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Postal Employees' Relief Fund gets $250,000 donation

Postmaster General Potter announced that the Postal Service is donating $250,000 to the Postal Employees' Relief Fund (PERF). You can also make a donation, and now you can donate online to PERF using your credit card over a secure server - go to and click on the "Donate Now" button. It's that easy! Or you can send a check or money order to PERF at the following address:

PO BOX 34422
WASHINGTON DC 20043-4422

If you're an employee needing help from PERF, you can contact them for assistance at the Web site or toll-free number.

Hurricane update — respond, reconnect, re-establish

Helping Customers ReconnectHelping customers reconnect: Houston Retail Specialist Al Alvarez helps a customer complete a COA form. An eight-person USPS team served thousands of Louisiana evacuees at the Astrodome and the George R. Brown Convention Center.

The Postal Service'sTM hurricane response has focused on getting mail to displaced customers across the country, finding and helping employees uprooted by the storm and re-establishing service to customers in areas hit by Hurricane Katrina.

The Postal Service has been successful in letting displaced customers know that USPS® can get their mail to them - including Social Security checks, payroll checks and prescriptions by mail - no matter where they are, by providing their temporary address.

Reconnecting employees

Like many businesses in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina, the Postal Service is reaching its employees through a toll-free number - 877-477-3273 - so employees can notify the Postal Service of their location. Employees who call are connected to a USPS Call Center agent, who will collect the employee's information.

Reestablishing service

Greenburg, LA imageGreenburg, LA, Rural Carrier Associate Shawne Redmond hands a check to a customer from the Hammond, LA, Post Office dock.

When and where it is safe to do so, the Postal Service is re-entering storm-damaged areas to reopen Post Offices to restore mail delivery and service, and establish mobile retail centers to serve customer needs in damaged areas.

Employees are asked to help find displaced employees

Postmaster General Jack Potter has asked employees: if you know of any Postal Service employees displaced by Hurricane Katrina, ask them to call 877-477-3273.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, many of our employees in the Gulf Coast area suffered severe personal losses. In their efforts to reach safety and find shelter, many of them had to leave the areas where they lived and worked. We've heard from many of them - in locations all around the country.

"If you hear from - or about - Katrina-displaced employees locally," the PMG said, "please reach out to them. We want to be sure they're safe. We want to be sure they get paid. We want to hear from them at 877-477-3273."

USPS employees help displaced customers rebuild their lives

Picture taken from the Larkin Smith, MS, Post OfficeAt right, Vicki Silva from the Larkin Smith, MS, Post Office, checks IDs and distributes Social Security checks to residents affected by Katrina.

USPS employees a- cross the country are pitching in to help the victims of hurricane Katrina - whether they are displaced co-workers, evacuees, rescue and clean-up workers or police and military personnel on the scene.

In addition to the intense work taking place in the Southwest and Southeast Areas, all other USPS areas are lending a hand, helping get the word out that anyone relocated can file a Change of Address (COA) and how affected USPS employees can check in with the Postal Service.

As evacuees pour into shelters being established in 23 states, the Postal Service is there to assist them - helping with COA cards and - to those who have already filed a COA - delivering checks, medicines and other vital mail.

Change of address

Customers concerned about filing a temporary address change should be assured that USPS has the ability to chain their address changes together, effectively keeping their forwarded mail moving through the mailstream until they reach their final destination. But we can't begin forwarding their mail until they file a change of address. Encourage all displaced customers to file a change of address with us as soon as possible, even if they are going to be at their current temporary location for a brief time.

Flags at half staff

President Bush directed that the United States flag be displayed at half staff at all federal buildings and installations through Sept. 20 to honor the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Governor Walsh retires

John WalshJohn Walsh, who served as a governor of the U.S. Postal Service® since his appointment by President Bill Clinton in November 1999, has announced his retirement. Walsh was vice chairman of the Board from January 2003 through December 2004 and served on the Governance and Capital Projects committees.

Postmaster General Jack Potter saluted Walsh as "a friend and trusted counselor." As a governor, Walsh had a single, overriding concern, said Potter. "He saw it as his role to do everything possible to make sure the Postal Service was operated in the interests of the people it serves."

Walsh served in the US Army in Europe during World War II and was active in business and civic affairs in New Haven, CT, for more than 40 years where he has been involved in numerous civic organizations.


Corporate Succession Planning open season underway

Think you have what it takes to help lead the Postal Service? Corporate Succession Planning (CSP) open season runs through Oct. 14. CSP is a Web-based process for identifying and developing a pool of qualified Postal Career Executive Service (PCES) and Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) level 22 and above employees for future executive leadership positions.

Changes have come at the right time - as the Postal Service looks within to find its future leaders. Learn more about Corporate Succession Planning on the Postal Service Intranet. Go to; under "Hot Topics," click on CSP website.