Get Up to Date — Be Prepared!
Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) continues to be a hit
with our customers. In just the first year, more than 100,000
customers signed up for this new service, resulting in millions of pieces of mail being reshipped quickly and efficiently to customers at temporary addresses. To ensure the
continued success of PFS, employees should review and
be aware of the following PFS updates and reminders.
Revised PFS Application
PS Form 8176, Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) Application, has been updated to improve postal processing
and customer satisfaction. Here's what Postal ServiceTM
employees need to know:
• PS Form 8176 has been changed from a 4-part form
to a 3-part form by eliminating the distribution copy
for Headquarters. Images of all pages of PS Form
8176 are published in this issue of the Postal Bulletin
starting on page 16.
• Effective December 7, 2006, Post OfficesTM should discontinue sending copies of the form to Headquarters.
If using 4-part forms, simply destroy the Headquarters
• The revised 3-part form is distributed as follows:
Copy 1 - Post Office (PFS Coordinator); Copy 2 -
Customer; Copy 3 - Post Office Shipping (for recording weekly PFS mail shipments).
• Post Offices should exhaust existing supplies of the
4-part form before ordering copies of the revised
3-part form. The Material Distribution Center (MDC)
will fulfill orders with the revised 3-part form - see
ordering information on page 15.
PFS Promotional Materials
To assist field offices in promoting PFS locally, a number
of promotional materials are available. All Post Offices
should confirm that the following PFS point-of-sale materials are on display in their offices:
• Publication 615, Premium Forwarding Service
• Sign 615, Take Your Mailbox With You
(PFS countercard).
See ordering information below.
In addition, field personnel with access to MessageMaker have the option of obtaining a postcard promoting the
benefits of PFS for distribution to their customers.
Tips for Post Office Personnel
Here are some tips to help employees responsible for
processing PFS applications and shipments:
• Be sure customers provide start and end dates on
their PFS applications. When the end date is not certain, ask customers to estimate the date because this
is the only way to accurately calculate the fees.
• Calculate the number of weeks based upon the start
date and the end date.
• Collect the full PFS payment upfront at the time of application: $10 to enroll (AIC 108) and $10.40 for each
week of service requested (AIC 159). Be sure to
place funds in the correct AIC!
• Do not send PFS mail to the centralized forwarding
unit (CFS).
• Ship PFS mail once a week on Wednesday via Priority Mail service, and reroute PFS customers' Express Mail pieces, outside pieces, and accountable
mail pieces immediately upon receipt.
Ordering Information
You can order PS Form 8176, Publication 615, and Sign
615 from the MDC and use touch tone order entry (TTOE):
Call 800-273-1509.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call
800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the
prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)
Use the following information to place your orders:
PS8176 |
PUB615 |
SGN615 |
PSN: |
7530-07-000-6197 |
7610-08-000-1458 |
7690-08-000-1500 |
Unit of Measure: |
EA |
EA |
EA |
Minimum Order Quantity: |
1 |
100 |
1 |
Quick Pick Number: |
640 |
642 |
N/A |
Bulk Pack Quantity: |
1,000 |
7,400 |
100 |
Price: |
$0.0653 |
$0.00 |
$1.88 |
Remember that PFS replaces all informal "snowbird" arrangements that have been set up in the past.
PFS is a great service. Make sure your office promotes
PFS to potential customers during this winter season so
they can stay connected when they are away from .
— Product Management,
Product Development, 12-7-06
