Stop Family Violence Semipostal Stamps Withdrawn From Regular Sale and From
Sale at Philatelic Centers — Statutory Authority Expires December 31, 2006
Effective close-of-business December 31, 2006, all Post
OfficesTM, stations, branches, Postal ServiceTM stores, contract postal units, vending outlets, and authorized philatelic
centers must (1) withdraw from sale the Stop Family Violence semipostal stamps stock items, products, and their
related vending and store-prepared stamp items listed in
the table below, and (2) prepare them for destruction.
Submit items to destruction sites according to local established procedures, under the guidelines in Handbook
F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, subchapter 45,
Destroying Stamp Stock.
Also, all offices should remove any visible Stop Family
Violence semipostal stamp stock on display.
Absolutely no sales of the Stop Family Violence semipostal stamps and products listed below are permitted at
retail counters and outlets after December 31, 2006. The
items listed below are also withdrawn from sale at Stamp
Fulfillment Services and the online Postal Store.
Item Numbers
$4.50 Stop Family Violence Vending
Pack/10 Stamps
45-cent Stop Family Violence Stamp
$9.00 Stop Family Violence Panel/20
Stop Family Violence First Day Cover
$9.83 Stop Family Violence First Day
Cover & Pane/20 Stamps
$1.80 Stop Family Violence Block of 4
$4.50 Stop Family Violence Block of 10
Stop Family Violence Pane of 20 Stamps
w/Plate No.
— Stamp Services,
Government Relations, 12-7-06
Retail Point of Purchase Instructions
The New Year drive period will feature only the Breast
Cancer Research semipostal stamp. The image of the Stop
Family Violence stamp is on the holiday countermats and
posters. Instructions have already been provided to withdraw the Stop Family Violence stamps by December 31,
— Retail Marketing,
Customer Service, 12-7-06
Self-Service Vending Instructions
Effective immediately, self-service postal center technicians and personnel who service vending machines must,
at their next regular servicing, remove all Stop Family Violence semipostal stamps (Item 367500) from the vending
machines. The task must be completed by close of business December 31, 2006.
Keep the Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp
(Item 367200) in vending machine slots, but replace the
Stop Family Violence stamp with stamp booklets. For the
replacement product, insert the stamp booklet's item number in the product selection window.
— Retail Service Equipment,
Delivery and Retail, 12-7-06
