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Revised Security Procedures for Postal Service Facilities

Effective October 13, 2005, Administrative Support Manual (ASM) 271 and 273 are revised to update security procedures for Postal ServiceTM facilities.

We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the ASM and into the online version available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Then click on Manuals.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

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2 Audits and Investigations

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27 Security

271 General Responsibilities

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271.3 Security Control Officers

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271.34 Duties

271.341 Security Reviews

[Revise text to read as follows:]

The SCO or designee conducts annual facility reviews using the security survey within the Facility Security Database. Upon completing the security survey, input the results into the database. Keep a copy of the survey for 2 years.

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271.345 Sensitive Clearance

[Delete items b and c and renumber item d as item b.]

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273 Facility Security

273.1 Protection and Access

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[Revise the title of 273.12 to read as follows:]

273.12 Workroom and Restricted Area Access

273.121 Limitations

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Access to all workroom and restricted areas is limited to authorized on-duty Postal Service employees and authorized contractors. All other individuals are restricted unless they have legitimate business on the floor and are properly escorted.

273.122 Door Locks

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Installation heads are required to carefully evaluate the work-flow cycles of their units to determine when the workroom doors should be locked. Normally, the doors should be locked at all times, however, exceptions may be granted during heavy traffic periods when employees are reporting to or departing from work. To avoid keeping the doors unlocked during heavy traffic periods, consider upgrading the locking mechanism to a simple, single access control system (electromechanical system) or to electronic card access control.

273.123 Compliance

[Revise text to read as follows:]

All employees must comply with the policy governing access to workroom and restricted areas. Supervisory personnel must ensure compliance with the policy in order to afford maximum protection of Postal Service employees, funds, and property. Provide access to emergency exits in accordance with the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.

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273.4 Locks, Keys, and Access Control Cards

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273.44 Postal Service Locks

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273.444 Access Control System

[Revise text to read as follows:]

When entry is controlled by a card access system, employees must always use their card access device to gain entry. Employees must not allow tailgating or piggybacking into the controlled area. See Handbooks AS-503 and RE-5 for details of an access control system design.

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273.46 Key Accountability

[Revise title and text of 273.461 to read as follows:]

273.461 Key and Access Control Device Accountability

Postmasters must keep an accurate inventory (including serial number and brand name lock, total number of keys available, location of lock by door and/or room number, how and when disposed of) of all building keys and signed receipts for all assigned keys. When keys are assigned, personnel receiving the keys must sign a copy of PS Form 1628, Individual Key Record. If the facility has a card access control system, postmasters must maintain an accurate inventory of assigned access control devices.

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— Group 1-Security,
Inspection Service, 10-13-05