Postmaster General Jack Potter
presents retiring Citizens' Stamp
Advisory Committee Chair Dr.
Virginia Noelke with a letter from
President Bush that thanks her
for nearly 30 years of dedicated
After nearly thirty years
serving on the Citizens'
Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) - most recently as its Chair - and
playing a major role in
selecting more than
2,400 stamp subjects
from more than 1 million
suggestions, Dr. Virginia
Noelke is stepping down.
Noelke also serves as
chairman and professor
of History at Angel State
University Department of
History. She will continue
to teach.
Announcing her retirement, PMG Jack Potter said
Noelke's commitment to communicating the American experience through stamps has been an invaluable asset to
the Postal ServiceTM and the nation.
Potter credited Noelke's knowledge of American history
as helping guide the committee in developing several
stamp series that celebrated contemporary American culture - the American Music, Legends of Hollywood, and
American Treasures series. She also played a strong role
in the Legends of the West and Civil War stamp selections.
"It has been tremendously rewarding to work with many
talented and dedicated people - members, art directors
and Postal Service staff alike," said Noelke. "The goal has
been to produce a superior United States stamp program. I
hope we have succeeded."
2 million packages! Carrier pickup
volume passes milestone
If you left your heart in San Francisco, talk to Tony Bennett. But if it's a package to be picked up, talk to the Postal
San Francisco Letter Carrier Xiang Zhou picked up the
2 millionth package to come through the carrier pickup online notification program.
WaterField Designs, a leading maker of custom computer bags, handed off the milestone package when Operations Manager Rommel De Peralta gave a Priority Mail®
package to Zhou.
Company owner Gary Waterfield has operated his business for six years. He began using Click-N-Ship® with carrier pickup in January to ship the slim, protective laptop
computer bags his company manufactures.
"We ship Priority Mail packages daily to customers
throughout the United States
and we use Global Express
MailTM to ship to our international customers," said De
Peralta as he expressed appreciation for generating the
2 millionth package.
"I got the telephone call telling us we were being recognized. Thank you," he said.
Sign of hope: Tour of Hope finale draws
Nearly 8,000 people, hundreds of them cancer survivors, turned out in the nation's capital to welcome Lance
Armstrong and this year's Tour of Hope team as they made
their way into the city for the finale of their 3,500-mile cross-
country journey.
Joining Lance and the team were several USPS Pro
Cycling teammates, members from the 2003 Tour of Hope
team and nearly 1,000 riders who signed up for the 28-mile
recreational ride into the city.
Following close behind were three LLVs filled with nearly
150,000 Promise Cards collected during the nationwide
trek. Promise Card holders pledge to learn more about cancer, support cancer research and participate in cancer
At the close of the celebration, Lance commented on the
honor and dignity with which the team accomplished their
goal, "These 20 riders are examples of what is right with
World-class operation: Global Express
Mail earns accolades at UPU Congress
USPS delivers more than 40% of the world's mail. With a
delivery network that extensive, it's an honor to be recognized by postal representatives from other nations for the
quality of services you provide.
Networks Operations Management V.P. Paul Vogel was
on hand at the 23rd Universal Postal Union (UPU) Congress recently held in Bucharest, Romania, to accept an
award on behalf of the Postal Service for on-time delivery
service and customer care for Global Express Mail (GEM).
GEM provides fast service to over 190 countries. Prices
start at just $15.50 and customers can receive volume discounts, online tracking and pickup on demand. The award
reflects the combined efforts of the Postal Service's call
centers and operations network.
Vogel accepted the Express Mail Service Cooperative's
Silver Level Certificate from UPU Director General Thomas
Honor for PEMS: Emergency
management system gets
Computerworld award
Emergency preparedness took on new meaning in the
wake of the anthrax attacks. USPS met the challenge by
creating the Postal Emergency Management System
(PEMS), which has gained international recognition as a
model information technology solution.
PEMS, which allows USPS to coordinate emergency
preparedness and response, received a "Best Practice in
Business Intelligence" award from Computerworld
The system is the result of a
partnership between Information Technology and Emergency
Preparedness. It integrates
emergency management plans
for terrorism, natural disasters, power outages, telecommunication failures and other threats.
Administrative Services
Administrative Support Manual (ASM) — Revised Chapters 3, 6, and 8
Effective October 28, 2004, ASM 13 Chapters 3, 6, 8,
and Exhibits 892 and 895 are revised. These revisions consolidate and update policies related to the Postal ServiceTM
information technology and information privacy
Note: Some forms that should have retention periods
have been temporarily excluded from Exhibit 892 pending a
future update. If you need assistance with a particular PS
Form retention period, please contact the Records Office,
by e-mail at
We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed
version of the ASM, and also into the online version, available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:
• Go to
• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click
on References.
• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click
on PolicyNet.
• Click on Manuals.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web
site is
Administrative Support Manual (ASM)
* * * * *
3 Communications
* * * * *
[Revise the title of 36 to read as follows:]
36 Web-Based Communications
[Revise 361 and 362 to read as follows:]
361 Intranet
The Postal Service Intranet page
( provides a common access point to
corporate-wide information intended for employee use. It
provides access to internal policies and procedures, Postal
Service events, current Postal Service news, human resource information, electronic recordkeeping via Track &
Confirm, and electronic tools. It also provides direct access
to various administrative Web pages that provide detailed
information about Postal Service functional groups, including both Headquarters organizations and field units at the
area and district levels. This Web site is indexed so that users can search for specific information. The functional
areas participating are responsible for keeping their information accurate and up-to-date. (See MI AS-885-2002-15,
Managing Web Sites on the Corporate Intranet.)
362 Internet
The Postal Service Internet Web presence
( provides the single, authorized Web domain for external customer access to electronic Postal Service products, services, and information. The site
provides service for both the household and business customers under several categories structured to provide easy
access to the desired service(s). Interactive pages include
lookups for ZIP Codes, Post Offices, postage, and product/tracking information. Products sold online include stamps,
stamp merchandise, and mailing labels with postage. Customers may create and post mail online, as well as change
their addresses, hold mail, and schedule a pickup or redelivery. Other key pages include the latest rate and rate case
information, job postings, print-on-demand forms, a wide
range of Postal Service publications, and consumer information including frequently asked questions. The
site provides news releases, features, and speeches. The
site also provides a comprehensive search capability. The
Internet Channel, under the chief marketing officer, provides the overall content and site navigation coordination,
while Information Technology provides development, maintenance, and infrastructure support. (See Handbook
AS-885, Development Process and Standards.)
* * * * *
6 Support Services
61 Technology
[Revise 611 and 612 to read as follows:]
611 Policy
The Postal Service uses technology as a tool to achieve its
business objectives. Technology programs cover a wide
range of areas and are intended to make it easier for customers to do business with us. These programs allow the
Postal Service to:
a. Process, track, and distribute mail faster and more
b. Protect the environment.
c. Provide tools for our employees to improve job
A broad definition of technology includes computer systems hardware and software, Internet and intranet
development and systems, mail processing, handling and
transport equipment, mail tracking systems hardware and
software, retail and self-service equipment, telecommunications, and the effective use of the information available
in these systems.
612 Information Technology
612.1 Responsibility
Information Technology provides and supports products
and services that use computers, telephones, and wireless
devices. These services include the following:
a. Business solutions.
b. Business data management.
c. Information security service.
d. Electronic messaging.
e. Corporate software and hardware acquisition and
support - Blackberry and wireless personal digital
assistants (PDAs).
f. Back office processes (such as payroll processing).
g. Distributed computing environment.
h. Host computing services.
612.2 Purpose
The Postal Service information technology infrastructure
provides the means to:
a. Share information electronically as follows:
(1) Between Postal Service personnel and customers
regarding customer mailings and postal services.
(2) Among Postal Service managers for operational
and cost management.
(3) Among employees so they can be more successful in their jobs.
b. Conduct Postal Service business transactions
c. Learn more about customers and their needs.
See Chapter 8, Information Resources, for policies and services related to the Postal Service information technology
* * * * *
[Add new 67 and 68 to read as follows:]
67 Postal Service Corporate Library
The Postal Service Corporate Library is responsible for providing commonly used business and legal reference materials and information services required to assist Postal
Service managers with decision making. Corporate library
services include the following:
a. Providing research and reference services to support
Postal Service business needs through in-house and
commercial databases, networks, and print
b. Providing library loan services for Postal Service personnel and user access to commercial electronic
subscription services for Postal Service personnel.
c. Providing orientation and training to Postal Service
staff on effective search and retrieval of content from
the Internet, Postal Service Intranet, and commercial
electronic subscription services that the Corporate
Library manages.
d. Providing support for content management, information monitoring, intelligence gathering, and the integration of commercial business information to meet
customer information needs.
e. Serving as a cost control center in the acquisition, organization, and maintenance of print publications and
the facilitation of access to electronically formatted
commercial information required for Postal Service
management and staff.
68 Postal History
Postal History serves as the institutional memory for the
Postal Service. Members of the Postal History staff research, maintain, and analyze historical information on
Postal Service policies, services, organizational structure,
and artifacts. The historian prepares papers on Postal Service history and tradition; is responsible for the Postal Service's artifacts and fine arts collection, with the exception of
New Deal murals and sculpture; maintains a collection of
historic records; and develops and maintains histories of local Post Offices, including lists of postmasters. The office
maintains Web sites for Postal Service staff and the public
on historical postal topics and Postmaster Finder, which
provides information on local Post Offices.
* * * * *
8 Information Resources
[Revise 8 to read as follows:]
81 Policy
Information resources, as they relate to this chapter, consist of Postal Service information (not including financial
records) and the enabling information technologies. The
Postal Service is committed to protecting its information resources; providing an information technology infrastructure
that supports customer, corporate, and business needs;
and staying abreast of developing legal and policy frameworks, new technologies, and best-in-class business models and practices.
811 Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
The vice president, Chief Technology Officer (VP/CTO), in
consultation with key Engineering and other Postal Service
functional organizations, provides the following:
a. Leadership in establishing a Postal Service information technology infrastructure that takes full advantage of new technology and better business
b. Governance and management such that Postal Service information technology can respond to business
needs today and into the future.
c. Investments that result in an integrated, supportable,
secure, and efficient information technology
The VP/CTO is also the Postal Service chief information
812 Installation Heads and Vice Presidents
Installation heads and vice presidents are responsible for
information resources within their custody as follows:
a. Determining whether a system is appropriately protected for the value of the information it contains.
b. Ensuring that Postal Service policies, guidelines, and
procedures for protecting information resources are
followed in all system activities, including procurement, development, and operation.
813 Managers
Managers at all levels are responsible for protecting information and enforcing applicable policies and procedures.
814 Headquarters and Field Functional
Postal Service headquarters and field functional organizations are responsible for working with their portfolio managers, who will coordinate with the Information Technology
(IT) service managers to do the following:
a. Identify business services and solutions compatible
with the Postal Service technical architecture and IT
b. Coordinate development, implementation, and support of business solutions with the appropriate IT
service group.
c. Help enhance existing business services and
d. Ensure that business solutions conform to all federal
and Postal Service information security rules and
e. Coordinate requirements to protect information in accordance with Privacy Act, Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA), and Postal Service privacy policies.
815 Privacy Office
815.1 Chief Privacy Officer
The chief privacy officer is responsible for the following:
a. Developing and implementing policies, processes,
and procedures related to privacy, records, and the
b. Determining privacy compliance and information
sensitivity during the application business impact assessment (BIA) process.
c. Directing the activities of the Privacy Office and the
Records Office and reporting to the Consumer Advocate.
815.2 Manager, Records Office
The manager, Records Office, is responsible for compliance with policies and procedures related to the Privacy
Act, FOIA, and records management.
82 Information
821 Policy
It is the intent of the Postal Service to appropriately protect
its information against unauthorized disclosure, use, modification, or destruction of information; to ensure its availability; and to comply with business requirements for the
creation or collection, processing, storage, maintenance,
retirement, and disposal of information. The Postal Service
is mandated by law to protect the privacy of its customers,
employees, individuals, and suppliers, and has adopted
policies to do so. The Postal Service is also required to
make its records available to the public consistent with
FOIA and good business practices. (See Handbook
AS-353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of Information
Act, for Postal Service policies and procedures about the
privacy of information relating to customers, employees, or
other individuals, and the release and protection of Postal
Service records.)
822 Description
Information consists of data in any form related to Postal
Service business activities, employees, or customers that
has been created, acquired, or disseminated using Postal
Service resources, brand, or funding.
823 Scope
This policy applies to information at all Postal Service facilities that is maintained on any equipment or system with information processing, storage, or retrieval capabilities, as
well as the related resources that allow data (i.e., numbers,
characters, images) to be input, processed, stored, and
retrieved, and to Postal Service personnel, contractors,
vendors, and business partners, as applicable.
824 Information Protection
Information is often confidential or proprietary, and its inappropriate use or disclosure could result in brand or financial
damage, unfair advantage to competitors, or negative impact to our customers or employees. Such data may only
be disclosed outside the Postal Service in accordance with
privacy policies described in Handbook AS-353, chapter 3.
The following are the high-level requirements for the types
of information indicated:
a. Business Data. Non-public business data may relate
to either the Postal Service or its customers. Such
data, whether developed or maintained by the Postal
Service, must be protected in accordance with good
business practices, Postal Service policies, and customer or Postal Service data markings or practices.
Customers may only receive non-public information
about other customers pursuant to a FOIA request
after any exempt material has been identified and
b. Employee Data. Employee data must be collected,
managed, used, disclosed, and stored in accordance
with Privacy Act requirements and Postal Service
825 Data Stewardship
825.1 Description
Data stewardship is the management of data from collection through disposition to ensure it is accurate, available,
usable, and consistent with Postal Service policies on privacy, security, disclosure, and retention. (See MI
AS-860-2003-2, Data Stewardship: Data Sharing Roles
and Responsibilities.)
825.2 Requirements
Each functional organization that collects or processes
data that is shared with other systems or databases must
identify a data steward responsible for developing standards to support data integrity and to comply with applicable privacy and security policies.
826 Ownership
Systems, media, and all data and information maintained
on them are Postal Service property and are not the
property of any single person or organization. Their use is
dictated by the business requirements of the Postal Service, irrespective of organizational boundaries.
827 Information Protection Levels
All information maintained on information processing equipment requires some protection. Information that the Postal
Service has designated as sensitive, business-controlled
sensitivity, critical, or business-controlled criticality requires
a greater degree of protection and controls.
83 Information Technology Infrastructure
831 Policy
It is the intent of the Postal Service to provide a technological infrastructure that delivers cost-effective electronic
communications, data availability, and automated environments consistent with corporate, legal, and federal requirements and to offer affordable business solutions that keep
pace with a rapidly changing and competitive marketplace.
832 Description
The Postal Service information technology infrastructure
consists of all computer-based technologies and related
processes associated with the creation, collection, processing, storage, transmission, analysis, and disposal of
information. It includes the information systems, infrastructure, applications, products, services, telecommunications
networks, computer-controlled mail processing equipment,
and related resources sponsored by, operated on behalf of,
or developed for the benefit of the Postal Service. Information technology-based resources are described in subchapters 84 through 88.
833 Scope
The policies apply to all components that comprise the
Postal Service information technology infrastructure and to
all Postal Service personnel, including contractors, vendors, and business partners, as applicable.
84 Business Solutions
Business solution services consist of application development, enhancement, and maintenance of Postal Service
841 Business System Design and Development
841.1 Description
Business system design and development follows the Postal Service Integrated Solutions Methodology (ISM) system
development life cycle. The ISM is the Postal Service standard for the planning, analysis, design, development,
testing, implementation, operation, maintenance, and disposition of information systems required for IT-based
business solutions. The ISM also mandates and supports
the management of technology funding in accordance with
the General Accounting Office's Information Technology Investment Management methodology.
841.2 Requirements
All IT-based application solutions built by or for the Postal
Service must comply with the ISM requirements. If system
development is outsourced, suppliers may use their own
system development life cycle methodologies provided that
the deliverables required by the ISM are provided to the
Postal Service and are stored in the ISM.
842 Enterprise Information Repository
842.1 Description
The Enterprise Information Repository (EIR) at http://eir is
the official central repository of information about Postal
Service software applications and application modules.
The EIR is used to monitor application status; review applications by their components; identify existing applications that may enhance, or be affected by, proposed
applications; and avoid redundancies. When registering an
application, the following components must be addressed:
General (name, description, parent system); Business
(stakeholders, development organization); Platform (mainframe, Web client, Web server); Security (sensitivity and
criticality classifications); Disaster recovery contingencies;
Section 508 status; and Contacts.
842.2 Requirements
All Postal Service applications and modules procured, developed, or used by the Postal Service must be registered
in the EIR. This includes all applications, Web applications,
and Web sites, regardless of the operating environment
(mainframe or server/client, stand-alone PC, or Web), origin (commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, outsourced,
or in-house development), or status (pilot, development,
production, retired, replaced, future, or suspended). All information in the EIR must be kept current and accurate
throughout the life cycle of the application.
842.3 Responsibilities
Functional organization vice presidents must ensure that
their applications and modules are registered in the EIR
once their funding has been approved. This responsibility is
delegated to a portfolio manager, the designated IT point of
contact, who may assign the program manager, business
project leader, or project manager to maintain application
information in the EIR.
842.4 Requests for Access
Anyone with access to the Postal Service Intranet may view
(browse) the information contained on the EIR Web site.
843 Business System Maintenance and
843.1 Description
Business system maintenance and enhancement focuses
on maintaining, correcting, and enhancing the performance
or functionality of existing production systems to sustain
and extend their value and usefulness.
843.2 Requests for Service
Headquarters and field functional organizations should initiate requests through their respective portfolio managers. IT
Customer Support and the Help Desk will determine the
type of remedial maintenance needed and forward the request to the appropriate development organization for
85 Customer Support
Customer support service makes sure that authorized users can access the tools, applications, and information they
need on the Postal Service IT infrastructure to do their jobs
and that applications and technology are kept up-to-date.
851 Remote Support and Operations
851.1 Description
Remote support and operations is a centralized service
through which IT provides, configures, installs, and supports hardware and software for the computer desktops of
functional organizations. This service includes background
tasks, such as account administration, maintenance of
backups, disk space management, e-mail, database management, and hardware monitoring.
851.2 Responsibilities
Responsibilities related to remote support and operations
are published in Handbooks AS-802 and AS-805.
852 IT Help Desk
852.1 Description
The IT Help Desk provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week to resolve or escalate application and technical
problems. Users of Postal Service systems can call
1-800-USPS-HELP and say the name of the system or application they are calling about.
852.2 Responsibilities
To have their applications supported by the IT Help Desk,
functional organizations are responsible for the following:
a. Completing the Help Desk New Business Process
form provided by the IT Help Desk during application
b. Providing training and documentation to application
c. Providing support documentation and training to IT
Help Desk personnel.
d. Ensuring that a Service Level Agreement is signed
by all stakeholders.
e. Complying with the requirements relating to placement of applications in the Postal Service centrally
hosted environment.
86 Planning and Acquisition
861 IT Architecture and Standards
The Postal Service manages and maintains an information
technology architecture and standards in a manner to ensure that the IT infrastructure can respond to Postal Service
business requirements.
861.1 Enterprise Architecture
861.11 Description
The enterprise architecture is a conceptual framework for
designing, developing, and operating business solutions to
ensure that they are closely aligned to Postal Service business goals. It also provides the foundation for reviews of
proposed systems architectures and the basis for proposing new IT services. (See Handbook AS-820.)
861.12 Responsibilities
861.121 General
All Postal Service functional organizations, employees,
suppliers, and partners must comply with the Postal Service enterprise architecture requirements regarding the acquisition, design, deployment, operation, and replacement
or retirement of information technology.
861.122 Enterprise Architecture Committee
The Enterprise Architecture Committee (EAC) ensures that
an enterprise architecture is developed, maintained, and
used to inform IT management decisions.
861.123 IT Managers
IT managers are responsible for the following:
a. Submitting the systems architecture for new or expanded business or infrastructure systems or services to the EAC for approval before development
b. Maintaining current and target architectures for their
respective systems and service offerings.
861.124 Portfolio Managers
Portfolio managers are responsible for the following:
a. Maintaining current and target architectures for business functions under their purview.
b. Ensuring that the enterprise map of business processes is maintained and updated.
c. Ensuring that the EIR is updated for every new or updated application.
d. Ensuring that a system's architecture is approved by
the EAC before development activities begin. (See
MI AS-810-2003-1.)
861.2 Standards
861.21 Description
IT provides guidance and standards for integrating applications into the IT infrastructure and provides the frameworks
for developing and delivering systems to support functional
organization requirements.
861.22 Software
Selection of software products for use in the Postal Service
infrastructure must comply with the following:
a. Products must be listed in the Postal Service Infrastructure Tool Kit (ITK). (See http://itk.)
b. Requests to use nonstandard products must be submitted through the ITK update process for review and
approval by the EAC before development work
begins. (See MI AS-810-2003-1.)
c. Products must comply with Postal Service Section
508 policy. (See Handbook AS-508.)
d. COTS products must be implemented with little or no
e. COTS products, freeware, and shareware must be
evaluated for security functionality.
f. Functional organizations must fund certification or
testing costs.
861.3 Compliance
All systems and services must align with the Postal Service
Enterprise Architecture and use standards to leverage the
benefits of faster deployment and cheaper development
and operation. Compliance reviews are conducted under
the auspices of the EAC.
862 Software and Hardware Acquisition
The acquisition of software and hardware is designed to
provide the products and services that meet IT standards
for the development, implementation, and maintenance of
the Postal Service technological infrastructure. Acquisition
activities also ensure that the Postal Service can negotiate
the most beneficial agreements possible by consolidating
requirements into advantageous solicitations.
862.1 Software Acquisition
862.11 Corporate Licenses
The Postal Service acquires software by establishing corporate licenses.
862.12 Responsibilities
862.121 Functional Organizations
Functional organizations working in conjunction with their
assigned portfolio manager or district IT manager are responsible for the following:
a. Identifying the business, functional, and technical
b. Identifying the software products to be considered.
c. Once a supplier is selected, initiating the ITK change
process, which establishes compatibility of the software with the postal computing environment. (See
d. Collecting Section 508 documentation from the
e. If the software complies with Section 508 requirements and is acceptable in the postal computing environment, preparing an eBuy requisition and funding
the purchase.
862.122 Information Technology
IT is responsible for the following:
a. Initiating discussions with Supply Management, representing the customer requirements and business
b. Working with Supply Management to develop a purchase strategy and to complete the purchase action.
(This generally involves a review of the terms and
conditions of the supplier's license agreement, a
competition among potential suppliers, and a negotiation with the selected supplier.)
c. Funding software identified as Enterprise Desktop
d. Obtaining software on a free trial basis if it supports
the customer's need to evaluate a product before
committing to a purchase. (See MI AS-860-2002-6.)
862.2 Hardware and Services Acquisition
862.21 General
Information technology hardware and professional services
are acquired to support Postal Service business needs.
862.22 Responsibilities
862.221 Functional Organizations
Functional organizations, working in conjunction with their
assigned portfolio manager or district IT manager, are responsible for the following:
a. Developing a Statement of Work (SOW) that includes
the scope, timeframe, deliverables, performance
metrics, and other requirements the functional organization has of the supplier, its products, or its
b. Providing the justification and market research data
required to prepare a noncompetitive justification, if
c. Developing and supporting a noncompetitive justification, if needed.
d. Funding the purchase and preparing an eBuy
862.222 Information Technology
IT is responsible for the following:
a. Reviewing the SOW.
b. Working with Supply Management to determine and
to complete the acquisition strategy in the following
(1) Solicitations. Works with the functional organization and Supply Management to develop the evaluation criteria; participates in the source selection
and the technical evaluation and ensures that the
business issues from an IT perspective are
(2) Noncompetitive justifications. Works with the
functional organization to prepare sufficient documentation to justify obtaining services and/or
products due to a compelling business interest, industry structure and practice, single source, or
superior performance.
(3) Contract modifications. Provides requirements
and technical input to Supply Management
regarding business risks, terms, and conditions
and suggests changes as needed.
c. Monitoring the supplier's performance and notifying
Supply Management when there is a performance or
delivery issue.
87 Information Technology Infrastructure
871 Application Hosting
Application hosting provides computing services for Postal
Service business units. These services are provided on a
broad range of operating platforms in various locations to
ensure that business applications are optimally deployed,
operated, and supported. (See Handbooks AS-508,
AS-802, and AS-805 for policies governing the placement
of applications in the Postal Service computing environment.) The components of application hosting are discussed in the following sections.
871.1 Application, Database, and Web Hosting
871.11 Platforms and Storage
The hosting environment for business applications consists
of mainframe, midrange (Unix), and Wintel platforms and a
variety of storage solutions. All server solutions that support Postal Service enterprise and Web applications and
their databases must comply with IT standards before being placed into production.
871.12 System Support
System support for applications in the centrally hosted environment includes the following activities:
a. Developing interfaces to integrate vendor software.
b. Installing and maintaining system software (i.e., with
timely patch management).
c. Hardening servers before production to ensure a secure computing environment.
d. Installing and maintaining programs that aid application development and implementation.
e. Working with hardware and software vendors and
application developers to resolve problems.
f. Monitoring performance and planning for changes in
g. Managing configurations.
h. Performing system administration tasks such as file
871.13 Service Support
871.131 Description
The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between the sponsor of an information system/application
and IT that specifies system objectives such as the hours of
system availability; hours of help desk support; and system
update, backup, and maintenance windows. The Technology Framework and Host Computing Services Application
Hosting Activation Process documents include the technical specifications necessary for installing and operating the
application and are completed prior to drafting the SLA. For
more information, visit; from the "IT Spotlight"
drop-down menu, click on SLA.
871.132 Requirements
All information systems or applications hosted in the IT environment must have a valid SLA completed and approved
prior to the application's being installed in production in the
IT Host Computing Environment. SLAs are effective for
1 year, unless the customer changes service-level objectives, at which time the SLA must be revised. If the SLA is
not renewed each year, IT will not commit to previously
stated service levels after the agreement expires. The responsible IT Business System Portfolio (BSP) Program
Manager completes the following steps in establishing and
renewing an SLA:
a. Works with the sponsor to determine the sponsor's
service objectives.
b. Documents the service objectives in the SLA.
c. Forwards the SLA to the service providers to obtain
their signatures, amending the document as needed.
d. Provides the signed SLA to the sponsor for final approval and acceptance.
e. Forwards the final SLA signed by the service providers and the sponsor to the Manager, Host Computing
Services, Eagan, MN.
f. Conducts an annual review and renewal process
prior to the end of the fiscal year, repeating steps a-e.
871.14 Problem Management
Problem management consists of resolving information
technology problems, both nationwide and locally. These
services are based on a centralized approach for reporting,
handling, and escalating problems to minimize the time and
resources needed to resolve them, keeping any outages
within predetermined acceptable service levels.
871.15 Responsibilities
871.151 Information Technology
IT is responsible for the following:
a. Hosting facilities, support staff and processing, and
storage capacity to operate and maintain databases,
business applications, and Web sites.
b. Providing system support.
c. Providing service support based on an active SLA.
(1) Performing an annual review of each SLA.
(2) Reminding the portfolio or functional manager
about renewal requirements 2 months before the
SLA expires.
d. Providing problem management.
871.152 Portfolio Managers
Portfolio managers are responsible for the following:
a. Registering applications in the EIR and eAccess.
b. Ensuring that the Application Information Security
Assurance (ISA) process has been completed before
an application is hosted.
c. Developing an SLA with the stakeholders; ensuring
that all appropriate signatures are obtained before
the application is activated; or working with them to
determine whether an SLA should be renewed as is,
renewed with changes, or not renewed.
d. Ensuring that an Application Disaster Recovery Plan
(ADRP) is developed, maintained, and provided to
Disaster Recovery Services.
e. Ensuring that a technical architectural diagram and
detailed architectural description showing a technical
architecture that is compatible with the hosting environment is available at the beginning of the application hosting activation process.
f. Ensuring that all jobs, scripts, and operations and
support documentation are available to the hosting
organization before production.
871.153 Application Sponsors
Application sponsors are responsible for the following:
a. Ensuring that applications are browser-accessible,
browser-independent, and server-based, and that
they use the Enterprise Directory Service for user authentication and authorization.
b. Funding application hosting, including facilities, hardware, software, and ongoing support required to
meet the level of service negotiated in the SLA.
871.2 IT Disaster Recovery
871.21 Description
IT disaster recovery testing and recovery services ensure
that an application can be recovered at an alternate location if a significant interruption of computing services occurs. Disaster recovery requirements are based on the
outcome of the application Business Impact Assessment
(BIA), the component of the process that determines the
potential consequences of system unavailability or loss and
the related development of an ADRP. (See 882.3.)
871.22 Requirement
Federal mandate and Postal Service policy require that disaster recovery capabilities and plans be in place and
tested for all business applications and systems designated
as critical or business-controlled criticality. (See Handbooks AS-805, AS-805-A, and AS-802.)
871.23 Responsibilities
871.231 Functional Organizations
To ensure that appropriate disaster recovery plans are
implemented, functional organizations should do the
a. Review their applications with their assigned portfolio
b. Ensure that application BIAs are complete and maintained for every system.
c. Identify the recovery time objective (RTO) and data
currency needed to minimize the impact of business
d. Ensure that funding and requirements are reflected in
the client funding agreements system and SLA.
871.232 IT Integrated Business Systems Solutions
Center or Systems Development
For applications classified as business-controlled criticality
or critical, Integrated Business Systems Solutions Centers
or system development organizations are responsible for
developing and maintaining ADRPs to document specifications for recovering them at alternate locations.
871.233 IT Disaster Recovery Services
IT Disaster Recovery Services is responsible for the
a. Providing technical and procedural information to assist in the completion of the application BIA and
ADRP before disaster recovery testing.
b. Reviewing and approving the ADRP.
c. Providing the environment and guidance for executing application recovery testing conducted by the application owner to verify that the application can be
recovered within the RTO determined during the BIA.
872 Data Management
The technical infrastructure for data management provides
the Postal Service gateway to secure corporate information. Data management consists of acquiring data from disparate sources and positioning it for appropriate access by
business applications and authorized users and is based
on the development, use, and maintenance of an enterprise architecture. Data management activities must comply with applicable federal and Postal Service information
security rules and regulations and with Privacy Act, FOIA,
and Postal Service privacy and records policies.
872.1 Data Access
Functional organizations that require data from existing or
planned information systems must do the following:
a. Inform the data steward (see 825).
b. Fund new development or modifications to achieve
data sharing.
c. Comply with data integrity rules.
d. Comply with applicable Postal Service privacy and
security requirements.
872.2 Data Acquisition
872.21 Description
Postal Service corporate data acquisition service (CDAS)
activities enable the "collect once, use many" approach to
ensuring that data is a shared corporate resource. CDAS
collects data from operational systems and makes it sharable corporate-wide to target systems such as the Postal
Service enterprise data warehouse and other data stores.
872.22 Responsibilities
Portfolio managers are responsible for the following:
a. Overall management of the project using CDAS.
b. Funding the development and production support for
CDAS-related efforts.
c. Providing requirements for transformation of source
data to target systems.
872.3 Data Warehouse
872.31 Description
The Postal Service data warehouse is the authoritative
source for corporate data and reporting. It is a centralized
resource that provides an integrated database and report
and query infrastructure for the Postal Service as a whole,
consolidating data from many systems and making it sharable to support accurate and consistent reporting throughout the Postal Service.
872.32 Responsibilities
872.321 Information Technology
IT is responsible for managing the data warehouse, operating the warehouse infrastructure, providing tools for ad hoc
reports, and building predefined reports.
872.322 Functional Organizations
Functional organizations are responsible for working with
their portfolio managers to identify reporting and storage requirements for the data warehouse.
872.4 Data Transfer
The Postal Service provides the capabilities to move data
securely both internally and externally. Internally, it moves
data between applications, databases, or file systems.
Externally, it supports the transfer of electronic business
documents between the Postal Service and its suppliers
and customers. (See Handbook AS-805 for data transfer
security requirements.)
872.5 Database Support
872.51 Description
Database support provides a stable production database
environment across standard platforms to ensure that corporate information stored there has maximum availability.
872.52 Requests for Support
IT and functional organizations negotiate SLAs and budgetary support for each project. Requirements related to database support are published in corporate directives
including, but not limited to the following: Handbooks
AS-802, AS-805, AS-805-A and AS-812.
872.6 Corporate Data Presentation
872.61 Description
The Postal Service provides and supports a centralized set
of data presentation tools to enable customized views of
standard corporate reports and ad hoc report generation.
872.62 Responsibilities
872.621 Functional Organizations
Functional organizations are responsible for using the corporate data presentation tools for reporting the state of the
corporation for presentation internally and externally.
872.622 Portfolio and Program Managers
Portfolio and program managers are responsible for the
a. Managing the overall project that is using corporate
data presentation tools.
b. Funding development and production support for the
corporate data presentation services related to their
particular efforts.
c. Providing reporting requirements.
873 Telecommunications
Telecommunications capabilities provide the technological
underpinnings for data and voice communication among
employees, customers, partners, and suppliers in a content-neutral approach implemented in accordance with security and privacy policies and guidelines. The components
of the Postal Service telecommunications environment and
related responsibilities are listed below.
873.1 Wide Area Network
873.11 Description
The Wide Area Network (WAN) provides network connectivity for Postal Service locations and business partners. It
consists of computer-to-computer or facility-to-facility data
communications across the Postal Service through a private, secure network and secure gateways to the Internet.
This service is provided through a contract known as the
Managed Network Service (MNS). Types of service provided under this contract include the following:
a. New WAN service.
b. Data rate changes (upgrading or downgrading of
existing service).
c. Modifications and relocation of existing service,
including disconnecting.
d. Small area office to large area office conversions.
873.12 Funding
Functional organizations are responsible for funding the
installation and recurring network service costs for the facility or application for which the service is provided.
873.13 Requests for Service
To request or change service, submit Form 3037, Request
for Service, available at http://it under Resource Tool Box,
Forms and Templates, Form 3037.
873.2 Local Area Network
873.21 Description
Local area networks (LANs) provide data communications
connectivity within Postal Service facilities using wire-line
and wireless technologies and designs.
873.22 Funding
Functional organizations are responsible for funding the
fixed service installation costs at the facility they are
responsible for.
873.23 Requests for Service
To request new or change existing service, submit Form
3037, Request for Service, available at http://it under Resource Tool Box, Forms and Templates, Form 3037.
873.3 Remote Access
873.31 Description
Remote access is the capability for authorized users (generally employees, selected contractors, vendors, and business partners) to access the Postal Service network. Types
of service include the following:
a. Point-to-Point Protocol for communication between
two computers, typically a personal computer connected via telephone line to a server.
b. Virtual Private Network (VPN) for use of a public telecommunication infrastructure that maintains privacy
through tunneling, encryption, authentication, access
control, and auditing.
c. Business partner connectivity for a secure connection, via either leased lines or VPN, for business entities requiring access to the Postal Service routed
873.32 Funding
Postal Service executive sponsors are responsible for
funding secure connectivity for business partners related to
their areas.
873.33 Requests for Service
To request service, submit the appropriate form to the Network Connectivity Review Board at
Forms are available at http://it. Click Support, then under
"Corporate Information Security," click CISO Organization
Information, then Network Connectivity Review Board, then
Request Forms. Postal Service executive sponsors must
initiate any business partner requests related to their areas
of responsibility.
873.4 Telephony/Voice
873.41 Description
This service provides technical direction, specification development, and guidance for the acquisition of large and
small telephone systems; upgrades and long distance and
local service support; technical support in the design and
implementation of infrastructure cabling for both inside and
outside plant applications; public address (paging) systems; and guidance on equipment maintenance coverage.
873.42 Toll-Free Service
The Postal Service uses toll-free services to cover the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, all U.S.
territories, and international toll-free services, when required, and has established standardized processes for
acquiring them.
873.43 Funding
Functional organizations are responsible for funding the
installation and recurring network service costs for the facility or application for which the service is provided.
873.44 Requests for Service
To request service, submit Form 3037, Request for Service,
available at http://it under Resource Tool Box, Forms and
Templates, Form 3037. Business support vendors and telecommunications companies can be reached directly by
field users under contracts established for the Postal
873.5 Wireless Devices and Services
873.51 Description
The Postal Service provides for the acquisition, deployment, and support of wireless devices and services to support its business activities. Such devices include pagers,
personal digital assistants (PDAs), and cellular telephones.
Wireless devices and services, as described here, do not
include devices and services integrated with operational
mail processing equipment. Supported services, providers,
and funding responsibilities are shown in Exhibit 873.5.
873.52 Requests for Service
Personnel should select service from providers that are
approved for their respective locations. If more than one
provider is available, local IT personnel, with IT Telecommunications Services oversight, will guide managers on the
choice of provider based on the expected patterns of use.
Exhibit 873.5
Funding Responsibility for Wireless Services
Cellular Telephone
AT&T Wireless
Cingular Wireless
Nextel Wireless
Sprint Wireless
Verizon Wireless
873.6 Radio Frequency
873.61 Description
The Postal Service provides radio frequencies spectrum
support for wireless devices used to support its business
activities, including acquisition and deletions, radio device
inventory, and operational assurance.
873.62 Funding
The local facility requiring radio frequency service is responsible for funding.
873.7 Responsibilities
873.71 Information Technology
IT is responsible for the following:
a. Overall. Engineering, managing, and operating the
Postal Service national telecommunications voice,
video, data, satellite, and wireless communications
networks in partnership with various contractors.
b. Wireless Devices and Services. Administration and
fiscal oversight, including monitoring and auditing;
working with Supply Management to select service
providers nationwide and to establish service provider agreements.
c. Toll-Free Services. Approval and ordering of service;
program administration; fiscal oversight, including
rate monitoring and auditing; and overall invoice
d. Radio Frequency. Developing policies and procedures for managing the technology; providing guidance, contractual vehicles, and regulatory support to
ensure that wireless programs within the districts are
operating within regulations; and designing and developing solutions for the districts.
873.72 District Manager
The district manager, through the information systems (IS)
manager at the district level, manages voice, video, facsimile, and data telecommunications systems within a geographic boundary, including processing and distribution
873.73 Information Systems Manager, District Level
The IS manager at the district level is responsible for the
a. Overall.
(1) Managing operation and implementation of voice,
video, facsimile, and data telecommunications
systems within a geographic boundary.
(2) Requesting IT Telecommunications Services for
installation, modification, or removal of:
(a) Private Branch Exchange (PBX) telephone
(b) Electric key telephone systems of seven or
more lines.
(c) Automatic call distribution and voice response
systems, station message detail recorders,
and public address systems.
(d) Walkie-talkie-type radio systems, beepers/
pagers, speaker phones, stand-alone single
answering or recording devices, special hearing and seeing devices, and automatic dialing
(e) Off-premises extensions or foreign exchange
(f) Coordinating one to six telephone lines and
one or two telephone instruments with the local
IS manager.
b. Local Area Networks. Documenting and managing
LANs within a geographic boundary.
c. Radio Frequency. Working with IT Telecommunications Services for the engineering of wireless devices, systems, and programs and for managing
commercial service accounts and cellular and paging
service accounts.
873.74 Telecommunications Coordinator
The telecommunications coordinator is designated by the
IS manager to coordinate voice, video, facsimile, and data
telecommunications activities within an installation. The
telecommunications coordinator has the following
a. Operating voice, video, facsimile, and data telecommunications systems in an installation (can be one or
more buildings in a limited geographic area).
b. Coordinating implementation and integration of universal wiring systems.
c. Managing the cable plant and maintaining cable
d. Requesting changes to Federal Technology Service
(FTS) through IT.
e. Submitting changes or requests for access to Postal
Service networks to Telecommunication Services.
f. Complying with telecommunications systems security policies. (See Handbook AS-805.)
873.75 Postal Inspection Service
873.751 Requests
The Postal Inspection Service (Information Technology Division) processes telecommunications requests from
Postal Inspection Service (Information Technology) organizations. Forward requests to:
ARLINGTON VA 22201-3036
873.752 Postal Inspector-In-Charge
Each Postal Inspection Service division postal inspector-in-
charge approves installations of, or changes to, telephone
equipment, such as the relocation or addition of telephone
instruments for that division.
873.8 Facility Infrastructure Design and
Communication systems and services are designed and
engineered based on Postal Service structured wiring requirements for Postal Service facilities nationwide and include voice and data communications, PBXs, and LANs.
Implementation and installation of these designs are closely coordinated to comply with applicable requirements.
874 Distributed Systems Management
874.1 Description
Distributed systems management is the centralized, standardized approach to managing computers distributed
throughout the postal computing environment that allows
the Postal Service to enhance the performance of its
applications, systems, and services. The approach
includes system and network management disciplines that
enhance technology integration, implementation, and support, yielding better business value and productivity improvement. The components of distributed systems
management are listed in the following sections.
874.2 Enterprise Management
874.21 Description
Enterprise management activities ensure the maximum
availability of Postal Service operating systems and databases. Those activities include: tuning, troubleshooting,
backup and recovery, distribution of software changes, and
coordination of disaster recovery procedures; remote system management and support for distributed systems and
applications; nationwide support for distributed IT infrastructure; support services, including management of
performance, files and directories, problem faults, software
distributions, tape backups and restores, deployments, and
Novell Directory Services; and disaster recoveries, reports,
and changes.
874.22 Responsibilities
Responsibilities related to enterprise management are published in Handbooks AS-802 and AS-805.
874.3 Distributed Systems Engineering and
874.31 Configuration Management
All technology components in the postal computing environment are managed under the change and configuration
management (C/CM) process. C/CM is a required part of
every technology project, and the associated costs must be
included in project funding. (See MI AS-850-2002-10.)
874.32 Technology Engineering
874.321 Description
Technology engineering consists of server and workstation
design, engineering, and integration services for COTS
software products on the Advanced Computing Environment platform.
874.322 Responsibilities
IT can provide the following:
a. Engineering, integration, and packaging, which includes server installation scripts, application launching scripts, and associated documentation.
b. Certification and beta testing.
c. Initial deployment, if the functional organization does
not install the applications and supporting hardware
and infrastructure or the support of the sites during
initial rollout.
d. Ongoing Level 3 support and infrastructure updates
and testing.
874.323 Requests for Service
To request service, submit Form 3037, Request for Service,
available at http://it under Resource Tool Box, Forms and
Templates, Form 3037.
875 Electronic Messaging
The Postal Service electronic messaging environment enables communication in a manner that ensures security
and integrity of the environment, complies with monitoring
and other applicable policies, and streamlines the development and support of electronic messaging applications
throughout the organization. This environment provides the
means for users to send text messages and data files electronically to other employees, suppliers, partners, and customer organizations through the gateway to the Internet to
almost anyone in the world who has an e-mail address. The
service is available around the clock.
875.1 E-mail Support
875.11 Description
E-mail support provides the backbone that supports the
Postal Service electronic messaging service. This support
entails distribution of the messaging client (the e-mail application that runs on the personal computer), user support,
engineering of the messaging servers, and administration.
(See MI-AS-840-2004-2.)
875.12 Requests for Service
Submit requests for a Postal Service e-mail account at
http://eAccess. If necessary, contact your local IT manager
to configure your computer for e-mail.
875.2 Personal Digital Assistant (Blackberry
875.21 Description
Personal digital assistants (PDAs), including wireless
Blackberry-style units, are handheld devices that combine
a variety of computing and communication features. The
Postal Service will allocate PDAs as described below to
support selected business activities.
875.22 Funding and Providing
875.221 Officers and Postal Career Executive Service
Headquarters IT will fund and provide Blackberry PDAs (or
successor units) to Postal Service officers and Postal Career Executive Service (PCES) employees.
875.222 Executive Administrative Service Employees
PCES executives must approve and fund Blackberry PDAs
(or successor units) for Executive Administrative Service
(EAS) employees, and Headquarters IT will provide the
Note: No wireless PDA technology may be issued to Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA) nonexempt EAS personnel or
bargaining unit employees outside of normal working hours
due to FLSA constraints.
875.23 Requests for Service
To request information about ordering and activating wireless PDA service, contact the Headquarters IT Help Desk
at 202-268-5588 or 800-268-5588 from outside the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. The Headquarters IT Help
Desk is also available via e-mail at ##IT Help Desk.
88 Information Security
881 Description
Information security activities enable the Postal Service's
capability to ensure the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of its information resources. These IT activities
develop the strategies and policies to support information
security and comply with federal and legal requirements.
Information security policies are published in Handbook
AS-805 and related documents. The key policy service
components are described in the following sections.
882 Supporting Services
882.1 Secure Infrastructure
This IT service provides activities that develop, implement,
and operate technologies and methods to protect the
Postal Service infrastructure and includes the following
a. Enterprise Information Security Architecture. Defines
the Postal Service information security services, vehicles, tools, mechanisms, and procedures that reflect security policy, business objectives, and
available technology.
b. Technology Assessment. Evaluates and recommends security products for inclusion in the ITK and
evaluates infrastructure and COTS products for common vulnerabilities and exposures.
c. Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT). Responds to computer incidents and provides threat
and vulnerability reconnaissance. To report a suspected computer security violation, please call
1-866-USPS-CIR(T) (1-866-877-7247) or send an
e-mail message to
d. Network Vulnerability Testing. Performs network and
modem vulnerability testing, onsite testing of critical
sites, and remote testing of high-risk sites to identify
exploitable vulnerabilities and then provides recommendations to mitigate those vulnerabilities.
e. Network Connectivity Review Board. Establishes the
standards and process for connecting to the Postal
Service network. (See Handbook AS-805-D.)
f. Intrusion Detection. Provides security for systems
with critical business applications, including intrusion
detection, host vulnerabilities analysis, security trend
analysis, unauthorized-use-attempt forensics, and
response to attacks.
g. Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scans. Evaluates the effectiveness of an implemented network
segment or information resource by scanning for vulnerabilities and compliance with hardening requirements and attempts to bypass implemented controls.
h. Server Hardening. Provides hardening requirements
and standards to ensure that nonessential system
services are shut down, responsible administrative
practices are followed, and security updates are applied. IT will work with functional organizations to
customize server hardening for systems in
development, for systems in use that have vendor
support, and for legacy systems that have limited
support resources.
i. Secure Enclaves. Provides network areas where
special protections and access controls, such as firewalls and routers, are used to secure information
j. Wireless Access Security. Ensures that distributed
wireless LANs comply with IT wireless standards.
Provides onsite and remote testing of facilities to locate and identify wireless access points and wireless
ad hoc networks, identifies wireless hardware
configured without appropriate encryption and
authentication mechanisms enabled, and provides
recommendations for mitigating wireless
k. Personnel Security. Works with the Postal Inspection
Service to identify sensitive positions and ensure that
individuals assigned to those positions have the appropriate background investigation and level of personnel clearance before they obtain physical access
to Postal Service information resources or access to
sensitive, business-controlled sensitivity, critical, or
business-controlled criticality information. Works with
Human Resources to include information security responsibilities in job descriptions and in personnel
performance appraisals.
l. Physical and Environmental Security. Provides a
coordinated IT and Inspection Service approach to
protect information resources in the areas of physical
access controls to facilities and work areas, controlled areas inside facilities, and environmental
882.2 User Authentication and Access Control
This service provides user accountability by managing access to and use of Postal Service information resources
based on user registration, authorization, identification, verification, and authentication. Management is enabled via
eAccess at http://eaccess, the Postal Service centralized
application for requesting and approving access to Postal
Service information resources.
882.3 Application Information Security Assurance
This service identifies the sensitivity and criticality of a
Postal Service information resource and the corresponding
security requirements, ensures that appropriate protection
controls and processes are implemented, manages residual risk, and culminates with the certification, accreditation,
and approval to deploy. It includes the following
a. Application Business Impact Assessment. The application BIA determines compliance with privacy requirements, the sensitivity, criticality, and recovery
time objective of the information resource, and the
appropriate security requirements to protect the information resource based on its sensitivity and
b. Application Risk Management. This component defines the methods for ensuring cost-effective protection of information resources through risk
assessment, risk mitigation, and risk acceptance
c. Application Disaster Recovery Plan (ADRP). The
ADRP documents the specifications for recovering
an application based on the RTO.
d. Security Plan. A security plan describes information
security controls (safeguards) and processes in
place or planned for meeting the information security
e. Security Testing and Evaluation. This component defines a test plan and process for testing the information security controls implemented for the information
882.4 IT Business Continuance Management
Business continuance management (BCM) is comprised of
business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning. BCM must be implemented for Postal Service information resources and facilities designated by the VP/CTO
as major information technology sites to meet its business
continuity and contingency planning commitments, to
protect Postal Service personnel and assets, and to reduce
the likelihood and impact of a disruption to essential business functions of the Postal Service and its customers.
BCM requires the following:
a. A comprehensive business continuity plan for each
major IT facility to provide for incident management,
facility recovery, and workgroup recovery.
b. An ADRP for each information resource designated
as critical or business-controlled criticality.
882.5 Strategies and Compliance
This IT service emphasizes the significance of information
security requirements for maintaining public trust, continuing business operations, and protecting Postal Service investments and includes the following components:
a. Policies, Procedures, and Standards. Creating and
evaluating information security policies, procedures,
and standards to support an enterprise information
security program that meets federal requirements
and incorporates prudent industry practices.
b. Training and Awareness. Providing training and
awareness products that leverage techniques to
communicate policies, procedures, and standards
and ensure all employees and contractors are aware
of their information security responsibilities and the
appropriate, secure use of information resources.
c. Monitoring. Monitoring information resources as required to ensure compliance with Postal Service policies, procedures, and standards.
d. Compliance. Providing consulting support for inspections and evaluations to the Postal Inspection Service and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
and recommending remedial action to address significant deficiencies. This may involve conducting administrative investigations for the purpose of
maintaining effective information security and
confiscating information resources as requested by
the Postal Inspection Service or OIG.
883 Law Enforcement and Audit
883.1 Postal Inspection Service
883.11 General
The Postal Inspection Service is a federal law enforcement
agency within the Postal Service mandated to protect the
Postal Service and its employees and customers from criminal attack and to protect the nation's mail system from
criminal misuse. The Inspection Service's overall goals of
safety, security, and integrity are based on its mission and
relate to all aspects of its jurisdiction and responsibilities.
Through its criminal, investigative, preventive, and security
programs, the Inspection Service strives to ensure the
safety of Postal Service customers and employees; increase the security of Postal Service products, services,
and assets; and maintain the public trust in the integrity of
the postal system. The responsibilities of the Inspection
Service include the following:
a. The chief postal inspector is designated as the security officer for the Postal Service and is the Postal
Service point of contact for receiving notices concerning an assignment of a threat condition under the
land Security Advisory System.
b. The chief postal inspector will have the specific responsibility for liaison with federal, state, and local
law enforcement when implementing protective
c. The Postal Inspection Service is responsible for conducting criminal investigations when Postal Service
networks and computers are used to facilitate an attack or crime against Postal Service partners, employees, or customers. Complete descriptions of
Postal Inspection Service responsibilities relating to
security can be found in ASM 27.
883.12 Personnel Security
Clearance must be obtained for persons in sensitive positions. Management is responsible for ensuring that data
processing-related positions meet the security guidelines
established by the Postal Inspection Service and that all information systems-related positions requiring sensitive
clearances are identified and clearances are kept current.
(See ASM 272.)
883.13 Physical Security
Computer equipment, data, facilities, and information must
be safeguarded at a level appropriate to their value to the
Postal Service or because of statutory requirements. The
minimum security requirements are found in Handbook
RE-5, Building and Site Security Requirements, which is
not all-inclusive, and Handbook AS-805, Information Security. The security control officer (SCO), is responsible for
both physical and personnel security. The SCO is not to be
confused with the Corporate Information Security Office information systems security officer (ISSO).
883.2 Office of Inspector General
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits Postal Service
information systems and performs developmental audits of
automated systems, audits of operational and financial systems, and environmental audits. The OIG is also responsible for conducting criminal investigations of attacks on
postal networks and computers.
89 Records Retention
891 Record Definition and Ownership
For information on record definition and ownership, see
Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of
Information Act.
892 Records Control Schedules
For the retention periods for forms used at Post Offices,
see Exhibit 892, Retention Periods for Post Office Forms.
Keep records for the periods indicated and then dispose of
them as specified in ASM 895.3.
893 Other Records
For information about the retention of other records, contact the manager, Records Office.
894 Extension of Retention Periods
Records should not be maintained for longer than the periods specified in Exhibit 892 or by the manager, Records
Office. (See 893.) Retention periods may be extended in
response to a court order or if the records are needed for a
special use.
895 Protection
895.1 Safeguards
Appropriate safeguards, such as access restrictions, records controls, lockable cabinets, or lockable rooms, must
be provided to protect records that include information
needed to protect the Postal Service's interests, its employees, contractors, or the general public, and to ensure
the security and privacy of records that include information
about customers, employees, or other individuals.
895.2 Transfer and Storage
895.21 Requirement
Records no longer required for active reference but not yet
eligible for destruction must be transferred by the cutoff
period (e.g., period of time such as a quarter or fiscal year)
to local storage or a Federal Records Center (FRC).
895.22 Local Storage
Transfer to local Postal Service storage must be accompanied by Form 773, Records Transmittal and Receipt.
895.23 Federal Records Centers
The following procedures apply with respect to transferring
records to the FRCs:
a. Conditions. Forward to FRCs only:
(1) Records series approved by the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA) and having a
remaining life of more than 1 year.
(2) Volumes of records consisting of 1 cubic foot or
more. (The installation must keep quantities of
less than 1 cubic foot and destroy them in-house
when the retention period expires.)
b. Procedures. For procedures for sending employee
personnel and medical records to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), contact the Postal
Service Records Office. When shipping records to an
FRC other than the National Personnel Records
Center at St. Louis, Missouri, use the following
(1) Assemble records to be shipped and pack (to capacity) in 1 cubic foot boxes, obtained for this purpose from the General Services Administration.
Prepare a box list, identifying the folders in each
box, in duplicate. Insert one copy of the box list in
the first box of the accession, to be shipped with
the records, and retain one copy locally.
(2) Complete two copies of SF 135, Records Transmittal and Receipt. This form may obtained from
the NARA Web site at
html. Send both copies to the receiving FRC at
least 2 weeks before the intended shipping date.
(3) FRC shows approval by returning one annotated
copy of SF 135 to the requesting installation.
(4) Place a copy of SF 135 in the first box of the shipment and ship. Hold a copy in your office until FRC
returns the receipted copy.
c. Location. See Exhibit 895, Federal Records Centers,
for FRC addresses and areas served.
d. Retrieval. The installation from which the records
were sent handles their retrieval. Requests for retrievals are made on Optional Form (OF) 11, Reference Request - Federal Records Centers.
FEDSTRIP ordering offices order this form directly
from GSA; non-FEDSTRIP ordering offices order this
form from their supporting supply section or from
their GSA Customer Supply Center. Retrievals are
made at the FRCs by the accession number and the
box location number recorded on the SF 135 when
the records were approved for transfer.
Note: Records transferred to local or FRC storage remain under Postal Service control.
895.3 Disposal
895.31 Definition
Disposal is the permanent removal of records or information from Postal Service custody by the following methods:
a. Transferring to the National Archives.
b. Donating to the Smithsonian Institution, local museums, or historical societies.
c. Selling as waste material (see ASM 895.32).
d. Discarding.
e. Physically destroying.
895.32 Sale
Paper records whose retention periods have expired may
be sold as waste paper, if they do not include personal or
other information that cannot be disclosed to the general
public (see Handbook AS-353). Those records must be destroyed. The contract for sale must prohibit the resale of the
records as records or documents. Film or plastic records
may be sold under the same conditions and in the same
895.33 Destruction
Records that cannot be sold may be destroyed by shredding, pulping, or burning.
896 Micrographics
896.1 Definitions
896.11 Micrographics
Micrographics is a technology that reduces any form of information to a microform medium.
896.12 Microform
Microform is a generic term for any form, either film or paper, that contains microimages; a unit of information, such
as a page of text or drawing, too small to be read without
896.2 Policy
Micrographics may be used for the following purposes, if
the applications are supported by enough documentation to prove cost-effectiveness and provide maximum
compatibility with other micrographic applications, systems,
and equipment:
a. Preservation of deteriorating records.
b. Production of archival or intermediate records.
c. Duplication of information for dissemination to other
d. Increased efficiency in searching records.
e. Greater security for sensitive records.
f. Reduction of paper record holdings or use of space.
896.3 Requirements
896.31 Legal
Federal statutes provide for the legality and admissibility of
microforms that accurately reproduce or form a durable
medium for reproducing the original record (28 U.S.C.
1732). To meet the requirements of these statutes, microform records must be produced in the regular course of
business and be able to be satisfactorily identified and
a. Original documents sometimes must be retained to
resolve questions of document authenticity.
b. If the authenticity of documents having legal significance could be subject to question, obtain the advice
of the chief field counsel (or for Headquarters organizations, the managing counsel, civil practice) before
disposing of the original.
896.32 Archival
Only original silver halide microfilm has sufficient archival
quality to be substituted for documents requiring permanent retention or to produce microforms of permanent
retention value.
896.33 Maintenance and Disposal
Microforms are subject to all regulations on retention, disclosure, privacy, and security of Postal Service records and
Exhibit 81
AS-353, Guide to Privacy and the Freedom of Information
AS-508, Section 508
AS-802, Postal Computing Operations Standards
AS-805, Information Security
AS-805-A, Application Information Security Assurance
(ISA) Process
AS-805-C, Information Security for General Users
AS-805-D, Information Security Network Connectivity
AS-805-G, Information Security for Mail Process Equipment/Mail Handling Equipment (MPE/MHE)
AS-812, Relational Database Management System
(RDMS) Naming Standards and Guidelines
AS-820, Postal Computing Environment
EL-301, Guidelines for Processing Personnel Actions
RE-5, Building and Site Security Requirements
Management Instructions
MI-AS-810-2003-1, Information Technology Governance
MI-AS-860-2002-6, Obtaining and Evaluating Information
Technology Software and Hardware Products for a Trial
MI-AS-850-2002-10, Information Technology Change and
Configuration Management
MI-AS-860-2003-2, Data Stewardship: Data Sharing Roles
and Responsibilities
MI-AS-840-2004-2, Electronic Messaging (e-mail)
MI-AS-860-2003-11, Securing Wireless Local Area
Web Locations for privacy information for IT organization and services
information for the Postal Service Enterprise Information Repository for the Postal Service Infrastructure
Toolkit; click Support, then Corporate Information
Security, then Corporate Information Security Organization
for the Network Connectivity Review Board
http://ism for the Integrated Solutions Methodology for Postal Service policies and
procedures for requesting computer access under "Resource Tool Box," select Forms
and Templates, then Form 3037 for requesting new or
changing existing telecommunications services for a listing of Service Level
Exhibit 892
Retention Periods for Post Office Forms
Label No. |
Period |
Label 11-A |
Express Mail Post Office
to Post Office Service |
* 6 months |
1 |
Label11-A |
Corporate Accounts (Finance
Copy) |
1 year |
1 |
Label 11-B |
Express Mail Next Day
Service Post Office to Addressee |
*6 months |
1 |
Label11-B |
Corporate Accounts (Finance
Copy) |
1 year |
1 |
Label 11-E |
Express Mail Post Office
to Post Office |
*6 months |
1 |
Label 11-F |
Express Mail Post Office
to Addressee |
*6 months |
1 |
blank |
blank |
blank |
blank |
OF 15 |
Government Property
Sales Announcement and Poster Combined |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
OF 16 |
Sales Slip - Sale of
Government Personal Property |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
OF 346 |
U.S. Government Motor
Vehicle Operator's Identification (Card) |
4 years |
2 |
blank |
blank |
blank |
blank |
PS 4 |
Employee's City or County
Withholding Certificate |
Maintain on permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's personnel file. |
blank |
PS 4 |
If superseded
4 years |
2 |
PS 7 |
Service Record
3 years |
2 |
PS 296 |
Custody Receipt
Return to individual
or destroy when accountability is terminated. |
blank |
PS 542 |
Inquiry About a Registered
Article or an Insured Parcel or an Ordinary Article |
2 years |
3 |
PS 571 |
Discrepancy of $100
or More in Financial Responsibility |
2 years |
3 |
PS 697 |
Extension of City Delivery
Service |
2 years |
blank |
PS 773 |
Records Transmittal
and Receipt |
2 years |
2 |
PS 961-A |
Post Office Property
Record |
blank |
blank |
PS961-A |
Interim |
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS961-A |
Permanent |
Retain until equipment
is transferred/disposed, then forward to the information service.
blank |
PS 969 |
Material Recycling and
Disposal |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 991 |
Application for Promotion
or Assignment |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1000 |
Domestic Claim or Registered
Mail Inquiry |
3 years |
3 |
PS 1017-A |
Time Disallowance Record
3 years |
1 |
PS 1017-B |
Unauthorized Overtime
Record |
3 years |
1 |
PS 1091-A |
Post Office Box Fee
Register (Note: If automated, delete customer record upon termination
of service). |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1091-B |
Register for Caller
Service Fees (Note: If automated, delete customer record upon termination
of service). |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1093 |
Application for Post
Office Box or Caller Service |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1094 |
Request for Post Office
Box Key or Lock Service |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1188 |
Cancellation of Organization
Dues from Payroll Withholdings |
Maintain on permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
PS 1192 |
U.S. Savings Bond Authorization
for Purchase and Request for Change |
13 PPs |
1 |
PS 1199A |
Direct Deposit
13 PPs |
1 |
PS 1216 |
Employee's Current Mailing
Address |
Destroy after computer
processing is verified. |
blank |
PS 1224 |
Court Duty Leave - Statement
of Service |
3 years |
1 |
PS 1230-C |
Time Card - Other Service
3 years |
1 |
PS 1234 |
Utility Card
3 years |
1 |
PS 1236-A |
Weekly Loan, Transfer,
and Training Hours |
3 years |
1 |
PS 1260 |
Non-Transactor Card
blank |
blank |
PS 1260 |
1 month |
blank |
PS 1260 |
Time Card Supporting
Documentation |
3 years |
blank |
PS 1261 |
Non-Transactor Report
blank |
blank |
PS 1261 |
1 month |
blank |
PS 1261 |
Time Card Supporting
Documentation |
3 years |
blank |
PS 1262 |
PSDS Loaned Employee
Non-Transactor Card |
1 month |
1 |
PS 1268 |
Employee Suggestion
Control Record |
2 years |
blank |
PS 1269 |
Employee Suggestion
2 years |
2 |
PS 1311 |
Carrier Transportation
Agreement |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1314 |
Regular Rural Carrier
Time Certificate |
3 years |
blank |
PS 1314-A |
Auxiliary Rural Carrier
Time Certificate |
3 years |
1 |
PS 1377 |
Request for Payment
of Postmaster Replacement and/or RSC F Postmaster Overtime |
3 years |
1 |
PS 1476 |
PSDS EMR Items Transcript
Destroy after computer
processing is verified. |
blank |
PS 1481 |
Register of Checks Drawn
on Symbol 9500 |
4 years |
1 |
PS 1483 |
Accounting Copy - 9500
Form |
4 years |
blank |
PS 1508 |
Statement by Shipper
of Firearms |
1 year |
1 |
PS 1509 |
Sender's Application
for Recall of Mail |
2 months |
blank |
PS 1510 |
Mail Loss/Rifling Report
1 year |
3 |
PS 1532 |
Semiannual Check of
Overflow Mail |
1 year |
blank |
PS 1542 |
Service Point Delivery
Requirements |
1 year |
1 |
PS 1551 |
Accountbook for Post
Offices and Financial Reporting Units - CAGs H-L |
5 years |
1 |
PS 1564 |
Address Change Sheet
1 year |
blank |
PS 1564-A |
Delivery Instructions
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 1564-B |
Special Orders
1 year |
2 |
PS 1567 |
Requisition for Rubber
Hand Canceling Stamps |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
blank |
PS 1571 |
Undelivered Mail Report
2 years |
blank |
PS 1578-B |
Requisition for Facing
Slips or Labels |
1 year |
blank |
PS 1583 |
Application for Delivery
of Mail Through Agent |
2 years |
1 |
PS 1586 |
Supply Record
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
blank |
PS 1597 |
Work Assignment and
Mail Count (Messenger Operations) |
1 year |
1 |
PS 1604 |
Confirmation of Trust
Fund Balance |
1 PQ |
blank |
PS 1621 |
Delivery Management
Report |
1 year |
2 |
PS 1627 |
General Purpose Ruled
Form |
2 years |
blank |
PS 1700 |
Accident Investigation
Worksheet |
3 years |
2 |
PS 1717 |
Bid for Preferred Assignment
6 months |
2 |
PS 1723 |
Assignment Order
3 years |
1 |
PS 1726 |
Employee Suggestion
Acknowledgment/Advice: Adopted Suggestions |
4 years |
2 |
blank |
Disapproved Suggestions
2 years |
2 |
PS 1727 |
Award Recommendation/Authorization
4 years |
2 |
PS 1764 |
Accident Analysis Summary
5 years |
1 |
PS 1767 |
Report of Hazard, Unsafe
Condition, or Practice |
5 years |
1 |
PS 1768 |
Safe Driver Award Committee
Decision |
4 years |
2 |
PS 1769 |
Accident Report
5 years |
1 |
PS 1770 |
Mail Piece Spill or
Leak Incident Report |
5 years |
1 |
PS 1772 |
Accident Log
5 years |
1 |
PS 1773 |
Report of Hazard Log
5 years |
1 |
PS 1783 |
On-the-Job Safety Review/Analysis
5 years |
1 |
PS 1804-C |
Postmaster's Certification
of SDM Equipment Maintenance |
2 years |
2 |
PS 1813 |
Late Leaving and Returning
Report - First Carrier Delivery Trip |
2 years |
blank |
PS 1838 |
Carrier's Count of Mail
- Letter Carrier Routes (Management Summary] |
1 year |
6 |
PS 1838-A |
Carrier's Count of Mail
- Parcel Post and Combination Services Worksheet/Management Summary
1 year |
6 |
PS 1838-B |
Parcel Post Firm Delivery
Worksheet |
1 year |
6 |
PS 1838-C |
Carrier's Count of Mail
- Letter Carrier Routes Worksheet |
1 year |
6 |
PS 1840 |
Carrier Delivery Route
- Summary of Count and Inspection |
1 year |
6 |
PS 1840-B |
Carrier Time Card Analysis
1 year |
6 |
PS 1915 |
Authorization to Flag
Employee's Accounts |
3 years |
blank |
PS 1994 |
Employee's Work Schedule
3 years |
blank |
PS 2016 |
Mail Theft and Vandalism
Complaint |
1 year |
3 |
PS 2025 |
Contract Personnel Questionnaire
1 year |
2 |
PS 2081 |
Contractor Employee
Assignment Notification |
1 year |
2 |
PS 2106 |
Adjudication - Tort
Claims |
3 years |
2 |
PS 2146 |
Employee's Claim for
Personal Property |
3 years |
1 |
PS 2198 |
Accident Report - Tort
Claim |
3 years |
2 |
PS 2202 |
Daily Time Record
3 years |
blank |
PS 2243 |
PSDS Hours Adjustment
Record |
3 years |
1 |
PS 2371-A |
MOD 2 Performance Summary
- Mail Volume |
2 years |
blank |
PS 2480 |
Driving Record - For
Positions That Require Driving |
3 years |
blank |
PS 2548 |
Individual Training
Record - Supplement Sheet |
Maintain on permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
PS 2550 |
Interview Notice
5 years |
blank |
PS 2591 |
Application for Employment
2 years |
2 |
PS 2858-C |
City Carrier Cost System
- FY92 |
5 years |
1 |
PS 2858-R |
Rural Carrier Cost System
- FY92 |
5 years |
1 |
PS 2866 |
Presort Verification
Record |
1 year |
1 |
PS 2866-IP |
In-Plant Verification
for Second- and Fourth-Class Matter |
1 year |
2 |
PS 2932 |
Customs Collections
Summary |
2 years |
blank |
PS 2933 |
Register of Uncollected
Customs Charges |
2 years |
blank |
PS 2960 |
Inventory Record
2 years |
blank |
PS 3077 |
Request to Forward Salary
Check |
13 PPs |
blank |
PS 3189 |
Request for Temporary
Schedule Change for Personal Convenience |
3 years |
1 |
PS 3205 |
Requisition for Plain
Stamped Envelopes |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3216 |
Requisition for Postal
Cards - Bulk Quantities |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3217 |
Order for Forms 3216
2 years |
1 |
PS 3227 |
Stamps by Mail
Dispose of after audit
of accountability/next stamp credit examination or resolution of differences,
whichever is longer. |
blank |
PS 3227-R |
Stamp Purchase Order
(Rural) |
Dispose of after audit
of accountability/next stamp credit examination or resolution of differences,
whichever is longer. |
blank |
PS 3236 |
Uniform Allowance, Cap
Disbursements |
4 years |
1 |
PS 3237 |
Stamp Stock Destruction
Committee Notice of Appointment |
3 years |
blank |
PS 3240 |
Uniform Allowance Inquiry
1 year |
3 |
PS 3309 |
Advice of Shipment/Stamp
Invoice |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3356 |
Stamp Requisition -
Bulk Quantities |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3499 |
Operations Analysis
Report |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3503 |
Record of Deposits Made
While Second-Class Application Is Pending |
2 years |
2 |
PS 3510 |
Application for Additional
Entry, Reentry, or Special Rate Request for Periodicals Publication
1 year |
2 |
PS 3526 |
Statement of Ownership,
Management, and Circulation |
5 years |
1 |
PS 3538 |
Irregular Handling of
Undeliverable Periodicals Publication |
2 years |
3 |
PS 3541-C |
Periodicals Certification
for Multiple Issues (On the Same Day) |
3 years |
1 |
PS 3541-E |
Periodicals Certification
for Multiple Issues (Not on the Same Day) |
3 years |
1 |
PS 3548 |
Review and Verification
of Circulation |
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 3555 |
Report of Returned Mail
2 years |
blank |
PS 3575 |
Change of Address Order
18 months |
1 |
PS 3600-R |
Postage Statement -
First-Class Mail - Permit Imprint |
4 years |
1 |
PS 3601-A |
Application or Update
for a License to Lease and Use Postage Meters |
2 years |
2 |
PS 3602-N |
Postage Statement -
Nonprofit Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Permit Imprint |
4 years |
1 |
PS 3602-R |
Postage Statement -
Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Permit Imprint |
4 years |
1 |
PS 3604 |
Nonuse Revocation of
Mailing Permit or Meter License |
1 year |
2 |
PS 3605-PC |
Statement of Mailing
with Meter Postage Affixed - Priority Mail and Zone-Rated Fourth-Class
Mail |
4 years |
blank |
PS 3605-R |
Postage Statement Zoned
Rate Standard Mail Permit Imprint |
4 years |
blank |
PS 3607 |
Weighing and Dispatch
Certificate |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3608-R |
Postage Statement -
Media Mail or Library Mail - Permit Imprint |
4 years |
blank |
PS 3609-PO |
Control for Post Office
Meter |
2 years |
2 |
PS 3616 |
Report of Quarterly
Verification of Metered Mail |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3619 |
Permit Number Record
1 year |
2 |
PS 3623 |
Application for Nonprofit
Standard Mail Rates at Additional Mailing Office |
3 years |
2 |
PS 3624 |
Application to Mail
at Nonprofit Standard Mail Rates |
3 years |
2 |
PS 3650 |
Statement of Mailing
- International Surface Air Lift |
4 years |
blank |
PS 3652 |
Postage Statement -
International Priority Airmail |
4 years |
blank |
PS 3701 |
Delivery Survey
2 years |
blank |
PS 3702 |
Test Mailing Record
1 year |
blank |
PS 3721 |
Publication Watch
1 year |
3 |
PS 3743 |
Delayed Mail Report
- All Post Offices |
2 years |
3 |
PS 3749 |
Irregularities in the
Preparation of Mail Matter |
1 year |
blank |
PS 3801 |
Standing Delivery Order
1 year |
2 |
PS 3801-A |
Agreement by a Hotel,
Apartment House, or the Like |
1 year |
2 |
PS 3806 |
Receipt for Registered
Mail |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3815 |
Plant-Load Authorization,
Application, Worksheet and Agreement |
3 years |
2 |
PS 3816 |
COD Mailing and Delivery
Receipt |
*2 years |
1 |
PS 3821 |
Clearance Receipt
2 years |
blank |
PS 3822 |
COD Tag Transmittal
2 years |
blank |
PS 3826 |
Registry Irregularity
Report |
1 year |
blank |
PS 3827 |
Irregularity Report
of Insured and COD Mail |
1 year |
blank |
PS 3830-A |
Registry Dispatch Record
2 years |
1 |
PS 3841 |
Post Office Record of
Claim |
2 years |
3 |
PS 3845 |
Annual Verification
of Circulation |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3849 |
Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt
blank |
blank |
PS 3849 |
Express Mail Service
*6 months |
1 |
PS 3849 |
Signature Confirmation
Service |
1 year |
1 |
PS 3849 |
All Other Services
*2 years |
1 |
PS 3854 |
Manifold Registry Dispatch
Book |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3854-A |
Registered Mail Dispatch
Bill |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3867 |
Accountable Mail Matter
Received for Delivery |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3871 |
Receipt Verification
- Insured and Returned COD Mail |
1 year |
blank |
PS 3877 |
Firm Mailing Book for
Accountable Mail: |
blank |
blank |
PS 3877 |
EMS - Corporate Account
Records |
3 years |
1 |
PS 3877 |
EMS - Receipts/Mailing
Statements |
6 months |
1 |
PS 3877 |
Domestic Mail Acceptance
Receipts |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3883 |
Firm Delivery Book for
Accountable Mail |
*2 years |
1 |
PS 3883-A |
Firm Delivery Receipt
2 years |
1 |
PS 3921 |
Volume Recording Worksheet
2 years |
blank |
PS 3922 |
Customer Services Volume
Recording Worksheet |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3925 |
Daily Address Information
Operations Analysis |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3930 |
Operations Analysis
2 years |
blank |
PS 3932 |
CSMDS Plan Input Sheet
2 years |
blank |
PS 3956 |
Authorization for Medical
Attention |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3959 |
Daily Recap - Stamp
Stock Transactions |
2 years |
1 |
PS 3968 |
Daily Mail Collection
Record |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3971 |
Request For or Notification
of Absence |
3 years |
1 |
PS 3972 |
Absence Analysis
3 years |
blank |
PS 3973 |
Military Leave Control
3 years |
1 |
PS 3978-B |
Parcel Distribution
1 year |
blank |
PS 3978-D |
Accountable Mail
1 year |
blank |
PS 3996 |
Carrier - Auxiliary
Control |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3997 |
Unit Daily Record
2 years |
blank |
PS 3998 |
Unit Summary of City
Delivery Assignments |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3999 |
Inspection of Letter
Carrier Route |
1 year |
1 |
PS 3999-A |
Record - Worksheet |
2 years |
blank |
PS 3999-B |
Inspection of Collection
Route |
2 years |
blank |
PS 4003 |
Official Rural Route
Description |
Retain the most recent
complete copy of PS Forms 4003 and 4003-A. Forms 4003 and 4003-A showing
only the lines changed may be removed when complete Forms 4003 and 4003-A
are prepared that include these changes. Form 4003, OPF copy, must be
retained permanently. |
blank |
PS 4003-A |
Official Rural Route
Description (Continuation Sheet) |
Retain the most recent
complete copy of PS Forms 4003 and 4003-A. Forms 4003 and 4003-A showing
only the lines changed may be removed when complete Forms 4003 and 4003-A
are prepared that include these changes. Form 4003, OPF copy, must be
retained permanently. |
blank |
PS 4015-A |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Use Annual Leave Pursuant to Election of Higher Route Classification
3 years |
blank |
PS 4015-B |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Terminate Guarantee |
3 years |
blank |
PS 4015-C |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Terminate Guarantee (Exercising Retreat or Bidding Rights)
3 years |
blank |
PS 4015-D |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Terminate Guarantee |
3 years |
blank |
PS 4015-E |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Use Annual Leave Earned to Reduce Actual Work Hours |
3 years |
blank |
PS 4015-F |
Rural Carrier Agreement
to Use Annual Leave Earned to Obtain Protected Salary |
3 years |
blank |
PS 4024 |
Request to Repair Roads
1 year |
blank |
PS 4027 |
Petition for Change
In Rural Delivery |
1 year |
blank |
PS 4239 |
Rural Route Count of
Mail |
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 4240 |
Rural Carrier Trip Report
3 years |
1 |
PS 4241 |
Rural Delivery Statistics
Report |
Retain latest copy.
All others may be destroyed after 3 years. |
blank |
PS 4241-A |
Rural Route Evaluation
Retain latest copy.
All others may be destroyed after 3 years. |
blank |
PS 4248 |
Rural Route Inspection
Report |
2 years |
1 |
PS 4314-A |
Consumer Service Card
(Spanish) |
1 year |
3 |
PS 4314-C |
Consumer Service Card
1 year |
blank |
PS 4315 |
Evaluation of Routes
for Motorization |
2 years |
blank |
PS 4460 |
Vehicle Record/Trip
Ticket |
3 years |
blank |
PS 4503 |
Vehicle Delivery Control
Sheet |
1 year |
2 |
PS 4508 |
Vehicle Maintenance
Facility Inventory Order |
3 years |
1 |
PS 4509 |
VMF Inventory Purchase
3 years |
1 |
PS 4513 |
Maintenance Record |
3 APs |
1 |
PS 4513-A |
Shop Maintenance Record |
3 APs |
1 |
PS 4515 |
Vehicle Assignment Justification
and Request |
1 year |
2 |
PS 4523 |
Damage Claim Certification
- Hired Vehicle: VMF Accident Case File Records |
3 years |
2 |
blank |
Vehicle Hire Records
2 years |
2 |
PS 4529 |
Inventory/Parts Tools
3 years |
blank |
PS 4533 |
MVS Schedule
1 year |
1 |
PS 4534 |
Inventory Adjustment
Record and Parts Transferred Between VMFs |
3 years |
1 |
PS 4539 |
Railroad Van Movement
Log |
6 months |
1 |
PS 4565 |
Vehicle Repair Tag
On completion of work
order |
2 |
PS 4567 |
Commercial Service Station
Procurement Record |
1 year |
1 |
PS 4569 |
Vehicle Use Plan
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 4570 |
Vehicle Time Record:
blank |
blank |
blank |
Accident Records
3 years |
2 |
blank |
Vehicle Hire Records
2 years |
2 |
blank |
Vehicle Time Records
3 months |
1 |
PS 4572 |
Tractor Log
6 months |
1 |
PS 4574 |
Daily Record of Gasoline,
Diesel Fuel, and Motor Oil Issued |
1 year |
blank |
PS 4575 |
MVS Vehicle Survey
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 4575-A |
Five Day Summary - Motor
Vehicle Service Vehicle Utilization |
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 4577 |
Leased Vehicle Condition
Report: |
blank |
blank |
blank |
Requirements Survey
Records |
1 year |
1 |
blank |
Vehicle Hire Records
2 years |
2 |
PS 4582 |
Operator's Record
4 years |
2 |
PS 4584 |
Observation of Driving
Practices |
4 years |
2 |
PS 4586 |
Accident Information:
blank |
blank |
PS 4586 |
Over $10.00
3 years |
2 |
PS 4586 |
Under $10.00
2 years |
2 |
PS 4587 |
Request to Repair, Replace,
or Dispose of Postal-Owned Vehicle |
1 year after sale of
vehicle |
blank |
PS 4594 |
Vehicle Sales Request
and Report |
1 year after sale of
vehicle |
blank |
PS 4625 |
Mounted Tires and Batteries
Authorized for Fleet Use |
Destroy when updated/superseded
or a subsequent review is completed. |
blank |
PS 4626 |
Vehicle Fuel and Motor
Oil Purchase Record |
3 years |
1 |
PS 4703 |
Out of Order (Trailer
Tag) |
1 month |
1 |
PS 4707 |
Out-of-Order Tag:
blank |
blank |
PS 4707 |
VMF Copies |
1 month |
1 |
PS 4707 |
All Other Copies
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 4805 |
Maintenance Work Order
Request |
2 years |
blank |
PS 4841 |
Fuel and Utilities Record
2 years |
blank |
PS 4851 |
Housekeeping Inspection
1 year |
blank |
PS 4852 |
Workload Analysis and
Summary |
2 years |
blank |
PS 4871 |
Relocation - Miscellaneous
Expense Allowance Claim |
1 year |
1 |
PS 4872 |
Claim for Subsistence
Expenses - Temporary Quarters |
1 year |
1 |
PS 4877 |
Reimbursement of Real
Estate Expenses - Change of Official Station |
1 year |
1 |
PS 4984 |
Repair Parts Requisition:
blank |
blank |
PS 4984 |
Parts and Fuel Inventory
Records |
3 years |
1 |
PS 4984 |
Vehicle Maintenance
Agreement Records |
1 year |
2 |
PS 5201 |
Mail Van Inspection
2 years |
2 |
PS 5397 |
Contract Route Extra
Trip Authorization |
1 year |
2 |
PS 5398 |
Transportation Performance
Record |
2 years |
2 |
PS 5399 |
Contract Routes Performance
Record |
2 years |
2 |
PS 5406 |
Box Delivery Contract
Route Survey |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5407 |
Highway Contract Route
Survey/Service Change |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5420 |
Certification of Insurance
7 years |
2 |
PS 5427 |
Contract Route Review
and Award |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5429 |
Certification of Exceptional
Contract Service Performed |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5431 |
Contract Route Box Customer
Notice |
3 years |
2 |
PS 5443 |
Contract Route Statement,
Schedule, and Specifications |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5461 |
Amount Due Deceased
Contractor |
3 years |
2 |
PS 5466 |
Late Slip |
15 days |
2 |
PS 5479 |
Contract Adjustments
7 years |
2 |
PS 5496 |
Adjustment Analysis
and Report |
7 years |
2 |
PS 5500 |
Contract Route Irregularity
Report |
1 year |
2 |
PS 5500-A |
Contract Route Irregularity
Report |
1 year |
2 |
PS 5505 |
Cost Evaluation - Postal
Vehicle Service versus Contract Service |
1 year |
2 |
PS 5625 |
Express Mail Custom
Designed Service Receipt |
6 months |
1 |
blank |
Corporate Accounts
1 year |
1 |
PS 5625-C |
Express Mail Custom
Designed Service |
6 months |
1 |
blank |
Corporate Accounts
3 years |
1 |
PS 5631 |
Express Mail Service
Agreement [Pub 223 has "Express Mail Custom Designed Service Agreement"]
4 months |
2 |
PS 5637 |
Express Mail Corporate
Account/Custom Designed Agreement |
4 months |
2 |
PS 5639 |
Express Mail Corporate
Account Application |
3 years |
2 |
PS 5659 |
Daily Passport Applications
(DSP-11) Transmittal |
3 months |
1 |
PS 5660 |
Summary of Passport
Applications Accepted |
3 months |
1 |
PS 5674 |
EMS - Express Mail International
Service Manifest: Suspense Copies |
Discard on receipt/receipt
of signed copy. |
blank |
blank |
Signed Copies
6 months |
1 |
PS 5909 |
Road Test Examiner's
Certificate |
4 years |
2 |
PS 6349 |
Issued Money Order Sales
Record |
2 years |
blank |
blank |
Money Order Tapes
4 years |
1 |
PS 6401 |
Money Order Inquiry
Not retained
3 |
PS 7020 |
Authorized Absence from
Workroom Floor |
3 years |
1 |
PS 7340 |
Shipping Instructions
for Excess Property |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 7340-A |
Shipping Instructions
for Excess Property - Vehicle |
1 year |
2 |
PS 7364 |
Serviceable Property
Tag |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 7380 |
MDC Supply Requisition
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 7381 |
Requisition for Supplies,
Services, or Equipment: VMF Copies (Fuel) |
3 years |
1 |
PS 7381 |
All Other Copies
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
PS 7405 |
Transportation Services
Bid or Proposal and Contract for Regular Service |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7406 |
Amendment to Transportation
Services Contract |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7435 |
Solicitation for Transportation
Services Contract |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7439 |
Solicitation Record
- Emergency Highway Contract |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7440 |
Contract Route Service
Order |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7440-A |
Change in Schedule Notice
7 years |
2 |
PS 7445 |
Inquiry Concerning Renewal
of Transportation Services Contract |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7447 |
Transportation Services
Renewal Contract for Regular Services |
7 years |
2 |
PS 7448 |
Notice of Renewal of
Transportation Services Contract for Regular Services |
7 years |
2 |
PS 9528 OC |
Advice of Shipment -
Stamp Invoice |
4 years |
blank |
PS 9528 OC |
blank |
blank |
blank |
SF 94 |
Statement of Witness
3 years |
2 |
SF 95 |
Claim For Damage, Injury,
or Death |
3 years |
2 |
SF 97 |
The United States Government
Certificate of Release of a Motor Vehicle |
4 years |
2 |
SF 120 |
Report of Excess Personal
Property |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
SF 122 |
Transfer Order - Excess
Personal Property |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
SF 123 |
Transfer Order - Surplus
Personal Property |
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
SF 135 |
Records Transmittal
and Receipt |
2 years |
2 |
SF 258 |
Request to Transfer,
Approval and Receipt of Records to the National Archives of the United
States |
2 years |
2 |
SF 344 |
Multiuse Standard Requisitioning/Issue
System Document: Vehicle Parts and Fuel Requisitions |
3 years |
1 |
SF 344 |
Other Supply Requisitions
Dispose of in not less
than 1 year and not more than 2 years. |
1 |
SF 1164 |
Claim for Reimbursement
for Expenditures on Official Business |
4 years |
1 |
SF 1187 |
Request for Payroll
Deduction for Labor Organization Dues |
Maintain on the permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
SF 2809 |
Employee Health Benefits
Election Form |
blank |
blank |
SF 2809 |
OPF Copies |
Maintain on the permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
SF 2809 |
DDE/DR Site Copies
2 PPs |
5 |
SF 2810 |
Notice of Change in
Health Benefits Enrollment |
blank |
blank |
SF 2810 |
OPF Copies |
Maintain on the permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
SF 2810 |
DDE/DR Site Copies
2 PPs |
5 |
blank |
blank |
blank |
blank |
V 11P |
Application for Safe
Driver Awards (National Safety Council) |
4 years |
2 |
blank |
blank |
blank |
blank |
W-4 |
Employee's Withholding
Allowance Certificate |
Maintain on the permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
W-4 |
If superseded
4 years |
2 |
W-15 |
State Withholding Tax
Exemption Certificate |
Maintain on the permanent
(right-hand) side of the employee's official personnel file. |
blank |
W-15 |
If superseded
4 years |
2 |
* Cutoff Codes
1. The cutoff point is based on a point in time, e.g., at the end of a pay period, calendar month, postal quarter, fiscal year,
calendar year, etc.
2. The cutoff point is based on the occurrence of an event, such as when selection has occurred, when the equipment is
disposed, on revocation/cancellation of a permit/license, expiration of a contract/agreement, closing of an account,
closing of a Post Office box/caller service, or when the form is completely filled.
3. Destroy after problem is resolved.
4. Destroy when updated/superseded or a subsequent review is completed.
5. Destroy after computer processing is verified.
6. Retain the most recent forms for the carrier holding the bid assignment. Dispose of forms 1 year after new mail counts
and inspection date supersedes previous data.
* Retention Periods for Special Services Delivery Records
For specific instructions regarding manual record management and electronic record management sites see Postal Operations Manual, section 619.125. Scanning policies are provided in Handbook PO 610, Signature Capture and Electronic Record Management: Manager's Guide to Standard Operating Procedures.
Exhibit 895
Federal Records Centers
Areas Served
ST LOUIS MO 63118-4199
(314) 538-5719
Entire federal government for personnel records of separated federal employees; pay and
medical records of all federal employees; medical records of civilian employees of the Army,
Navy, and Air Force; records of agencies in greater St. Louis, Missouri, area
WALTHAM MA 02452-6399
(781) 647-8108
Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
LEES SUMMIT MO 64064-1182
(816) 478-7089
New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Panama Canal Zone
(215) 671-9027
Delaware and Pennsylvania
SUITLAND MD 20746-8001
(301) 457-7000
District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
EAST POINT GA 30344-2593
(404) 763-7474
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and
CHICAGO IL 60629-5898
(773) 581-7816
Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
DAYTON OH 45439-1883
(937) 225-2582
Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio
KANSAS CITY MO 64131-3011
(816) 926-6920
Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri, except greater St. Louis area
FORT WORTH TX 76115-3405
(817) 334-5515
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana
DENVER CO 80225-0307
(303) 236-0804
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota
SAN BRUNO CA 94066-2350
(650) 876-9249
Nevada (except Clark County), California (except Southern California), Hawaii, and American
24000 AVILA RD
(949) 360-2618
Arizona; Clark County, Nevada; Southern California (counties of San Luis Obispo, Kern, San
Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside, Orange, Imperial, Inyo, and San
SEATTLE WA 98115-7999
(206) 526-6501
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, and Pacific Ocean area (except American Samoa)
* * * * *
- Vice President/Chief Technology Officer, Vice President, Consumer Advocate, 10-28-04
Customer Relations
Mail Alert
The mailings below will be deposited in the near future.
Offices should honor the requested delivery dates.
Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of
1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service
Network Integration at 202-268-2225 at least 1 month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal ServiceTM
also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more
information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking
System Technical Guide on the Internet at or
contact the National Customer Support Center at
Title of Mailing
Class and
Type of
of Pieces
Presort Level
JCP Toy Book
JCP Holiday Sale
RR Donnelley
JCP Pre-Thanksgiving Catalog
3/5-Digit, Car-Rt
Quad Graphics,
Hartford, WI
Seventh Avenue
Barcoded, Basic,
3/5-Digit, Car-Rt
Quad Graphics,
Lomira, WI
Pottery Barn Kids
3/5-Digit, Car-Rt
Quad Graphics,
Hartford, WI
The Swiss Colony
Barcoded, Basic,
3/5-Digit, Car-Rt
Quad Graphics,
Lomira, WI
JCP Week 41 Grand Opening
Flat and
JCP All Day - Every Day
JCP Sale
RR Donnelley
JCP Week 41 Sale
JCP Week 41 Men's
The Swiss Colony
Barcoded, Basic,
3/5-Digit, Car-Rt
Quad Graphics,
Lomira, WI
JCP Week 42 VIP Night
JCP Week 42 Salon
- Business Service Network Integration, Service and Market Development, 10-28-04
Equivalent Grade Chart
Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 418.1,
Equivalent Grades, and exhibit 418.1 are revised effective
November 29, 2003, to accommodate the single-grade upgrade for electronic technicians from grade 11 (occupation
code 0856-0004) to new grade 12 (occupation code
0856-0005). These upgrades were agreed to through the
collective bargaining process that accompanied the 2-year
labor contract extension between the Postal ServiceTM and
the American Postal Workers' Union. Section 418.1 now
more clearly shows how the table in exhibit 418.1 is actually
used during personnel action processing. The exhibit revision corrects clerical errors in the instructions as well as acknowledges existing grade 26 in the Executive and
Administrative (EAS) schedule.
We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed
version of the ELM and also into the online version, available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:
• Go to
• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click
on References.
• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click
on PolicyNet.
• Click on Manuals.
It is also available on the Postal Service Internet:
• Go to
• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and
then Manuals.
Summary of Changes
410, Pay Administration Policy for Nonbargaining Unit
418.1, Equivalent Grades, and exhibit 418.1 are revised
to accommodate the single grade upgrade for electronic
technicians, from former grade 11 to new grade 12. The
changes correct clerical errors in the exhibit's instructions
and a grade-level designation in the Executive and Administrative (EAS) schedule. Existing grade 26 in the EAS
schedule is also added. Section 418.1 now more clearly
shows how the table in exhibit 418.1 is actually used during
personnel action processing.
Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)
* * * * *
4 Pay Administration
410 Pay Administration Policy for
Nonbargaining Unit Employees
* * * * *
418 Assignment to a Different Salary
418.1 Equivalent Grades
[Revise the text to read as follows:]
When an employee is reassigned, reduced in grade, promoted, or otherwise permanently or temporarily changed to
a position in another salary schedule, see Exhibit 418.1 for
grades that are equivalent for pay purposes. This chart determines the appropriate Nature of Action (NOA) triggered
when processing a PS Form 50, Notification of Personnel
Action. Special salary handling during an involuntary reduction in grade involving bargaining unit employees is performed in accordance with the applicable collective
bargaining agreement.
Exhibit 418.1
Equivalent Grades
[Revise the exhibit to read as follows:]
C - Mail
Equipment Shops & Material Distribution |
F - A-E
Postmasters |
G - Postal
Nurses |
K - Operating
Services Division |
M - Mail
Handlers |
N - Information/Technology
Accounting Service |
P - Postal
Service |
Q - City
Carriers |
R - Rural
Carriers |
T - Tool
& Die Shop |
Y - Postal
Police Officers |
- |
1-4 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
A-E |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7 |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
8 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
9 |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
- |
- |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
10 |
- |
- |
5 |
4 |
6, 7, 8 |
4 |
- |
- |
4 |
- |
5 |
11 |
- |
X * |
6 |
5 |
9, 10 |
5 |
- |
X * |
- |
- |
6 |
12 |
- |
- |
7 |
6 |
11, 12 |
6 |
1 |
- |
6 |
X * |
7 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
13 |
7 |
2 |
- |
7 |
- |
8 |
13 |
- |
- |
8 |
- |
14 |
8 |
- |
- |
8 |
- |
9 |
14 |
- |
- |
9 |
- |
15 |
9 |
- |
- |
9 |
- |
10 |
15 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
16 |
10 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
11 |
16 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
17 |
11 |
- |
- |
11 |
- |
12 |
17 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
18 |
12 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
18 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
19 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
19 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
20 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
20 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
22 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
22 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23 |
- |
- |
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- |
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24 |
- |
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- |
25 |
- |
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- |
- |
26 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
* X
signifies a single-level schedule.
GRADE DETERMINATION - To use the chart:
Step 1. In the
horizontal list at the top, locate the salary schedule and grade of the
employee's position before the change action.
Step 2. Cross
over to the salary schedule into which the employee is being assigned.
Step 3. Determine
the nature of the placement action from the following:
If the new grade is ... Then the placement
action is ...
On the same line as the previous grade, Lateral reassignment
to an equivalent grade.
On a lower line than the previous grade, Promotion.
On a higher line than the previous grade, Reduction
in grade (change to lower level).
The number of lines on the chart between the old
grade and the new grade is considered to be the number of grades changed
for the purpose of calculating promotions or reductions in grade.
* * * * *
- Compensation, Employee Resource Management, 10-28-04
New Postal Service Web-Based Defensive Driving Course - Now Available
Defensive Driving Course (DDC) 43601-06, a partnership production between Safety Performance Management
and Employee Development, is now available through the
Web-based Automated Enrollment System (AES).
This Web-based data-driven course is designed to provide or enhance employee defensive driving skill sets. It
targets primarily city and rural carriers who operate right-
hand-drive Postal ServiceTM vehicles; however, other drivers with Postal Service driving privileges can also take the
This course is designed to support loss-prevention efforts for reducing motor vehicle accidents at the local level.
It aligns with the Program Evaluation Guide (PEG). Students may take the course in whole or in part, based on local discretion.
Course Description
The course consists of eight modules with introductory
and review material. Topics include the driver, the vehicle,
driving conditions, defensive driving techniques, and preventing collisions on the road and on the route. It also covers properly reporting collisions.
The Web-based DDC course is self-study and self-
paced. When we tested this course, students spent an average of five hours to complete the course. Students do not
have to complete the course in one sitting.
DDC 43601-06 is offered through AES. Go to and click on My Work; then, under
"General Tools," click on Automated Enrollment System.
Each student enrolled in the course pays a nominal $2 fee.
Students may enroll through their servicing Postal Service
employee development centers as they would for any other
AES course. Students completing the entire course will receive appropriate credit in the National Training Database.
System Requirements
This course contains voice, music, and animation. Computers now running AES courses should be able to run this
course. However, the faster the computer and the faster the
Web connection, the faster the course will run. As with all
Web pages, there is a download time the first time a page is
loaded, but then the page is stored (cached) on the machine for quicker viewing when it is used next.
Defensive Driving Course Content
Introduction: What to Expect in this Course
Course Navigation Tools
Course Content and Information
Module 1: What is Defensive Driving?
Defensive Driving
Collision Prevention Formula
Collision Types
Module 2: The Conditions of the Driver
Physical Conditions of the Driver
Mental Conditions of the Driver
Defensive Driving Characteristics
Module 3: Know Your Vehicle
The Postal Vehicle
Daily Vehicle Inspection
Using Mirrors Effectively
Use of Safety Belts
Module 4: The Conditions of Driving
Weather Conditions
Road Conditions
Traffic Conditions
Module 5: Defensive Driving Techniques
Stopping Distance
Side Clearances
Safety Circle
Module 6: Preventing Collisions on the Road
Making Safe Lane Changes
Intersections and Turns
Freeway Driving
Split-Second Decisions
Module 7: Preventing Collisions on the Route
Parking Your Delivery Vehicle
Proper Backing Procedures
Route Hazards
Module 8: Collision Reports and Summary
Collision Reporting
What is Defensive Driving?
Course Review: End of Course Review Questions
- Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 10-28-04
Equipment Maintenance Allowance Schedule for Rural Routes
In accordance with provisions of Article 9, Section 2.J.3
of the Rural Carrier National Agreement, effective October
30, 2004 (pay period 24-04), the equipment maintenance
allowance (EMA) will increase from 41.0 cents per mile to
44.5 cents per mile.
The EMA is 44.5 cents per mile, or a minimum of $17.80
per day, whichever is greater.
Auxiliary Rural Carriers, Rural Carrier Reliefs,
Rural Carrier Associates, Rural Carrier Part-Time
Flexibles, and Auxiliary Assistance
Employees providing auxiliary assistance or serving
auxiliary routes under provisions of Article 9, Section 2.J.5,
receive an EMA of 44.5 cents per mile or $5.05 per hour,
whichever is greater. This EMA should not exceed the
amount provided in the special EMA for the route stops and
EMA Rate Schedule
The EMA rate schedule on pages 35-36
supersedes all previously published EMA schedules for employees receiving
- Collective Bargaining and Arbitration,
Labor Relations, 10-28-04
Use eAwards for Cash Equivalent Awards
American Express Gift Cheques and other cash equivalent instruments are considered income and must be reported through eAwards. Note that Postal ServiceTM policy
prohibits cash and cash equivalent awards for noncareer
Consult the revisions to Employee and Labor Relations
Manual (ELM) 470 published in Postal Bulletins 22133
(7-22-04, pages 16-33) and 22137 (9-16-04, pages 77-78)
and also the eAwards Web site for up-to-date information
on award reporting and eligibility requirements.
- Compensation,
Employee Resource Management, 10-28-04
Penalty Overtime Exclusion
As referenced in Article 8, Sections 4 and 5, of the
USPS-NALC and USPS-APWU national agreements, the
December period (during which penalty overtime regulations are not applicable) consists of 4 consecutive service
weeks. This year, the December period begins Pay Period
26-04 - Week 2 (December 4, 2004) - and ends Pay
Period 01-05 - Week 1 (December 31, 2004).
- Policies and Programs,
Labor Relations, 10-28-04