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The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, 32nd Edition

The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, 32nd Edition.

The new 32nd edition of The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, Item 890500, soon will be available for sale as follows:

• At all Post OfficesTM.

• At postal retail stores.

• At philatelic centers.

• By mail.

• By telephone.

• By Internet order from Stamp Fullfillment Services.

To obtain the initial supply for your Post Office, immediately order Item 890500 from your designated stamp distribution office (SDO) using a separate PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. All locations may place the new edition of the guide on sale as soon as initial quantities are received.

This edition of The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps has been redesigned for ease of use and to accommodate more subjects of interest to collectors. The new guide, priced at $19.95, is still a full-color design and now is larger (8 and 1/8 inches by 10 inches) and has a comb-bound spine (similar to spiral, but plastic) so that the guide lies flat.

With this new format, we have reduced the number of pages from 575 in last year's edition to 336 pages in this year's edition. Plus, we have re-introduced the following sections that had previously been removed:

• Special Delivery Stamps.

• Registration and Certified Mail Stamps.

• Postage Due Stamps.

• Parcel Post®.

• Special Handling.

We also have added a new section, U.S. Postal Service Listing of Stamp Series. This section lists all the stamps in each series starting with the 1869 First Pictorial Series to our various ongoing series - a total of 66 series titles. HarperCollins Publishers is now shipping the guides to SDOs. Shipments are in master cartons of 20 guides.

Installations should report any discrepancies between the quantities shown on the Advice of Shipment and those actually received by using the procedure outlined in Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, Part 436, Handling Discrepancies in Stock Received, or in Part 446, Handling Discrepancies in Stock Received From Suppliers.

Promotional copies of the guide will not be distributed. You can now display the guide in your Post Office by simply removing a copy from your inventory for promotional use. Follow the procedures outlined in Handbook F-1, Section 428.8, Obtaining Stock for Promotions or Presentations.

Offices must report all sales of Item 890500, 32nd Edition, The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, in AIC 092, Philatelic Product Sales.

For the sixth year, in partnership with HarperCollins Publishers, the guide, as well as the 2005 Commemorative Stamp Yearbook, will be available in bookstores and other retail outlets where books are purchased.

The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps, 31st Edition (Last Year's Edition)

As the 32nd edition of The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps becomes available, Post Offices must withhold all remaining copies of the 31st edition (Item 890400) from sale and take the following actions:

1. Retail Outlets. Collect any copies of the 31st edition of the guide from stamp credits. Immediately return them to main stock using PS Form 17.

2. Post Offices. Consolidate all remaining copies of the 31st edition of the guide, if any, into the unit reserve stock. Prepare all 31st editions of the guide in accordance with procedures established for disposing of obsolete and redeemed stock, and submit according to local district quarterly stamp destruction or return schedules.

3. Local Office Philatelic Programs. Submit PS Form 17 to the local SDO and Stamp Services Center for the number of 31st editions of the guide needed for philatelic/promotional programs. You may give one or more copies to local schools, libraries, student groups, stamp clubs, and retirement s.

4. SDOs. Stamp all copies of the guide used in promoting philatelic programs "NOT FOR RESALE." The SDO custodian of accountable paper must attest that each item is so stamped and prepare PS Form 3238, Stamps and Stamped Paper Destruction Certificate, endorsed "PHILATELIC PRODUCTS GIVEN TO PHILATELIC PROGRAMS." Program coordinators must acknowledge receipt of Item 890400 and be responsible for its control.

Note: The instructions for providing obsolete editions of the guide for philatelic and promotional purposes are an exception to general guidelines for destruction of accountable items, especially regarding obsolete (withdrawn from sale) items. In this instance, it is Postal ServiceTM policy not to destroy copies of the previous year's edition of the guide when they can be used for valid promotional and/or educational purposes.

Disposition of Excess Guides

Dispose of all remaining copies of the 31st edition of The Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps (Item 890400) in accordance with Subchapter 45, Destroying Stamp Stock, of Handbook F-1. Because disposition instructions are issued annually for past issues of the guide, your office should have only the 32nd edition in inventory after completing the above procedures. If previous editions are on hand, dispose of them immediately, in accordance with subchapter 45.

— Stamp Services,
Government Relations, 10-27-05