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Performance Thresholds for Vending Equipment

Effective November 23, 2006, Handbook PO-102, Self Service Vending Operational and Marketing Program, is revised to reflect how monthly sales performances for vending machine models at Postal ServiceTM and nonpostal locations will determine how vending equipment is deployed and redeployed.

Handbook PO-102, Self Service Vending Operational and Marketing Program

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2 Establishing Self Service Vending Locations

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23 Determining Equipment

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232 Existing Postal and Nonpostal Locations

232.1 Revenue Criteria

[Revise 232.1 and Exhibit 232.1 to read as follows:]

Self service vending equipment meeting the performance threshold in Exhibit 232.1 must be maintained at its current location. If the revenue changes, the self service vending equipment must be replaced, as defined in items a through d below.

Exhibit 232.1
Revenue Criteria

Single Stamp Vending
PS-53C MOD 360.51 462.55
PS-53D 360.51 462.55
PS-22 458.27 601.96
PS-22B 458.27 601.96
Booklet Stamp Vending
PBM-2A 405.98 598.96
PBM-6 412.77 577.15
PBM-7 504.36 742.72
Booklet and Stamp Vending
PBSM-624 754.35 2,513.26
PBSM-624B 754.35 2,513.26
PCM-1625B 1,109.43 2,838.15

a. Performance Threshold for Vending Equipment

Self service vending equipment at postal locations with monthly sales totals less than $360.51 must be removed. All vending equipment at nonpostal locations with monthly sales totals less than $462.55 must be removed.

Note: These criteria will change with every rate case.

b. Not Meeting Performance Threshold

Self service vending equipment models that do not meet their performance threshold must be replaced with a model with a lower performance threshold. When there is no replacement model with a lower performance threshold, then vending service at this location must be discontinued.

c. Meeting Performance Threshold

Self service vending equipment meeting its model performance threshold must remain at its current location.

d. Exceeding Performance Threshold

Self service vending equipment exceeding its model maximum sales performance will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Deciding factors may include cost per revenue dollar (CPD), availability of vending machine replacement parts, and the availability of other means of purchasing stamps.

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed edition of Handbook PO-102 and into the next update of the online version accessible on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Then click on HBKs.

— Retail Service Equipment,
Delivery and Retail, 11-23-06