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Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) Adds Volume Verification Procedure

The article titled "Field Information Kit: Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN)" in Postal Bulletin 22192 (10-26-06, pages 19-24), introduced a new feature for PC PostageŽ users called Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN).

We are updating the SCAN feature to include a volume verification procedure, which requires a Postal ServiceTM employee to verify the number of mailpieces presented with PS Form 5630, Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice. To perform the required verification procedure, the Postal Service employee must do the following:

1. Verify the total items presented with the total volume entered on PS Form 5630.

2. After verifying the totals, scan PS Form 5630 with the handheld scanner.

3. When the "Shipment Complete" screen appears on the handheld scanner, do one of the following, as appropriate:

a. If the volume presented matches the total volume on PS Form 5630, select the "1: YES" option by pressing "1" on the keypad.

b. If the volume presented does not match the total volume on PS Form 5630, select the "2: NO" option by pressing "2" on the keypad.

4. Whether or not the volume presented matches the total volume on PS Form 5630, collect and dispatch the mail as normal. All current collection and acceptance standard operating procedures still apply.

We will mail an updated field information kit to all field offices, along with a SCAN training DVD that will reflect this change. The video and materials may be used as 30 minutes of Voice of the Employee (VOE) training credit.

Be on the look out for your updated field information kit and training DVD. The items are expected to arrive in field offices soon.

— Package Services,
Product Development, 11-23-06