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AFCS LEARNS TO READ: Upgrade allows cancelers to sort mail

For years now, the Advanced Facer Canceler System (AFCS) has been the backbone of letter processing, allowing mail to be postmarked and properly oriented for automation processing.

Now, thanks to funding approved by the Postal ServiceTM Board of Governors, the 1,086 AFCSs in operation will receive an optical character reader (OCR) computer "upgrade" allowing them to scan and sort letter mail in addition to their regular duties.

The enhancements provide technology to replace 646 multi-line optical character readers (MLOCRs) with 395 new machines. Placing OCR technology into AFCSs allows them to bypass the MLOCR operation so letter mail can be sorted sooner.

The upgrades will be added to existing cancellation equipment and to some new OCR/barcode sorters with expanded sort capability. Reduced handlings and significant savings are expected in 2006 and 2007 when fully deployed.

In the past five years, investing in letter automation technology has helped USPSŪ avoid $3.9 billion in processing and delivery costs. We're reducing costs and improving service - two key objectives of the Transformation Plan.

THE RIGHT STUFF: Labor Scheduler expands to 90 processing facilities

Getting the right people at the right place at the right time - that's what Labor Scheduler is helping USPS do. The Board of Governors approved expansion of the Web- based tool to 90 processing facilities nationwide.

The application - officially known as Labor Force Schedule Optimizer System - considers each plant's operating plan, network responsibilities, mail-processing equipment and specific mail flows. It even incorporates all scheduling requirements of Postal Service employee labor agreements.

Labor Scheduler will help USPS reduce costs and increase efficiencies - two goals of the Transformation Plan.

FEWER SACKS A GOOD THING: USPS encourages mailers to use pallets

"Put your publications on pallets and save money." That's the message the Postal Service is sending to publishers.

In a new filing with the Postal Rate Commission, USPS is offering mailers pricing incentives to switch to pallets and stop using costly mail sacks. Pallets are more cost-efficient because they hold more volume than sacks and are easier to transport.

The current experiment focuses on smaller-circulation publications of average weight and considerable advertising content. The filing proposes an expansion that would provide incentives for heavier publications with high editorial content, specifically publications weighing more than nine ounces with less than 15 percent advertising content.

DOIS TRANSITION: IT support for DOIS being shifted to USPS employees

Need to talk to a techie about the Delivery Operations Information System (DOIS)? The in-house experts will handle it. Information Technology (IT) employees are in the process of assuming DOIS support duties that had been provided by a contractor.

DOIS currently is deployed to more than 7,600 locations. It's used by delivery unit supervisors to help manage delivery routes and other activities. District, area and headquarters managers also rely on DOIS information.

The transition to in-house support for DOIS is scheduled to be completed by March 31. IT is working with the Delivery System Support group to make it happen.

Go to the redesigned Delivery Helper Web site at http://deliveryhelper for DOIS information and related delivery links. A new feature is a Tips window, which is your access to frequently asked questions, suggestions and general tips.

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Revised publications now available

A Human Resources kit has all the information you need to know about reasonable accommodation.

The kit features two recently revised publications - Handbook EL-307, Reasonable Accommodation, An Interactive Process, and Publication 317, Manager's Guide to Reasonable Accommodation.


New to the kit are Poster 315, The Reasonable Accommodation Process, and Publication 316, Reasonable Accommodation in the U.S. Postal Service: A Guide for Employees and Applicants.

These products are available online and also can be ordered from the Material Distribution Center.

The Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against qualified employees and job applicants with disabilities and places an obligation on the Postal Service to find reasonable ways to accommodate them. The kit has been designed to help explain the Rehabilitation Act and ensure that we comply with it.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Ethics in Government Act celebrates its 25th

Got a situation where ethics laws or regulations apply? Not sure? Let the USPS Law department help you make the right decision.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (it wasn't enacted until the following year). To celebrate the milestone, the Law Department is reminding postal employees about the importance of observing high ethical standards. Ethics are essential to our overall effectiveness, and they promote public confidence in the integrity of the Postal Service.

For answers to your ethics questions, go to the Law department Web site at (note that this URL is case sensitive) or call the ethics hotline at 202-268-6346.

ARE YOU COVERED: Car insurance on official travel

The next time you lease or rent a car for official travel, keep these things in mind. The Postal Service doesn't reimburse travelers for collision or personal accident insurance. Vehicles leased for use on official Postal Service travel are covered by the military's Surface Deployment and Distribution Command - a service provided to all federal agencies. To ensure coverage, leased or rented vehicles must meet the following criteria:

• Vehicle must be leased from a participating leasing company. Leasing companies accessed through Omega are all participating companies.

• Rental cost must be paid with a government travel card.

• Vehicle must be rented at a government rate.

• Vehicle type must be: compact, mid-size, full, mini- van, 15-passenger van or SUV (no trucks).

• Damage sustained must not be the result of operator negligence or conduct.

Need to know more? See Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation, Section 5-6.3, Reimbursement for Insurance.

SELL, SELL, SELL: Sales launches online training courses

The USPS Sales group has launched a series of online training courses available through the Customer Connection Web site. Offerings include the first customized sales course - Selling USPS Package Services - and other essential sales skills courses.

To take an online sales course, go to and click on the Training link in the left column.

help us save you time and money. a d-link is provided.


Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Integration at 703-292-4041 at least 1 month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal ServiceTM also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.

Title of Mailing Class and
Type of Mail
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort
JCP Week 8 Billion $ Jewelry Standard/Flat and Letter 3/20/04-3/23/04 6.4 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
Williams Sonoma Standard/Flat 3/22/04-3/23/04 3.6 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Hartford, WI
Pottery Barn Kids Standard/Flat 3/22/04-3/25/04 4.2 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Hartford, WI
Seventh Avenue Standard 3/22/04-3/25/04 1.2 Nationwide Barcoded, Basic, 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI
The Sportsman's Guide, April Main Standard/Catalog 3/22/04-3/26/04 1.1 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Car-Rt RR Donnelley, Lynchburg, VA
JCP JB 04 Jewelry Catalog Standard/Postcard 3/25/04-3/27/04 1.8 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JCP Acquisition Version Standard/Catalog 3/26/04-3/29/04 1.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Quebecorworld
JCP March On-Trend Standard/Catalog 3/26/04-3/29/04 2.9 Nationwide Car-Rt Quebecorworld
JCP Decorating Sale Standard/Catalog 3/27/04-4/1/04 10.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Quebecorworld
JCP Week 9 Sweet Sale Standard/Postcard 3/29/04-3/31/04 10.3 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
- Business Service Network Integration,
Service and Market Development, 3-18-04