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Health Benefits Open Season Extended to December 29, 2006

Because of an unexpected delay in the printing and mailing of the 2007 Guides to Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Plans (RI 70-2, RI 70-2IN, and RI 70-8PS), the Postal ServiceTM is accepting FEHB elections until December 29, 2006, 5 P.M. Central Time (CT). The authority to make this change is granted to agencies by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

The new date is being programmed into PostalEASE, but until programming is completed, PostalEASE will continue to state that FEHB Open Season closes on December 12, 2006, 5 P.M. CT.

The effective date of FEHB Open Season elections remains the same - January 6, 2007 - even with the later deadline. The processing deadline for the PostalEASE Human Resources Web site also remains the same - January 7, 2007, 11:59 P.M. CT.

Please don't wait until the last day to make your elections!

FEHB guides are available on the OPM Web site, under "Guides for Postal Workers," at

To assist in publicizing this FEHB Open Season, all installations should post the FEHB Open Season notice provided on page 37. The notice should remain posted on facility bulletin boards through December 29, 2006.

— Compensation,
Human Resources, 12-7-06


Health Benefits Open Season

- Extended -

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season elections will be accepted until:

5 P.M. Central Time,

December 29, 2006

Note: Until PostalEASE has been programmed
with the new date, it will continue to say that
the closing date is December 12, 2006.

The effective date of an open season election remains
January 6, 2007.

Please don't wait until the last day to enter your election into PostalEASE.

Please Post on All Bulletin Boards Through December 29, 2006.

Flexible Spending Accounts for Dependent Care Costs. Open Season ends Dec.31 2006 5pm CT. To enroll on or or call 8774773273


Pay Less For Health Insurance, front. Open Season Nov.13 to Dec.12 2006- for more info contact H.R. Shared Service Center 18774773273 option 5

Pay Less for Health Insurance, back..