Moving Out of a Facility? Disconnect the Utilities!
When moving out of a facility (whether leased or
owned), it is the facility manager's responsibility to notify
the local utility service providers (e.g., telephone, electricity,
natural gas, and steam or water) of the date that the Postal
Service™ will be no longer be responsible for the utilities for
that particular facility. In the past few months, the Utilities
Category Management Team discovered several locations
where this did not happen and as a result the Postal
Service was still paying for the utility service even though
we were no longer occupying the building. We were able to
recover our money but not without some effort. So please
remember to inform all utility service providers before
moving out. Budgets are tight all around and this is a needless expense that can be easily avoided.
If you have any questions about disconnecting utilities,
please call or send an e-mail message to Judy Viola with the
Utilities Category Management Team, and she will assist you.
You can reach Judy at 860-285-7285 or judith.viola@usps.gov.
— Office Products and Utilities Category Management
Center, Supply Management, 9-28-06
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