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Fall 2004 Open Season Timeline for Career Employees

2004 Program Dates Election Method Comments
PostalEASE and USPS PIN Anytime. See below for open seasons. It is easiest to use the PostalEASE Employee Web, either at an Employee Self-Service kiosk (available at some facilities) or on the Intranet at (from blue page, choose Employee Self Service, then PostalEASE). By phone, call 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273). You must use your Employee ID, printed at the top of your earnings statement - use all eight digits, even if the first one is 0. Social Security number no longer used.
USPS PIN required - request reminder letter via Web (follow instructions) or telephone (when asked to enter PIN, wait, and then will hear reminder letter choice). Usually mailed to address of record next business day.
Thrift Savings Plan Open Season Opens: 10/15 Closes: 12/31 @ 5 p.m. Central Time (CT) You may begin or change your TSP paycheck contribution dollar or percentage amount via PostalEASE. For 2005, CSRS employees may elect up to 10% and FERS employees up to 15% of their basic pay. The IRS maximum for 2005 is $14,000. FERS employees with salaries over $93,333 should consider making a whole dollar contribution of $14,000/26=$539 per pay period to avoid loss of USPS matching contributions. Effective in December.
Coming to you in the mail: A TSP open season update and PostalEASE TSP worksheet.
TSP 50+ Catch-Up Contributions Anytime Via PostalEASE. You may contribute up to an additional $4,000 if you are age 50 or older during 2005. Catch-up contribution elections for 2005 will be accepted beginning at 12:01 p.m. CT on December 21, 2004. You must certify that regular TSP contributions are at TSP percentage maximum or will reach IRS maximum.
Coming to you in the mail: PostalEASE TSP Catch-Up worksheet.
TSP Investment Choices
Anytime You may make your investment fund choice or interfund transfer of an existing balance by:
• Accessing the TSP Web site at
• Calling ThriftLine toll-free at 877-968-3778.
• Mailing Form TSP-50 (available from your local Personnel office) to TSP.
You must use your TSP PIN (not your USPS PIN). You may request a new TSP PIN via or ThriftLine.
TSP issues quarterly participant statements.
Federal Employees Health Benefits
Opens: 11/8 Closes: 12/14 @ 5 p.m. CT Via PostalEASE. It is much simpler to process your election by using the PostalEASE Employee Web than by calling PostalEASE.
OPM requires information about dependents - must enter if electing new family plan. Mailing: FEHB guide (plan summary) with PostalEASE FEHB worksheet. Individual plan brochures available from your local Personnel office.
Flexible Spending Accounts Opens: 11/8 Closes: 12/31 @ 5 p.m. CT Via PostalEASE. Health Care FSA maximum is $5,000. Dependent Care (day care) FSA maximum is $5,000. Over-the-counter medicines and drugs eligible.
Coming to you in the mail: post cards, leaflet, brochure.
Annual Leave Exchange
Opens: 11/15 Closes: 12/15 @ Midnight CT Via PostalEASE.
Career nonbargaining employees from Rate Schedule Codes (RSCs) E, F, S, and U may exchange from 8 to 128 hours in whole-hour increments, if annual leave balance is at least 160 hours as of the close of business on January 7, 2005.
Bargaining employees from RSCs C, K, M, N, P, T, and Y may exchange from 8 to 40 hours in whole-hour increments, if annual leave balance is at least 440 hours and less than 75 hours of sick leave has been used for the leave year as of the close of business on January 7, 2005.
The lump sum is calculated on salary as of January 8, 2005. It is included in the January 28, 2005, paycheck and taxable in 2005.
Coming to you in the mail: letter about Annual Leave Exchange.
Allotments/Net- to-Bank Anytime Via PostalEASE. You must provide your financial institution's routing number and your account number.

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