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Removal of FASTforward Mailing List Correction References

Effective October 13, 2005, Publication 363, Updating Address Lists Is a Smart Move, is revised to reflect the retirement of FASTforward® Mailing List Correction (MLC). All FASTforward MLC references will be removed from this publication.

We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of Publication 363 and into the online version, which is available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Then click on PUBs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

Publication 363, Updating Address Lists Is a Smart Move

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Approved Move Update Options

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[Revise text to read as follows:]

Mailers may use FASTforward® Multiline Optical Character Reader (MLOCR) to comply with the Move Update requirement. FASTforward MLOCR allows users (mailers) to comply with the Move Update requirement as they process mail, provided that the mail is automation-compatible. Licensed FASTforward MLOCR users must obtain an approved interface from their MLOCR vendors. As mail is run through the MLOCR, the system automatically checks names and addresses against a national Postal Service database that is encrypted, contains updates from the previous 13 months, and contains only permanent COA records. If a COA is applicable, the correct address and barcode are imprinted on the mailpiece.

The new address information is obtained through a matching process. A name and address contained in the mailing list is compared to the national Postal Service encrypted database of permanent COA records. Address change information is provided only for records from the previous 13 months that have a matching name and an old address. When new address information is returned, the effective date of the move and the carrier information for the new address are also returned. Mailers must use the returned information to update their mailing lists.

Effective October 1, 2005, FASTforward Mailing List Correction (MLC) was no longer an option for fulfilling the Move Update requirement.

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— Address Management,
Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, 10-13-05