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Domestic Mail


Labeling List Changes

Effective December 9, 2004, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) L001, L004, L007, L606, L801, and L802 are revised to reflect changes in mail processing operations. Mailers are encouraged to label according to these revised lists immediately, but must comply with these changes no later than February 6, 2005.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM Issue 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

L Labeling Lists

L000 General Use

L001 5-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services Flats and Irregular Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
48015, 88-93 WARREN MI 48089
48327-29 WATERFORD MI 48327
48359-63 LAKE ORION MI 48359
Change To:
48015, 88-93, 48397 WARREN MI 48089
48327-30 WATERFORD MI 48327
48359-62 LAKE ORION MI 48359
89101, 06 LAS VEGAS NV 89101
89120, 21 LAS VEGAS NV 89120
48047, 51 NEW BALTIMORE MI 48047
48309, 26 ROCHESTER HILLS MI 48309
58103, 04, 06 FARGO ND 58103

* * * * *

L004 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups-ADC Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
Column B
Label Container to
Change From: blank
900, 901 ADC LOS ANGELES CA 900
Change To: blank
900-905 ADC LOS ANGELES CA 900
Add: blank
906-908, 917, 918 ADC INDUSTRY CA 917
910-916, 930-935 ADC SANTA CLARITA CA 914
926-928 ADC SANTA ANA CA 926
Delete: blank
902-908, 910-918 ADC TWIN VALLEY CA 90197
922-928, 930-935 ADC SEQUOIA CA 90198

* * * * *

L007 5-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and BPM Flats in Bundles

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
14606, 08, 09, 14 ROCHESTER NY 14609
48034, 37, 86 SOUTHFIELD MI 48034
48327-29 WATERFORD MI 48327
48359-63 LAKE ORION MI 48359
65301, 36, 40, 51, 55, 60 SEDALIA MO 65301
Change To:
14606, 09 ROCHESTER NY 14609
48025, 34 SOUTHFIELD MI 48034
48327-30 WATERFORD MI 48327
48359-62 LAKE ORION MI 48359
65301, 02, 05, 20-30, 32-40, 44, 47-51, 54, 55, 60 SEDALIA MO 65301
14603, 08, 14 ROCHESTER NY 14603
48048, 50 NEW HAVEN MI 48048
48062-64 RICHMOND MI 48062
48065, 96 ROMEO MI 480653
48067, 69-70 ROYAL OAK MI 48067
48075, 76 SOUTHFIELD MI 48075
48054, 79 SAINT CLAIR MI 48079
48094, 95 WASHINGTON MI 48094
48356, 57 HIGHLAND MI 48356
48380, 81 MILFORD MI 48380
48383, 86 WHITE LAKE MI 48383
54935-37 FOND DU LAC WI 54935
54956, 57 NEENAH WI 54956
65010, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 46, 49, 51-53, 59, 63, 65, 66, 72, 74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85 ASHLAND MO 65010
65231, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 48, 51, 54-57, 59, 61-63, 65, 70, 74-76, 81, 84 AUXVASSE MO 65231
48047, 51 NEW BALTIMORE MI 48047
48069, 70 PLEASANT RIDGE MI 48069
48309, 26 AUBURN HILLS MI 48326
62701, 07, 11, 12 SPRINGFIELD IL 62701
62702, 03 SPRINGFIELD IL 62702
65018, 20, 26, 37, 41, 49, 51, 52, 65, 66, 79, 81, 84 CAMDENTON MO 65020
65233, 40, 48, 51, 65, 70, 81 FULTON MO 65251

* * * * *

L600 Standard Mail and Package Services

* * * * *

L606 5-Digit Scheme-Standard Mail and Package Services Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From: blank
33854-56, 67, 98 LAKE WALES FL 33854
33950, 51, 55, 80, 82, 83 PUNTA GORDA FL 33950
34230, 34, 78 SARASOTA FL 34230
Change To: blank
33854-56, 59 LAKE WALES FL 33854
33950, 51, 55, 82 PUNTA GORDA FL 33950
34230, 34, 43, 78 SARASOTA FL 34230
Add: blank
33853, 67, 98 LAKES WALES FL 33853
33980, 83 PORT CHARLOTTE FL 33980
49501, 02, 30, 55, 60 GRAND RAPIDS MI 49501
49507, 10 GRAND RAPIDS MI 49507
Delete: blank
48047, 51 NEW BALTIMORE MI 48047
49501, 03, 07, 30, 50, 55, 99 GRAND RAPIDS MI 49599

* * * * *

L800 Automation Rate Mailings

L801 AADCs-Letter-Size Mailings

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From: blank
335-339, 341, 342, 346 AADC TAMPA FL 335
930-935 AADC SEQUOIA CA 90198
Change To: blank
335-338, 342, 346 AADC TAMPA FL 335
930-935 AADC SEQUOIA CA 93090
Add: blank
339, 341 AADC FT MYERS FL 339

* * * * *

L802 BMC/ASF Entry-Periodicals and Standard Mail Letters, Flats, and Irregular Parcels, and Package Services Flats and Irregular Parcels Mail

* * * * *

Column A
Column B
Label to

* * * * *

— Logistics,
Network Operations Management, 11-25-04


Eligibility Requirements for Standard Mail

Effective June 1, 2005, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) E610 is revised to clarify the circumstances in which mail containing "personal" information may be eligible for Standard Mail® (rather than First-Class Mail®) rates. In addition, standards in E110 for First-Class Mail items and E610 for Standard Mail items are reorganized and renumbered to better describe the service provided under each class.

The June 1, 2005, implementation date will allow time for extensive training for Postal ServiceTM personnel and gives mailers adequate time to learn about the new standards and prepare for future mailings. Until June 1, employees should continue to use the current DMM standards to determine mailpiece eligibility.

We will incorporate these changes into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

E Eligibility

* * * * *

E100 First-Class Mail

E110 Basic Standards

[Renumber current 2.0 through 5.0 as new 4.0 through 7.0. Replace current 1.0 with new 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, to read as follows:]


1.1 Service Objectives

First-Class Mail receives expeditious handling and transportation. Service objectives for delivery are 1 to 3 days; however, delivery time is not guaranteed.

1.2 Rate Options

First-Class Mail offers the flexibility of single-piece rates, and discounted rates for mailings of 500 or more pieces that weigh 13 ounces or less.

1.3 Mailable Items

First-Class Mail may be used for any mailable item, including postcards, letters, flats, and small packages. Customized MarketMail under E660 and other restricted material as described in C020 may not be mailed as First-Class Mail.


2.1 Inspection of Contents

First-Class Mail is closed against postal inspection. Federal law and Postal Service regulations restrict both opening and reviewing the contents of First-Class Mail by anyone other than the addressee.

2.2 Forwarding Service

The price of First-Class Mail includes forwarding service to a new address for up to 12 months.

2.3 Return Service

The price of First-Class Mail includes return service if the mailpiece is undeliverable.

2.4 Extra Services Exclusive to First-Class Mail

First-Class Mail is the only class of mail eligible to receive the following extra services: registered mail service and certified mail service.

2.5 Additional Extra Services

Additional extra services available with First-Class Mail are certificate of mailing service, COD service, Delivery Confirmation service (parcels only), insured mail service (merchandise only), return receipt service, restricted delivery service, Signature Confirmation service (parcels only), and special handling. See S900.


3.1 Bills and Statements of Account

Bills and statements of account must be mailed as First- Class Mail (or Express Mail) as follows:

a. Bills and statements of account assert a debt in a definite amount owed by the addressee to the sender or a third party. In addition, bills include a demand for payment; statements of account do not include a demand for payment. The debt does not have to be due immediately but may become due at a later time or on demand. The debt asserted need not be legally collectible or owed.

b. Bills and statements of account do not need to state the precise amount due if they contain information that would enable the debtor to determine that amount.

3.2 Personal Information

Mail containing personal information must be mailed as First-Class Mail (or Express Mail). Personal information is any information specific to the addressee.

3.3 Handwritten and Typewritten Material

Mail containing handwritten or typewritten material must be mailed as First-Class Mail (or Express Mail).

3.4 Material Not Required to be Mailed as First-Class Mail

Mail eligible for Standard Mail or Package Services rates under E610 or E700 is not required to be mailed as First- Class Mail or Express Mail.

* * * * *

E600 Standard Mail

E610 Basic Standards

[Renumber current 3.0 through 9.0 as new 4.0 through 10.0. Replace current 1.0 and 2.0 with new 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, to read as follows:]


1.1 Service Objectives

Standard Mail may receive deferred handling. Service objectives for delivery are 2 to 9 days; however, delivery time is not guaranteed.

1.2 Quantity

Standard Mail provides economical rates for mailings of 200 or more pieces or at least 50 pounds of mail.


2.1 Mailpiece Weight Limit

All Standard Mail pieces-letters, flats, and small packages-must weigh less than 16 ounces.

2.2 Preparation Requirements

Standard Mail is subject to specific volume, marking, and preparation requirements.

2.3 Inspection of Contents

Standard Mail is not sealed against postal inspection.

2.4 Forwarding Service

The price of Standard Mail does not include forwarding service. Forwarding is available under F010.5.3.

2.5 Return Service

The price of Standard Mail does not include return service. Return service is available under F010.5.3 for an additional fee.

2.6 Extra Services

Extra services available with Standard Mail are insured mail service (bulk insurance only), certificate of mailing service (bulk certificate of mailing only), return receipt for merchandise service, and Delivery Confirmation service (parcels only). See S900.

2.7 Periodicals

Authorized Periodicals may not be entered as Standard Mail unless permitted by standard.

2.8 Identical Pieces

The contents of printed matter in a Standard Mail mailing must be identical to a piece sent to at least one other addressee. Standard Mail may include the addressee's name and address but may not transmit personal information except as permitted under 3.0.


3.1 Personal Information

Personal information may not be included in a Standard Mail mailpiece unless all of the following conditions are met:

a. The mailpiece contains explicit advertising for a product or service for sale or lease or an explicit solicitation for a donation.

b. All of the personal information is directly related to the advertising or solicitation.

c. The exclusive reason for inclusion of all of the personal information is to support the advertising or solicitation in the mailpiece.

3.2 Bills and Statements of Account

Mail containing bills or statements of account as defined in E110.3.0 may not be entered as Standard Mail except under the conditions described in 5.2.

3.3 Handwritten and Typewritten Matter

Mail containing handwritten or typewritten matter may not be entered as Standard Mail except under the conditions described in 4.0.

* * * * *

— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 11-25-04


Handbook DM-901, Registered Mail

Handbook DM-901, Registered Mail, has been revised to update the information on policies and procedures related to Registered MailTM service from the point of acceptance to the point of delivery. These policies and procedures have been revised in accordance with Transformation Plan efforts to improve the quality, affordability, and convenience of Postal ServiceTM products and services.

Handbook DM-901 is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click on PolicyNet.

• Click on HBKs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

You can order Handbook DM-901 from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) by using touch tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-332-0317, option 2.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)

Use the following information to order Handbook DM-901:

PSN: 7610-01-000-9064
Unit of Measure: EA
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Bulk Pack Quantity: 50
Quick Pick Number: 508
Price: $1.119

— Processing Operations,
Network Operations Management, 11-25-04


PS Form 3600-PMX, Postage Statement - Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box Experiment - Permit Imprint

Effective November 20, 2004, mailers must use the new PS Form 3600-PMX, Postage Statement - Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box Experiment - Permit Imprint, when mailing the new Priority Mail® flat-rate box and paying with permit imprint.

The Postal ServiceTM is conducting the 2-year Priority Mail flat-rate box experiment to enhance customer convenience through the introduction of two flat-rate box options for Priority Mail items. Much like the Priority Mail flat-rate envelope offered since 1991, the flat-rate boxes afford customers a single, predetermined rate, regardless of the actual weight or destination of the mailpiece.

Mailers can find the form on page 6 of this Postal Bulletin and online at; click on Find a Form, then All Online PDF Forms in Numerical Order. PS Form 3600-PMX must be used to report mailings of Priority Mail flat-rate boxes paid with permit imprint; it also may be used to enter the other types of Priority Mail listed on the form.

— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 11-25-04

PS Form 3600-PMX (with data from PS Form 3540-S), November 2004 (Page 1 of 1).


New Pricing and Classification Service Center

Effective November 27, 2004, the three Postal ServiceTM Rates and Classification Service Centers (RCSCs) and the Nonprofit Service Center (NSC) will be consolidated into one unit, the Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC). The duties and areas covered by the New York RCSC, Chicago RCSC, San Francisco RCSC, and Memphis NSC will be served by the new PCSC.

The PCSC will improve service to our customers and field employees regarding mailing standards and pricing options. We are transforming from a system of four regionally located service centers to a single, national center located in New York City. Bringing all of these duties together will enhance the quality and consistency of decisions and customer assistance, but we are doing even more to improve service.

By changing our business model, the PCSC will provide consistent application of Postal Service rates and mailing standards for all customers. This new model will provide one source for mail classification decisions, one staff, and a one-stop-shop for customers and field employees to consult for direction on rate application and mail eligibility questions. The new PCSC will offer a distinct division to provide major mailers with preproduction rulings on the rates that will be charged on proposed mailings; these rulings will provide mailers with increased confidence in planning and budgeting for future mailings.

We will revise the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to reflect these organizational changes throughout the text. We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM 59 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at

— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 11-25-04



Service Not Counted Toward Annual Leave Credit

Effective November 25, 2004, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 512.24, Service Not Counted, is revised to add foreign national service to the list of types of service for which annual leave credit is not allowed.

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of the ELM and also into the online version, available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click on PolicyNet.

• Click on Manuals.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

It is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Manuals.

Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)

* * * * *

5 Employee Benefits

510 Leave

* * * * *

512 Annual Leave

* * * * *

512.2 Determining Annual Leave Category

* * * * *

512.24 Service Not Counted

Credit is not allowed for:

* * * * *

[Add item g as follows:]

g. Foreign national service, that is, service during which the employee worked outside the United States for a federal agency - such as the Department of the Army, the U.S. Department of State, or the U.S. Agency for International Development - as a foreign citizen.

* * * * *

— Compensation,
Employee Resource Management, 11-25-04


2005 Social Security and Medicare Tax Withholding

For 2005, the maximum limit on earnings for withholding in the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability (OASDI) portion of the Social Security tax increases from $87,900 to $90,000. This is a $2,100 increase from the 2004 limit. The Social Security tax rate remains at 6.2 percent, resulting in a maximum Social Security tax of $5,580.00. This is a $130.20 increase from the 2004 limit of $5,449.80. There is still no limit on the amount of earnings subject to the Medicare portion of the tax rate. The Medicare tax rate applies to all taxable wages, and remains at 1.45 percent. The FICA tax rate, which is the combined Social Security tax rate of 6.2 percent and the Medicare tax rate of 1.45 percent, remains at 7.65 percent for 2005.

The information in the following table is effective January 1, 2005.

Tax Withholding Limit From 2004 To 2005
Social Security Gross Limit $87,900.00 $90,000.00
Social Security Liability Limit $5,449.80 $5,580.00
Medicare Gross Limit No Limit No Limit
Medicare Liability Limit No Limit No Limit

— Payroll Accounting,
Finance, 11-25-04

2005 Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch-Up Contributions for TSP Participants Age 50 and Older, and PostalEASE

The following information is provided to assist personnel offices in conducting the election opportunity for 2005 tax- deferred Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch-Up Contributions. These contributions are available to TSP participants who are at least age 50 during 2005. TSP Catch-Up Contributions supplement regular TSP contributions and do not count against either the statutory contribution percentage limitations or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code's elective deferral limit. However, the Catch-Up Contributions have their own annual limit (the "annual Catch-Up limit") and eligibility criteria.

2005 Initial Election

The 2005 initial election can be made effective no earlier than the first pay period (PP) in 2005 (PP 01-2005) using PostalEASE. Employees will have access on Monday, December 27, 2004. PP 01-2005 begins on December 25, 2004, with a pay date of January 14, 2005. After that, employees can elect their 2005 Catch-Up Contributions at any time.

Employees must complete their election using PostalEASE by 12 noon Central Time (CT) the second Tuesday (day 11) of each pay period in order for the election to be effective in that pay period. Any elections completed after 12 noon CT on the second Tuesday of each pay period will be effective the next pay period.

Annual Catch-Up Contribution Limit

For 2005, the maximum Catch-Up Contribution is $4,000. This contribution election is in addition to the IRS annual deferral limit for 2005, which is $14,000. See the following table for contribution limits.

TSP Basic Pay Contribution Limits

Year FERS Limit % CSRS and CSRS Offset Limit % IRS Annual Deferral Limit $ 50+ Catch-Up Contributions Limit $
2000 10 5 10,000 0
2001 11 6 10,500 0
2002 12 7 11,000 0
2003 13 8 12,000 2,000
2004 14 9 13,000 3,000
2005 15 10 14,000 4,000
2006 Limits will be lifted entirely (effective December 2005) 15,000 5,000
2007 blank To be determined (TBD) - indexed to inflation TBD - indexed to inflation

Eligibility for Catch-Up Contributions

Catch-Up Contributions are supplemental contributions available to TSP participants who are age 50 or older. There is no "lookback" provision to see what the participant could have contributed but did not. Eligible participants simply have the right to contribute the additional funds up to the annual Catch-Up Contribution limit.

To elect Catch-Up Contributions, the employee must:

• Be in a pay status. Make contributions from basic pay through payroll deductions only.

• Have either a regular election on file to contribute the maximum percentage of basic pay, or an election on file where the maximum IRS elective deferral limit will be reached during the calendar year.

• Be age 50 or older, or turn age 50 in the calendar year the election is submitted and processed.

• Not be in the 6-month noncontribution period following the receipt of a financial hardship in-service withdrawal.

• Self-certify that he or she is contributing (in all equivalent employer plans) either the maximum TSP contribution percentage or an amount that will result in his or her reaching the IRS elective deferral limit by the end of the relevant calendar year.

In addition, the following rules will apply to the 50 and older Catch-Up Contributions:

• TSP open season dates do not apply to Catch-Up Contributions (once implemented, participants can start, change the amount, or stop at any time). The termination of Catch-Up Contributions does not affect the participant's regular contributions.

• A new election must be submitted each year (deductions will not continue into the next calendar year).

• The annual amount of the contribution will be combined with regular tax-deferred contributions in the deferral block of Form W-2 as follows:

- If amount shown exceeds the IRS limit, the IRS will check the date of birth with the Social Security Administration and assume any amount over the limit is attributable to the Catch-Up Contributions.

- If participant exceeds the Catch-Up limit (usually by contributing to more than one plan), the participant may contact the TSP and request a refund of the excess Catch-Up Contributions.

• If applicable, participant is eligible under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) to make up missed Catch-Up Contributions.

Other Catch-Up Contributions Information

Catch-Up Contribution elections are not subject to the TSP open season rules. Participants can make more than one election in any given calendar year (as long as the annual Catch-Up limit is not exceeded). Beginning with the 2005 initial election period (PP 01-2005), participants can make Catch-Up Contribution elections at any time during the calendar year via payroll deductions.

Employees will need to make a new election for each calendar year in which they wish to participate in the Catch- Up Contribution election.

Catch-Up Contributions will be invested in the employee's account based on the most current contribution allocation on file with the TSP. The employee should be reminded that his or her contribution allocations must be made with the TSP using the TSP Web site, ThriftLine, or Form TSP-50, Investment Allocation.

There are no Postal ServiceTM matching contributions associated with TSP Catch-Up Contributions.

Termination of Catch-Up Contributions

Employees can stop their Catch-Up Contributions at any time without penalty. They may restart them at any time. This rule differs from the current rule for regular employee TSP contributions, which imposes a waiting period between stopping and resuming contributions. The termination of Catch-Up Contributions does not affect the employee's regular contributions.

If a participant receives a financial hardship in-service withdrawal, then the participant's Catch-Up Contributions must stop along with any regular employee contributions for a period of 6 months.

The Catch-Up Contribution election terminates automatically with the last pay date of the calendar year to which it applies unless the employee has previously terminated the election or has reached the annual Catch-Up Contribution limit.

Using PostalEASE for Enrollment

Employees who wish to start, stop, or change a TSP Catch-Up Contribution must use the PostalEASE telephone system or the PostalEASE employee Web site to make an election. PostalEase's toll-free number is 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273). For Web access through the Postal Service Intranet, employees must go to, click on Employee Self Service, and then click on PostalEASE. Employees must have their Employee IDs (found on their earnings statements) and USPS® personal identification numbers (PINs) to use PostalEASE (for information on PINs, see "USPS PIN" and "TSP PIN" below).

Note: Personnel and employing offices must not distribute Form TSP-1-C, Catch-Up Contribution Election, to employees for making Catch-Up Contribution elections. TSP-1-C will not be stocked at the Material Distribution Center (MDC). If an employee brings a Form TSP-1-C to Personnel, Personnel should return the form to the employee and inform the employee that he or she must use PostalEASE to make his or her 2005 Catch-Up Contribution election beginning Monday, December 27, 2004, per instructions provided in the December 2004 mailing.

Contacting TSP to Make a Fund Investment Election

Employees have three methods to make a fund investment election as follows:

Web site: Go to the TSP Web site at

Telephone: Call the TSP ThriftLine at 504-255-8777.

Mail: Mail Form TSP-50, Investment Allocation, to the TSP service office in New Orleans.

Note: Personnel offices must not accept and cannot process completed Forms TSP-50. Form TSP-50 is not available from the TSP Web site. Form TSP-50 is available from the MDC. Personnel offices must maintain a small supply of Form TSP-50 by ordering from the MDC using touch tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-332-0317, option 2. (You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)

The relevant ordering information for Form TSP-50 is as follows:

PSN: 7530-05-000-4305
Unit of Measure: EA
Bulk Pack Qty: 3,800
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Price: No cost

The TSP Web site and ThriftLine are convenient methods for making fund investment elections. Employees' elections will take effect more quickly by using the TSP Web site and ThriftLine than by using Form TSP-50. To use the TSP Web site or TSP ThriftLine, participants must use their TSP PIN.

Using PINs to Make TSP Elections

To make TSP elections, use two PINs: USPS PIN and TSP PIN.


The Postal Service maintains the USPS PIN. Employees must use their USPS PIN to (1) begin a contribution percentage or a dollar amount election, or (2) change their current TSP contribution percentage or dollar amount, or (3) begin, change, or stop a Catch-Up Contribution election, or (4) cancel TSP participation via PostalEASE. If employees do not know their USPS PIN, they must contact PostalEASE and do the following steps when prompted: (1) press 1 for PostalEASE; (2) enter their Employee ID number; (3) when prompted to enter their PIN, pause and then press 2. Employees' USPS PIN will be mailed to their address of record, usually by the next business day.

Note: When an employee requests his or her USPS PIN, the USPS PIN does not change (unlike the TSP PIN). The employee's old USPS PIN remains valid. (The USPS PIN is the same PIN employees use for telephone bidding and computerized bidding.)


The TSP PIN is maintained by TSP. Employees must use their TSP PIN to make fund investment choices via the TSP Web site or the TSP ThriftLine. If employees are TSP participants and they do not know their TSP PIN, they have three methods for having a new TSP PIN mailed to their address of record:

1. Go to the TSP Web site at and select Account Access, or

2. Call the TSP ThriftLine toll-free at 877-968-3778, choose 2, enter the Social Security number, and then follow the instructions, or

3. Call the TSP service office toll-free at 877-968-3778; the toll-free TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) number is 877-847-4385.

Once TSP has received the employee's TSP PIN request, his or her former TSP PIN is no longer valid.

Direct Mailings to Employees

Headquarters will mail to career employees who meet the age requirements a PostalEASE worksheet and cover letter containing TSP Catch-Up Contribution election information at their mailing address of record during mid December.


To assist in publicizing this TSP Catch-Up Contribution election, all offices must post (1) the notice "2005 Thrift Savings Plan Catch-Up Contributions for TSP Participants Age 50 and Older, and PostalEASE" provided on page 3 of this Postal Bulletin through December 31, 2005, and (2) the current TSP fact sheet on bulletin boards.

— Compensation,
Employee Resource Management, 11-25-04

2004-2005 U.S. Postal Service Safe Driver Award Program

The U.S. Postal Service® has renewed its agreement for the Safe Driver Award Program for September 2004 through September 2005. We encourage you to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity.

The National Safety Council and Postal ServiceTM Headquarters have established this agreement to recognize safe driving performance and to prevent unintentional injury and illness in the Postal Service. The agreement extends the benefits of the Safe Driver Award Program to all Postal Service facilities with driving employees. Eligible participants are Postal Service employees (1) who have a normal daily assignment that involves driving a motor vehicle for official office business and (2) who have not had their driving privilege revoked or suspended.

The Postal Service Safe Driver Award Program allows postmasters to order program components at no cost to their facility. The National Safety Council bills all costs for the components covered under the agreement to Postal Service Headquarters. To order program components and for more information about the Postal Service Safe Driver Award Program, postmasters should contact the National Safety Council by telephone at 800-SAFE-643, by fax at 630-285-0797, or by e-mail at

Under the current contract, postmasters can order the following program components:

• 1-year through to 45-year safe driver lapel pins (upon request, wallet cards come with orders for lapel pins).

• Million-mile plaques and pins (upon request, pins come with orders for plaques).

• Postal Service Safe Driver Rule Book (upon request, but no restrictions on quantity).

The following program components are not covered under the current contract, but postmasters can purchase them separately and pay for them locally:

• Expert driver certificates.

• 1-year through 45-year safe driver patches.

• 2- and 3-million mile plaques.

• 1-year through 45-year personalized safe worker pins.

— Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 11-25-04


Annual Safety and Health Inspections

Within the next 30 days, Safety Performance Management at Headquarters will mail a package to all Level 13 and below Post OfficesTM, which contains safety and health inspection checklists and instructions for completing an inspection. Please follow the instructions in the cover letter provided in the package. Postmasters/Installation Heads (PM/IHs) or their designees must complete a safety and health inspection using the checklist within 30 days of receiving the package. Those annual safety and health inspections are required by ELM 824, Safety and Health Inspections.

PM/IHs must:

• Post the results of the inspection.

• Ensure the abatement of all deficiencies in accordance with the instructions.

• Certify completion of the inspection to the servicing safety office.

PM/IHs in Level 13 or below Post Offices should contact their servicing safety office if they need technical assistance or if they do not receive the package that includes the inspection checklists and instructions.

— Safety Performance Management,
Employee Resource Management, 11-25-04



Parcels Marked With "ORM-D" or "ORM-D - Air"

Have you ever noticed a parcel marked with the words "ORM-D, Consumer Commodity?" ORM-D means other regulated material - class D. Did you know that these words indicate the presence of a hazardous material (HAZMAT)? Most HAZMAT is not mailable. HAZMAT that is mailable must meet special mailing requirements.

According to the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), section C023.1.1.c, an ORM-D is a limited quantity of a HAZMAT that presents a limited hazard during transportation due to its form, quantity, and packaging. Not all HAZMAT permitted to be shipped as a limited quantity can qualify as an ORM-D. In nearly all cases, the proper shipping name for an ORM-D is consumer commodity.

A consumer commodity is HAZMAT that is packaged and distributed in a quantity or form intended or suitable for retail sale and designed for consumption by individuals for their personal care or household use. Not all HAZMAT permitted to be shipped as limited quantities can qualify as a consumer commodity. Some materials can be extremely hazardous, even in small quantities, or present significant risks during transportation. For these reasons, many HAZMAT purchased at hardware and grocery stores and used safely every day are not mailable under Postal ServiceTM regulations.

HAZMAT items typically classified as ORM-D, consumer commodity, include but are not limited to the following items:

• Cosmetics (e.g., perfume, nail polish, and nail polish remover).

• Aerosols (e.g., hairspray, shaving cream, and deodorant).

• Household cleaning products (e.g., cleansers, drain cleaner, and furniture/floor polish).

• Paints/solvents (e.g., oil-based, spray paints, and model paints).

• Pesticides (e.g., flea/tick collars and liquids, insect repellents, and bug spray).

HAZMAT Destined for Air Transportation

Postal Service regulations distinguish between HAZMAT that is destined for air transportation and HAZMAT that is intended for surface transportation. Parcels marked with "ORM-D-Air, Consumer Commodity" are suitable for air transportation only when all of the applicable requirements of DMM, section C023, are met for that hazardous material. Parcels mailed as First-Class Mail®, Priority Mail®, or Express Mail® service must meet all of the requirements for air transportation described in DMM C023. Parcels meeting only the requirements for surface transportation must be mailed as Standard Mail® service. ORM-D materials cannot be mailed to international or APO/FPO destinations.

The regulations for mailing HAZMAT are available in the DMM, section C023, and in Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail. The DMM and Publication 52 are available on both the internal and external Postal Service Web sites.

For the DMM, on Postal Explorer:

• Go to

For Publication 52, on the PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, click on PolicyNet.

• Click on Pubs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

For Publication 52 on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Publications.

If you have questions about the mailability of an ORM-D, consumer commodity parcel, contact your local Business Mail Entry Office.

— Aviation Mail Security,
Network Operations Management, 11-25-04