Calculating Refund of Box Fee
Effective March 30, 2005, Postal Operations
Manual (POM) section 841.31 is revised to update the policy on refunding
fees when customers terminate or surrender a Post OfficeTM box service.
We will incorporate these revisions into the next
printed version of the POM and into the next update of the online version,
available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:
• Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
• Under "Essential Links" in the
left-and column, click on References.
• Under "References" in the right-hand
column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.
• Click on Manuals.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet
Web site is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)
Postal Operations Manual (POM)
* * * * *
8 Special Services
* * * * *
Other Delivery Services
841 Post Office Box Service
* * * * *
Refund of Box Fee
Calculation of Amount
[Revise 841.3 to read as follows:]
When Post Office box service is terminated or surrendered
by the customer, the unused portion of the fee may be refunded as follows:
a. If service is discontinued any time
within the first 3 months of the service period, then one-half of the
fee is refunded.
b. If service is discontinued after
the beginning of the fourth month of the service period, then none of
the fee is refunded.
c. If service is discontinued and the
customer has prepaid for the next semiannual service period, then the
entire fee for that next period is refunded.
* * * * *
- Retail Operations,
Delivery and Retail, 3-31-05
Disposal of Surplus Vehicles, Parts, and
Effective March 31, 2005, chapter 7 in Handbook
PO-701, Fleet Management, is revised in its entirety to reflect
current information.
We will incorporate this revision into the next
printed version of Handbook PO-701 and also into the online version of
Handbook PO-701, which is available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet
Web site:
• Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
• Under "Essential Links" in the
left-hand column, click on References.
• Under "References" in the right-hand
column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.
• Click on HBKs.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet
Web site is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)
Handbook PO-701, Fleet Management
* * * * *
[Revise chapter 7 in its entirety to read as
7 Disposal of Surplus Vehicles,
Parts, and Equipment
71 Purpose
Retention of surplus Postal Service-owned vehicles
and vehicle-related parts and equipment (including obsolete items) is
costly due to their continuing expense requirements and overall deterioration
as a result of prolonged storage. Prompt disposal of surplus vehicles
and vehicle- related parts and equipment reduces the Postal Service investment
in capital assets, avoids costly and unnecessary maintenance costs, and
minimizes vehicle cannibalization costs. Sales can also generate revenue
for the Postal Service and contribute to its overall financial position.
72 Scope
This chapter contains policies and procedures for
disposal of surplus Postal Service-owned vehicles and vehicle- related
parts and equipment. See also Postal Operations Manual (POM),
part 735. For information on recording proceeds of motor vehicle sales,
refer to Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, subchapter
73 Responsibility
731 Headquarters Vehicle Operations
Headquarters Vehicle Operations (VO) is responsible
for directing, evaluating, and monitoring the disposal of vehicles and
vehicle-related parts and equipment. This responsibility includes directing
the disposal of targeted groups of vehicles, developing and publishing
Postal Service policy and procedures, and evaluating sales results and
vehicle maintenance facility (VMF) disposal activities.
732 Philadelphia Vehicles Category
Management Center
The Philadelphia Vehicles Category Management Center
(Vehicles CMC) is responsible for enabling disposal-related services such
as vehicle preparation, Internet sales of vehicles via online auction,
and live auction services.
733 District Manager
The district manager, through the manager of Vehicle
Maintenance (MVM), is responsible for implementing, directing, evaluating,
and controlling all vehicle and vehicle-related disposal activities within
the cluster. This responsibility includes identification, notification,
and transfer of all excess vehicles to designated locations to meet service
needs, and the proper and timely disposal of surplus vehicles.
734 Manager of Vehicle Maintenance
The manager of Vehicle Maintenance (MVM) or designee
has the following responsibilities:
a. Ensure the training of all appropriate
VMF personnel in vehicle disposal preparation, methods, and procedures.
b. Determine which vehicles are to be
disposed of, ensure their proper preparation for sale, and approve district
vehicle sales.
c. Approve all vehicle disposals requiring
the cannibalization and scrap methods.
d. Ensure that appropriate Postal Service
forms are completed and processed properly.
e. Ensure that vehicle disposal information
is promptly and accurately input to the Vehicle Management Accounting
System (VMAS) LAN and that resulting changes are reflected in the Vehicle
Information Center (VIC) mainframe.
f. Each month, review mainframe reports
AEA850PO1, VMAS Sub-Ledger/Assigned Location of Vehicle, and
AEA850PO2, VMAS Subledger/Assigned Location (Storage); verify
the accuracy of vehicle location and information with the local VMAS/LAN;
and correct any discrepancies on the VIC mainframe.
g. Each month, review report AEA750PO3, VMAS Vehicle Disposal Listing, and promptly notify the San Mateo
Motor Vehicle Accounting Section (MVAS) of any discrepancy.
h. Each month, review report AEA925PO1, Vehicle Sales Analysis Report, and verify that the gain or loss
on sales is correct.
735 Managers/Postmasters
Local managers and postmasters are responsible for
notifying the MVM of excess vehicles for reassignment or disposal as appropriate.
Postmasters must comply with established procedures for handling and controlling
funds received from vehicle sales conducted by VMFs.
74 Policy
741 Excess Vehicles
Postmasters and installation heads must identify
to the MVM any vehicles determined to be excess to the needs of the function
to which the vehicle is assigned. The MVM reassigns the vehicles to meet
valid requirements within the cluster, and notifies the area Vehicle Maintenance
Programs analyst (VMPA) of vehicles that are excess to the needs of the
cluster. The area VMPA then reassigns the vehicles (except excess Postal
Vehicle Service (PVS) vehicles - i.e., truck tractors, spotter tractors,
cargo vans, or trailers) to meet valid requirements within the area, and
notifies VO of remaining excess vehicles. VO reallocates excess non-PVS
vehicles to other areas as appropriate and contacts Headquarters Surface
Operations for authorization of any PVS vehicle reassignments.
742 Criteria for Disposal
A vehicle must meet at least one of the following
criteria for disposal:
a. The vehicle has been replaced.
b. The vehicle is uneconomical to repair.
c. The vehicle is no longer needed within
the Postal Service.
743 Vehicle Storage
If the MVM determines that a vehicle fits one or
more of the criteria for disposal, the MVM has 60 days to store and dispose
of the vehicle. The MVM must place such a vehicle into storage as soon
as possible after making the decision.
75 Preliminary Vehicle Disposal
751 Prior Approval
The MVM provides prior approval for all vehicle
disposal transactions. Also, the proper personnel must complete required
forms prior to disposal. See subchapter 77.
752 Removal of Mail, Mail-Related
Equipment, and Postal Service Decals, Markings, and License Plates
752.1 Removal of Mail and Mail-Related
VMFs must ensure that all mail and mail-related
equipment are removed and handled properly.
752.2 Removal of Postal Service
Decals, Markings, and License Plates
VMFs must ensure that Postal Service decals or markings
are removed from vehicles prior to their disposal. Under no circumstances
may Postal Service mail-hauling vehicles be sold with such decals or markings
still on the vehicles. Remove the beltline stripes, eagle logos, vehicle
numbers, and other Postal Service markings, including any glue residue
or "ghost" markings that indicate the vehicle's connection to
the Postal Service, and repaint as necessary to effect vehicle sale. Remove
Postal Service license plates or "P-tags" from all vehicles
and record them in the P-tag inventory for reuse or destruction. Remove
state license plates and handle in accordance with state requirements.
753 Safety Inspections and
Emissions Inspections
753.1 Safety Inspections
VMFs have the following responsibilities regarding
safety inspections:
a. Inspect all vehicles offered for
b. Note all known defects and disclose
them to potential buyers or the authorized sales firm.
c. Inspect tires and brakes to ensure
that they meet minimum state specifications. If the applicable state does
not require vehicle inspections, refer to Vehicle Maintenance Bulletin V-07-98, "Preventive Maintenance Inspection (PMI) Program" (June
1, 1998), as a specification guideline for tires and brakes. Disclose
tire and brake measurements to potential buyers or the authorized sales
753.2 Emissions Inspections
VMFs must provide any applicable emissions inspection
information to potential buyers or the authorized sales firm in those
states where such an inspection is required. Either the vehicle must be
in compliance with the state emissions requirements, or the Postal Service
must make the buyer or authorized sales firm aware of the deficiencies.
The Postal Service must price the vehicles accordingly.
754 Cleaning, Body Work, Painting,
and Repairs
Vehicles sold for other than scrap should be presented
in clean condition. Invest in paint and minor repairs when those costs
can reasonably be recovered through improved sales prices. Generally,
vehicle preparation expenses (parts, materials, and labor, excluding decal
removal costs) should not exceed 10 percent of the sales price of the
vehicle. For each vehicle being prepared, document all preparation expenses
on PS Form 4541, Order-Invoice for Vehicle Repair (Commercial Work
Order), or PS Form 4543, Vehicle Maintenance Work Order, or a contractor invoice. Open work orders are prohibited. When the expense
to provide an operable vehicle cannot be justified, sell the vehicle as
inoperable and state the reason(s) the vehicle is inoperable on all sales
literature and documents.
755 Warranty and Purchaser's
The Postal Service sells all vehicles "As Is,
Where Is" without any guarantee or warranty, written or implied.
No employee or agent of the Postal Service has authority to alter this
provision. VMF sales personnel must encourage potential buyers to thoroughly
inspect vehicles.
The following statement must appear on all sales
The condition of the item offered is not guaranteed.
Deficiencies, when known, have been indicated in the item description.
However, absence of any indicated deficiency does not mean that the item
may not have deficiencies. Buyers are cautioned to inspect before bidding
or buying. The buyer assumes the responsibility and cost to have the vehicle
inspected and registered as required by state and local government.
756 Planning
When planning a sale, select a sale method and location
based on the number and type of vehicles for sale, their condition, and
the local market. If selecting a local fixed- price sale, select a location
that permits appropriate security during display and safe viewing by the
public, and coordinate sales activities with Postal Police and the Inspection
757 Sales of Related Surplus
VMFs may display and sell separately other surplus
vehicle-related parts and equipment via eBay online auctions. Examples
are parts, service and parts manuals, and excess rims and tires that cannot
be used on vehicles remaining in the fleet. Refer to the Vehicles CMC
Web site for eBay preparation, listing, and disposal instructions. Access
the Vehicles CMC Web site at http://blue.usps.gov/ purchase/supplies/sup_veh_.htm.
The buyer/agent provides the local Postal Service
retail sales associate with payment in full by cash, approved credit card
transaction, or cashier's check or money order payable to "United
States Postal Service." The retail sales associate issues PS Form
3544, USPS Receipt for Money or Services, to the buyer/agent.
For surplus parts, record the revenue to General Ledger Account 52955.000,
"Credits to vehicle supplies/services." For all other surplus,
record the revenue to General Ledger Account 54963.156, "Miscellaneous
equipment/collections from sales."
76 Vehicle Disposal Methods
761 General
The MVM must dispose of surplus vehicles by one
of the following methods, except when VO issues vehicle-specific instructions:
a. Sales:
(1) eBay online auction (for disposal of non- mailhauling
sedans, vans, and pickup trucks only).
(2) Fixed-price sale, for authorized sales of right-
hand-drive (RHD) vehicles to rural carriers only (see section 762.12).
(3) Auction sale, for all other vehicles not explicitly
covered by items 1 and 2, conducted by an accredited auction firm authorized
by the Vehicles CMC (see section 763.3).
b. Vehicle cannibalization/scrap.
c. Authorized donation.
Note: To request disposal
exceptions due to extreme circumstances, submit requests to the manager
of VO at Headquarters, who considers requests on a case-by-case basis.
The MVM may not pursue alternative methods of sales without written or
e-mail authorization from the manager of VO.
762 Sales Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to disposal of
Postal Service-owned vehicles by the sales method.
762.1 Right-Hand-Drive (RHD)
762.11 Quarter-Ton Postal Service
Do not sell quarter-ton Postal Service Jeeps under
any circumstance except for destruction as scrap.
Jeeps may not be sold or disposed of for any other
purpose (including sales to rural route carriers or the general public).
Crushing or shredding is the recommended means of disposal. The manager
of the VMF (MVMF) must perform the following tasks:
a. Complete a Vehicle Disposal Agreement
(see Exhibit 762.11).
b. Obtain the signature of the person
who is purchasing and destroying the vehicle.
c. Ensure that the vehicle is destroyed
and that all portions of the Vehicle Disposal Agreement are adhered to.
d. To the extent practicable, witness
the destruction of the vehicles.
e. Process the completed and authorized
PS Form 4587, Request to Repair, Replace, or Dispose of Postal-Owned
Vehicle, through the same channels as a cannibalized vehicle.
Exhibit 762.11
Vehicle Disposal Agreement

762.12 Other RHD Vehicles
The following sales restrictions apply to disposal
of other RHD vehicles:
a. If other RHD vehicles are no longer
required for local, district, or area service needs as determined in part
741, area VMPAs advise VO of excess RHD vehicles. VO may reallocate the
RHD vehicles to another area, or authorize their disposal and disposal
b. If VO authorizes disposal of other
non-Jeep RHD vehicles, offer those vehicles first to rural carriers in
accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding entitled "Availability
of USPS Surplus Vehicles," which is published on pages 121 and 122
in Handbook EL-902, Agreement Between the United States Postal Service
and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association. (This handbook
is accessible on the corporate intranet at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim/ftp/hand/el902.pdf.) The MVM or MVMF notifies the local Rural Letter Carriers' Association
representative and local delivery offices with rural delivery of planned
sales of RHD vehicles, at appropriate fixed prices. For 2 business days,
the MVM or MVMF offers RHD vehicles only to rural carriers. Rural carriers
who purchase RHD vehicles must certify that they will use the vehicles
in conjunction with their duties as rural carriers. After 2 business days,
the MVM or MVMF disposes of remaining RHD vehicle(s) through an authorized
national live auction firm in accordance with item 761a(3), unless VO
issues alternative instructions. |
762.2 Postal Service Personnel
The following Postal Service personnel are prohibited
from purchasing surplus Postal Service-owned vehicles, regardless of the
sales method used:
a. Managers of Vehicle Maintenance (MVM).
b. Managers of VMFs (MVMFs).
c. Designees with the authority to declare
vehicles excess and/or available for sale, set the initial sales price,
or reduce the sales price of vehicles.
The following Postal Service personnel are prohibited
from purchasing surplus Postal Service-owned vehicles under the conditions
a. PCES employees and immediate family
members who reside in their household, regardless of the sales method
used (with the exception of rural carriers purchasing RHD vehicles).
b. VMF employees and immediate family
members who reside in their household, for any fixed-priced sale or live
auction (with the exception of rural carriers purchasing RHD vehicles).
c. Postal Service employees with direct
knowledge of the established reserve price, for eBay online auctions.
d. Postal Inspection Service and Office
of Inspector General employees, for sales by the Inspection Service and
Office of Inspector General, including forfeited and seized vehicles.
Note: No employee may
use Postal Service computer equipment, computer logon IDs, or e-mail accounts
for the purpose of participating in online auction sales.
763 Vehicle Sales
763.1 eBay Online Auction Sale
763.11 Vehicles CMC Responsibilities
The Vehicles CMC has established procedures to sell
surplus Postal Service-owned vehicles and vehicle-related parts and equipment
(including obsolete items) using eBay online auctions. This method is
authorized only for disposal of non-mailhauling sedans, vans,
and pickup trucks, and surplus or obsolete vehicle-related equipment.
It allows VMFs to take advantage of eBay's highly visited and competitive
online auction Web site to maximize potential revenue and minimize the
VMF's direct involvement in the sale.
763.12 MVM Responsibilities
The MVM has the following responsibilities:
a. Provide the Vehicles CMC with a completed
"Table 1 - Required information for listing." Access this table
from the corporate Intranet as follows:
(1) Access the Vehicles CMC Web site at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/supplies/sup_veh_.htm.
(2) Under "Vehicles CMC Information,"
click on Downloads.
(3) Under "Downloads," click on Disposals.
(4) Under "Downloads," click on Vehicle
eBay Disposal Process.
(5) Under "Downloads," click on SOP
for Online Auctions of Excess Vehicles.
(6) When the dialog box appears, either open the
file directly or save it to your computer (following other prompts as
they appear) and then open it.
(7) With the file open, scroll down to the last
page of the document to locate Table 1.
b. Ensure that the vehicle is in appropriate
sales condition. Clean the vehicle inside and out and perform basic service
(tire pressure, fluids, etc.) as needed. Be accurate about the condition
of the vehicle - note any body damage, paint condition, interior tears
in seats or carpets, overall mechanical condition, and known defects.
Submit digital photos of the vehicle, including any damaged areas, if
applicable. eBay allows four free pictures with each listing.
c. In conjunction with the Vehicles
CMC, establish the minimum price acceptable for the vehicle - also known
as the "reserve price" - using Kelly Blue Book (www.kbb.com) and Edmunds price guides (www.edmunds.com) and the factors listed
in section 763.2.
Note: For all vehicles,
including seized vehicles released for sale by the Postal Inspection Service,
the Postal Service recommends a reserve price of the wholesale value less
10 percent. The eBay item listing does not show viewers this amount. Once
the reserve price is met or exceeded, the eBay listing states "Reserve
Price Met," and the bidding continues until the posted end date and
time of the sale.
Note: Sellers can typically
achieve fair market returns by having realistic price expectations and
setting enticing reserve price amounts.
Once the auction has begun, the
MVM will not adjust the reserve price of a sales vehicle. If the reserve
price is not met by the end of the auction, the MVM and the Vehicles CMC
may agree to accept the highest bid, but if in such a case they do not
agree to sell the vehicle at the highest bid, they will reevaluate the
reserve price and will place the vehicle for auction at a later date.
d. Designate a knowledgeable VMF point-of-contact
to answer all reasonable inquires from potential bidders for any offered
vehicle. However, the VMF must not mail, fax, or otherwise transmit VMF
and commercial vehicle repair records and other information contained
in the vehicle jacket to potential bidders.
e. For information about payment, release
of vehicle, and shipping and transportation, see item 8 of the document
"SOP for Online Auctions of Excess Vehicles" (see item 763.12a
for directions for accessing this document).
763.2 Fixed-Price Sale
VMFs can use this method for local sales of non-Jeep
RHD vehicles to rural carriers in accordance with section 762.12. The
MVM establishes a sales price for each vehicle using a combination of
the following:
a. Postal Service asset and salvage
value (VMAS subledger/VIC).
b. Local demand and local market knowledge.
c. Vehicle condition.
d. Other requirements or guidelines
issued by VO.
The MVM should base the sales price on several factors:
a. Getting as high a price as possible
without incurring undue expense in sales preparation, sales activities,
or prolonged retention in inventory.
b. Setting the price between the wholesale
and fair- market values, using the subledger figures as a guide.
c. Giving consideration to the prevailing
price in the area for a comparable vehicle.
If vehicles will be displayed on Postal Service
premises, notify the senior site official, the Postal Police, and the
Postal Inspection Service. When planning a sale, consider heightened security
requirements and the safety of Postal Service employees.
Vehicles are sold to rural carriers on a first-come-first-
served basis. Have the vehicle jackets available for all sales vehicles
The MVMF may reduce the sales price of a vehicle
by a maximum of 10 percent below the initial sales price without approval
from the MVM. The MVM may reduce the sales price of a vehicle by a maximum
of 20 percent below the initial sales price without additional action.
To reduce the initial sales price by more than 20 percent, the MVM must
initiate another PS Form 4594, Vehicle Sales Request and Report, to reflect the reduction (see subchapter 77).
763.3 Live Auction Sale
A live auction sale allows up to 50 vehicles to
be sold during a short period of time. Auction sales must be conducted
by professional auctioneers approved by the Vehicles CMC, in accordance
with the following limitations:
a. The MVM or MVMF is responsible for
removing all Postal Service decals and markings from the vehicles (as
described in part 752) before releasing the vehicles to the auction firm,
unless the auction firm is also providing decal removal service for the
released vehicles.
b. The MVM sets the minimum sales price
of the vehicle(s).
c. The MVM or MVMF completes an auction
sales vehicle pick-up order (as required by the auction firm); PS Form
4577, Leased Vehicle Condition Report (which is used in these
cases to note the condition of Postal Service-owned vehicles); Standard
Form 97 (SF 97), The United States Government Certificate of Release
of a Motor Vehicle; and PS Form 4595, Postal Vehicle Sale/Purchase
Agreement, except for the price and the purchaser's name and address.
d. The MVMF or MVM contacts the auction
firm when vehicles are to be released for sale. The auction firm must
pick up the vehicles within 3 working days after receipt of the pick-up
e. The maximum number of vehicles that
an auction firm may have in its possession "in process" to sell
for any single VMF shall not exceed 50 vehicles.
f. The auction firm must sell each vehicle
within 30 days of receipt. The auction firm may not impose vehicle storage
g. The auction firm has the right to
reduce the price of any vehicle up to 5 percent, at the time of sale,
should such an adjustment be appropriate in light of changed market conditions.
The auction firm may not sell any vehicle for less than 95 percent of
the minimum sales price established by the MVM without written approval
from the MVM.
764 Vehicle Cannibalization/Scrap
Vehicle cannibalization is normally the most expensive
means of vehicle disposal, so the Postal Service does not encourage this
option. To be cannibalized, a vehicle must meet at least one of the following
a. The condition of the vehicle precludes
any reasonable return from sale.
b. The VMF has an immediate need for
a specific component or part that cannot be reasonably acquired through
conventional supply channels.
The MVM or MVMF must provide justification on PS
Form 4587, Request to Repair, Replace, or Dispose of Postal- Owned
Vehicle, and send the completed form to the San Mateo Motor Vehicle
Accounting Section (MVAS). All approval blocks must be completed.
Note: On PS Form 4587,
item 3 (Serial Number) requires the seven-digit Postal Service vehicle
number, not the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
If the vehicle is being cannibalized because it
is damaged beyond repair and there was financial recovery from a third
party, promptly send a copy of a check or receipt from the responsible
party or insurance carrier to the MVAS. If the vehicle will be repaired,
do not send PS Form 4587 to the San Mateo MVAS.
Note: Dispose of quarter-ton
Postal Service Jeeps as scrap when they are removed from service. Crushing
or shredding is the recommended means of disposal.
Note: VMFs also use PS
Form 4587 to authorize repairs that exceed the vehicle's one-time repair
limit to a vehicle as defined in Exhibit 221.211. When used for this purpose,
retain PS Form 4587 in the vehicle jacket. Do not send a completed and
authorized PS Form 4587 to the San Mateo MVAS unless a vehicle has been
scrapped and/or cannibalized and is to be removed from the vehicle asset
master. The cannibalized or scrapped vehicle cannot be titled.
765 Authorized Donation
765.1 General
Headquarters Vehicle Operations (VO) must approve
all donations of Postal Service-owned vehicles. A vehicle donated to a
suitable local educational institution or museum for static display must
present a positive image of the Postal Service. The VMF must ensure that
the vehicle's engine, transmission, and all fluids are removed and that
the frame is rendered unserviceable by cutting or similar method.
After the MVM receives approval to donate a vehicle,
the VMF must process PS Form 4587, as outlined in part 764.
765.2 Museums (Static Display)
For a vehicle being donated to a museum or an organization
for static display, the VMF must note the following in item 24 of PS Form
a. The name and address of the museum
or organization to which the vehicle has been donated.
b. That the vehicle has been donated
for display purposes only and is not to be titled or used on the road.
The MVM must provide a copy of the completed and
authorized PS Form 4587 to the museum or organization receiving the vehicle
to ensure that it understands and agrees that the vehicle is for display
purposes and cannot be titled or used on the road.
765.3 Law Enforcement Agencies
The Postal Inspection Service has the authority
to transfer Inspection Service vehicles to other law enforcement agencies.
The Inspector-in-Charge must authorize the transfer in writing and must
provide the Postal Inspection Service finance number to be charged for
the donation. The MVM or MVMF administers the transfer of these vehicles
and must complete SF 97, The United States Government Certificate
of Release of a Motor Vehicle, and must enter the word "DONATION"
in the sales price block.
765.4 Foreign Postal Administrations
The Postal Service may occasionally donate surplus
vehicles to foreign postal administrations.
Normally, these donations are in conjunction with
international postal agreements. VO must authorize all donations in writing.
The MVM or MVMF administers the transfer of these vehicles and must complete
SF 97 and must enter the word "DONATION" in the sales price
765.5 Other Requests
The Postal Service cannot accommodate other requests
for donations to local groups (including charitable or public service
groups such as fire departments, police, school vocational programs, etc.)
One reason is that the Postal Service has a responsibility to ratepayers
to ensure that it captures disposal revenues. Another reason is that trying
to meet all requests in a fair, reasonable, and equitable manner to the
satisfaction of all parties (especially to those whom the Postal Service
could not accommodate) would create an undue burden for the Postal Service.
766 Receipt and Processing
of Payment and Release of Vehicle
The appropriate parties perform the following tasks
to complete the receipt and processing of payment and the release of a
a. The MVM or MVMF (or designee) completes,
prints, and signs PS Form 4595, Postal Vehicle Sale/Purchase Agreement, and provides the buyer/agent with the original signed PS Form 4595 to
review and sign.
b. The buyer/agent reviews and signs
PS Form 4595 and returns it to the MVM or MVMF (or designee).
c. The MVM or MVMF (or designee) makes
two copies of the signed PS Form 4595, gives those two copies to the buyer/agent,
and keeps the original signed document.
d. The buyer/agent takes one of the
copies of the signed PS Form 4595 to the local Postal Service retail sales
associate and provides payment in full with cash, approved credit card
transaction, or cashier's check or money order payable to "United
States Postal Service." (The buyer/agent keeps the other copy of
the signed PS Form 4595 for personal records.)
e. The retail sales associate issues
PS Form 3544, USPS Receipt for Money or Services, to the buyer/agent
and enters the revenue into General Ledger Account 54965, Account Identifier
Code 154, to ensure proper accounting.
f. The buyer/agent takes the PS Form
3544 back to the MVM or MVMF (or designee).
g. The MVM or MVMF (or designee) verifies
the PS Form 3544 with the location that processed the payment (normally
with a local telephone call), makes a copy of the receipt for VMF records,
and returns the original receipt to the buyer/agent.
h. The MVM or MVMF (or designee) completes
SF 97 as described in part 774 and releases the vehicle to the buyer/agent.
77 Required Forms and Approvals
for Vehicle Disposal
771 PS Form 4587
PS Form 4587, Request to Repair, Replace, or
Dispose of Postal-Owned Vehicle, is used to initiate and approve
all vehicle dispositions.
a. When a non-district VMF requests
approval to dispose of a vehicle, the MVMF initiates PS Form 4587.
b. When a district VMF requests approval
to dispose of a vehicle, the VMF designee initiates PS Form 4587.
The initiating employee (as described in items 771a
and 771b) completes PS Form 4587, including items 22a and b, and forwards
the form to the MVM for action. Upon concurrence, the MVM complete items
23a and b, and forwards the form to the manager of Operations Programs
Support for action. Upon concurrence, the manager of Operations Programs
Support signs and dates item 25 and forwards the form to the district
manager for final approval. Upon concurrence, the district manager checks
the "Approved" box, completes item 25a, and returns the form
to the VMF for the required action.
Only after the district manager grants final approval
does the MVM determine the disposal method to be used (sale, cannibalizations/scrap,
or donation).
Upon receiving authorization to dispose of the vehicle,
the VMF does the following, as appropriate:
a. For cannibalizations/scrap, send
the completed, authorized PS Form 4587 to the San Mateo MVAS, and remove
the vehicle from the vehicle asset master. Process PS Form 4587 as outlined
in part 764.
b. For donations, process PS Form 4587
as outlined in part 765 for vehicles being donated for static display.
Note: VMFs also use PS
Form 4587 to authorize the repairs that exceed the one-time repair limit
to a vehicle as defined in Exhibit 221.211. In accordance with Administrative
Support Manual (ASM) Exhibit 892, the VMF must retain a PS Form 4587 used
for this purpose for 1 year after the disposal of the vehicle.
772 PS Form 4594
PS Form 4594, Vehicle Sales Request and Report, is required to request approval to sell a vehicle, regardless of the sales
method. The MVM must approve the completed form prior to the initiation
of any vehicle preparation or sales activity.
a. When a non-district VMF requests
approval to sell a vehicle, the MVMF initiates PS Form 4594, completes
items a, b, c, and d, signs item 4, and forwards the form to the MVM for
b. When a district VMF requests approval
to sell a vehicle, a VMF designee initiates PS Form 4594, completes items
a, b, c, and d, signs item 4, and forwards the form to the MVM for approval.
When the sale is completed, the initiating employee
(as described in items 772a and 772b) finalizes PS Form 4594 by completing
items e, f, g, i, j, and k, and signs item 6. For an auction sale, the
initiating personnel must also record the minimum acceptable bid for each
vehicle in item h. The initiating facility files the original of PS Form
4594 in a master file by sales number and files a copy with the vehicle
jacket. In accordance with ASM Exhibit 892, the VMF must retain PS Form
4594 for 1 year after the sale of the vehicle.
773 PS Form 4595
PS Form 4595, Postal Vehicle Sale/Purchase Agreement, is required for all vehicle sales transactions, regardless of the sales
method. The MVM or MVMF (or designee) must sign page 2 under "Seller's
Signature." The VMF gives the original to the purchaser and retains
a copy in the VMF sales folder. The VMF must retain PS Form 4595 for 3
years after the sale of the vehicle.
774 Standard Form 97 (SF 97)
Standard Form 97 (SF 97), The United States
Government Certificate of Release of a Motor Vehicle, is required
for all vehicle sales transactions, regardless of the sales method. This
is an accountable, pre-numbered form that is controlled by the MVM. The
MVM distributes these forms to VMFs in blocks and in sequential order,
as needed, and VMFs must document their receipt.
VMFs must use the forms sequentially. Also, VMFs
must keep all spoiled, voided, or cancelled forms on file for 2 years.
The MVM or MVMF (or designee) must do the following
with SF 97:
a. Sign the block titled "Transferor's
Signature (Seller)."
b. Upon the receipt of funds from the
vehicle buyer, give the original to the purchaser and complete the reverse
side of SF 97, obtaining the source for sales preparation cost from PS
Form 4543, Vehicle Maintenance Work Order, and/or PS Form 4541, Order- Invoice for Vehicle Repair (Commercial Work Order).
c. After completing the reverse side
of SF 97, forward a copy to the San Mateo MVAS (which will remove the
vehicle from the asset master), and retain a copy in the VMF sales folder.
In accordance with ASM Exhibit 892, the VMF should retain SF 97 for 4
years after the sale of the vehicle.
* * * * *
- Vehicle Operations,
Delivery and Retail, 3-31-05
(continued) |