.3308
550 401.0600
551 401.7892
552 402.5184
553 403.2476
554 403.9768
555 404.7060
556 405.4352
557 406.1644
558 406.8936
559 407.6228
560 408.3520
561 409.0812
562 409.8104
563 410.5396
564 411.2688
565 411.9980
566 412.7272
567 413.4564
568 414.1856
569 414.9148
570 415.6440
571 416.3732
572 417.1024
573 417.8316
574 418.5608
575 419.2900
576 420.0192
577 420.7484
578 421.4776
579 422.2068
580 422.9360
581 423.6652
582 424.3944
583 425.1236
584 425.8528
585 426.5820
586 427.3112
587 428.0404
588 428.7696
589 429.4988
590 430.2280
591 430.9572
592 431.6864
593 432.4156
594 433.1448
595 433.8740
596 434.6032
597 435.3324
598 436.0616
599 436.7908
600 437.5200

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 2-19-04