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Domestic Mail


Machinable Parcel Testing Changes

The information in the opening paragraph of the article titled "DMM Revision: Machinable Parcel Testing Changes" published in the April 15, 2004, Postal Bulletin (22126, page 85) contained an error. The text should read as follows: "Effective April 17, 2004, the Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) is revised to require requests for testing parcel machinability to be sent to Bulk Mail Center (BMC) Operations at Postal ServiceTM Headquarters."

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 4-29-04


Elimination of Age Requirement for Minors

Effective May 13, 2004, the age requirement for minors is eliminated from PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, and PS Form 1583, Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent. Therefore, the words "and age(s)" are being deleted from the Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM), the Postal Operations Manual (POM), PS Form 1093, and PS Form 1583.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed versions of DMM 59 and POM 10 and into the online updates of the DMM available via Postal Explorer at and the POM available via the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site at; click on More References, then Manuals.

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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D Deposit, Collection, and Delivery

D000 Basic Information

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D040 Delivery of Mail

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D042 Conditions of Delivery

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2.6 Delivery to CMRA

Procedures for delivery to a CMRA are as follows:

[Revise item a to delete "and age(s)" in the fifth sentence to read as follows:]

***A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) of each minor on Form 1583 (block 12).***

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D900 Other Delivery Services

D910 Post Office Box Service

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Procedures for applying for Post Office box service are as follows:

[Revise item b to delete "and age(s)" in the third sentence to read as follows:]

***A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) of each minor on Form 1093.***

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Postal Operations Manual (POM)

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6 Delivery Services

61 Conditions of Delivery

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612 Delivery of Addressee's Mail to Another

612.1 Delivery to Addressee's Agent

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612.13 Procedures for Delivery to CMRA

Mail delivery to a CMRA requires the following:

[Revise item a to delete "and age(s)" and "(s)" from the fifth sentence to read as follows:]

***A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) of each minor on PS Form 1583 (block 12).***

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8 Special Services

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84 Other Delivery Services

841 Post Office Box Service

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841.1 Purpose and Definition

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841.12 Obtaining Service

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841.122 Verification

[Revise item a(2) to delete "and age(s)" in the fifth sentence to read as follows:]

***A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) of each minor on Form 1093.***

* * * * *

- Customer Service Operations,
Delivery and Retail, 4-29-04

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Apply for Post Office Box Service! The safe and convenient way to get your mail (1 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Apply for Post Office Box Service! The safe and convenient way to get your mail (2 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Apply for Post Office Box Service! The safe and convenient way to get your mail (3 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Apply for Post Office Box Service! The safe and convenient way to get your mail (4 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Application cards - Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service (5 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1093, April 2004. Apply for Post Office Box Service! The safe and convenient way to get your mail (6 of 6 pages).

PS Form 1583, April 2004. Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent (1 of 2 pages).

PS Form 1583, April 2004. Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent (1 of 2 pages).


Indemnity Claims for Domestic Mail

Effective May 1, 2004, the policies and procedures for processing indemnity claims for domestic mail will be revised to clarify existing policies and procedures and to establish other guidelines regarding indemnity claims. The new revisions will do the following:

• Clarify situations under which indemnity will not be paid.

• Provide that the original sales receipt from a postal retail terminal listing the mailing receipt number and the insurance amount is acceptable evidence of insurance when the original mailing receipt is not available.

• Clarify that a mailer of a collect on delivery (COD) article may not stipulate "Cash Only."

• Provide that the initial appeal must be sent directly to Claims Appeals at the St. Louis Accounting Service Center (ASC).

• Clarify the time limit in which a customer may forward a final appeal to the Consumer Advocate at Postal ServiceTM Headquarters.

In conjunction with the policies and procedures changes, the Postal Service Customer Claims Response System (CCRS) will process indemnity claims submitted to the St. Louis ASC. It is a newly developed system to process Insured Mail claims for customers who incurred lost or damaged items in the mail. CCRS is a Web-based system that will expedite insured claim processing and improve customer satisfaction. The revised PS Form 1000, Domestic Claim or Registered Mail Inquiry, has an edition date of April 2004. All Post OfficesTM will receive an automatic distribution of PS Forms 1000 and should begin using them immediately upon receipt. Postmasters should inform all customers of the new form and encourage them to comply with the change immediately. A copy of PS Form 1000 is shown in this Postal Bulletin on pages 21-22.

CCRS will provide an interactive system using Web technology to capture claim information. The system will include interfaces with various systems including Delivery ConfirmationTM Guarantee, and will edit records based upon business rules in the system to automatically generate a payment or correspondence on most claims. The system will have an online menu of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will provide uniform and updated information to Postal Service personnel. The FAQ feature will help to ensure claims are filed correctly the first time.

Large Post Offices with Web access will have the capability to access the system to determine the status of claims. In addition, an 800 toll-free number will be available for customers to call and check on the status of their claims.

All PS Forms 1000 submitted will be forwarded to the St. Louis ASC for processing, except locally adjudicated claims (articles insured for $50.00 or less). Locally adjudicated claim forms will be forwarded to St. Louis after processing to ensure all claim data is captured by the system.

CCRS represents a customer-driven solution for improving the Postal Service indemnity claims process. In addition, the system is expected to grow revenue, manage costs, and develop Postal Service personnel to provide more consistent information.

The published policies and procedures pertaining to indemnity claims for domestic mail as published in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) and the Postal Operations Manual (POM) are amended with this effective date. The effective sections of these publications are DMM S010, S913, and S921; and POM 146. Publication 122, Customer Guide to Filing Domestic Insurance Claims or Registered Mail Inquiries, will be amended at a later date.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed versions of DMM 59 and POM 10, into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at, and into the next update of the online version of the POM accessible on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site at; click on More References, then Manuals or PUBs.

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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S Special Services

S000 Miscellaneous Services

S010 Indemnity Claims

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2.1 Who May File

A claim may be filed by:

[Reletter current items a, b, c, and d as new items b, c, d, and e, respectively. Add new item a to read as follows:]

a. Only the mailer, for the complete loss of an unnumbered Insured Mail article.

[Revise new item b to read as follows:]

b. Either the mailer or addressee, who is in possession of the original mailing receipt, for the complete loss of a numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail article.

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2.2 When to File

[Revise 2.2 to read as follows:]

A customer may file a claim immediately, but must file no later than 60 days from the date of mailing, when the contents of an article are damaged or missing from the mailing container. For a lost article, a customer must file a claim within the time limits in the chart below.

Mail Type or Service When to File (From Mailing Date)
No Sooner Than No Later Than
Insured Mail 21 days 180 days
COD 45 days 180 days
Registered Mail 15 days 180 days
Registered COD 45 days 180 days
Express Mail 7 days 90 days
Express Mail COD 45 days 90 days
APO/FPO Insured Mail (First-Class Mail, SAM, PAL, or COD) 45 days 180 days
APO/FPO Insured Mail (Surface Only) 75 days 180 days

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2.4 How to File

[Revise 2.4 to read as follows:]

A customer may file a claim by presenting evidence of insurance, evidence of value, proof of damage, and, for unnumbered Insured Mail claims only, proof of loss. (Proof of loss is not required for numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail claims.) If the article was mailed Express Mail COD or Registered Mail COD, the claimant must provide both the original COD receipt with either the Express Mail or the Registered Mail receipt. The customer must complete the applicable spaces on PS Form 1000.

2.5 Evidence of Insurance

For a claim involving Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail service, the customer must present any of the following evidence showing that the particular service was purchased:

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[Revise item a to read as follows:]

a. The original mailing receipt issued at the time of mailing (Insured Mail, Registered Mail, and COD receipts must contain a USPS postmark). Reproduced copies are not acceptable.

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[Insert item d to read as follows:]

d. The original sales receipt from the USPS listing the mailing receipt number and insurance amount, if the original mailing receipt is not available. Reproduced copies of the USPS sales receipt are not acceptable.

2.6 Evidence of Value

[Revise introductory text to read as follows:]

The customer, either the mailer or the addressee, must submit acceptable evidence to establish the cost or value of the article at the time it was mailed. (Other evidence may be requested to help determine an accurate value.) Examples of acceptable evidence are:

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Revise item a to read as follows:

a. Sales receipt, invoice or bill of sale, or statement of value from a reputable dealer.

[Revise item b to read as follows:]

b. For items valued up to $100, the customer's own statement describing the lost or damaged article and including the date and place of purchase, the amount paid, and whether the item was new or used (only if a sales receipt or invoice is not available). If the article mailed is a hobby, craft, or similar handmade item, the statement must include the cost of the materials used in making the item. The statement must describe the article in sufficient detail to determine whether the value claimed is accurate.

* * * * *

[Add new item g to read as follows:]

g. A copy of a canceled check, money order receipt, credit card statement, or other documentation indicating the amount paid. For Internet purchases, a copy of the front and back of the canceled check, money order, or a copy of the credit card billing statement is required.

[Add new item h to read as follows:]

h. For Internet transactions conducted through a Web- based payment network that offers payment services through a stored value account, a computer printout of an online transaction identifying the purchaser and seller, price paid, date of transaction, description of item purchased, and assurance that the transaction status is completed. The printout must clearly identify the Web-based payment network provider through which the Internet transaction was conducted.

2.7 Missing Contents

[Revise 2.7 to read as follows:]

If a claim is filed because some or all of the contents are missing, the addressee must present the mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any contents that were received, to the USPS with the claim. Failure to do so results in denial of the claim.

2.8 Damage

[Revise 2.8 to read as follows:]

If the addressee files the claim, the addressee must present the damaged article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents that were received, to the USPS for inspection. If the mailer files the claim, the St. Louis ASC will notify the addressee by letter to present the damaged article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents that were received, to the USPS for inspection. Failure to do so results in denial of the claim.

2.9 Proof of Loss

[Revise 2.9 to read as follows:]

The mailer must provide proof of loss for unnumbered Insured Mail only. Proof of loss is not required for numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail claims. The mailer must present written and signed documentation from the addressee (such as a letter) dated at least 21 days from the date of mailing, stating the addressee did not receive the article.

[Delete items a, b, and c.]

2.10 Duplicate Claim

[Revise 2.10 to read as follows.]

A customer must file any duplicate claim no sooner than 30 days and no later than 60 days from the date the original claim was filed.

[Delete the table.]

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2.14 Nonpayable Claims

[Revise introductory text to read as follows:]

Indemnity is not paid for Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail in these situations:

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[Add items ac through ah to read as follows:]

ac. Mailer refuses to accept delivery of the parcel on return.

ad. Mail not bearing the complete names and addresses of the mailer and addressee, or is undeliverable as addressed to either the addressee or mailer.

ae. Event or transportation tickets (e.g., concert, theater, sport, airline, bus, train, etc.) received after the event date. Such items are insured for loss, but not for delay or receipt after the event date for which they were purchased unless sent by Express Mail and the loss is attributable solely to the failure to meet the guaranteed delivery standard under the terms and conditions for the Express Mail offering selected.

af. Software installed onto computers that have been lost or damaged.

ag. Damaged articles not claimed within the required time limits in Postal Operations Manual 146.3.

ah. Personal time used to make hobby, craft, or similar handmade items.

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3.3 Dual Claim

[Revise 3.3 to read as follows:]

If the mailer and the addressee both claim insurance and cannot agree on which one should receive the payment, any payment due is made to the mailer unless the claim has already been paid to the addressee upon presentation of the original mailing receipt.

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4.2 Appeal

[Revise the first sentence of 4.2 to read as follows:]

A customer may appeal a claim decision by filing a written appeal within 60 days of the date of the original decision. Except for an unnumbered Insured Mail article, the customer must send the appeal directly to Claims Appeals at the St. Louis ASC (see G043 for address). For an unnumbered Insured Mail article, the customer must send the appeal to the Post Office where the claim was filed. That Post Office forwards the appeal to the manager of Claims Appeals at the St. Louis ASC.

4.3 Final USPS Decision

[Revise 4.3 to read as follows:]

If the manager of Claims Appeals at the St. Louis ASC sustains the denial of a claim, the customer may submit an additional appeal within 60 days for final review and decision to the Consumer Advocate, USPS Headquarters (see G043 for address), who may waive the standards in S010 in favor of the customer.

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[Delete 5.0. Sampling process will be discontinued with the implementation of CCRS.]

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S900 Special Postal Services

S910 Security and Accountability

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S913 Insured Mail

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2.7 Receipt

[Revise 2.7 to read as follows:]

For each Insured Mail article mailed, the mailer receives a USPS sales receipt and the appropriate postmarked (i.e., round-dated) Insured Mail form as follows:

a. Form 3813 when the insurance coverage is $50 or less.

b. Form 3813-P when the insurance coverage is more than $50.

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S920 Convenience

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S921 Collect on Delivery (COD) Mail


1.1 Description

[Insert text after first sentence to read as follows:]

***The recipient has the option to pay the COD charges using either cash or personal check. Only one form of payment may be used for a single mailpiece.***

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3.4 Indelible Ink, Mailer Errors

[Revise 3.4 to read as follows:]

The information required on the COD form must be handwritten with ink, typewritten, or computer printed. The USPS is not responsible for errors that a mailer makes in stating the charges to be collected. The mailer may not stipulate "Cash Only" on the COD form.

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Postal Operations Manual (POM)

[Replace all instances of the word "insured" with "Insured Mail", where it refers to a mail service, throughout the POM.]

1 Retail Management

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14 Other Retail Services Management

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146 Indemnity Claims

146.1 General Instructions for Filing Claims

146.11 How to File

146.111 Customer Action

[Revise 146.111 to read as follows:]

The following actions apply to customers who file indemnity claims for Insured Mail, Registered MailTM, COD, or Express MailŪ articles. (See Exhibit 146.11 and the IMM for international Insured Mail and Registered Mail claims.)

a. Claims for Loss. Only the mailer may file an indemnity claim for the complete loss of an unnumbered Insured Mail article. Either the mailer or addressee, who is in possession of the original mailing receipt, may file an indemnity claim for the complete loss of a numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail article by presenting evidence of insurance and evidence of value. (Proof of loss is not required for numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail claims.)

Note: If the article was mailed with Express Mail COD or Registered Mail COD service, the claimant must provide the original COD receipt with either the Express Mail or the Registered Mail receipt.

b. Claims for Damage. Either the mailer or addressee may file a claim for damage or for missing contents by presenting evidence of insurance and evidence of value. The addressee must present the article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents that were received, to the Postal ServiceTM for inspection. If the mailer filed the claim, the St. Louis ASC will notify the addressee by letter to present the article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other content that were received to the Postal Service for inspection.

c. Time Limits. Claims for complete loss must be filed within the time frames prescribed in DMM S010.2.2 and POM Exhibit 146.11. Claims for damage or missing contents should be filed immediately, but no later than 60 days from the date of mailing.

d. PS Form 1000. The customer must complete the applicable spaces on PS Form 1000 April 2004, Domestic Claim or Registered Mail Inquiry, for all domestic indemnity claims.

Exhibit 146.11
General Instructions for Filing Claims

[Revise Exhibit 146.11 to read as follows:]

Eligible Types of Mail Services: Insured Mail (unnumbered/numbered), Registered Mail, COD, Express Mail, Express Mail COD, and Registered Mail COD service.

Who May File

For complete loss: Only mailer for unnumbered Insured Mail/mailer or addressee, whoever is in possession of the mailing receipt for numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail service.

For damage or loss of contents: Mailer or addressee.

When to File

A customer should file a claim immediately, but no later than 60 days from the date of mailing, when the contents of an article are damaged or missing from the mailing container.

For a lost article, a customer must file a claim within the time limits in the chart below.

Filing Time Periods for Form 1000

Mail Type or Service When to File (From Mailing Date)
No Sooner Than No Later Than
Insured Mail 21 days 180 days
COD 45 days 180 days
Registered Mail 15 days 180 days
Registered COD 45 days 180 days
Express Mail 7 days 90 days
Express Mail COD 45 days 90 days
APO/FPO Insured Mail (First-Class Mail, SAM, PAL, or COD) 45 days 180 days
APO/FPO Insured (Surface Only) 75 days 180 days


A. Evidence of Insurance (at least one):

For a claim involving Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail service, the customer must present any one of the following evidence showing that the particular service was purchased:

1. The original mailing receipt issued at the time of mailing (Insured Mail, Registered Mail, and COD receipts must contain a Postal Service postmark). Reproduced copies are not acceptable.

2. The wrapper showing the names and addresses of the mailer and the addressee and the proper mail endorsement, tag, or label showing that the article was sent Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail service. If only the wrapper is submitted, indemnity can be limited to $100 for Insured Mail, $50 for COD, $100 for Registered Mail, and $100 for Express Mail items.

3. For Express Mail items accepted for mailing under an Express Mail Manifesting agreement in P910, a copy of the manifest page showing the Express Mail label number for the item in question; the manifest summary page for the date the piece was mailed; a copy of PS Form 3152-E, Express Mail Manifesting Certification, round-dated by the accepting Post Office; and a copy of the EMCA monthly statement that lists the label number and postage for the mailpiece. If the customer purchased additional insurance, a copy of the round-stamped PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail, must also be submitted.

4. The original sales receipt from the Postal Service listing the mailing receipt number and insurance amount, only if the original mailing receipt is not available. Reproduced copies of the Postal Service sales receipt are not acceptable.

B. Evidence of Value (at least one):

1. Sales receipt, invoice or bill of sale, or statement of value from a reputable dealer.

2. For items valued up to $100, the customer's own statement describing the lost or damaged article and including the date and place of purchase, the amount paid, and whether new or used (only if a sales receipt or invoice is not available). If the article mailed is a hobby, craft, or similar handmade item, the statement must include the cost of the materials used in making the item. The statement must describe the article in sufficient detail to determine whether the value claimed is accurate.

3. Picture from a catalog showing the value of a similar article (only if a sales receipt, invoice, or statement of value from a reputable dealer is not available). The date and place of purchase must be included.

4. Paid repair bills; if the claim is for partial damage, estimates of repair costs or appraisals from a reputable dealer. Repair costs may not exceed the original purchase price.

5. Receipt or invoice for the costs incurred to buy a surety bond required to reissue a lost item.

6. Receipt or invoice of costs incurred for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents.

7. A copy of a canceled check, money order receipt, credit card statement, or other documentation including the amount paid. For Internet purchases, a copy of the front and back of the canceled check, money order, or a copy of the credit card billing statement is required.

8. For Internet transactions conducted through a Web- based payment network that offers payment services through a stored value account, a computer printout of an online transaction identifying the purchaser and seller, price paid, date of transaction, description of item purchased, and assurance that the transaction status is completed. The printout must clearly identify the Web-based payment network provider through which the Internet transaction was conducted.

C. Proof of Loss (required for unnumbered Insured Mail only):

The mailer must provide proof of loss for unnumbered Insured Mail items only. Proof of loss is not required for numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail claims. The mailer must present written and signed documentation from the addressee (such as a letter), dated at least 21 days after the date of mailing, stating that the addressee did not receive the article.

Note: The documentation or a copy of it must be attached to the claim. On the back of the mailing receipt, write "claim filed," round date stamp, photocopy for the file, and return to customer, except unnumbered Insured Mail and Express Mail receipts. Instruct the customer to keep the original receipts until the claim is settled.

146.112 Accepting Post Office

When accepting a customer's claim, handle it as follows:

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[Revise item e to read as follows:]

e. (For numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail COD, or Express Mail claims) Detach copy 2 of PS Form 1000 and give it to the customer to retain until the claim is settled. Forward copy 1 of the claim form and supporting documentation to the St. Louis Accounting Service Center for processing. For unnumbered Insured Mail, mail copy of PS Form 1000 to the St. Louis Accounting Service Center after processing locally as described in 146.122.

[Delete item f. Reletter current item g as new item f and revise to read as follows:]

f. Endorse the original insurance receipt and/or wrapper "Claim Filed [date]," date-stamp, and initial it. Return the receipt or wrapper to the customer (except unnumbered Insured Mail and Express Mail receipts). Instruct the customer to keep the receipts until the claim is settled.

146.113 Claims and Inquiry Employee

[Revise 146.113 to read as follows:]

Detach copy 3 of PS Form 1000 and file it alphabetically by mailer's name. Process the claim as explained in 146.12.

146.12 Processing Claims at the Post Office

[Revise title and text of 146.121 to read as follows:]

146.121 Loss of Numbered Insured Mail, Registered Mail With Postal Service Insurance, COD, or Express Mail Items

Process the claims as follows:

a. When PS Form 1000 is presented at a Post Office for the purpose of filing a claim, check for completeness, mailer and addressee address, customer signature, complete article receipt number, and supporting documentation.

b. Mail PS Form 1000 and supporting documentation, evidence of insurance and evidence of value (as defined in DMM S010) to the St. Louis Accounting Service Center at the following address:

PO BOX 80143
ST LOUIS MO 63180-0143

Claims forms submitted with an APO/FPO mailing address must include the unit or ship designation.

[Delete Exhibit 146.12]

146.122 Loss of Unnumbered Insured Articles

[Revise 146.122 to read as follows:]

When PS Form 1000 is presented at a Post Office for the purpose of filing a claim, check for completeness, customer signature, and supporting documentation. Complete section B of the claim form and indicate claim was paid or denied. After processing locally, mail the original copy 1 of the form to the St. Louis Accounting Service Center at the following address:

PO BOX 80143
ST LOUIS MO 63180-0143

[Delete current sections 146.123 through 146.124. Renumber current sections 146.125 and 146.126 as new 146.123 and 146.124, respectively. Revise to read as follows:]

146.123 Damage Claim Filed by Mailer

[Revise 146.123 to read as follows:]

If the mailer files a damage claim for an article still in the possession of the addressee, the St. Louis ASC will notify the addressee by letter to present the damaged article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents that were received, to the Postal Service for inspection. Failure to do so will result in denial of the claim.

Note: When the mailer receives notification from the addressee of receipt of a damaged article, the mailer must advise the addressee to await notification from the Postal Service to present the damaged article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents they received to the Postal Service for inspection if the mailer elects to file the claim.

146.124 Damage Claim Filed by Addressee

If the addressee files a damage claim, part B of PS Form 1000 (April 2004) must be completed to show that the damaged article and mailing container, including any wrapping, packaging, and any other contents they received, were presented for inspection when the claim was filed. If additional space is needed, attach a separate sheet to the claim form describing the damage. The St. Louis ASC will make payment to the person designated in section A 3a of PS Form 1000 provided the original proof of insurance is submitted with claim. If a dual claim is filed, the claim with the original mailing receipt will be honored.

[Insert Exhibit 146.124.]

Exhibit 146.124
Processing Claims for Damage or Partial Loss of Contents

All Claims for Damaged/Missing Contents
• Complete PS Form 1000, part B, to show that the damaged article and mailing container, including wrapping, packaging, and any other contents that were received, were presented for inspection when the claim was filed.
• Attach a separate sheet to the claim form describing the damage.
• If necessary, return the article to the customer so that an appraisal or estimate can be obtained.
• Use PS Form 3831, Receipt for Article(s) Damaged in Mails, to give receipts for damaged articles. Note the condition on the form.
• Payment is made to the customer presenting the mailing receipt or to the addressee when designated by the sender as payee.
Exception: (For numbered Insured Mail articles only) If the addressee paid for repair to a partially damaged article and the endorsement on the wrapper shows that enough insurance was bought to cover the cost of repairs, payment will be made to the addressee unless a claim payment has already been made on the numbered Insured Mail article.
• If the article has no salvage value (below $10.00), allow the customer to keep it if the customer wants it; otherwise, destroy it.
• If the completely damaged Insured Mail, COD, or Express Mail article has salvage value, retain it for 60 days, and then forward it to the appropriate mail recovery center on the next weekly dispatch.
• For Registered Mail claims, retain the article and the packaging until released by notification from the St. Louis ASC.

[Delete 146.127 and 146.128. Renumber current 146.129 as new 146.125.]

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[Delete 146.13. Renumber current 146.14 through 146.144 as new 146.13 through 146.134, respectively. Delete current 146.145.]

146.13 Inquiries and Duplicate Claims

146.131 Time Limits

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146.132 Customer Filing

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146.133 Claim Form Copy Not on File

[Revise 146.133 to read as follows:]

If a copy of PS Form 1000 is not on file, advise the customer that no record exists. If the customer kept a copy of the claim form, ask the customer to bring or send a copy to the Post Office. If neither the customer nor the Post Office has a copy of the claim form, the customer must file an original claim on PS Form 1000. Ask the customer to present the original mailing receipt to the Post Office. When the customer presents the mailing receipt and the receipt is annotated to show that a claim was filed, follow original claim procedures and attach a note to the claim indicating that a previous claim was filed.

146.134 Completing Duplicate Claims

[Revise to read as follows:]

Complete these duplicate claims as follows:

a. Do not use a new PS Form 1000 when filing a duplicate claim.

b. Use either a photocopy of the customer's original copy or the Post Office's original copy and mark "Duplicate" on the top left corner of the form immediately above the title.

c. Process the form as described in 147.12.

[Delete 146.145.]

146.2 Reimbursements

146.21 Tendered

[Revise 146.21 to read as follows:]

If a customer reimburses the Postal Service for an incorrectly paid claim, Postal Service personnel must accept it and issue a receipt using PS Form 1096, Receipt. Annotate the receipt to indicate the form of payment received, such as, cash, personal check, money order, and record the

number of any negotiable instrument received. If cash is received from the customer, issue a no-fee money order payable to the U.S. Postal Service for transmittal to the Eagan ASC. Do not send cash. Send all reimbursements to the Eagan ASC with all claim-identifying information to the following address:

EAGAN MN 55121-9600

Personal checks, money orders, or other negotiable instruments should be made payable to the U.S. Postal Service. If the instrument is made payable to the postmaster, the postmaster must sign and restrictively endorse it "Pay to U.S. Postal Service" and forward as above.

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(Domestic Mail Continued...)