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Update to Employment Programs

Effective October 13, 2005, Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, is revised to reflect changes to employment programs.

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed edition of Handbook EL-312 and into the online update, available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

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Handbook EL-312 is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

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• Click on About USPS and News, then Forms and Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Handbooks.

Until the changes described in the article are incorporated into the online version of Handbook EL-312, use this article to implement the changes.

Summary of Changes to Handbook EL-312

232.3, Definitions Applicable to Recruitment, clarifies the meaning of an honorable conditions discharge and updates Veterans' Readjustment Appointment to Veterans' Recruitment Appointment to be aligned with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) policy.

483.1, 5-Point Preference, clarifies the meaning of an honorable conditions discharge.

483.2, 10-Point Preference, restructures section to clarify different types of preference and to be aligned with OPM instructions.

484, Proof of Preference Claimed, clarifies instructions on handling of the proof necessary to be presented by applicants who claim veterans' preference.

485, Adjudicating Claims for 5-Point Preference, clarifies procedure for adjudication.

Exhibit 485, Wars, Campaigns, and Expeditions of the Armed Forces That Qualify for Veterans' Preference, adds entries for Afghanistan and Iraq under Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM).

486, Adjudicating Claims for 10-Point Preference, clarifies procedure for adjudication by aligning text with OPM instructions. Removes the text that OPM adjudicates spouse and mother claims, because these claims are now adjudicated by the Postal Service. Adds new text that Headquarters issues instructions for adjudicating spouse and mother claims.

614.2, Eligibles, clarifies limit on how many applicants to put on a Hiring Worksheet.

623, Selection From Three Highest Ranked Eligibles, clarifies that selection is made from a Hiring Worksheet.

627.13, Reasons for Objection or Pass Over, clarifies condition of pass over.

Exhibit 743.21, External Recruitment - EAS Vacancies, updates the order of applicants and lists other Handbook EL-312 sections that are applicable to external EAS selection.

Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement

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2 Recruitment

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23 Sources of Recruitment

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232 Policy

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232.3 Definitions Applicable to Recruitment

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[Revise the text of 232.3h to read as follows:]

h. Honorable conditions discharge - a separation from active duty in the Armed Forces where the character of service is honorable, under honorable conditions, or general. Though an under honorable conditions or general discharge is acceptable for veterans' preference or Veterans Recruitment Appointment, it indicates that there was a derogatory reason for the discharge that requires investigation during suitability screening (see 514.2). Discharges that are other than honorable, undesirable, bad conduct, and dishonorable do not meet the honorable conditions discharge requirement.

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4 Registers

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48 Veterans' Preference

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483 Kinds of Veterans' Preference

483.1 5-Point Preference

[Revise the introductory text of 483.1 to read as follows:]

For 5-point preference purposes, an individual must have served on active duty, been separated under honorable conditions (see 232.3h) from active duty in the Armed Forces, and served in one of the following:

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483.2 10-Point Preference

483.21 Disabled Veterans

[Revise the text of 483.21 to read as follows:]

A veteran who has been separated from active duty in the Armed Forces with an honorable conditions discharge (see 232.3h) at any time is eligible for 10-point preference, provided the veteran meets the criteria in one of the following categories:

a. Compensable disability preference (CP) - Has a compensable service-connected disability that is at least 10 percent but less than 30 percent.

b. Compensable 30 percent preference (CPS) - Has a compensable service-connected disability that is 30 percent or more.

c. Disability preference (XP) - (1) received a Purple Heart, or (2) has a current service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the Department of Veterans Affairs, but does not qualify as a CP or CPS.

483.22 Spouses of Disabled Veterans

[Revise the text and heading of 483.22 to read as follows:]

483.22 10-Point Derived Preference (XP)

Spouses, widows, widowers, or mothers of veterans are eligible for 10 points as described in 483.221, 483.222, and 483.223. This type of preference is derived preference because it is based on service of a veteran who is not able to use the preference through unemployment or death.

[Add new 483.221 to read as follows:]

483.221 Spouses of Disabled Veterans

The spouse of an Armed Forces' veteran on whose service a claim is based, is eligible for 10-point veterans' preference provided both of the following criteria are met:

a. The veteran was separated under honorable conditions from active duty performed at any time.

b. The veteran has a service-connected disability and is disqualified for a federal position along the general lines of his or her usual occupation. Such a disqualification may be presumed when the veteran is unemployed and (1) rated by appropriate military or Department of Veterans Affairs authorities to be 100 percent disabled or unemployable, or (2) has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position on the basis of a disability that is service- connected in origin, or (3) has attempted to obtain a civil service position or other position along the lines of his or her usual occupation and has failed to qualify because of a service-connected disability.

[Add new 483.222 to read as follows:]

483.222 Widows or Widowers of Veterans

The widow or widower of a veteran who received an honorable conditions discharge and who was not divorced from the veteran and has not remarried is eligible for 10-point veterans' preference provided one of the following criteria are met.

a. The veteran served during a war or during the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized.

b. The veteran died while on active duty that included service described immediately above, under conditions that would not have been the basis for other than an honorable or general discharge.

If the widow or widower remarries and the remarriage is annulled, the former widow or widower may apply for restoration of preference. Evidence of divorce of the widow or widower is not a basis to restore widow or widower preference, since the act of remarriage, rather than a remarried state, terminates eligibility for preference. Thus, widow or widower preference can only be restored if the act of marriage is annulled.

[Add new 483.223 to read as follows:]

483.223 Mothers of Veterans

Mothers of veterans are eligible for 10-point preference under the conditions described below.

a. Mother of a Deceased Veteran. The mother of a veteran who died under honorable conditions while on active duty during a war or during the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized; and

1. She is or was married to the father of the veteran; and

2. She lives with her totally and permanently disabled husband (either the veteran's father or her husband through remarriage); or

3. She is widowed, divorced, or separated from the veteran's father and has not remarried; or

4. She remarried but is widowed, divorced, or legally separated from her husband when she claims preference.

b. Mother of a Disabled Veteran. The mother of a living disabled veteran if the veteran was separated with an honorable or general discharge from active duty performed at any time and is permanently and totally disabled from a service-connected injury or illness, the mother is or was married to the father of the veteran, and meets one of the following criteria:

1. Lives with her totally and permanently disabled husband (either the veteran's father or her husband through remarriage).

2. Is widowed, divorced, or separated from the veteran's father and has not remarried.

3. Has remarried, but is widowed, divorced, or legally separated from her husband when she claims preference.

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[Delete 483.23 and 483.24.]

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484 Proof of Preference Claimed

[Revise the text of 484 to read as follows:]

The applicant is responsible for providing the necessary proof. Veterans claiming 5-point preference must provide proof of required service and an honorable conditions discharge (see 232.3h) when their scores are reached for employment consideration. See 485 for adjudicating 5-point preference. Eligibles claiming 10-point preference provide proof by completing an SF 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, and attaching the documents described on the SF 15 when they come within reach for consideration. See 486 for adjudicating claims for 10-point veterans' preference.

485 Adjudicating Claims for 5-Point Preference

[Revise the text of 485 to read as follows:]

The veteran must present a copy of the appropriate DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty, showing length and character of service. All applicants who have been separated from active duty in the Armed Forces should be able to produce a DD Form 214 to document the preference claimed. The original DD Form 214 that is presented for a claim must be returned to the veteran after adjudication. The adjudicator verifies entitlement for 5-point preference by reviewing the DD Form 214. The adjudicator determines whether the veteran meets the criteria in 483.1, and either approves or denies the claim for 5 points. Applicants claiming veterans' preference who are still on active duty will be granted 5-point preference if their applications show that they have the required military service, such as service in a war, campaign, or expedition.

When an expeditionary medal is required, a veteran's DD Form 214 showing the award of an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is acceptable proof. The DD Form 214 does not have to show the name of the theater or country of service for which that medal was awarded. However, the Armed Forces Service Medal is not qualifying for veterans' preference. (A complete list of campaigns and expeditions is provided in Exhibit 485, which comes from the VetGuide on the Web site of the Office of Personnel Management.)

Exhibit 485
Wars, Campaigns, and Expeditions of the Armed Forces That Qualify for Veterans' Preference

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[Revise the text of Exhibit 485, page 88, by adding the following entry:]

Campaign or Expedition Inclusive Dates
Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) October 24, 2001, to present
Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) March 19, 2003, to present

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[Revise the text of Exhibit 485, page 88, Iraq to read as follows:]

Campaign or Expedition Inclusive Dates
Iraq (Operation Northern Watch) January 1, 1997, to present;
Iraq (Operation Northern Watch) January 1, 1997, to present;
Iraq (Operation Desert Spring) December 31, 1998, to December 31, 2002 (projected)
Iraq (Operation Enduring Freedom) October 24, 2001, to present
Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) March 19, 2003, to present

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486 Adjudicating Claims for 10-Point Preference

486.1 Nature of Discharge

[Revise the text of 486.1 to read as follows:]

Human resources must verify the veteran's honorable conditions discharge. A statement from the records of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs showing that the veteran was discharged under honorable conditions will meet this requirement. Alternatively, the honorable conditions discharge may be verified from the character of service block on the DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty. (See 232.3h for a description of honorable conditions discharges.)

486.2 Documentation

[Revise the text of 486.2 to read as follows:]

The adjudicator must have a fully completed SF 15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference, for any claim for 10-point preference. Applicants who claim 10-point preference must provide all of the documentation described on the SF 15 for the type of preference they are claiming.

[Add new 486.21 to read as follows:]

486.21 Disabled Veterans Preference

The adjudicator determines if the documentation described on the SF 15 and the completed SF 15 submitted by an applicant provide sufficient proof for one of the following categories:

a. Compensable disability preference (CP) - Has a compensable service-connected disability that is at least 10 percent but less than 30 percent.

b. Compensable 30 percent preference (CPS) - Has a compensable service-connected disability that is 30 percent or more.

c. Disability preference (XP) - (1) received a Purple Heart, or (2) has a current service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the Department of Veterans Affairs but does not qualify as a CP or CPS.

[Add new 486.22 to read as follows:]

486.22 Spouse, Widow, or Mother Preference

Claims for spouse, widow, or mother preference are dependent on the current marital status of the claimant attested to on the SF 15. (A copy of the marriage license or certificate must always be included with the SF 15.) Under the law, nonservice-connected disabilities cannot be considered in the allowance of spouse preference, even though the nonservice-connected disability is total or permanent.

[Add new 486.221 to read as follows:]

486.221 Claims for Spouse Preference

Headquarters issues instructions for adjudication of spouse preference and designates the organization that adjudicates the preference.

[Add new 486.222 to read as follows:]

486.222 Claims for Widow or Widower Preference

Human Resources is responsible for adjudicating preference claims for widows or widowers who meet the criteria listed in 483.222, Widows or Widowers of Veterans (XP - 10-Point Other), and have the proof described on SF 15, including a copy of the marriage license or certificate.

[Add new 486.223 to read as follows:]

486.223 Claims for Mother Preference

Headquarters issues instructions for adjudication of mother preference and designates the organization that adjudicates the preference.

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[Delete 486.3 and 486.4.]

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6 Selection

61 Selection Preparations

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614 Number of Jobs to Be Filled

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614.2 Eligibles

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[Revise the text of 614.2 by adding the following note at the end:]

Note: The maximum number of applicants to be requested and placed on a Hiring Worksheet is the number of applicants who can be processed for selection within 31 days. If more names are needed for a hiring event, then applicants are divided among multiple Hiring Worksheets. One Hiring Worksheet must be closed before another Hiring Worksheet is issued.

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62 Selection Procedures

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623 Selection From Three Highest Ranked Eligibles

[Revise the text of 623 by changing "register" in the second sentence to "Hiring Worksheet" to read as follows:]

***However, a preference eligible may not be passed over to select a nonpreference eligible who is lower on the Hiring Worksheet unless the action is documented (see 627, Objection to or Pass Over of Preference Eligible).

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627 Objection to or Pass Over of Preference Eligible

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627.1 Preference Eligibles Except CPS

627.13 Reasons for Objection or Pass Over

[Revise the text of 627.13 as follows:]

The only acceptable reason for passing over an eligible who has veteran's preference and appointing an eligible without preference who is lower on the Hiring Worksheet is that there is evidence that indicates the preference eligible fails to meet suitability requirements (see 51, Employment Eligibility and Suitability, and 52, Determining Eligibility and Suitability).

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7 Assignment, Reassignment, and Promotion

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74 EAS Positions

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743 Selection Process

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743.2 External Recruitment

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Exhibit 743.21
External Recruitment - EAS Vacancies

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[Revise the text of Exhibit 743.21 by changing the second "c," and continuing to the end of the exhibit, to read as follows:]

c. Establish a list of eligible applicants in descending score order, observing veterans' preference as follows:

(1) Group 1, compensable disability - Veterans with a compensable service-connected disability rating of 10 percent or more are placed in descending order of the final score, including 10 points for veterans' preference. Apply the Social Security number tie-breaking rule where numerical scores are the same. (See 414.4 c, Breaking Ties.)

(2) Group 2, all other eligibles - All other applicants, including preference eligibles with 10-point veterans' preference (XP) and 5-point veterans' preference (TP) are placed on the list in descending score order, including veterans' preference points. Where preference-eligible applicants have the same score, applicants with an XP preference are placed ahead of applicants with a TP preference, who are placed ahead of non-preference eligible applicants with the same score. Apply the Social Security number tie-breaking rule where numerical scores are the same. (See 414.4 c, Breaking Ties.)

Make selections in accordance with the applicant's standing after meeting all other suitability criteria, and in compliance with 623, Selection From Three Highest Ranked Eligibles; 624, Applying the Rule of Three in Selection; 625, Selection Sequence; 626, Selection Decision; and 627, Objection to or Pass Over of Preference Eligible.

For EAS positions designated as Scientific and Professional (see 414.5), Groups 1 and 2 are combined. The order to use is described in 414.5.

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— Selection, Evaluation, and Recognition,
Employee Resource Management, 10-13-05