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Domestic Mail


Parcel Return Services - Change in Address Format for Labels

Effective August 5, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) G993.4.4 is revised to modify the address format for Parcel Return Services (PRS) labels used on items returned to bulk mail centers. Instead of a complete delivery address, including the street address, city, and state, the new address format must show only the agent or customer name, the words "PARCEL RETURN SERVICE," the words "BULK MAIL CENTER," and the unique ZIP CodeTM assigned to each PRS participant.

Revisions are also made to G993.1.1 to change the terminology for offices where PRS items will be picked up to "return delivery units" rather than "delivery units", and to G993.1.9 to clarify that the distribution of PRS labels by a party constitutes its authorization to the Postal ServiceTM to release mail bearing that label to the identified permit holder or its designee.

These new address requirements resolve operational concerns that arose under the previous address format. This revised address format must be used only on PRS labels affixed to mailpieces for return to bulk mail centers. ZIP Codes used on PRS labels for parcels addressed to bulk mail centers must be those assigned by the Postal Service. The address format for PRS pieces addressed to a return delivery unit is unchanged.

These revisions are effective on August 5, 2004, for all new PRS labels. Customers with approval for previous versions of PRS labels may continue to distribute those labels through September 8, 2004.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal ExplorerŽ at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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G General Information

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G900 Experimental Classification and Rate Filings

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G990 Experimental Classifications and Rates

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G993 Parcel Return Services


1.1 Description

[Revise 1.1 to change "delivery unit" to "return delivery unit" and to add a sentence regarding label distribution, to read as follows:]

The standards in G993 apply to parcels that are retrieved in bulk by authorized permit holders or their agents who are approved participants in the Parcel Return Services (PRS) experiment. The permit holder guarantees payment of postage and retrieval of all PRS parcels mailed with a PRS label. The provision, by a merchant or other party, of an approved PRS label to its customers or others constitutes the party's designation of the permit holder identified on the label as the party's agent for receipt of mail bearing that label, and authorizes the Postal Service to provide that mail to the permit holder or its designee. The permit holder has the option of retrieving parcels at a designated return delivery unit (one of the postal delivery unit facilities designated as a pickup location for PRS parcels, also known for PRS purposes as an "RDU") or at the bulk mail center (also known for PRS purposes as an "RBMC") that serves the post office where returned parcels are deposited by customers. Payment for parcels returned under PRS is deducted from a separate advance deposit (postage due) account that is funded through the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS).

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1.9 Pickup Schedule

[Revise the first sentence of 1.9 by replacing DDU with RDU and adding an introductory clause, to read as follows:]

Unless more frequent pickups are specified in the service agreement, parcels must be retrieved on a regular schedule: from RBMCs, a minimum of every 48 hours excluding Sundays and USPS holidays; and from RDUs, a minimum of once every 7 days.***

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4.4 Label Format Elements

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c. Parcel Return Service legend. The legend must be placed directly above the address and include:

[Revise item c (1) by specifying allowable abbreviations, to read as follows:]

(1) Line 1: In capital letters at least 3/16" high, "PARCEL SELECT RETURN SERVICE" (or "PARCEL SELECT RTN SVC") or "BOUND PRINTED MATTER RETURN SERVICE" (or "BPM RETURN SERVICE"), as appropriate.***

* * * * *

[Revise item e by removing reference to RBMC labels, to read as follows:]

e. Address for return delivery unit (RDU) labels. The address must be the physical location of the return delivery unit, as provided by the Postal Service specifically for PRS. The address must consist of at least three lines in all capital letters, as specified below. As an option, the PRS participant's or merchant's name may appear above the first line. The ZIP Code may appear left-justified on a line directly below the city and state line.


(2) Line 2: Street address, including number, of the RDU.

(3) Line 3: City, state, and ZIP Code.

[Redesignate current items f through i as new items g through j. Add new item f to specify new format for RBMC labels, to read as follows:]

f. Address for return bulk mail center (RBMC) labels. The address must consist of at least three lines in all capital letters, as specified below. The ZIP Code must be printed in at least 12-point type and may appear left-justified on a line directly below the bulk mail center line.

(1) Line 1: PRS participant's or merchant's name.


(3) Line 3: "BULK MAIL CENTER," followed by the unique PRS ZIP Code assigned by the USPS in the service agreement.

* * * * *

[Revise item g (3) to specify allowable abbreviations, to read as follows:]

(3) Human-readable text above the barcode must read "USPS PARCEL RETURN SERVICE" (or "USPS PARCEL RTN SVC"). If the barcode is a single concatenated barcode with the postal routing code described in 4.4h, the text above the barcode must read "BMC ZIP - USPS PARCEL RETURN SERVICE" (or "BMC ZIP - USPS PARCEL RTN SVC"). In the text below the barcode, the leading application identifier ("420"), ZIP Code information, and subsequent numbers must be parsed as shown in exhibits 4.4b, c, and d.

[Revise item h by clarifying the exception to standards in C850, to read as follows:]

h. Postal Routing Barcode. If a single concatenated barcode is not used for the PRS barcode, a postal routing barcode also must be printed directly on the label. The barcode may appear in any location on the label, except the upper left, upper right, and lower right corners. Postal routing barcodes must meet the standards in C850, except that the human readable text below the barcode must read "BMC ZIP - " followed by the unique PRS ZIP Code assigned by USPS in the service agreement.

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Exhibit 4.4a Parcel Select Return Services Label Addressed to a Return Delivery Unit With Separate Parcel Return Services and Postal Routing Barcodes

[Revise Exhibit 4.4a to show the return address in the same delivery area as the RDU address, as follows:]

Exhibit 4.4a: Parcel Select Return Services Label addressed to a Return Delivery Unit with separate parcel return services and postal routing barcodes.

Exhibit 4.4b Parcel Select Return Services Label Addressed to a Return Delivery Unit With Concatenated Parcel Return Services and Postal Routing Barcode

[Revise Exhibit 4.4b to show the return address in the same delivery area as the RDU address, as follows:]

Exhibit 4.4b: Parcel Select Return Services Label addressed to a Return Delivery Unit with concatenated parcel return services and postal routing barcode.

Exhibit 4.4c Parcel Select Return Services Label Addressed to a Return Bulk Mail Center

[Revise Exhibit 4.4c to incorporate new address format, as follows:]

Exhibit 4.4c: Parcel Select Return Services Label addressed to a Return Bulk Mail Center.

Exhibit 4.4d Bound Printed Matter Return Services Label

[Revise Exhibit 4.4d to incorporate new address format, as follows:]

Exhibit 4.4d: Bound Printed Matter Return Services Label.

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 8-5-04


Indemnity Claims for Domestic Mail

Effective August 5, 2004, the Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) is revised to replace the word "loss" with the word "delay" in text relating to information on items and situations for which indemnity is paid. This change revises incorrect wording given in a past Postal Bulletin 22127 article titled "DMM and POM Revision: Indemnity Claims for Domestic Mail" (4-29-04, pages 36-42, 63-66).

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal ExplorerŽ at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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S Special Services

S000 Miscellaneous Services

S010 Indemnity Claims

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2.14 Nonpayable Claims

Indemnity is not paid for Insured Mail, Registered Mail, COD, or Express Mail in these situations:

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[Revise item ae to replace the second "loss" in the second sentence with the word "delay" to read as follows:]

ae. Event or transportation tickets (e.g., concert, theater, sport, airline, bus, train, etc.) received after the event date. Such items are insured for loss, but not for delay or receipt after the event date for which they were purchased unless sent by Express Mail and the delay is attributable solely to the failure to meet the guaranteed delivery standard under the terms and conditions for the Express Mail service selected.

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- Revenue and Field Accounting,
Finance, 8-5-04


Standard Mail Low-Weight Flats: 15-Piece Minimum for 5-Digit and 5-Digit Scheme Bundles

Effective August 5, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) M045.2.4, M930.2.3e, and M940.2.3e are updated to reflect the two bundle size minimums that took effect August 1, 2004, for Standard MailŽ flat-size pieces prepared in 5-digit bundles and optional 5-digit scheme (L007) bundles. Depending on the weight and thickness of the piece, the minimum bundle size is now either 15 pieces or 10 pieces.

The new standards apply to both automation rate and nonautomation presorted rate flat-size Standard Mail pieces. The required minimum number of pieces in a 5-digit bundle or optional 5-digit scheme bundle is based on the weight and the thickness of the pieces. The following new minimums are used for Standard Mail mailings of identical- weight pieces as well as nonidentical-weight pieces:

• Flat-size pieces 5 ounces or less. The bundle minimum for 5-digit and 5-digit scheme bundles is 15 pieces for a mailing containing only pieces that weigh 5 ounces (0.3125 pound) or less and are 3/4 inch thick or less, including mailings of nonidentical- weight pieces.

• Flat-size pieces more than 5 ounces. The bundle minimum for 5-digit and 5-digit scheme bundles is 10 pieces for a mailing containing any pieces that weigh more than 5 ounces (0.3125 pound) or, for qualifying automation rate mail only under DMM C820.3.0, any pieces greater than 3/4 inch thick. As a reminder, nonautomation presorted rate pieces greater than 3/4 inch thick cannot qualify as, or be prepared as, flat-size pieces. See DMM C050.3.0.

The preparation standards for other bundle levels are unchanged, and mailers must continue to prepare 3-digit and area distribution center (ADC) bundles whenever there are 10 or more pieces to those destinations, regardless of weight or thickness.

Additional Information

Background information about the reason for the change in 5-digit and 5-digit scheme bundle minimums for Standard Mail flat-size pieces, along with the actual supporting mailing standards, appeared in Postal Bulletin 22125 (4-1-04, pages 12-14) and 22132 (7-8-04, page 36).

Mailers with questions about these new standards can go to their local Post OfficeTM or visit Postal ServiceTM employees with questions should contact their district manager of business mail entry.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal ExplorerŽ at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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M Mail Preparation and Sortation

M000 General Preparation Standards

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M040 Pallets

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M045 Palletized Mailings

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[Revise introductory text by changing "10-piece minimum" to "10-piece or 15-piece minimum as applicable", to read as follows:]

Bundle size: 10-piece or 15-piece minimum as applicable; 20-pound maximum, except that:

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M900 Advanced Preparation Options for Flats

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M930 Merged Palletization of Bundles Using a 5% Threshold

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2.3 5% Threshold Standard

5-digit bundles and carrier route bundles may be placed on the same merged 5-digit scheme and merged 5-digit pallet if all of the following conditions are met:

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[Revise the second sentence of 2.3e to read as follows:]

e. ***Regardless of the option selected, a minimum of 10 pieces or 15 pieces as applicable must be prepared in 5-digit bundle(s) placed on the merged pallet and a minimum of 10 or 15 remaining pieces as applicable prepared in 5-digit bundle(s) not placed on the merged pallet, with the total number of pieces not exceeding the 5% limit.***

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M940 Merged Palletization of Bundles Using the City State Product and a 5% Threshold

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2.3 5% Threshold Standard

5-digit bundles and carrier route bundles may be placed on the same merged 5-digit scheme and merged 5-digit pallet if all of the following conditions are met:

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[Revise the second sentence of 2.3e to read as follows:]

e. ***Regardless of the option selected, a minimum of 10 pieces or 15 pieces as applicable must be prepared in 5-digit bundle(s) placed on the merged pallet and a minimum of 10 or 15 remaining pieces as applicable prepared in 5-digit bundle(s) not placed on the merged pallet, with the total number of pieces not exceeding the 5% limit.***

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- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 8-5-04


Merged Five-Digit and Five-Digit Scheme Pallets: Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services Mail

Effective September 2, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMMTM) E220.2.1, E220.2.2, E230.2.1, E620.2.3, L001 heading, L802 heading and Summary, M011.1.2, M011.1.3, M041.5.6, M045.2.1, M045.2.2, M045.2.5, M045.3.0, M210.1.5, M220.1.5, and M820.1.9 are revised, and a new M045.15.0 is established, to allow mailers to merge (place together) carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles of flat-size mailpieces or irregular parcels on the same 5-digit scheme pallet (using labeling list DMM L001) or on the same 5-digit pallet. Only noncarrier route flat-size mailpieces not meeting the criteria in DMM C820.2.0 for the automated flat sorting machine (AFSM) 100 may be placed on these merged pallets with carrier route flat-size mailpieces. Carrier route bundles may consist of mailpieces that meet the criteria in DMM C820.2.0.

Although the revised mailing standards in DMM M045.3.0 are optional, those same standards become mandatory effective January 6, 2005. Current DMM M045.3.0 is redesignated as DMM M045.15.0 to enable mailers to transition from the existing pallet preparation standards to the new ones by the mandatory compliance date of January 6, 2005. On that date, the redesignated standards in new DMM M045.15.0 will be eliminated.

No substantive changes have been made to current pallet preparation standards under current DMM M045.3.0 other than the addition of the new merged pallet levels for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels, Standard MailŽ flats and irregular parcels, and Bound Printed Matter flats and irregular parcels. The chart titled "Five-Digit Pallet Levels Under New DMM M045.3.0 for Bundles, Trays, and Sacks" provides an overview of all possible 5-digit sort levels that will be available for mailers placing bundles, trays, or sacks directly onto pallets.


Prior to this revision, mailing standards for palletizing mail under DMM M045.3.0 permitted mailers to merge only flat-size mailpieces prepared in carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles, and only on the following pallet sort levels in descending sequence of preparation:

• 5-digit metro pallets.

• 3-digit pallets.

• Sectional center facility (SCF) pallets.

• Area distribution center (ADC) pallets (for Periodicals mail only).

• Auxiliary service facility (ASF) pallets (for Standard Mail and Package Services pieces only).

• Bulk mail center (BMC) pallets (for Standard Mail and Package Services pieces only).

Until September 2, 2004, mailers wanting to perform such mergers at a finer pallet level must still use the preparation options in DMM M900. Those optional standards, however, are limited to flat-size mailpieces only, and are basically intended for flat-size mailpieces meeting the criteria in DMM C820.2.0 for the automated flat sorting machine (AFSM) 100. These optional standards in DMM M900 will continue to be available for mailer use, and remain the best option for mailing jobs consisting of mailpieces meeting the criteria for the AFSM 100 in DMM C820.2.0.

Until September 2, 2004, the prohibition on merged 5-digit scheme (DMM L001) and merged 5-digit pallets under M045.3.0 also applies to bundles of all flats, including upgraded flat sorting machine (UFSM) 1000-compatible automation flats and irregular parcels (generally flat- shaped pieces exceeding one or more of the maximum dimensions for flats). The operational need for this prohibition, however, is relevant only to flat-size mailpieces compatible with the AFSM 100. DMM criteria for AFSM 100-compatible flats (DMM C820.2.0) can be viewed using Postal ExplorerŽ at

Five-digit bundles of non-AFSM 100-compatible flat-size mailpieces (that is, flats meeting the physical criteria of the UFSM 1000 under DMM C820.3.0) are further sorted to carrier routes at the delivery unit, where the carriers prepare mail for delivery, rather than the mail processing facility, where employees handle and stage the palletized mail before its transport to the delivery unit. As a consequence, it is more practical to have the 5-digit bundles of UFSM 1000-compatible flats merged on the same 5-digit or 5-digit scheme (DMM L001) pallets with the corresponding carrier route bundles so that both the carrier route mail and the noncarrier route mail can be cross-docked to the delivery unit at the mail processing facility.

The addition of these merged pallet sort levels to the existing pallet sort levels should increase operational efficiencies by reducing the total number of pallets that must be prepared. These additional pallet levels should also improve customer service by enabling the Postal ServiceTM to transport more mail closer to the point of delivery.

Unlike the limitations in DMM M920, M930, and M940, preparation of merged 5-digit scheme and merged 5-digit pallets under revised M045.3.0 is accomplished without limitations (that is, without the use of the "A" and "C" or the "B" and "D" indicators in the City State Product, and also without the 5 percent threshold for 5-digit noncarrier route bundles).

As with all mail prepared on pallets, pallets prepared under DMM M045.3.0 must also meet the appropriate general pallet preparation standards under DMM M041, including the standard requiring a minimum load of 250 pounds of mail on each pallet. Preparation must be completed at each required level before the next required or optional level is prepared.

Irregular Parcel Rate Eligibility

This revision also clarifies the rate eligibility standards and pallet preparation standards for Periodicals and Standard Mail irregular parcels to reflect clearly and accurately the relationship between rate eligibility and pallet preparation. The following explanation for both Periodicals rates and Standard Mail rates for palletized bundles reconciles and clarifies this relationship.

Periodicals Rates

The Periodicals rate structure recognizes nonautomation rates and automation rates. Automation rates are further divided into two separate rate categories: one for letter-size mail meeting the physical characteristics in DMM C810, and one for flat-size mail meeting the physical characteristics in DMM C820. Similar to First-Class MailŽ Presorted rates, Periodicals nonautomation piece rates make no rate distinction by processing category.

The wording for presorted rate eligibility standards has therefore been revised to reflect the actual intent of the rate structure as presented in the Domestic Mail Classification Schedule, which classifies Periodicals rate categories as nonautomation (regardless of mail processing category), automation letter, and automation flat.

For purposes of mail preparation, the revised wording in DMM E220.2.0 distinguishes between letter-size mail and nonletter-size mail (which includes flat-size mailpieces and irregular parcel mailpieces). As a result, this aligns the revised rate eligibility standards for irregular parcels with the pallet preparation standards for irregular parcels. This does not change the Periodicals rate eligibility standards that have been in effect since January 10, 1999.

Standard Mail Rates

The Standard Mail rate structure recognizes presorted rates (nonautomation rates) and automation rates. Both rate categories are further divided into two designations for pieces weighing 3.3 ounces or less:

• Letter-size mail meeting the physical characteristics in DMM C050.2.0 (and DMM C810 for automation letters).

• Nonletter-size mail meeting the physical characteristics in DMM C050.3.0 for flats (and DMM C820 for automation rate flats), DMM C050.4.0 for machinable parcels, and DMM C050.5.0 for irregular parcels.

The actual preparation standards, however, impose specific requirements based on mail processing categories. For example, the preparation of letter-size mail is quite different from the preparation of flat-size mail, machinable parcels, or irregular parcels.

Irregular parcels (see DMM C050.5.0), in particular, are best described as "none of the above" when reviewing the dimensional standards in DMM C050 for letter-size mail and flat-size mail, and the dimensional standards and relative uniform shape of machinable parcels. Only in rare occurrences - such as a publication or catalog exceeding the maximum 15-inch length or maximum 12-inch height permitted for flat-size mailpieces and thus categorizing the mailpiece as an irregular parcel - would bundles of irregular parcels be uniform in thickness and suitable for placement directly onto pallets without compromising the integrity or stability of the pallets.

Before this revision, all irregular parcels eligible for the 3/5 rate were required to be sacked (whether first bundled or not), including irregular parcels to be placed onto pallets. Five-digit scheme (L606) groups, 5-digit groups, and 3-digit groups of irregular parcels placed directly into sacks before placement onto pallets compensate for parcels that are not even in shape or uniform in thickness, such as padded bags containing film or cylindrical medicine bottles, or parcels not easily stackable, such as rolls or mailing tubes. Requiring sacking of such irregular parcels stabilizes the pallets and prevents individual presort destination bundles from breaking apart, thus assuring the maintenance of the required separations for the rates being claimed.

Other points about Standard Mail irregular parcels that can affect the placement of presort destination bundles directly onto pallets include the preparation of 5-digit scheme (DMM L001) pallets and the exceptions to required bundling (DMM M610.5.3). The 5-digit scheme under DMM L606 may be used only for:

• Sacking machinable and irregular parcels (usually consisting of merchandise) and placing the sacks (containing parcels) onto pallets.

• Placing machinable parcels directly onto a pallet.

The L606 5-digit scheme was not developed for preparing presort destination bundles (mailpieces consisting of publications, catalogs, etc.). In the revision to pallet preparation under DMM M045.3.0, the 5-digit scheme preparation for flats and irregular parcels, which is under DMM L001, applies to pallets as the containers.

The standards in DMM M610.5.3 that permit sorting irregular parcels directly into sacks without first preparing presort destination bundles apply to nearly all Standard Mail irregular parcel mailings except for those infrequent mailings containing "oversized flats" and irregular parcels that are less than 1/2 inch thick. Here 5-digit and 3-digit pieces can qualify for the 3/5 rate as sacked pieces.

For purposes of mail preparation, the revised wording in DMM E620.2.0 distinguishes between irregular parcels consisting of:

• Mailpieces of uniform thickness (that is, printed publications or catalogs) that exceed 15-inches in length, or 12-inches in height, prepared in presort destination bundles under DMM M020, and placed directly onto pallets.

• Mailpieces consisting of padded bags (and plastic envelopes) containing film or cylindrical medicine bottles, or parcels not easily stackable, such as rolls or mailing tubes.

As a result, this aligns the revised rate eligibility standards for irregular parcels with the pallet preparation standards for irregular parcels.

Mailers and Postal Service employees are reminded that Standard Mail irregular parcels of uniform thickness prepared in presort destination bundles are still subject to the residual shape surcharge in addition to the applicable Standard Mail nonletter rates (see DMM E620.3.0).

Low-Volume Periodicals Bundles

Wording has been added to the appropriate sections in the DMM to clarify that low-volume 5-digit bundles of Periodicals are permitted on merged 5-digit scheme (DMM L001) and merged 5-digit pallets. This revision thus aligns the preparation standards in DMM M045.3.0 with those found in other sections of the DMM for palletizing low- volume 5-digit bundles.

PAVE Certification

The Postal Service plans to offer tests for PAVE certification as an option, but will not require the use of PAVE- certified software with the palletization standards in revised DMM M045.3.0.

Additional Revisions

Besides adding the new merged pallet levels in DMM M045, this revision:

• Standardizes the presentation and language of mailing standards used for pallet preparation and labeling in DMM E230, L001, L802, M011, M041.5.0, and M045.3.0, including the standards for Package Services irregular parcels and for Standard Mail and Package Services machinable parcels.

• Clarifies the availability of DMM M045.3.0 for palletizing flat-size mailpieces cobundled under DMM M950.

• Replaces the mail preparation term "package" with "bundle" when referring to multiple mailpieces prepared as a single unit to a presort destination. This change was announced in Postal Bulletin 22132 (7-8-04, page 35).

Mailers with questions about these new standards can go to the Post OfficeTM where they enter their mailings, or visit Postal Service employees with questions should contact their district manager of business mail entry.

We will incorporate this revision into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the September 2, 2004, update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Five-Digit Pallet Levels Under New DMM M045.3.0 for Bundles, Trays, and Sacks

# Pallet level sequence Sort: optional or required Line 1 pallet label Information Containers permitted on pallet Rate categories required on pallet Noncarrier route AFSM 100 flats permitted?
1 Merged 5-Digit Scheme Required L001 Bundles only Carrier route and noncarrier route (Presorted and/or automation rate) No
2 5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes Required L001 Bundles only Carrier route only No
3 5-Digit Scheme (Periodicals and Package Services, flats and irregulars only) Required L001 Bundles only Noncarrier route only No
4 Merged 5-Digit Required City, state, 5-digit ZIP Code on mail Bundles only Carrier route and noncarrier route No
5 5-Digit Carrier Routes Required, except for trays City, state, 5-digit ZIP Code on mail Bundles, sacks, or trays Carrier route only Yes
6 5-Digit Required, except for trays City, state, 5-digit ZIP Code on mail Bundles, sacks, or trays Noncarrier route only Yes
7 5-Digit Metro Optional L006 Bundles only Carrier route and/or noncarrier route Yes

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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E Eligibility

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E200 Periodicals

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E220 Presorted Rates

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2.1 5-Digit Rates

Subject to M045, M210, or M900, 5-digit rates apply to:

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[Revise 2.1b to read as follows:]

b. Nonletter-size pieces in 5-digit scheme (L007) bundles and 5-digit bundles of six or more addressed pieces each, placed in applicable merged 5-digit scheme (L001) sacks, merged 5-digit sacks, 5-digit scheme (L001) sacks, or 5-digit sacks, or palletized under M045, M920, M930, or M940.

2.2 3-Digit Rates

Subject to M045, M210, or M900, 3-digit rates apply to:

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[Revise 2.2b to read as follows:]

b. Nonletter-size pieces in 5-digit scheme (L007) bundles, 5-digit bundles, and 3-digit bundles of six or more addressed pieces each, placed in 3-digit sacks; or 3-digit bundles of six or more addressed pieces each, placed onto 3-digit or lower pallets under M045, M920, M930, or M940.

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E230 Carrier Route Rates

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[Revise heading of 2.0 to read as follows:]


[Revise heading and text of 2.1 to read as follows:]

2.1 Preparation

Preparation to qualify eligible pieces for carrier route rates is optional and need not be performed for all carrier routes in a 5-digit area. Carrier route rates apply to copies that are prepared in carrier route bundles of six or more addressed pieces each subject to these standards:

a. Letter-size mailings. Carrier route rates apply to carrier route bundles that are sorted into carrier route, 5-digit carrier routes, or 3-digit carrier routes trays under M220. Trays may be palletized under M045.

b. Nonletter-size mailings. Carrier route rates apply to carrier route bundles that are sorted onto pallets prepared under M045, M920, M930, or M940, as appropriate, or prepared in carrier route, 5-digit scheme (L001) carrier routes, or 5-digit carrier routes sacks under M220. Sacks may be palletized under M045.

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E600 Standard Mail

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E620 Presorted Rates

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2.3 3/5 Rates

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[Revise 2.3d, redesignate current 2.3e as new 2.3f, and add new 2.3e, to read as follows:]

d. For irregular parcels (see C050.5.0) of uniform thickness and more than 15 inches long or more than 12 inches high in a 5-digit bundle of 10 or more pieces, or in a 3-digit bundle of 10 or more pieces, palletized under M045.

e. For all other irregular parcels (see C050.5.0) in a 5-digit scheme (L606), 5-digit, or 3-digit sack containing at least 125 parcels or 15 pounds of parcels. (The 3/5 rates are available only when all possible 5-digit scheme and 5-digit sacks are prepared.)

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L Labeling Lists

L000 General Use

[Revise heading of L001 to read as follows:]

L001 5-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services Flats and Irregular Parcels

[Revise introductory text to read as follows:]

L001 describes the 5-digit scheme sort list for pallets and sacks of Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services flats and irregular parcels destined for multiple 5-digit ZIP Codes served by a single delivery unit. When the 5-digit scheme sort is used, mail for the 5-digit ZIP Codes shown in Column A must be combined on pallets or in sacks as follows:

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L800 Automation Rate Mailings

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[Revise heading of L802 to read as follows:]

L802 BMC/ASF Entry-Periodicals and Standard Mail letters, Flats and Irregular Parcels, and Package Services Flats and Irregular Parcels Mail


[Revise text to read as follows:]

L802 lists the 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for labeling mixed automation rate and nonautomation rate Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services mailings entered at an ASF or BMC.

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M Mail Preparation and Sortation

M000 General Preparation Standards

M010 Mailpieces

M011 Basic Standards


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1.2 Presort Levels

Terms used for presort levels are defined as follows:

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[Revise 1.2f, 1.2g, 1.2j, 1.2l, and 1.2m, to read as follows:]

f. 5-digit scheme carrier routes (pallets and sacks) for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels, Standard Mail flats, Bound Printed Matter flats (sacks only); and Bound Printed Matter irregular parcels (pallets only): the ZIP Code in the delivery address on all pieces in carrier route bundles is one of the 5-digit ZIP Codes processed by the USPS as a single scheme, as shown in L001.

g. 5-digit scheme (pallets) for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels and Bound Printed Matter flats and irregular parcels: the ZIP Code in the delivery address on all pieces is one of the 5-digit ZIP Codes processed by the USPS as a single scheme, as shown in L001.

* * * * *

j. Merged 5-digit pallet: contains carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate 5-digit bundles and/or presorted rate 5-digit bundles).

* * * * *

l. Merged 5-digit scheme pallet: contains carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate 5-digit bundles and/or presorted rate 5-digit bundles) for those 5-digit ZIP Codes that are part of a single scheme as shown in L001.

m. 5-digit metro pallets for Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats and irregular parcels: the 5-digit ZIP Codes on pieces in carrier route, automation rate, and presorted rate bundles are all destined for the same mail processing facility listed in L006.

* * * * *

1.3 Preparation Instructions

For purposes of preparing mail:

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[Revise 1.3o through 1.3r to read as follows:]

o. A merged 5-digit sort for Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats and irregular parcels prepared as bundles on pallets yields merged 5-digit pallets that contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate 5-digit bundles and/or presorted rate 5-digit bundles). The merged 5-digit sort is optional for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels and Standard Mail flats prepared in sacks under M920. Sacks or pallets prepared for a merged 5-digit destination that contain only a single rate level of bundle(s) (only carrier route bundle(s) or only automation rate 5-digit bundle(s) or only presorted rate 5-digit bundle(s)) or only two rate levels of bundle(s) are still considered to be merged 5-digit sorted and must be labeled accordingly.

p. A merged 5-digit scheme sort for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels and Standard Mail flats prepared in sacks under M920 yields merged 5-digit scheme sacks that contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate 5-digit bundles and/or presorted rate 5-digit bundles) for those 5-digit ZIP Codes that are part of a single scheme as shown in L001. Sacks prepared for a merged 5-digit scheme destination that contain only a single rate level of bundle(s) (only carrier route bundle(s) or only automation rate 5-digit bundle(s) or only presorted rate 5-digit bundle(s)), or only two rate levels of bundle(s), or bundles for only one of the schemed 5-digit ZIP Codes are still considered to be merged 5-digit scheme sorted and must be labeled accordingly. If preparation of merged 5-digit scheme sacks is performed, it must be done for all 5-digit scheme destinations in L001.

q. A merged 5-digit scheme sort for Periodicals flats and irregular parcels, Standard Mail flats and irregular parcels, and Bound Printer Matter flats and irregular parcels prepared as bundles on pallets under M045, M920, M930, or M940, as appropriate, yields merged 5-digit scheme pallets that contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted rate 5-digit bundles) for those 5-digit ZIP Codes that are part of a single scheme as shown in L001. Pallets prepared for a merged 5-digit scheme destination that contain only a single rate level of bundle(s) (only carrier route bundle(s) or only automation rate 5-digit bundle(s) or only presorted rate 5-digit bundle(s)), or only two rate levels of bundle(s), or bundles for only one of the schemed 5-digit ZIP Codes are still considered to be merged 5-digit scheme sorted and must be labeled accordingly. If preparation of merged 5-digit scheme pallets is performed, it must be done for all 5-digit scheme destinations in L001.

r. A 5-digit metro sort for Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats and irregular parcels prepared as bundles on pallets yields 5-digit metro pallets that contain carrier route and/or noncarrier route 5-digit and 3-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted bundles) for the 5-digit ZIP Codes listed in L006. The ZIP Codes in L006 are treated as a single presort destination, with no further separation by 5-digit ZIP Code required. The 5-digit metro sort is optional and need not be done for all possible destinations in L006.

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M040 Pallets

M041 General Standards

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* * * * *

5.6 Mail on Pallets

* * * * *

[Combine current 5.6g and 5.6h into new 5.6g and redesignate current 5.6i as new 5.6h, to read as follows:]

f. For Bound Printed Matter irregular parcels, presorted and carrier route rate mail may be combined on all pallet levels. For Bound Printed Matter flats, pre- sorted and carrier route rate mail may be combined on all levels of pallet except as provided in 5.6g.

g. For sacks of Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats or irregular parcels, carrier route rate mail must be prepared on separate 5-digit pallets from automation rate and/or presorted rate mail.

h. Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter flats or irregular parcels prepared in carrier route and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles may be placed on the same merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, and 5-digit metro pallet, as appropriate.

* * * * *

M045 Palletized Mailings

* * * * *


2.1 Applicability

[Revise 2.1 to read as follows:]

Presort destination bundles of Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services flats and irregular parcels may be placed directly on pallets under 2.2 through 2.5, 3.0 (and, until January 6, 2005, under 15.0). Mail that cannot be placed on pallets must be prepared in sacks under the applicable standards in M200, M600, M700, M910, or M920. Sacks containing any remaining bundles after all pallets are prepared may be presented with the palletized portion of the mailing job (and, subject to 8.5, reported on the same postage statement) if the sacked portion is presented separately from the palletized portion.

2.2 Basic Bundling Standards

[Revise 2.2 to read as follows:]

Bundle preparation for Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services mailpieces must meet the general standards in M010 and M020 as well as the applicable standards in M200, M600, M700, M820, and M950, except as noted in 2.3 through 2.5. Bundles may be sorted onto pallets under 3.0 (and, until January 6, 2005, under 15.0), as well as M920, M930, and M940.

* * * * *

2.5 Bound Printed Matter

* * * * *

[Revise 2.5b by combining current 2.5b and 2.5c into new 2.5b, to read as follows:]

b. Presorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter:

(1) Only individual pieces of flats or irregular parcels that weigh less than 10 pounds each may be prepared as bundles on pallets. Presorted rate pieces that weigh 10 or more pounds each must be prepared and palletized as machinable parcels under 3.5 or prepared in sacks under M722. Carrier Route pieces that individually weigh 10 or more pounds each must either be prepared and palletized as machinable parcels under 3.5 and qualify for presorted rates or be prepared in sacks under M723 and qualify for carrier route rates.

(2) Bundles must be prepared under M722, M723, or M950, as appropriate. The minimum bundle size is 10 addressed pieces or 10 pounds, whichever occurs first, except that the last bundle to a presort destination may contain fewer than 10 pieces or weigh less than 10 pounds. When there are at least 10 pieces but less than 10 pounds for a presort destination, the pieces must be prepared in a single physical bundle. The maximum physical bundle size for pallets prepared under 3.3a through 3.3g, and 3.4a through 3.4g is 40 pounds. The maximum physical bundle size for pallets prepared under 3.3h through 3.3l, and 3.4h through 3.4l is 20 pounds. The total number of bundles for a single presort destination must not exceed the number of 10-pound increments to that destination. Each physical bundle must contain at least two addressed pieces.

[Delete current 2.5c.]

[Redesignate current 3.0 as new 15.0. Add new 3.0 to read as follows:]

* * * * *


3.1 Periodicals-Bundles, Sacks, or Trays

Until January 6, 2005, Periodicals mailings may also be palletized under 15.1. Pallets must be prepared under M041 in the sequence listed below and completed at each required level before the next optional or required level is prepared. Unless indicated as optional, all sort levels are required under the conditions shown. See E250 for additional requirements for destination entry rates eligibility. For mailings of sacks or trays on pallets, pallet preparation begins with 3.1e. Pallets must be labeled according to the Line 1 and Line 2 information listed below and under M031. All pallets prepared under 3.1 may contain firm bundles, and pallets prepared under 3.1a through 3.1i may contain low-volume bundles. Bundles of Periodicals nonletters (flats and irregular parcels) may also be palletized under M920, M930, or M940.

a. Merged 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats or irregular parcels. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.1d. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CR/5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

b. 5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain only carrier route bundles for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit carrier routes pallet preparation begins with 3.1e. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"); followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

c. 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats and irregular parcels. Pallet must contain only 5-digit bundles of automation rate and/or presorted rate mail for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.1f. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "5D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

d. Merged 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats or irregular parcels. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CR/5D."

e. 5-Digit Carrier Routes (required except for trays). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet must contain only carrier route mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS").

f. 5-Digit (required except for trays). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet must contain only automation rate and/or presorted rate mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code or the same 5-digit scheme under L007 (for AFSM 100-compatible flats only under C820). Five-digit scheme (L007) bundles are assigned to pallets according to the OEL "label to" 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "5D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail.

g. 5-Digit Metro (optional). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or presorted rate bundles for the 5-digit ZIP Codes in L006, Column A, and for 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L006, Column B. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L006.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "METRO" (or "MET"); followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail.

h. 3-Digit (optional). Option not available for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes marked "N" in L002. Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column A.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "3D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail.

i. SCF (required). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L005. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column C.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "SCF"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail.

j. ADC (required). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L004. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L004.

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "ADC"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail.

k. Mixed ADC (optional). Permitted for sacks and trays only. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: "MXD" followed by city, state, and ZIP Code information for ADC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office as shown in L004, Column A (label to plant serving entry post office if authorized by processing and distribution manager).

(2) Line 2: "PER" or "NEWS," as applicable; followed by "FLTS," "IRREG," or "LTRS," as applicable; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail; followed by "WKG."

3.2 Standard Mail-Bundles, Sacks, or Trays

Until January 6, 2005, Standard Mail mailings may also be palletized under 15.2. Pallets must be prepared under M041 in the sequence listed below and completed at each required level before the next optional or required level is prepared. Unless indicated as optional, all sort levels are required under the conditions shown. See E650 for additional requirements for destination entry rates eligibility. Irregular parcels prepared in bundles directly onto pallets are limited to those mailpieces that are of uniform thickness and more than 15 inches long or more than 12 inches high. For mailings of sacks or trays on pallets, pallet preparation begins with 3.2d. Pallets must be labeled according to the Line 1 and Line 2 information listed below and under M031. Bundles of Standard Mail flats may also be palletized under M920, M930, or M940.

a. Merged 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats or irregular parcels. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.2c. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CR/5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

b. 5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain only carrier route bundles for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit carrier routes pallet preparation begins with 3.2d. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"); followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

c. Merged 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats or irregular parcels. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (automation rate and/or presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CR/5D."

d. 5-Digit Carrier Routes (required except for trays). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet must contain only carrier route mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"). For letters, "STD LTRS"; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"); followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

e. 5-Digit (required except for trays). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet must contain only automation rate and/or Presorted rate mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code or same 5-digit scheme under L007 (for AFSM 100-compatible flats only under C820). Five-digit scheme (L007) bundles are assigned to 5-digit pallets according to the OEL "label to" 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "5D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains Presorted rate mail. For letters, "STD LTRS 5D"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

f. 5-Digit Metro (optional). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate bundles for the 5-digit ZIP Codes in L006, Column A, and for 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L006, Column B. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L006.

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "METRO" (or "MET"); followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail.

g. 3-Digit (optional). Option not available for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes marked "N" in L002. Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column A.

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "3D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail. For letters, "STD LTRS 3D"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

h. SCF (required). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L005. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column C.

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "SCF"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail. For letters, "STD LTRS SCF"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

i. ASF (required, unless bundle reallocation used under 5.0). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L602. ADC bundles, sacks, or trays are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004 or L603, as appropriate. AADC trays are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code for the AADC tray in L801. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles, sacks, or trays and mixed AADC trays may be sorted to ASF pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles, sacks, and trays and mixed AADC trays must contain only pieces destinating within the ASF in Exhibit E650.5.1. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L602.

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "ASF"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail. For letters, "STD LTRS ASF"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

j. BMC (required). Permitted for bundles, sacks, and trays. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L601. ADC bundles, sacks, or trays are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004 or L603, as appropriate. AADC trays are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code for the AADC tray in L801. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles, sacks, or trays and mixed AADC trays may be sorted to BMC pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles, sacks, and trays and mixed AADC trays must contain only pieces destinating within the BMC in Exhibit E650.5.1. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L601.

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "BMC"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail. For letters, "STD LTRS BMC"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters.

k. Mixed BMC (optional). Permitted for sacks and trays only. Pallet may contain carrier route, automation rate, and/or Presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: "MXD" followed by information in L601, Column B, for BMC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office (label to plant serving entry post office if authorized by processing and distribution manager).

(2) Line 2: For flats and irregular parcels, "STD" followed by "FLTS" or "IRREG," as applicable; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains automation rate mail; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted rate mail; followed by "WKG." For letters, "STD LTRS"; followed by "BC" if pallet contains barcoded letters; followed by "MACH" if pallet contains machinable letters; followed by "MAN" if pallet contains nonmachinable letters; followed by "WKG."

3.3 Package Services Flats-Bundles and Sacks

Until January 6, 2005, Package Services mailings of flats may also be palletized under 15.3. Pallets must be prepared under M041 in the sequence listed below and completed at each required level before the next optional or required level is prepared. Unless indicated as optional, all sort levels are required under the conditions shown. Carrier route mail and presorted rate mail with a barcode apply only to Bound Printed Matter mailings. Destination entry rate eligibility also applies only to Bound Printed Matter (see E752). At the mailer's option, all Package Services flats may be prepared for destination entry. For mailings of sacks on pallets, pallet preparation begins with 3.3e. Pallets must be labeled according to the Line 1 and Line 2 information listed below and under M031.

a. Merged 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.3d. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS CR/5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

b. 5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain only carrier route bundles for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit carrier routes pallet preparation begins with 3.3e. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS"; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"); followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

c. 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats. Pallet must contain only 5-digit bundles of presorted rate mail for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.3f. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS 5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

d. Merged 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles only. Not permitted for bundles containing noncarrier route AFSM 100-compatible flats under C820. Required for bundles containing all other flats. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS CR/5D."

e. 5-Digit Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet must contain only carrier route mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS"; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS").

f. 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet must contain only Presorted rate mail with or without a barcode for the same 5-digit ZIP Code or same 5-digit scheme under L007 (for AFSM 100-compatible flats only under C820). Five-digit scheme (L007) bundles are assigned to pallets according to the OEL "label to" 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS 5D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail without a barcode.

g. 5-Digit Metro (optional). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode for the 5-digit ZIP Codes in L006, Column A, and for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L006, Column B. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L006.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS"; followed by "METRO" (or "MET"); followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail without a barcode.

h. 3-Digit (optional). Option not available for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes marked "N" in L002. Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column A.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS 3D"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail without a barcode.

i. SCF (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L005. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column C.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS SCF"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail without a barcode.

j. ASF (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L602. ADC bundles or sacks are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles or sacks may be sorted to ASF pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles and sacks must contain only pieces destinating within the ASF in Exhibit E751.1.3. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L602.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS ASF"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail without a barcode.

k. BMC (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L601. ADC bundles or sacks are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles or sacks may be sorted to BMC pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles and sacks must contain only pieces destinating within the BMC in Exhibit E751.1.3. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L601.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS BMC"; followed by "BARCODED" (or "BC") if pallet contains presorted rate mail with a barcode; followed by "NONBARCODED" (or "NBC") if pallet contains carrier route and/or presorted rate mail without a barcode.

l. Mixed BMC (optional). Permitted for sacks only. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail with or without a barcode. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: "MXD" followed by information in L601, Column B, for BMC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office (label to plant serving entry post office if authorized by processing and distribution manager).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC FLTS WKG."

3.4 Package Services Irregular Parcels-Bundles and Sacks

Until January 6, 2005, Package Services mailings of irregular parcels may also be palletized under 15.4. Pallets must be prepared under M041 in the sequence listed below and completed at each required level before the next optional or required level is prepared. Unless indicated as optional, all sort levels are required under the conditions shown. Carrier route (3.4a, 3.4b, 3.4d, and 3.4e) applies to Bound Printed Matter mailings only. Destination entry rate eligibility applies only to Parcel Select (see E751) and Bound Printed Matter (see E752). At the mailer's option, all Package Services irregular parcels also may be prepared for destination entry (see E753). For mailings of sacks on pallets, pallet preparation begins with 3.4e. Pallets must be labeled according to the Line 1 and Line 2 information listed below and under M031.

a. Merged 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (pre- sorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, merged 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.4d. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG CR/5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

b. 5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain only carrier route bundles for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit carrier routes pallet preparation begins with 3.3e. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG"; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS"); followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

c. 5-Digit Scheme (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain only 5-digit bundles of pre- sorted rate mail for the same 5-digit scheme

under L001. For 5-digit destinations not part of L001, 5-digit pallet preparation begins with 3.4d. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L001.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG 5D"; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

d. Merged 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain carrier route bundles and noncarrier route 5-digit bundles (presorted rate bundles) for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG CR/5D."

e. 5-Digit Carrier Routes (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet must contain only carrier route mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG"; followed by "CARRIER ROUTES" (or "CR-RTS").

f. 5-Digit (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet must contain only presorted rate mail for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG 5D."

g. 5-Digit Metro (optional). Permitted for bundles only. Pallet must contain carrier route and/or presorted rate bundles for the 5-digit ZIP Codes in L006, Column A, and for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L006, Column B. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L006.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG"; followed by "METRO" (or "MET").

h. 3-Digit (optional). Option not available for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes marked "N" in L002. Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column A.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG 3D."

i. SCF (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L005. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L002, Column C.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG SCF."

j. ASF (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L602. ADC bundles or sacks are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles or sacks may be sorted to ASF pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles and sacks must contain only pieces destinating within the ASF in Exhibit E751.1.3. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L602.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG ASF."

k. BMC (required). Permitted for bundles and sacks. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L601. ADC (L004) bundles or sacks are assigned to pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L004. At the mailer's option, appropriate mixed ADC bundles or sacks may be sorted to BMC pallets according to the "label to" ZIP Code in L802. All mixed ADC bundles and sacks must contain only pieces destinating within the BMC in Exhibit E751.1.3. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L601.

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG BMC."

l. Mixed BMC (optional). Permitted for sacks only. Pallet may contain carrier route and/or presorted rate mail. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: "MXD" followed by information in L601, Column B, for BMC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office (or labeled to plant serving entry post office if authorized by processing and distribution manager).

(2) Line 2: "PSVC IRREG WKG."

3.5 Machinable Parcels-Standard Mail and Package Services

Until January 6, 2005, Standard Mail and Package Services mailings of machinable parcels may also be palletized under 15.5. Pallets must be prepared under M041 in the sequence listed below and completed at each required level before the next optional or required level is prepared. Unless indicated as optional, all sort levels are required under the conditions shown. At the mailer's option, Inter-BMC/ASF and Intra-BMC/ASF Parcel Post mailings may be prepared on pallets under this section. Destination entry rates eligibility applies only to Standard Mail (see E650), Parcel Select (see E751), and Bound Printed Matter (see E752). At the mailer's option, all Package Services machinable parcels also may be prepared for destination entry (see E753). Combined mailings of Standard Mail and Package Services machinable parcels must also meet the standards in M073. Pallets must be labeled according to the Line 1 and Line 2 information listed below and under M031.

a. 5-Digit Scheme (optional). Pallet may contain parcels for the same 5-digit scheme under L606. Pallets need not be prepared for all 5-digit scheme destinations. For 5-digit destinations not part of L606, or for which scheme sorts are not performed, 5-digit pallets are prepared under 3.5b. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L606.

(2) Line 2: "STD MACH 5D" or "PSVC MACH 5D," as applicable; followed by "SCHEME" (or "SCH").

b. 5-Digit (required). Optional for Standard Mail if 3/5 rates are not claimed. Pallet must contain parcels only for the same 5-digit ZIP Code. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for military mail).

(2) Line 2: "STD MACH 5D" or "PSVC MACH 5D," as applicable.

c. ASF (required if claiming DBMC rates, otherwise optional). Not available for the Buffalo, NY ASF in L602. Pallets must contain only parcels for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L602.

(1) Line 1: L602.

(2) Line 2: "STD MACH ASF" or "PSVC MACH ASF," as applicable.

d. BMC (required). Pallets must contain only parcels for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L601. Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: L601.

(2) Line 2: "STD MACH BMC" or "PSVC MACH BMC," as applicable.

e. Mixed BMC (optional). Pallet labeling:

(1) Line 1: "MXD" followed by information in L601, Column B, for BMC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office (or labeled to plant serving entry post office if authorized by processing and distribution manager).

(2) Line 2: "STD MACH WKG" or "PSVC MACH WKG," as applicable.

* * * * *

M200 Periodicals (Nonautomation)

M210 Presorted Periodicals


* * * * *

1.5 Low-Volume Bundles and Sacks

[Revise 1.5 to read as follows:]

As a general exception to 2.0 and 4.0, nonletter-size Periodicals may be prepared in low-volume 5-digit and 3-digit bundles containing fewer than six pieces when the publisher determines that such preparation improves service, if those bundles are placed in 5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF sacks. Low-volume bundles also may be placed on merged 5-digit scheme, 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, 5-digit, 5-digit metro, 3-digit, and SCF pallets.

* * * * *

M220 Carrier Route Periodicals


* * * * *

1.5 Low-Volume Bundles and Sacks

[Revise 1.5 to read as follows:]

As a general exception to 2.4 and 4.0, nonletter-size Periodicals may be prepared in low-volume carrier route bundles containing fewer than six pieces when the publisher determines that such preparation improves service, if those bundles are placed in merged 5-digit scheme, 5-digit scheme carrier routes, merged 5-digit, or 5-digit carrier routes sacks. Low-volume carrier route bundles also may be placed on merged 5-digit scheme, 5-digit scheme carrier routes, merged 5-digit, 5-digit carrier routes, 5-digit metro, 3-digit, and SCF pallets.

* * * * *

M800 All Automation Mail

* * * * *

M820 Flat-Size Mail


* * * * *

1.9 Exception-Periodicals Preparation

[Revise 1.9 to read as follows:]

As a general exception to 4.1 and 4.2, Periodicals may be prepared in low-volume 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, and 3-digit bundles containing fewer than six pieces, when the publisher determines that such preparation improves service, if those bundles are placed in 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, and 3-digit sacks under M820. Low-volume bundles may also be placed in merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, 5-digit, 5-digit scheme, 3-digit, and SCF sacks under M920. Low- volume sacks may also consist of a firm bundle(s) when optional 5-digit scheme sortation is performed with mailings prepared in sacks. Low-volume bundles also may be placed on merged 5-digit scheme, 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, 5-digit, 5-digit metro, 3-digit, and SCF pallets.

* * * * *

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 8-5-04


Delivery Confirmation and Signature Confirmation Service - Eligible Mailpieces

Employees can reference the following table to easily determine class-specific Delivery ConfirmationTM and Signature ConfirmationTM service standards.

Priority MailŽ Items Parcels Letters Flats
blank Yes Yes Yes
blank blank blank blank
All Priority Mail pieces are eligible for Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation service, regardless of mail processing category.
First-Class MailŽ Items
Parcels Letters Flats
Yes No No
blank blank blank
Only First-Class Mail parcels are eligible for Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation service as specified in Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) S918.1.2c and S919.1.2c.

Parcels that measure 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch thick must be machinable according to DMM C050.4 (except there is no minimum weight restriction for First-Class Mail service) and must be relatively rigid or inflexible either because of the mailing container or because of the item itself. A parcel greater than 3/4 inch thick at its thickest point is eligible and need not be rigid. The address side of parcels must be large enough to contain all address, endorsement, postage, and label elements. For complete information, see DMM S918.1.2 and S919.1.2.
Package Services Items Parcels Letters Flats
blank Yes No No
blank blank blank blank
Only Package Services parcels are eligible for Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation service as specified in DMM S918.1.2c and S919.1.2c.

Parcels that measure 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch thick must be machinable according to DMM C050.4 (minimum piece weight for Package Services machinable parcels is 6 ounces) and must be relatively rigid or inflexible either because of the mailing container or because of the item itself. A parcel greater than 3/4 inch thick at its thickest point is eligible and need not be rigid. The address side of parcels must be large enough to contain all address, endorsement, postage, and label elements. For complete information, see DMM S918.1.2 and S919.1.2.
Standard MailŽ Items Parcels Letters Flats
blank Yes* No No
blank blank blank blank
Only Standard Mail pieces subject to the residual shape surcharge are eligible for Delivery Confirmation service (and only for the electronic option).

*Standard Mail pieces, regardless of mail processing category or whether a residual shape surcharge is applied, are not eligible for any form of Signature Confirmation service.

- Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 8-5-04


Updated PS Form 5051 and PS Form 1357-S Appear in Publication 91

Effective August 5, 2004, Publication 91, Confirmation Services Technical Guide, is revised to reflect the most current edition of applicable forms.

• We are replacing the March 2003 edition of PS Form 5051, Confirmation Services - Electronic Option Application, with the June 2004 edition.

• We are removing PS Form 5051-C, Confirmation Services - Electronic Option Application Checklist, which was made obsolete when the information contained in it was included in the June 2004 edition of PS Form 5051.

• We are replacing the March 2003 edition of PS Form 1357-S, (Customer) Request for Computer Access, with the September 2003 edition.

Copies of PS Form 5051 and PS Form 1357-S appear in this Postal Bulletin starting on page 22.

We are incorporating these revisions into the online version of Publication 91, which is available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click on PolicyNet.

• Click on PUBs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web Site is

Publication 91 is also available on the Postal Service Internet Web site:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Publications.

This publication is available only online and not in printed format.

Publication 91, Confirmation Services Technical Guide

* * * * *

9 Forms

[Revise the list of forms at the beginning of chapter 9 by removing the entry for PS Form 5051-C, Electronic Option Application Checklist. Revise the forms appearing in chapter 9 by replacing the March 2003 edition of PS Form 5051 with the June 2004 edition, by removing PS Form 5051-C, and by replacing the March 2003 edition of PS Form 1357-S with the September 2003 edition.]

* * * * *

- Product Information Requirements,
Product Development, 8-5-04

PS Form 5051, June 2004 (page 1 of 2). Confirmation Services Electronic Option Application.

PS Form 5051, June 2004 (page 2 of 2). Confirmation Services Electronic Option Application.

(Article continues)