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Have more health insurance than you need? Don’t pay for coverage you can’t use. If you have a family plan but no longer need it, you can change your coverage from Self & Family to Self Only now during Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season — Nov. 13 to Dec. 12, 2006, at 5 p.m. Central Time. If a qualifying life event leaves you the only person covered under a family plan, you have up to 60 days to change from Self & Family to Self Only by contacting H.R. Shared Service Center (HRSSC) at 1-877-477-3273, option 5.


When a qualifying life event — that is, an event such as the death of a spouse, a dependent child turning 22 or divorce — leaves you as the only person covered under a family health plan, you must notify HRSSC within 60 days. HRSSC will process your change from Self & Family to Self Only coverage and save you money.

It isn’t enough to tell your health plan about the change. If you don’t also notify HRSSC, you’ll end up paying too much for coverage you don’t need.

Miss the 60-day deadline and you can still make the change during FEHB Open Season. It’s easy using PostalEASE. You’ll need your Employee ID and USPS PIN.

Miss both deadlines and you’ll have to wait until next open season. So don’t wait. If you need to make a change, do it now.