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Change to Employment Programs

Effective December 22, 2005, Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, is revised to reflect changes to employment programs.

Summary of Changes to Handbook EL-312

Exhibit 233.32, Competitive Service and Excepted Service Organizations, changes General Accounting Office to Government Accountability Office.

Exhibit 512.22, Interview Sheet and Checklist (page 1 only), updates references to Form 61, Appointment Affidavit, and reorders elements in the form to highlight where a job offer occurs in the hiring process.

513.5, Citizenship Policy, removes policy regarding sensitive clearances.

Exhibit 541, Interview Sheet and Checklist (page 1), updates references to Form 61, Appointment Affidavit, and reorders elements in the form to highlight where a job offer occurs in the hiring process.

55, Eligibility to Work in the Postal Service, clarifies process by dividing material into two parts that represent the two steps: (1) 551, Determining Eligibility at Screening Stage; and (2) 552, Determining Eligibility After Job Offer. Subdivides 552 into 552.1, Completing the OMB Form I-9; and 552.2, Reviewing Evidence to Determine Citizen, Permanent Resident Alien, or Citizen of Territory Status.

551, Determining Eligibility at Screening Stage, clarifies what takes place if applicant responds on Form 2591 that he or she is not a citizen or permanent resident alien.

552, Determining Eligibility After Job Offer, provides an overview of 552.1 and 552.2.

552.1, Completing the OMB Form I-9, is a new section that contains text from the old 552 and adds additional details about the completion of this form.

552.2, Reviewing Evidence to Determine Citizen, Permanent Resident Alien, or Citizen of Territory Status, is a new section that describes the documents accepted to complete the I-9 but are not evidence that the new employee meets the citizen or permanent resident alien status.

743.523c corrects reference from 513.122 to 513.32c.

Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement

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2 Recruitment

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23 Sources of Recruitment

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233 Career Recruitment

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233.3 External Recruitment Sources

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233.32 Reinstatement

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Exhibit 233.32, Competitive Service and Excepted Service Organizations

[Revise Exhibit 233.32 by replacing the text "General Accounting Office" with "Government Accountability Office."]

* * * * *

5 Suitability

51 Employment Eligibility and Suitability

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512 Screening Process Philosophy

* * * * *

512.2 Sequence of Screening Activities

* * * * *

512.22 Prescreening

Exhibit 512.22, Interview Sheet and Checklist (page 1 only)

[Revise Exhibit 512.22 to read as shown on page 7.]

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513 Eligibility Requirements

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513.5 Citizenship Policy

[Revise the text of 513.5 to read as follows:]

To be eligible for career or noncareer Postal Service employment an applicant must be a United States citizen, a permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 makes it unlawful to hire unauthorized aliens, and requires employers to verify and document the employment eligibility of all new employees. Refer to Subchapter 55, Eligibility to Work in the Postal Service, for determining eligibility during screening and after a job offer has been made.

Noncitizens of the United States who have been granted permanent resident alien status in the United States are eligible for appointment to all Postal Service positions, levels EAS-19 and below. Appointment of noncitizens to positions in levels EAS-20 and above can be made only with the prior approval of the area vice president.

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54 Preemployment Interview

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541 Training and Preparation of Interviewers

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Exhibit 541, Interview Sheet and Checklist (page 1)

[Revise Exhibit 541 to read as shown on page 7.]

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55 Eligibility to Work in the Postal Service

[Revise the title and text of 551 to read as follows:]

551 Determining Eligibility at Screening Stage

The eligibility requirement for career or noncareer postal employment that an applicant must be a United States citizen, a permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States is addressed at the application screening stage by reviewing the applicant's answer to Item E1, Form 2591; however, citizenship documents are not reviewed at this stage. If the applicant responds on Form 2591 that he or she is not a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States, the applicant is not eligible for employment. If the applicant responds that he or she is a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States, then the applicant continues in the hiring process.




[Revise the title and text of 552 to read as follows:]

552 Determining Eligibility After Job Offer

Hiring officials conduct completion of the OMB Form I-9, review of supporting documents and verification of the applicants' status only after bona fide job offers for career or noncareer positions are extended. The review of documents and determination of status must be the same process for United States citizens, permanent resident aliens, or citizens of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States. The process of determining that a selectee meets this requirement begins with completing the OMB Form 1-9 and recording documents presented by selectees to substantiate that they meet the basic eligibility requirement to work in this country. After the OMB Form I-9 is satisfactorily completed, the evidence presented by the selectee is reviewed to determine that he or she meets the U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States requirement.

[Add new 552.1 to read as follows:]

552.1 Completing the OMB Form I-9

After receiving a job offer, every postal selectee (whether career or noncareer) must complete Section 1 of an OMB Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, used by all American employers in the federal and private sectors. Documents acceptable to establish identity and/or employment eligibility are listed on the reverse of Form I-9. Hiring officials must complete Section 2 by examining evidence of identity and employment eligibility presented by the selectee. A hiring official may not ask for specific documents from a selectee, nor refuse employment on the basis of a future expiration date shown on a document. All persons, whether a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States, may satisfy employment eligibility verification requirements by producing either one document from List A, or one document from List B and one from List C. Original documents are presented and recorded on the I-9 and the I-9 completed even though the documents may not demonstrate that the person meets the eligibility requirement. Hiring officials must complete the certification after recording the documents offered.

[Add new 552.2 to read as follows:]

552.2 Reviewing Evidence to Determine U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident Alien, or Citizen of Territory Status

After the I-9 is completed, a determination is made that the selectee meets the Postal Service requirement for U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States status. Not all documents that are acceptable to complete the I-9 are evidence that the selectee meets the Postal Service requirement. The following documents (or receipts for documents) do not demonstrate that the person meets the Postal Service's U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States status requirement:

• Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A).

• Employment Authorization Document issued by Department of land Security (DHS), (Form I-688B).

• Employment Authorization Document, (Form I-766).

• Foreign passport containing a temporary I-551 stamp.

• Foreign passport with machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV) and temporary I-551 stamp.

• Foreign passport with the new MRIV containing temporary I-551 language and endorsed with a DHS admission stamp.

• Foreign passport, with attached Form I-94.

• Temporary Resident Card (Form I-688).

• U.S. social security card issued by the Social Security Administration with the notation "VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION."

A receipt to replace a stolen or lost document that is evidence that the selectee is a U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States is acceptable. The selectee would have 30 days to acquire a replacement document that indicates the status.

If a selectee does not possess evidence to document U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or a citizen of American Samoa or other territory owing permanent allegiance to the United States status, then the selectee cannot be allowed to work in the Postal Service. Completed OMB Forms I-9 for applicants found ineligible are filed in the preemployment investigation file.

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7 Assignment, Reassignment, and Promotion

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74 EAS Positions

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743 Selection Process

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743.5 Roles of the Selecting Official and Review Committee

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743.52 Review Committee

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743.523 Restrictions on Setting Up Review Committee

[Revise 743.523c by replacing the text "EL-312, 513.122" with "513.32c".]

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed edition of Handbook EL-312 and into the online update, available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on HBKs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

Handbook EL-312 is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS and News, then Forms and Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Handbooks.

Until the changes described in the article are incorporated into the online version of Handbook EL-312, use this article to implement the changes.

— Selection, Evaluation, and Recognition,
Employee Resource Management, 12-22-05

Interview Certification. Restricted Information. Authorized Personnel Only.


Reductions in Grade

Effective June 10, 2006 (Pay Period 13-06), Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 422.125, Reductions in Grade, is revised to simplify the bargaining unit salary determination rules used to process voluntary reductions in grade. An employee is typically placed into a job with a lower grade through the job bidding process, or through an approved request for reassignment to another bargaining unit. When this placement occurs, determining the employee's salary represents one of the most important aspects of completing PS Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action, in the Complement Management System (CMS).

The revised policy applies to all bargaining units and, compared to current policy, represents a major simplification. Under current policy, the employee's salary (a combination of step and next step date) is usually determined by considering (1) total length of career service, or (2) length of service before returning to the lower grade, if previously held. Under the revised policy, the employee's existing salary is simply slotted to the closest step in the lower grade, with waiting period credit earned applied toward the next step increase.

The revised policy will allow personnel specialists in field district offices, as well as the Greensboro Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC), to assign a salary without using the Step Calculator or PS Schedule Conversion Calculator (Microsoft Excel-based calculation tools are found on the Headquarters Compensation Intranet site:

The revised policy mirrors the current policy that, since May 17, 2004, has governed salary determination for nonbargaining to nonbargaining voluntary reduction in grade placements (see 415.51). The revised policy is similar to current policy that governs many across-bargaining unit voluntary reassignments to jobs with an equivalent grade (see 422.124).

Under the revised policy, employees may find it more attractive to bid on vacant lower-level jobs, since basic pay usually will remain the same.

Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)

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4 Pay Administration

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420 Wage Administration Policy for Bargaining Unit Employees

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422 Salary Schedules Covered by Specific Agreements

422.1 Postal Service and Mail Equipment Shops/Material Distribution Center Salary Schedules

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422.12 Change Action Pay Rules

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422.125 Reductions in Grade

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[Revise the introductory text, (1), and (2) of item b to read as follows:]

b. Step and Next Step Date Assignment. Assignments are determined as follows:

(1) Step. The employee's current salary is moved to the lower grade. If the current salary falls between two steps in the lower grade, the salary is set at the higher of the two steps. The salary may not be set below the minimum or above the maximum of the lower grade.

(2) Next Step Date. Creditable service in the former position is maintained toward the next step increase, with the following exceptions:

(a) If the employee's salary is increased by at least one most prevalent step in the former grade, a new step waiting period begins on the effective date of the reduction in grade (see 421.45c).

(b) If the waiting period time already served equals or exceeds that required to advance to the next step following the reduction in grade, the employee is advanced one additional step and a new step waiting period begins on the effective date of the reduction in grade.

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of the ELM and also into the online update, available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on Manuals.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

It is also available on the Postal Service Internet:

• Go to

• Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Manuals.

— Compensation,
Employee Resource Management, 12-22-05