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Open Season — Make it work for you and your family!

Open season is underway for the following benefits:

• Federal Employees Dental and Vision.

• Federal Employees Health Benefits.

• Annual Leave Exchange Program.

• Flexible Spending Accounts.

• Thrift Savings Plan.

Now is your chance to make any changes to your health benefits plans using PostalEASE. Just go to Under "Essential Links," click on PostalEASE.

And this time, you can add new vision and dental insurance coverage to your benefits baskets for 2007. Ten providers are offering vision and dental plans during the current Dental and Vision Open Season, which ends Dec. 11, 2006. Look for a guide with details and costs in the mail. In the meantime, to learn more about the plans, go to

Southern Maine PDC officially opens

The new Southern Maine Processing and Distribution Center (PDC) in Scarborough, ME, officially opened its doors recently. At 429,000 square feet, the facility has room aplenty for the most state-of-the-art sorting and processing equipment available.

There's an Automated Package Processing System and the new DIOSS-D (Delivery Input Output Sub System-D) for sorting mail. Add a Universal Sorter that can dispatch bundles, parcels, sacks, trays or tubs into rolling stock or onto conveyors. Top it off with an Integrated Dispatch and Receipt System, which consists of overhead conveyors, inline scales, airline assignment, sleevers, de-sleevers and de-tubbers all working together to simplify and condense mail dispatch, and you've got the makings of a truly great mail processing facility.

A large group of employees and customers helped celebrate the grand opening of the new building, warmly greeting Postmaster General Jack Potter, Northeast Area Operations Vice President Megan Brennan and Maine District Manager Julius Locklear.

Customers buzzing about Free Package Pickup

Dilbert. I use package pickup because anything that requires standing up isn't worth doing.Small businesses are buzzing about Free Package Pickup from the Postal Service. So much so that they helped make October the biggest month ever for Carrier Pickup requests - more than 300,000 of them - for nearly 3 million packages.

"Business customers are responding to our new fall advertising campaign and going online to try Free Package Pickup," said Manager of Advertising and Promotion Rod Devar. "In October we rolled out new television and radio ads and sent out 10 million direct mail postcards featuring Dilbert to small businesses, highlighting the benefits of Free Package Pickup. The response has been fantastic."


Online shipping wins easy acceptance

The Postal Service has launched a new PC Postage feature - Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) - that lets online shippers, and their customers, know their packages have been picked up and are on their way.

Now when customers go online to ship packages, they have the option to create PS Form 5630, Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice, at the end of the transaction. This form has one barcode that links all of the packages in the shipment to it. Every package in the shipment receives an "Acceptance" event from the Post Office.

The "Package Accepted Event" is important to online shippers because it triggers the release of funds associated with auctions on sites such as eBay, as well as confirming to customers that their shipments have entered our network. This holiday season, SCAN is saving time and money for our customers - and the Postal Service.

For more information about SCAN go to

Colorado Springs, CO, PDC shows support for the troops

Colorado Springs, CO, PDC employees

Colorado Springs, CO, PDC employees Jerry Kent, left, Sherry Blood, Fred Harris, Sue Boyer and Katie Kolln show their colors to support the troops in Iraq.

Colorado Springs, CO, is the of Ft. Carson, a major point of departure for U.S. troops on their way to Iraq.

So no one should be surprised that Postal Service employees at the local PDC are outspokenly united about their support for the military. To demonstrate their loyalty, they wear red every Friday. "On Fridays, it is not uncommon to walk the workroom floor and see a sea of red," reports Plant Manager Secretary Jan Whitney.

The fashion statement was the creation of Whitney and Clerk Katie Kolln. "We have a lot of employees who are veterans," Whitney said. "We wanted to do something to show we care about them."

The plant will be mailing signed posters of the red-clad employees to the Ft. Carson units deployed in Iraq.

USPS Light-Truck technicians compete for skills prize

Technician Geoffrey FarmerNashville, TN, VMF Technician Geoffrey Farmer rolled to victory
at the Light-Truck skills competition
in Norman, OK.

"Gentlemen, fix your engines" was the unspoken command at the Light-Truck Technician fleet skills competition. Nashville, TN, Technician Geoffrey Farmer answered the call, winning the inaugural competition.

The contest - conducted last month by the USPS National Center for Employee Development (NCED) - was open to technicians at USPS Vehicle Maintenance Facilities who maintain the Postal Service's 200,000-vehicle fleet.

Farmer's first-place finish wasn't easy. He was closely pursued by Frank Zupan from Pittsburgh, PA, and Michael Martin from Memphis, TN. Martin also was a finalist in last summer's Heavy-Truck competition, another NCED-sponsored event.



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