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Changes to Post Office Box Fee Groups

Effective November 23, 2006, Publication 431, Post Office Box Fee Groups, is revised with the changes noted below.

Publication 431, Post Office Box Fee Groups

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[Remove the entries for the following ZIP CodesTM:]

ZIP Code

* * * * *

We will incorporate these revisions into the online version of Publication 431, which is available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on PUBs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

— Value Added and Special Services,
Product Development, 11-23-06


Five Packaging Tips for Sending Holiday Gifts

The holiday gift-giving season is almost here. Santa and the Postal ServiceTM want you to remember that preparing strong, secure packages with complete, legible addresses will ensure that your precious gifts arrive as quickly as possible and in good shape. Here are some packaging tips for sending holiday gifts.

1. Sturdy 'n' Stable. Start with a strong carton large enough to hold the gift, with some cushioning material all around to protect it from impact and keep it from shifting around inside the box. To get the gift there safe and sound, make sure the package is sturdy and stable.

2. There 'n' There Again. Before sealing the parcel, write the delivery address on a sheet of paper and place it inside the package. Then, if something happens to the outside address, Postal Service personnel will have a back-up copy of the address to identify the destination and get the parcel delivered.

3. Strong 'n' Secure. Give the gift a "seal of approval." Use pressure-sensitive tape, filament tape, or 60-pound paper tape to seal the package securely before mailing. Don't use cellophane or masking tape - they aren't strong enough.

4. Clean 'n' Simple. Remove or mark out any conflicting address information or markings that are already on the carton. Don't wrap the box with paper, string, or twine - paper can rip, and string or twine can get tangled in mail processing equipment.

5. Accurate 'n' Complete. Use a permanent pen or marker for the addresses. Put the return address in the upper left corner of the parcel, and make sure it is complete, including the ZIP CodeTM. Place the recipient's name and address in the center of the largest surface area (unless the shape of the box or contents require a specific orientation for stability), and make sure the recipient's address is complete, including the following:

• Recipient's name.

• Complete street number or Post OfficeTM box number.

• Street name, suffix (such as AVE, ST, etc.), and directional (such as E, W, SW, etc.).

• Apartment or suite number.

• Town or city.

• State.

• ZIP Code.

These five tips will help you wrap things up for the holidays! For more information on how to protect your shipments, just go to and, in the "Search" box, type in "Prepare Packages."

— Marketing Strategy and Support,
Marketing, 11-23-06