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November 9, 2006


SUBJECT:  Computer Security Day

Over the past few years, we have all become more sensitive than ever to the critical issue of computer and data security.   From the routine activities we engage in every day to the movement of mail throughout our system, we are acutely aware of the need for increased security awareness in all of our surroundings.

This past year we have all become more aware of the importance of protecting sensitive data.  We work hard to protect the safety and security of our employees, our customers, and the nation’s mail.  We must continue to focus on information security and now more than ever and place more focus on protecting our sensitive data in our everyday routines.

The Postal Service will observe Computer Security Day on November 16, 2006.  In this Computer Security Day, Information Technology will focus on protecting sensitive data.  IT will publish information in several forms to observe this day, including articles in our national publications, awareness brochures, and posters. The updated Information Security Video will be available via On-Demand Video.  You can also get additional information by visiting http://it-dataprotection.

I encourage you to look closely at your practices in handling corporate and personal information in your daily work.  Please become more familiar with our policies that guide authorized uses of computers and information. Change your own behavior and business practices to contribute to stronger information security.  Even the greatest computer protection technology can be undermined by human behavior, whether intentional or accidental.  A security-aware workforce is our best defense against threats, whether from internal or external sources.  Your eyes and ears will assist us to respond quickly to incidents before damage spreads.

Information security is everyone’s business.  Thank you for your continued vigilance in securing Postal Service information assets.


Robert L. Otto