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Disposition of Foreign Coins

Post OfficesTM and postal retail units (PRUs) accept cash, U.S. currency, and coins, for all postal products. Retail associates (RAs) are advised to be cautious since some foreign coins may look like U.S. coins.

Post Offices and PRUs may dispose of erroneously accepted foreign coins no more than once a quarter. The PRUs must collect all foreign coins from the RAs as follows:

1. The RA calculates the amount of the foreign coins and submits the coins to the supervisor.

Note: Foreign coins are given the same value as the U.S. coin of the same size.

2. The RA enters the amount submitted in AIC 647 in the clerk's PS Form 1412, Daily Financial Report.

3. The supervisor and a witness will:

a. Count all the foreign coins collected and complete and sign the Foreign Coin Disposition Receipt.

b. Prepare and pack by denomination amount accepted.

c. Ship foreign coins via Registered MailTM to the following address:

PO BOX 44161
ATLANTA GA 30378-1161

4. At close out, the supervisor validates the amounts entered in AIC 647 in the unit's PS Form 1412 with the amount in the Foreign Coin Disposition Receipt.

5. The supervisor or closeout person will file the Foreign Coin Disposition Receipt locally with the unit's PS Form 1412.

Foreign Coin Disposition Receipt
Post Office, Unit Name Unit ID (10-digit) Date
blank blank blank
Count Value as U.S. Coin Total Value
blank $1.00 blank
blank 0.50 blank
blank 0.25 blank
blank 0.10 blank
blank 0.05 blank
blank 0.01 blank
Total Value of Foreign Coins Submitted: blank
blank blank
Witness (Print) Date Supervisor (Print) Date
blank blank
Witness Signature Supervisor Signature

— Revenue and Field Accounting,
Finance, 11-9-06