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International Mail


Global Express Mail with Guarantee Service Refund Process

The article titled "IMM Revision: International Inquiry, Claims, and Postage Refund Processes" in Postal Bulletin 22172 (1-19-06, pages 20 and 45-50) included information on applying for a refund for Global Express Mail® with Guarantee service. However, the information on where to submit the application was incorrect. Consequently, we are providing revised information in this article.

International Mail Manual (IMM)

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9 Inquiries, Indemnities, and Refunds

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940 Postage Refunds

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942 Postage Refunds for Global Express Mail Items

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[Revise the title and text of 942.3 to read as follows:]

942.3 Applications by Senders

942.31 EMS

For EMS refunds, mailers requesting postage refunds must submit the following items to the postmaster at the office at which the item was mailed:

a. An application on PS Form 3533 in duplicate.

b. The mailer's receipt (original copy of the mailing label) showing evidence of the amount of postage for which the refund is desired.

942.32 EMS with Guarantee

For EMS with Guarantee service refunds, mailers requesting postage refunds must submit the following items to the address noted below:

a. An application on PS Form 3533-GE.

b. The mailer's receipt or the original copy of the mailing label showing the guaranteed delivery date and the amount of postage paid.

Mailers must submit these items to the following address:

PO BOX 9006
SIOUX FALLS SD 57117-9006

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[Delete 943, Applications by Senders, and renumber current 944 as new 943.]

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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the IMM and also into the online update of the IMM available on Postal Explorer® at

— International Products,
Product Development, 2-2-06


International Inquiries

The article titled "IMM Revision: International Inquiry, Claims, and Postage Refund Processes" in Postal Bulletin 22172 (1-19-06, pages 20 and 45-50) included information regarding the types of mail services for which customers can make inquiries. However, the information regarding outbound and inbound items was incorrect. Consequently, we are providing revised information in this article.

International Mail Manual (IMM)

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9 Inquiries, Indemnities, and Refunds

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920 Inquiries and Claims

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928 Processing Inquiries

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928.2 Mail Exchanged With All Countries

928.21 Initiating an Inquiry

Advise customers to call 800-222-1811 to initiate an inquiry relating to:

[Revise the list in 928.21 by deleting current items a, b, and c and replacing them with new items a and b to read as follows:]

a. The loss of outbound registered mail, recorded delivery mail, and insured and ordinary parcels.

b. The rifling or damage of inbound registered mail, recorded delivery mail, and insured and ordinary parcels.

* * * * *

We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the IMM and also into the online IMM available on Postal Explorer® at

— International Products,
Product Development, 2-2-06