Effective July 6, 2006, mailers have a new option to
drop-ship Parcel Select and Bound Printed Matter machinable parcels to certain 5-digit ZIP CodesTM prepared on
3-digit pallets or in 3-digit pallet boxes when entered at designated sectional center facilities (SCFs). We are revising
sections 456.2 and 466.3 of the Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM) and adding new Labeling List L607 to reflect this
This new option provides additional workshare opportunities and improved total time-in-transit by allowing mailers
to enter parcels for certain ZIP Codes directly into appropriate destination sectional center facilities (DSCFs).
Prior to this change, mailers prepared all machinable
parcels entered at DSCFs in 5-digit scheme or 5-digit sacks
with a seven-piece minimum. Operationally this
requirement is necessary for the majority of our Package
Services volume, which is sorted on mechanized equipment to the 5-digit level in the bulk mail center/auxiliary
service facility (BMC/ASF) network. Without this standard,
machinable parcels sorted just to 3-digit containers and deposited at DSCFs would shift workload from the mechanized BMC/ASF environment to a manual sorting
environment at the SCFs.
While BMCs and ASFs sort parcels to the 5-digit level
for a majority of our ZIP Codes, there are a number of ZIP
Codes that the BMCs and ASFs combine into 3-digit containers for further sorting at the downstream SCF. Our new
option will essentially provide mailers the same opportunity
by authorizing them to enter some parcels closer to the
destination facility. However, these parcels are still subject
to destination bulk mail center rates.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
400 Discount Parcels
* * * * *
450 Parcel Post
* * * * *
456 Enter and Deposit
* * * * *
2.0 Parcel Select
* * * * *
2.2 Rate Eligibility for Parcel Select Rates
* * * * *
2.2.2 DBMC Rates
* * * * *
[Revise item c as follows:]
c. Pieces must be within a ZIP Code eligible for DBMC
rates under Exhibit 2.2.2, and, if sacked or palletized,
must be prepared according to 455.4.0, Preparation
for Parcel Post, and 705.8.0, Preparation for Pallets.
Mail meeting the additional criteria in 2.5 or 2.6 may
be deposited at an SCF.
* * * * *
[Revise the title of 2.5 as follows:]
2.5 Acceptance at Designated SCF - USPS
* * * * *
[Renumber current 2.6 through 2.8 as new 2.7 through 2.9.
Add new 2.6 as follows.]
2.6 Acceptance at Designated SCF - Mailer
Mailers may deposit parcels otherwise eligible for the
DBMC rates at an SCF designated by the USPS for
destination ZIP Codes listed in Labeling List L607. The following standards apply: |
Eligible machinable parcels are restricted to the ZIP Codes
listed in L607.
a. Bound Printed Matter machinable parcels under
466.3.2 may be included.
b. Mailers must prepare parcels on 3-digit pallets or in
3-digit pallet boxes, or unload and physically separate the parcels into containers specified by the
destination facility. Parcels are eligible for the applicable DBMC entry rate.
c. All DBMC rate parcels must be for delivery within the
service area of the SCF where they are deposited by
the mailer.
d. Postage on all parcels deposited at the SCF is computed using the zone chart for that postal facility.
e. Parcels must contain the correct marking in 455.4.0,
Preparation for Parcel Post.
* * * * *
460 Bound Printed Matter
* * * * *
466 Enter and Deposit
* * * * *
3.0 Destination Bulk Mail Center (DBMC) Entry
3.1 Eligibility
* * * * *
[Add new item e follows:]
e. Entered at designated SCFs under 3.2.
[Renumber current 3.2 through 3.5 as new 3.3 through 3.6.
Add new 3.2 as follows.]
3.2 Acceptance at Designated SCF - Mailer
Mailers may deposit machinable parcels otherwise eligible
for the DBMC rates at an SCF designated by the USPS for
destination ZIP Codes listed in Labeling List L607. The following requirements apply:
a. Prepared as, or part of, a mailing of at least 300
presorted pieces.
b. Eligible machinable parcels are restricted to the ZIP
Codes listed in L607.
c. Parcel Select machinable parcels under 456.2.6 may
be included.
d. Mailers must prepare parcels on 3-digit pallets or in
3-digit pallet boxes, or unload and physically
separate the parcels into containers specified by the
destination facility. Parcels are eligible for the applicable DBMC entry rate.
e. All DBMC rate parcels must be for delivery within the
service area of the SCF where they are deposited by
the mailer.
f. Postage on all parcels deposited at the SCF is computed using the zone chart for that postal facility.
g. Parcels must contain the correct marking in 402.2.2,
Parcel Post, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, and
Library Mail Markings.
* * * * *
Index and Appendices
* * * * *
Appendix 1 - Labeling Lists
* * * * *
L600 Standard Mail and Package Services
* * * * *
[Insert new labeling list L607, 3-Digit ZIP Code Sort Option
for Parcel Select, after Label List L606. This labeling list
appears on pages 25-33 of this Postal Bulletin.]
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the July 6, 2006,
update of the online DMM on Postal Explorer at
http://pe.usps.com and into the next printed edition.
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 3-16-06
continued > |