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Domestic Mail


Rate and Fee Changes Will Be Transparent to WebBATS Users

The rate and fee changes that take effect January 8, 2006, will be transparent to WebBATS users. Changes to Post OfficeTM box fees and related fees (e.g., key deposit) will be implemented at the application host level, requiring no action on the part of the WebBATS user. All sites will maintain their current fee group.

Post Office box holders submitting payments on or after January 8, 2006, will pay the new Post Office box fees. WebBATS will allow users to post payments at the old Post Office box fees if the following two conditions are met:

• Payment is received (or postmarked, if mailed) before January 8, 2006.

• The payment date entered in the "Receipt Date" field of the Post Payment page is before January 8, 2006.

The online WebBATS Help system has additional instructions and information: go to!SSL!/WebHelp/webbats_help.htm and click on Rate Changes.

Additional information can be found in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 508. For additional assistance or questions, contact Richard Moran at 202-268-5066.

— Retail Operations,
Delivery and Retail, 12-8-05


Labeling List Changes

Effective December 8, 2005, Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) Labeling Lists L001, L002, L003, L005, L007, L008, L201, L606, and L801 are revised to reflect changes in mail processing operations. Mailers are encouraged to label according to these revised lists immediately, but must comply with these changes no later than February 19, 2006.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

Index and Appendices

* * * * *

L Labeling Lists

L000 General Use

L001 5-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services Flats and Irregular Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
27608, 09 RALEIGH NC 27609
52801-03, 05, 08 DAVENPORT IA 52801
78130-33 NEW BRAUNFELS TX 78130
95030-32 LOS GATOS CA 95030
95060-67 SANTA CRUZ CA 95060
Change To:
27608, 09, 14 RALEIGH NC 27609
52801-04, 05, 08 DAVENPORT IA 52801
78130-32 NEW BRAUNFELS TX 78130
95030, 31 LOS GATOS CA 95030
95060, 61, 64 SANTA CRUZ CA 95060
52806, 07, 09 DAVENPORT IA 52806
95062, 63, 65 SANTA CRUZ CA 95062
27614, 15 RALEIGH NC 27615
52804, 06, 07, 09 NORTHWEST STATION IA 52804

* * * * *

L002 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Matrix

* * * * *

3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Column A
3-Digit Destinations Label to
Column B
3-Digit/Scheme Destinations Label to
Column C
SCF Destinations Label to
Change From:
Change To:

* * * * *

L003 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups-3-Digit Scheme Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
Column B
Label to
Change From:
085, 086 TRENTON NJ 085
Change To:
085-087 TRENTON NJ 085
077, 087 MONMOUTH NJ 077

* * * * *

L005 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups-SCF Sortation

* * * * *

Column A
3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Group
Column B
Label to
Change From:
077, 087 SCF MONMOUTH NJ 077
085, 086 SCF TRENTON NJ 085
Change To:
077 MONMOUTH NJ 077s
085-087 SCF TRENTON NJ 085

* * * * *

L007 5-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and BPM Flats in Bundles

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
92401, 02, 08, 10, 12,
15, 18
92407, 20, 27 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407
92570-72 PERRIS CA 92570
95030-33 LOS GATOS CA 95030
Change To:
92401, 02, 08, 10, 15, 18 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401
92407, 27 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407
92570-72, 99 PERRIS CA 92570
95030, 31, 33 LOS GATOS CA 95030
22401, 02, 04, 07, 08 FREDERICKSBURG VA 22401
22403, 05, 06, 12 FALMOUTH VA 22403
92210, 11, 55, 60, 61 PALM DESERT CA 92210
92310-12 BARSTOW CA 92311
92584-87 SUN CITY CA 92584
22402, 08 FREDERICKSBURG VA 22402
22403, 05, 06 FREDERICKSBURG VA 22403
22404, 07 FREDERICKSBURG VA 22404
92210, 11, 55, 60, 61 INDIAN WELLS CA 92210
92310-12 FORT IRWIN CA 92310
92584-87 MENIFEE CA 92584

* * * * *

L008 3-Digit Scheme-Periodicals, Standard Mail, and BPM Flats in Bundles

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Bundle To
Change From: blank
085, 086 TRENTON NJ 085
Change To:
085-087 TRENTON NJ 085
077, 087 MONMOUTH NJ 077
238, 239 RICHMOND VA 238

* * * * *

L200 Periodicals

L201 Periodicals Origin Split

* * * * *

Column A
Entry ZIP Codes
Column B
3-Digit ZIP Code Destinations
Column C
Label Container To
Change From:
088, 089 005, 010-212, 214-268, 270-323, 326, 344, 350-352, 354-364, 367-393, 396-418, 420-427, 430-516, 520-528, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-551, 553-564, 566, 600-620, 622-631, 633-639, 680, 681, 683-693, 716-729 OMX KILMER NJ 088
085, 086 005, 010-212, 214-268, 270-285, 326, 344, 350-352, 354-364, 367-393, 396-418, 420-427, 430-516, 520-528, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-551, 553-564, 566, 600-620, 622-631, 633-639, 680, 681, 683-693, 716-729 OMX TRENTON NJ 085
Change To:
077, 088, 089 005, 010-212, 214-268, 270-323, 326, 344, 350-352, 354-364, 367-393, 396-418, 420-427, 430-516, 520-528, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-551, 553-564, 566, 600-620, 622-631, 633-639, 680, 681, 683-693, 716-729 OMX KILMER NJ 088
085-087 005, 010-212, 214-268, 270-285, 326, 344, 350-352, 354-364, 367-393, 396-418, 420-427, 430-516, 520-528, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-551, 553-564, 566, 600-620, 622-631, 633-639, 680, 681, 683-693, 716-729 OMX TRENTON NJ 085
077, 087 005, 010-212, 214-268, 270-323, 326, 344, 350-352, 354-364, 367-393, 396-418, 420-427, 430-516, 520-528, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-551, 553-564, 566, 600-620, 622-631, 633-639, 680, 681, 683-693, 716-729 OMX MONMOUTH NJ 077

* * * * *

L600 Standard Mail and Package Services

* * * * *

L606 5-Digit Scheme-Standard Mail and Package Services Parcels

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label Container To
Change From:
78130, 32, 33 NEW BRAUNFELS TX 78130
78250, 53, 54 SAN ANTONIO TX 78250
Change To:
78130-32 NEW BRAUNFELS TX 78130
78250, 53 SAN ANTONIO TX 78250

* * * * *

L800 Automation Rate Mailings

L801 AADCs-Letter-Size Mailings

* * * * *

Column A
Destination ZIP Codes
Column B
Label to
Change From:
077, 087 AADC MONMOUTH NJ 077
085, 086 AADC TRENTON NJ 085
Change To:
085-087 AADC TRENTON NJ 085

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at

— Logistics,
Network Operations Management, 12-8-05


Parcel Post — Intra-BMC/ASF Rates

The article titled "Notice 123, RATEFOLD" in Postal Bulletin 22168A (12-1-05, pages 25-40) inadvertently printed the "Parcel Post - Inter-BMC/ASF" rates twice (on pages 32 and 33) while omitting the "Parcel Post - Local and Intra-BMC/ASF" rates. This issue of the Postal Bulletin includes both the "Parcel Post - Local and Intra-BMC/ASF" and "Parcel Post - Inter-BMC/ASF" rates on pages 5- 6. The online versions of Postal Bulletin 22168A have been corrected to show the "Parcel Post - Local and Intra- BMC/ASF" rates on page 32 and the "Parcel Post - Inter-BMC/ASF" rates on page 33.

— Implementation and Outreach,
Pricing and Classification, 12-8-05


Local and Intra-BMC/ASF


Online Version of Publication 109 Updated With "Hotlink" to PS Form 109

Effective December 8, 2005, Publication 109, Special Services Technical Guide: Postal Forms and Labels (Domestic Service Only), is revised to replace the image of PS Form 109, Application to Print Special Services Barcoded Forms/Labels, with a "hotlink" to the most current edition of that form located on the Postal ServiceTM Web site.

Publication 109 helps Postal Service customers comply with requirements for privately printed special services forms and labels. This publication provides detailed information on designing forms and labels and provides technical information about barcode specifications.

Publication 109, Special Services Technical Guide: Postal Forms and Labels (Domestic Service Only)

* * * * *

7 Barcode Requirements

* * * * *

7-2 Privately Printed Barcode Certification

* * * * *

[Revise introductory text of item 2 to read as follows (indicating a new Exhibit 7-2 for PS Form 109) (the revised text appears in bold merely for emphasis):]

2. Complete PS Form 109, Application to Print Special Services Barcoded Forms/Labels, as shown in the link provided in Exhibit 7-2, and either fax it to 901-681-4521 or mail it to the following address:

* * * * *

[Before 7-3, add the following text:]

Exhibit 7-2 PS Form 109, Application to Print Special Services Barcoded Forms/Labels

Click on the link below to view the latest edition of PS Form 109. When finished viewing the form, click on Back to return to this publication.

* * * * *

[On the last page of the publication, remove the graphic of the February 2003 edition of PS Form 109.]

Publication 109 is available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on PUBs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

Publication 109 is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on All Products & Services, then Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Publications.

— Value Added and Special Services,
Product Development, 12-8-05


Postage Statement Redesign — Obsolete Forms

Effective January 8, 2006, we are eliminating several postage statements as part of the postage statement redesign project. The new statements reduce the number of forms mailers need by providing one form with all rates for each category or class of mail, plus a simplified "EZ" form. Mailers will now find all First-Class Mail® and Priority Mail® rates on PS Form 3600-R, First-Class Mail and Priority Mail; all regular Standard Mail® rates on PS Form 3602-R, Standard Mail; all Nonprofit Standard Mail rates on PS Form 3602-N, Nonprofit Standard Mail; all Package Services rates on PS Form 3605-R, Package Services; and all Periodicals rates on PS Form 3541, Periodicals - One Issue or One Edition.

Although several of the new forms have multiple pages, mailers use only the pages needed for a particular mailing. The first page of PS Forms 3600-R, 3602-R, 3602-N, 3605-R, and 3541 includes a "Parts Completed" section, which allows mailers to identify the parts of the form they are using. Mailers complete the identified parts and include only those parts with the first page. To allow mailers to include extra services, PS Forms 3600-R, 3602-R, 3602-N, and 3605-R include a new Part S. Also, the Instructions page on each form contains additional information for mailers.

First-Class Mail (Including Priority Mail)

First-Class Mail and Priority Mail mailers will use PS Forms 3600-EZ (First-Class Mail only) or 3600-R, dated January 2006, for all mailings. The following First-Class Mail and Priority Mail postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3600-P, First-Class Mail - Postage Affixed (8/2003)

• PS Form 3600-PM, Priority Mail - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3600-PMX, Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box Experiment - Permit Imprint (11/2004)


Periodicals mailers will use PS Forms 3541 or 3541-M (for monthly mailings), dated January 2006, for all mailings. The following Periodicals postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3541-A, Periodicals - Condensed - One Issue or Edition (6/2002)

• PS Form 3541-X, Periodicals Co-Palletization Experiment (4/2003)

Standard Mail

Regular Standard Mail mailers will use PS Forms 3602-EZ, 3602-C, or 3602-R, dated January 2006, and PS Form 3602-G, dated November 2001, for all mailings. The following regular Standard Mail postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3602-HP, Standard Mail Heavy Letters - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3602-HR, Standard Mail Heavy Letters - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3602-P, Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Postage Affixed (8/2003)

• PS Form 3602-PS, Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge - Postage Affixed (8/2003)

• PS Form 3602-RS, Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge - Permit Imprint (8/2003)

Nonprofit Standard Mail

Nonprofit Standard Mail mailers will use PS Forms 3602-NZ, 3602-C, or 3602-N, dated January 2006, for all mailings. The following nonprofit Standard Mail postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3602-NHP, Nonprofit Standard Mail Heavy Letters - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3602-NHR, Nonprofit Standard Mail Heavy Letters - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3602-NP, Nonprofit Standard Mail Letters and Flats - Postage Affixed (8/2003)

• PS Form 3602-NPS, Nonprofit Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge - Postage Affixed (8/2003)

• PS Form 3602-NS, Nonprofit Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge - Permit Imprint (8/2003)

Package Services

Package Services (Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, Media Mail®, Parcel Post®, and Parcel Select®) mailers will use PS Form 3605-R, dated January 2006, for all mailings. The following Package Services postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3605-BFP, Bound Printed Matter Flats - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-BFR, Bound Printed Matter Flats - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-BPP, Bound Printed Matter Parcels - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-BPR, Bound Printed Matter Parcels - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-DFP, Destination Entry Bound Printed Matter Flats - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-DFR, Destination Entry Bound Printed Matter Flats - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-DPP, Destination Entry Bound Printed Matter Parcels - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-DPR, Destination Entry Bound Printed Matter Parcels - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-PP, Parcel Post - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-PR, Parcel Post - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-SP, Parcel Select - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3605-SR, Parcel Select - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3608-P, Media Mail or Library Mail - Postage Affixed (6/2002)

• PS Form 3608-R, Media Mail or Library Mail - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

International Mail

The following International postage statements are obsolete:

• PS Form 3602-IRS, International Inbound Standard Mail Subject to Surcharge - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

• PS Form 3659, Global Direct - Mexico - Permit Imprint (6/2002)

Special Postal Bulletin 22168A, dated December 1, 2005, provides more information on postage statements, including ordering instructions and availability.

— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 12-8-05


Phase III Postage Meters Scheduled for Decertification

We remind Phase III postage meter users who plan to continue using a meter for postage that they must complete their transition to a more secure Postal ServiceTM-approved postage meter by the December 31, 2006, decertification date established in 2001.

Phase III postage meters use older rotary (letterpress) technology to print postage and do not automatically disable if reset outside certain criteria. Customers using this technology should keep in mind that the automated funds downloading systems will not recognize Phase III meters once they are decertified.

In addition to this notice, the Postal Service has provided all commercial postage meter vendors with a letter outlining the transition requirements that they can distribute to their clients.

Postal Service employees should direct customers requesting specific information about approved replacement models to contact a commercial postage meter vendor. Mailing system representatives at these companies have received specialized training, can explain the features offered by each postage meter model, and can answer questions about this transition process.

General information on digital technology, postage meter decertification schedules, and a listing of Postal Service-approved postage meter vendors can also be found at

— Postage Technology Management,
Product Development, 12-8-05