FEGLI Open Season Effective Date
For employees who made Federal Employees' Group
Life Insurance (FEGLI) elections during last year's FEGLI
Open Season - September 1, 2004, through September
30, 2004 - newly elected coverage becomes effective the
first day of the first full pay period (1) beginning on or after
September 1, 2005, and (2) following a pay period in which
the employee meets the pay and duty status requirements
as follows:
If you . . .
then your effective date is . . .
Are in a pay and duty status
for the required amount of
time* in Pay Period 18
(August 20 through
September 2, 2005),
September 3, 2005.
Are not in a pay and duty
status for the required
amount of time* in Pay
Period 18 (August 20
through September 2,
the first day of the first full pay
• Beginning on or after
September 1, 2005.
• Following a pay period in
which you meet the pay and
duty status requirements.
* Contact your local personnel office for pay and duty status qualifying
periods of time.
Beginning September 3, 2005, the Eagan Accounting
Service Center (ASC) will automatically verify pay and
duty requirements for employees who made new FEGLI
elections during Open Season, and, upon the employee's
qualification, will generate a Form 50, FEGLI Change (NOA
881). Once the effective date is calculated, employees will
receive a copy of Form 50 and a copy of Part 3 -
Employee Copy of the FE-2004, FEGLI 2004 Open
Season Election Form, in separate mailings at their
address of record.
All employees who made a FEGLI Open Season election should do the following:
• Verify that the elected change in coverage has taken
place correctly by checking their leave and earnings
statement for the pay period their election becomes
• If they believe that their previous coverage has been
cancelled inadvertently, contact the local personnel
office immediately so the situation can be researched and corrected.
See poster on page of this Postal Bulletin to
post on bulletin boards.
— Compensation,
Employee Resource Management, 9-1-05