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Return to Duty After Occupational Illness or Injury

Effective immediately, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 864 is revised to restore a paragraph mistakenly omitted from ELM 17, dated July 2002, by adding 864.4, Return to Duty, and 864.41, Occupational Illness or Injury.

Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)

* * * * *

Chapter 8 Safety and Health

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860 Medical and Occupational Health Services

* * * * *

864 Medical Assessments and Examinations

* * * * *

[Add 864.4 to read as follows:]

864.4 Return To Duty

864.41 Occupational Illness or Injury

In cases of occupational illness or injury, the employee will be returned to work upon certification from the treating physician, and the medical report will be reviewed by a medical officer or contract physician as soon as possible thereafter.

* * * * *

We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the ELM and into the online version, available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under References in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on Manuals.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is It is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Manuals.

Until the changes described in the article are incorporated into the online version of the ELM, use this article to implement the changes.

— Health and Resource Management,
Employee Resource Management, 11-10-05


Flexible Spending Accounts Open Season

The 2005 open season for the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program for career employees is scheduled for November 14 through December 31, 2005, 5:00 P.M. CT. Enrollments made during this open season are effective January 1, 2006, for the 2006 plan year (January 1 through December 31, 2006). (Enrollment ends sooner for participants who separate or have extended leave without pay.)

FSAs allow employees to set aside a portion of their pre- tax earnings for certain types of out-of-pocket health care and dependent care expenses. The money withheld for FSAs is not subject to income, Medicare, or Social Security taxes. United Health Care administers the FSA program for the Postal ServiceTM.

The booklet FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts (November 2005), provides a good overview of FSAs. The following information should assist local personnel offices in conducting this open season.

New 2 1/2 Month FSA Grace Period

On May 18, 2005, the Internal Revenue Service decided to allow a grace period of 2 1/2 months (January 1 through March 15) after each FSA plan year. During the grace period, eligible expenses with dates of service from January 1 through March 15 can be paid from the prior year's FSA plan if there still is an available balance. The intention is to let an FSA participant with FSA funds left at the end of the plan year be reimbursed for eligible expenses for services or items received during the grace period. The grace period reduces worry when the end of the year approaches. The use-it-or-lose-it risk is lessened because participants will have an extra 2 1/2 months to use up FSA funds. Of course, participants do have to spend the prior year's balance by March 15 or forfeit the money under the use-it-or-lose-it rule. And the deadline for filing claims has not changed - the FSA Customer Service Center must still receive all claims by September 30 of the year after the plan year. The grace period is only available to FSA participants who are still participating on December 31 of the plan year. For example, an employee who retired on December 30 would not be eligible for the grace period. But most FSA participants remain participants through December 31 of the plan year.

The grace period is available for both the Health Care FSA and the Dependent Care FSA and is available for 2005 and 2006 FSA participants. The grace period for the 2006 FSA is from January 1, 2007, through March 15, 2007. The grace period for the 2005 FSA is from January 1, 2006, through March 15, 2006. For full details, refer to FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts (November 2005), the FSA brochure that is being mailed to all career employees.

Use PostalEASE to Enroll

To enroll in the FSA program during open season, employees have four options:

1. Call toll free: 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273).

2. Go to, click on Employee Self- Service, then PostalEASE.

3. Use an Employee Self-Service kiosk (available in some facilities).

4. On the Internet, go to, enter Employee ID and USPS PIN to log on, and under "Employee Self-Service," click on PostalEASE.


To publicize the FSA open season, all offices must post the open season notice, provided on page 1, on bulletin boards through December 31, 2005.

Direct Mailings to Employees

Headquarters (HQ) Compensation is coordinating FSA open season mailings to career employees at their mailing addresses of record. Employees receive a leaflet, postcards, and an enrollment kit consisting of an FSA brochure, a PostalEASE FSA worksheet, and a withdrawal request form.

Undeliverable mailed kits are returned to the employing office of record. When an office receives a returned kit, the office should encourage the employee to update his or her address. Employees should use one of the following methods to update their address:

• The Employee Change of Address feature on the intranet (go to; under "Employee Resources", click Employee Self Service, then Employee Change of Address).

• An Employee Self-Service kiosk (available in some facilities).

If these methods are not possible, employees should submit an updated PS Form 1216, Employee's Current Mailing Address.

Personnel offices may order PS Form 1216 from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) and use touch tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-332-0317, option 2.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)

Use the following information to order PS Form 1216:

PSIN: PS 1216

PSN: 7530-02-000-7354

Unit of Measure: SE

Quick Pick Number: 118

Bulk Pack Quantity: 4,000

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Price: $0.0187

Edition Date: 06/05


Participation in the FSA program is limited to career employees. To enroll, a career employee must have completed at least 26 full pay periods of postal career service during the current appointment by the end of pay period (PP) 26-05 (December 23, 2005). A career employee who is in a leave without pay (LWOP) status that has lasted for eight consecutive full pay periods as of December 23, 2005, is not eligible to participate in the FSA program. However, an employee who is returning from uniformed military service may enroll, even if he or she has exceeded the eight pay periods of LWOP.

Election Opportunities

Health Care FSA and Dependent Care FSA

Eligible career employees may elect to participate in one, or both, of two FSAs - the Health Care FSA and the Dependent Care FSA. Each FSA covers eligible expenses for services that are received during the employee's period of participation during the 2006 plan year (for most employees this will be January 1, 2006, through March 15, 2007). Employees who elect to participate must enroll via PostalEASE no later than 5:00 P.M. CT on December 31, 2005. FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts, the brochure that employees receive in the mail, describes eligible and ineligible expenses and provides guidelines for estimating 2006 expenses.

FSA Open Season Contribution Levels

For the 2006 plan year, eligible career employees may elect to contribute up to $5,000 to the Health Care FSA. Eligible career employees may also elect to contribute up to $5,000 to the Dependent Care FSA. Contributions are withheld in equal amounts through payroll deductions covering 26 pay periods (PP 01-06 through PP 26-06). The minimum annual contribution employees may make to either FSA is $130 ($5 per pay period).

Election Changes and Enrollment Processing

Participants may neither cancel enrollments nor change contribution levels during the plan year except following qualified life status changes, as explained in FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts.

Open Season Materials

Direct Mailings to Career Employees

Each career employee receives the following items at his or her mailing address of record during the open season:

• Publicity postcards:

- A postcard with instructions on how to obtain a USPS® Personal Identification Number (PIN).

- Postcards on other topics, such as using FSAs to cover over-the-counter medications and other eligible expenses.

- A postcard with a reminder of the closing date.

• FSA LF1, Flexible Spending Accounts Overview and Tax Savings Estimator (October 2005). This leaflet provides an overview of the advantages of the FSA program.

• An enrollment kit that includes the following items:

- FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts (November 2005), a brochure that explains plan policies and provisions.

- The FSA PostalEASE worksheet.

- FSA1, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Withdrawal Request (November 2005), a form used to request withdrawal of funds from an FSA for payment of eligible expenses for services received during the period of participation.

Additional Supplies of Materials

During November, HQ Compensation coordinates the distribution of extra supplies of the leaflet, the enrollment kit, and copies of the worksheet and withdrawal request form to Human Resources at district offices, area offices, processing and distribution centers, bulk mail centers, airport mail centers, remote encoding centers, the Office of Inspector General, Inspection Service divisions, Headquarters, and selected Headquarters field units.

Additional copies of the following FSA items will be available from the MDC but not until the distribution of extra supplies has been completed. The relevant ordering information follows.

Flexible Spending Accounts Overview and Tax Savings Estimator


PSN: 7610-04-000-5138

Unit of Measure: EA

Quick Pick Number: N/A

Bulk Pack Quantity: 2,100

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Price: No cost

Edition Date: 10/05

Flexible Spending Accounts


PSN: 7530-02-000-9910

Unit of Measure: EA

Quick Pick Number: N/A

Bulk Pack Quantity: 250

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Price: No cost

Edition Date: 11/05

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Withdrawal Request


PSN: 7530-02-000-9911

Unit of Measure: EA

Quick Pick Number: N/A

Bulk Pack Quantity: 2,000

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Price: No cost

Edition Date: 11/05

Responsibilities of Personnel Offices

Personnel offices are responsible for the following tasks:

• Responding to employee inquiries about eligibility.

• Determining a participant's eligibility to enroll or to change contribution levels during the plan year based on a qualified life status change.

Personnel offices are reminded of the following points:

• Refer to PostalEASE Update 2001-03 (June 4, 2001) for instructions on processing FSA elections in cases of belated election or administrative error. These instructions are found at

• Employees should include health care expenses for dependents in the Health Care FSA contribution amount and not in the Dependent Care FSA.

• The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) annual limits on the Dependent Care FSA contribution are $5,000 for a family and $2,500 for a married employee filing a separate return. These limits are explained fully in FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts.

• Personnel offices do not process Form FSA1, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Withdrawal Request. Participants are responsible for mailing or faxing Form FSA1 directly to the FSA Customer Service Center in El Paso, Texas, as explained on Form FSA1.

• Personnel offices must not provide tax advice. Offices must refer employees with tax questions to their tax advisors or to the IRS toll-free information line at 800-TAX-1040 (800-829-1040). In addition, a section of FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts, presents certain tax information related to FSAs.

• Refer employees with questions about the FSA program to the FSA toll-free hotline given below.

FSA Customer Service Center Toll-Free Hotline

For inquiries about FSAs, employees should call the FSA Customer Service Center's toll-free hotline at 800-842-2026. Following enrollment, participants may use the hotline to:

• Make account inquiries.

• Discuss expenses that are eligible for payment through the FSA program.

• Obtain other plan information.

The FSA Customer Service Center also provides a teletype (TTY) line at 866-206-7810 and 866-649-4869. The Center encourages employees who want to use the TTY line to have a colleague place an advance call to the toll- free hotline.

— Compensation,
Human Resources, 11-10-05

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Open Season

FSA Policy Changes

See all changes described on page 12 of the FSA employee brochure, FSA BK1, Flexible Spending Accounts, November 2005. This includes information about the new 2 1/2 month FSA grace period.


Career employees must use the PostalEASE enrollment system through one of the following means to enroll in FSAs for 2006 during the FSA open season:

• Call toll free: 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273).

• Go to, click on Employee Self-Service, then PostalEASE.

• Use an Employee Self-Service kiosk (available in some facilities).

• On the Internet, go to, enter your Employee ID and USPS PIN to log on, and click on Employee Self-Service, then PostalEASE.

If you have any trouble using PostalEASE, or if you are unable to use the telephone because you are deaf or hard of hearing, or if you cannot use the telephone, intranet, or an Employee Self-Service kiosk for a medical reason, you may contact your local personnel office for assistance.

USPS® Personal Identification Number (PIN)

To use PostalEASE, enter your Employee ID and USPS PIN. If you don't know your USPS PIN, call PostalEASE and, when prompted to enter your PIN, simply pause. The system provides an option to have your USPS PIN mailed to your address of record the next business day. Or you may request a USPS PIN via the intranet or an Employee Self-Service kiosk - just follow the instructions.


November 14 through December 31, 2005, at 5:00 P.M. CT.


Career employees only - noncareer employees are not eligible.

Plan Information

Leaflet and brochure with PostalEASE FSA worksheet is included and mailed to all career employees.

If material is not received by November 28, 2005, contact your local personnel office.

Effective Date

FSA open season enrollments become effective January 1, 2006.


Hotline for FSA questions: 800-842-2026.

TTY line for employees who are deaf or hard of hearing: 866-206-7810 or 866-649-4869. An advance call to the hotline is encouraged.