What is PostalOne!/FAST Scheduler Web Services
Scheduler Web Services Testing is a service for corporations that are
ready to move beyond online scheduling to electronic submission of appointments
using Web Services. The two-phase testing effort allows these corporations
to verify their readiness to submit appointments in the FAST production
environment using Web Services.
During Phase 1, corporations test that they can
successfully connect to PostalOne! using Web Services. During
Phase 2, corporations verify that test appointments submitted using Web
Services, are processed by FAST.
When does PostalOne!/FAST Scheduler Web Services
Testing start?
Testing is currently ongoing for Phase 1 and Phase
2. Since Phase 2 started on June 13, 2005, these corporations have successfully
completed testing and are submitting appointments in the FAST production
environment using Web Services: Harte-Hanks, Quebecor World Logistics,
and R.R. Donnelley Logistics.
How do I participate in PostalOne!/FAST Scheduler
Web Services Testing?
1. Get your test User ID, test Scheduler
ID (multiples per corporation), and test Scheduler Corporation ID (only
1 per corporation) to access the PostalOne! Customer Acceptance
Testing (CAT) environment by calling the PostalOne! Customer
Care Center at 800-522-9085.
2. Use these materials to help you complete
your Web Services development:
• PostalOne! FAST Connectivity Testing
Plan, PostalOne! FAST Technical Guide, PostalOne! FAST
FAQ, and PostalOne! Web Services Customer Acquisition downloaded
from the PostalOne! Web site at https://cat.uspspostalone.
• WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) downloaded
from the PostalOne! Web site at https://cat.uspspostalone.com/fastxml/index.cfm.
• IDEAlliance TM (Transportation Messaging)
specification v1.x for XML downloaded from the IDEAlliance Web site at
http://www.idealliance.org/ maildat.
3. Identify a technical point of contact
(POC) to work with PostalOne! during Phase 1, and a corporate
POC to work with FAST during Phase 2.
4. Coordinate with PostalOne!
(Shariq Mirza at 703-292-4106) to participate in Phase 1. FAST works with
both you and PostalOne! to transition your corporation into Phase
5. Complete and return the survey e-mailed
to you from FAST. The results of the survey help to identify the scenarios
that your corporation will test in Phase 2.
— Logistics Systems,
Operations, 9-15-05