Domestic Mail
Bound Printed Matter Flats and Parcels and All Standard Mail: ZIP Code Ranges for
Drop Shipment Eligibility
Effective January 18, 2007, we are correcting an anomaly in the range of ZIP CodesTM used to determine eligibility
for destination bulk mail center entry (DBMC) rates. Currently, DBMC entry eligibility, for area distribution center
(ADC) and automated area distribution center (AADC) containers, links the destination container ZIP Code under
BMC service areas as shown in DBMC rate eligibility exhibits. These ZIP Code ranges were not included in the exhibits. However, destination ZIP Codes on container labels for
three processing facilities do not correlate to delivery ZIP
Codes. For example, mail in an ADC container labeled to
St. Paul MN 55209 does not contain any mail addressed to
a 3-digit ZIP Code area of 552. Use of the "unique" ZIP
Codes for these facilities assists with proper identification
and transport of the container.
We are revising DBMC rate eligibility exhibits in chapters 246, 346, 366, 446, and 466 of Mailing Standards of
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM®) to add ZIP Code ranges 552, 632, and 663. This
revision enables mailers to update their mailing documentation to include containers of Standard Mail® letters and
Standard Mail and Bound Printed Matter flats and parcels
labeled to ADC facilities with these ZIP Codes when claiming DBMC entry rates. By including these ZIP Codes in the
appropriate DMM exhibits, software used to align ADC labeling lists with BMC entry eligibility will include mail labeled to all ADC facilities.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
200 Discount Letters and Cards
* * * * *
240 Standard Mail
* * * * *
246 Enter and Deposit
* * * * *
3.0 Destination Bulk Mail Center (DBMC) Entry
3.1 Definition
* * * * *
Exhibit 3.1 BMC/ASF - DBMC Rate Eligibility
* * * * * |
[Add the 3-digit ZIP Code area "552" as follows:] |
498, 499, 540-564, 566 |
BMC Minneapolis/St. Paul
MN 55202 |
* * * * * |
[Add the 3-digit ZIP Code area "632" as follows:] |
420, 423, 424, 475-479,
614-620, 622-639 |
BMC St. Louis MO 63299 |
* * * * * |
[Add the 3-digit ZIP Code area "663" as follows:] |
640, 641, 644-658, 660-679,
739 |
BMC Kansas City KS 64399 |
* * * * *
[Repeat these changes in exhibits 346.3.1, 366.3.1,
446.3.1, and 466.3.4.]
* * * * *
We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online
DMM available via Postal Explorer® at
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 1-18-07
New Polywrap Standards for Automation-Rate Flat-Size Mail
We are revising 301.3.5 of the Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM®), which addresses the standards for polywrap film
used on automation-rate flat-size mailpieces, to eliminate
the difference in specifications for polywrap designed for
processing on the automated flat sorting machine (AFSM)
100 and polywrap designed for the upgraded flat sorting
machine (UFSM) 1000. Customers must meet only one set
of standards, instead of the previous two. The new standards include the following changes:
• We removed two characteristics, tensile strength and
density, because they were irrelevant to
• We removed the "USPS AFSM 100 Approved Polywrap" endorsement requirement.
• We changed the testing protocol to measure the minimum film-to-metal coefficient of friction.
• We increased the allowable film-to-film coefficient of
friction to be more compatible with mailer bindery
• We changed the method to measure blocking to
more closely match the environment that mailpieces
undergo during normal transportation and storage.
• We will allow successful testing of the thinnest gauge
of a specific polywrap film to suffice for certification of
all thicknesses of the same film.
New Test Procedures
To ensure that all manufacturers use the same criteria to
meet the new specifications, we developed specification
USPS-T-3204, Test Procedures for Automatable Polywrap
Films. Manufacturers may obtain the new test procedures
at (click on Polywrap Manufacturers in
the left frame) or by contacting the Postal ServiceTM's
Engineering office at:
8403 LEE HWY
MERRIFIELD VA 22082-8101
The specification describes exact test procedures and
acceptable values for polywrap film characteristics. If the
manufacturer lacks the facilities or experience to conduct
each of the test procedures, the specification also provides
a list of testing laboratories that have experience in conducting these tests.
Polywrap Certification
Currently, manufacturers must provide us with a certificate stating that their film complies with polywrap specifications before we include the film in the list of approved
polywrap for flat-size mailpieces mailed at automation
rates. We will require manufacturers to provide an updated
certificate of conformance on their letterhead to the Postal
Service's Mailing Standards office after verifying that each
polywrap film meets the new characteristics. The certificate
of conformance must state the values of the six characteristics for each film to be listed as approved.
As of February 4, 2007, polywrap not meeting the new
standards will no longer be listed as approved for automation rates, but we will allow mailpieces presented with "old"
polywrap on automation-rate flats through March 3, 2007.
The conditions for mailing are as follows:
• Mailpieces with polywrap approved for AFSM 100
pieces under the "old" standards will be accepted at
automation flat rates through March 3, 2007.
• Beginning March 4, 2007, mailers who present polywrapped flats that do not meet the new standards for
polywrap may request an exception to the new standards in writing. Requests will be handled on a case-
by-case basis.
We encourage manufacturers to certify their polywrap
under the new specifications as soon as possible, but no
later than February 3, 2007. We encourage mailers to use
polywrap meeting the new specifications on their mailpieces as soon as practical. Beginning March 4, 2007, all
polywrap films used on automation-rate flat-size mailpieces
must meet the new standards.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
300 Discount Flats
301 Physical Standards
* * * * *
3.0 Physical Standards for Automation Flats
* * * * *
3.5 Polywrap Coverings
3.5.1 Polywrap Films
[Revise 3.5.1 to change the introduction and remove items
a and b to eliminate the distinction between polywrap used
on pieces qualifying for the AFSM 100 and the UFSM 1000,
as follows:]
Polywrapped flat-size mailpieces claimed at automation
rates must meet the standards in 3.5. Film approved for use
under 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 must meet the specifications in
Exhibit 3.5.1. If mailers affix the address label to the outside
of the polywrap, the film need not meet the haze property.
[Revise title of Exhibit 3.5.1 as follows:]
Exhibit 3.5.1 Polywrap Specifications
[Revise Exhibit 3.5.1 introduction to eliminate the distinction between AFSM 100 and UFSM 1000 pieces. Delete
current properties 4 and 5. Renumber current properties 6
through 8 as new properties 4 through 6 to change the
specification and testing methods for coefficients of friction,
the comments for "blocking," and to specify testing methods, as follows:]
Effective March 4, 2007, mailers who polywrap automation-
rate flats must use polywrap that meets all of the properties
in this exhibit.
Property |
Requirement |
Test Methods in USPS
T-3204 |
Comment |
1. Kinetic Coefficient of Friction, MD |
a. Film on Stainless Steel with No. 8
(Mirror) Finish |
<0.45 |
Section 4.5.2 |
N/A |
b. Film on Film |
0.20 to 0.55 |
Section 4.5.1 |
N/A |
2. Haze |
<70 |
Section 4.5.3 |
Affixing address labels to outside of
polywrap is an alternative to meeting this
requirement. |
3. Secant Modulus,
1% elongation |
a. TD |
>50,000 psi |
Section 4.5.4 |
N/A |
b. MD |
>40,000 psi |
Section 4.5.4 |
N/A |
4. Nominal Gauge |
>0.001 in |
Section 4.5.5 |
N/A |
5. Static Charge |
<2.0kV |
Section 4.5.7 |
N/A |
6. Blocking |
<15 g |
Section 4.5.6 |
To be conducted at 140 (± 3.6°) degrees
Fahrenheit. |
* * * * *
[Delete 3.5.4 to remove the requirement for markings on
polywrap. Renumber 3.5.5 as new 3.5.4. Revise title and
text of renumbered 3.5.4 to require polywrap meeting new
standards as of March 4, 2007, as follows:]
3.5.4 Polywrap on Mailpieces
Effective March 4, 2007, mailers claiming automation flat
rates for polywrapped pieces must use polywrap that meets
the new specifications in 3.5.1. Only products listed on the
USPS RIBBS Web site ( may be used
on automation-rate flats.
[Add new 3.5.5 to specify the certification process for polywrap manufacturers, as follows:]
3.5.5 Polywrap Certification Process for
To ensure that all polywrap manufacturers use the same
criteria in meeting the new specifications, the Postal
Service developed specification USPS-T-3204, Test Procedures for Automatable Polywrap Films. This specification
describes exact test procedures and acceptable values for
polywrap film characteristics. Independent testing
laboratories may certify products for manufacturers who do
not have the facilities or experience to conduct each of the
test procedures in specification USPS-T-3204. The specification includes a list of laboratories experienced in conducting these tests. Customers may obtain the new test
procedures by contacting USPS Engineering (see 608.8.1
for address) or on the USPS RIBBS Web site
( Effective February 4, 2007,
manufacturers must submit a letter, on their letterhead, indicating the value for each of the specifications in 3.5.1 for
each polywrap film, to USPS Mailing Standards (see
608.8.1 for address). Manufacturers are encouraged to
submit the certificate of conformance before February 4,
2007. When USPS receives the certificate of conformance,
films with values meeting the standards will be listed on Manufacturers should follow this process before submitting the letter certifying compliance with
the specifications:
a. Test each film according to procedures listed in
USPS-T-3204, Test Procedures for Automatable
Polywrap Films.
b. Test each surface treatment separately. Manufacturers may test the thinnest film of one product with
identical surface treatment and characteristics. If the
thinnest film satisfactorily meets the characteristics
after being tested, USPS will list the product as approved for all gauges of that product that also meet
the gauge test.
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed
version of the DMM and into the next monthly update of the
online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 1-18-07
Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open and Distribute
Effective February 1, 2007, we will implement two new
mailing options, Express Mail® Open and DistributeTM and
Priority Mail® Open and DistributeTM in 705.16 of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®). Express Mail Open and Distribute
and Priority Mail Open and Distribute replace Express Mail
and Priority Mail Drop Shipment. Our revised standards,
newly developed address labels, and USPS tags will enhance the Postal ServiceTM's ability to provide mailers with
expedited service to destination delivery units or other
processing facilities.
The Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority Mail
Open and Distribute options provide alternatives to mailer-
transported drop shipments for mailers who want to expedite mailings of other classes of mail to destination postal
facilities. Mailers may use Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute for all or part of a
mailing. Mailers prepare mailings according to standards
for the enclosed class of mail and present the mailings to
the postal acceptance unit for USPS® shipment in containers as either Express Mail or Priority Mail. Mailers should
contact acceptance offices in advance regarding critical
entry times.
We eliminated the previous standards for mailings with
postage-affixed contents that required advance notice and
special authorizations, since there are no similar requirements for mailer-transported shipments and no operational
reason to retain those requirements. We encourage the
use of the electronic option for Delivery ConfirmationTM for
Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers, and we may
require it in the future. Mailers who want access to delivery
or service performance data for their Priority Mail Open and
Distribute shipments will use the electronic option for Delivery Confirmation on address labels for Priority Mail containers, in accordance with requirements in Publication 91,
Confirmation Services Technical Guide. As a reminder, the
destination facility ZIP CodeTM used in Delivery Confirmation electronic file records is validated by using the Drop
Shipment Address File available at the USPS FAST Web
site at
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
700 Special Standards
* * * * *
705 Advanced Preparation and Special Postage
Payment Systems
* * * * *
[Revise titles of 705.16.0 and 16.1 as follows:]
16.0 Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority
Mail Open and Distribute
16.1 Description of Express Mail Open and
Distribute and Priority Mail Open and
[Add introductory text to 16.1 as follows:]
Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open
and Distribute provide alternatives for mailers who want to
expedite mailings of other classes of mail to destination
postal facilities. Mailers prepare the mailings according to
standards for the enclosed class of mail, enclose the mail in
containers for expedited service as either Express Mail
Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute,
and present the mailings to a postal acceptance unit by the
critical entry time for USPS shipment under 16.0. Mailers
may use Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail
Open and Distribute for all or part of their mailings.
16.1.1 Standards
[Revise 16.1.1 by merging with text from current 16.4.2 as
The Express Mail or Priority Mail shipment and the enclosed mail must meet all corresponding eligibility and
preparation standards (see 110 for Express Mail standards
and 120 for Priority Mail standards). For mail enclosed in an
Express Mail Open and Distribute container, available extra
services are indicated in 16.2.5. For mail enclosed in a
Priority Mail Open and Distribute container, available extra
services are indicated in 16.3.3.
16.1.2 Enclosed Mail
[Revise 16.1.2 by replacing "pouch" with "container" and by
deleting the phrase about the PCSC as follows:]
The mail enclosed in an Express Mail or Priority Mail container must be either entirely single-piece rate matter or entirely presorted matter that is part of the same mailing.
16.1.3 Authorization
[Revise 16.1.3 as follows:]
No authorization is required for Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute. The mailer must
pay all applicable fees, obtain necessary authorizations for
the enclosed mail, and pay postage at the post office where
the Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open
and Distribute shipment is mailed.
[Delete current 16.1.4 and 16.1.5. Renumber current 16.1.6
through 16.1.10 as new 16.1.4 through 16.1.8.]
16.1.4 Basis of Rate
[Revise renumbered 16.1.4 as follows:]
Express Mail and Priority Mail postage must be paid on the
weight of the entire contents of the Express Mail or Priority
Mail shipment. (Do not include the tare weight of the external container.)
16.1.5 Zone Rates
[Revise renumbered 16.1.5 as follows:]
Compute zone rates for Priority Mail from the accepting
post office to the destination facility for the container (not
the destination post office for the enclosed mail).
16.1.6 Calculating Payment for Enclosed Mail
[Revise renumbered 16.1.6 as follows:]
Mailers must prepay postage and fees for the enclosed
mail under the applicable standards. When the enclosed
mail is zone-rated, the zone is computed from the postal facility where the Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority
Mail Open and Distribute container destinates.
16.1.7 Payment Method
[Revise renumbered 16.1.7 to clarify that stamps requiring
cancellation are not permitted on enclosed mail, as
Postage on the enclosed mail may be paid by any method
permitted for that mail class, except for ordinary postage
stamps requiring cancellation. Express Mail postage must
be paid under 114. Priority Mail postage must be paid with
adhesive stamps or meter stamps affixed to green Tag 161,
pink Tag 190, or orange Label 23 - or with a permit imprint
through a manifest mailing system, optional procedure
mailing system, or alternate mailing system authorized
under 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0. If a permit imprint is used for Priority
Mail postage, the permit imprint must be affixed to or hand-
stamped on the Tag 161, Tag 190, or Label 23, or be part of
the address label.
16.1.8 Postage Statement for Enclosed Mail
[Revise renumbered 16.1.8 as follows:]
The mailer must provide the correct postage statement for
the enclosed mail. The postage statement must show the
total number of Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority
Mail Open and Distribute containers used for the mailing in
addition to the number of sacks, trays, or other enclosed
containers. If the enclosed mail is zone-rated, the mailer
must either provide documentation that details the pieces
and postage, by zone for each Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment destination, or provide a separate postage statement for each
Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and
Distribute shipment destination. The mailer must always
present the mailing to the designated USPS acceptance
unit for verification of postage and fees. A postage statement is not required for the Express Mail or Priority Mail
portion of the Open and Distribute shipment, unless Priority
Mail postage is paid by permit imprint.
[Revise title and text of 16.2 as follows:]
16.2 Additional Standards for Express Mail Open
and Distribute
16.2.1 Description
Express Mail Open and Distribute shipments expedite
movement of any other class of mail between domestic
postal facilities. The shipment receives Express Mail service from the origin post office to the destination facility of
the container. For containers not addressed directly to delivery units, the enclosed mail is processed and provided
the appropriate service from the destination facility to the
delivery unit.
16.2.2 Open and Distribute Shipment Service
The Express Mail service guarantee for an Express Mail
Open and Distribute shipment ends upon receipt of the Express Mail container at the destination postal facility of the
shipment. The service guarantee does not apply to the delivery of the enclosed mail to the addressees.
16.2.3 Preparation for Open and Distribute
Mailers must present matter prepared as Express Mail
Open and Distribute shipments in USPS-approved sacks,
except as allowed in 16.4.2. Mailers must place the proper
Express Mail mailing labels in EP-13 envelopes and attach
the envelope and a black and white Tag 157 to each sack or
16.2.4 Deposit Site
Mailers must prepare Express Mail Open and Distribute
shipments under 16.4 and 16.5 and present shipments at a
business mail entry unit (BMEU) or other location designated by the postmaster to accept both the enclosed mail
and Express Mail. Mailers must present shipments to the
BMEU with enough time for acceptance, processing, and
dispatch to the Express Mail unit before the facility's critical
entry time for Express Mail.
[Delete 16.2.5. Renumber current 16.2.6 as new 16.2.5 and
revise as follows:]
16.2.5 Extra Services
No extra services may be added to the Express Mail segment of an Express Mail Open and Distribute shipment,
and the enclosed mail may receive only the following extra
a. First-Class Mail pieces may be sent with Certified
Mail service or special handling or, for parcels only,
Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation
b. Priority Mail pieces may be sent with Certified Mail,
special handling, Delivery Confirmation, or Signature
Confirmation service.
c. Standard Mail pieces subject to the residual shape
surcharge (except Customized MarketMail pieces)
may be sent with electronic option Delivery Confirmation service.
d. Package Services mail may be sent with special handling or, for parcels only, Delivery Confirmation or
Signature Confirmation service.
[Revise title and text of 16.3 as follows:]
16.3 Additional Standards for Priority Mail Open
and Distribute
16.3.1 Description
Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipments expedite
movement of any other class or subclass of mail (except
Express Mail) between domestic postal facilities. The shipment receives Priority Mail service from the origin post office to the destination facility of the container. For
containers not addressed directly to delivery units, the enclosed mail is processed and provided the appropriate service from the destination facility to the delivery unit.
16.3.2 Deposit Site
Mailers must prepare Priority Mail Open and Distribute
shipments under 16.4 and 16.5 and present shipments at a
BMEU or other location authorized by the postmaster to accept the enclosed mail. Mailers must present shipments to
the BMEU with enough time for acceptance and processing
before the facility's critical entry time for Priority Mail.
[Delete current 16.3.3. Renumber current 16.3.4 as new
16.3.3 and revise as follows:]
16.3.3 Extra Services
The only authorized extra service for Priority Mail Open and
Distribute containers is the electronic option for Delivery
Confirmation service (see 16.4.5c). The mail enclosed in
the container may receive only the following services:
a. First-Class Mail pieces may be sent with Certified
Mail service or special handling or, for parcels only,
Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation
b. Standard Mail pieces subject to the residual shape
surcharge (except Customized MarketMail pieces)
may be sent with electronic option Delivery Confirmation service.
c. Package Services mail may be sent with special handling or, for parcels only, Delivery Confirmation or
Signature Confirmation service.
16.4 Basic Preparation Standards
[Revise 16.4 as follows:]
16.4.1 Enclosed Mail
Mail enclosed in an Open and Distribute container must
meet the eligibility and preparation standards for its class
and rate and for any extra services used. Mailpieces
requiring cancellation may not be included in an Express
Mail Open and Distribute or a Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment. Mailers are not required to place bundles
of mail in sacks or trays when all of the mail enclosed in an
Open and Distribute container is destined to a 5-digit
16.4.2 Containers for Expedited Transport
Acceptable containers for expedited transport are as
a. An Express Mail Open and Distribute shipment must
be contained in a USPS-approved sack, except as
provided in 16.4.2c.
b. A Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment must be
contained in either a USPS-approved sack using either Tag 161 or Tag 190 or in a letter-size tray using
Label 23, except as provided in 16.4.2c.
c. Customized MarketMail (CMM) pieces may be contained in USPS-provided Express Mail or Priority Mail
envelopes and boxes or in any properly labeled container supplied by the mailer.
16.4.3 Express Mail and Priority Mail Container
Sack and tray labels for Express Mail or Priority Mail sacks
and trays containing Open and Distribute shipments must
be barcoded and meet the requirements in 708.6.0. All
lines of information must be completely visible when
inserted into the label holder. Label sacks and trays as
a. Line 1 (destination line) provides information on the
destination entry office where the enclosed mail is to
be distributed. For destination delivery unit (DDU)
distribution, use the facility name and ZIP Code
found in the Drop Shipment Address File available on
the USPS FAST Web site at
(click on Resources in the left-hand navigation bar,
then click on Drop Ship Product File Download).
1. For SCF distribution, use the destination in L005,
column B. For ADC distribution, use the destination in L004, column B. For BMC distribution, use
the destination in L601, column B. For ASF distribution, use L602, column B.
2. For Line 2 (content line), print "EXPRESS MAIL
AND DIST," as applicable.
3. For Line 3 (origin line), show the city and state of
the entry post office or the mailer's name and the
city and state of the mailer's location. It is recommended that the mailer's name also appear with
the city and state of the entry post office. See
708.6.1.5 for additional standards.
16.4.4 Tag 157 - Express Mail Open and Distribute
In addition to the Express Mail mailing label, black and
white Tag 157 must be attached to each Express Mail sack
to identify it as an Express Mail Open and Distribute shipment. This tag or an approved facsimile also must be affixed to containers used for Express Mail Open and
Distribute shipments of CMM.
16.4.5 Tags 161 and 190 - Priority Mail Open and
Tag 161 and Tag 190 (or approved facsimiles) provide a
place to affix Priority Mail postage and the address label for
the destination facility. In addition to the Priority Mail sack
label, Tag 161 or Tag 190 must be attached to each Priority
Mail sack to identify it as a Priority Mail Open and Distribute
shipment as follows:
a. Attach Tag 161 to sacks used as Priority Mail Open
and Distribute containers to a BMC, ASF, ADC, or
SCF facility.
b. Attach Tag 190 to sacks used as Priority Mail Open
and Distribute containers to a DDU. This tag also
must be affixed to containers used for Priority Mail
Open and Distribute shipments of CMM.
c. Electronic option Delivery Confirmation service is the
only authorized extra service for the Open and Distribute Priority Mail containers. Delivery Confirmation
barcodes must be incorporated in the address label
and formatted as specified in Publication 91, Confirmation Services Technical Guide.
16.4.6 Label 23 - Priority Mail Open and Distribute
As an alternative to sacks for Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipments, mailers may use letter trays (or mailer-
supplied containers for CMM pieces) as follows:
* * * * *
[Renumber current 16.4.8 as new 16.5. Revise title and text
of renumbered 16.5, and add exhibits as follows:]
16.5 Addressing Open and Distribute Labels
In addition to Tag 157, Label 23, Tag 161, or Tag 190,
USPS-supplied containers and envelopes and mailer-
supplied containers used as Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers must
be addressed "OPEN AND DISTRIBUTE AT:" followed by
the facility name. Find the facility name and other information to address the labels according to the type of facility in
16.5.2 through 16.5.5.
16.5.1 Addressing Priority Mail Open and Distribute
Mailers are encouraged to use the electronic option Delivery Confirmation service, under 503.9.4, on all address labels on Label 23, Tag 161, or Tag 190. Mailers who want
access to delivery or service performance data for their
Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipments must use electronic Delivery Confirmation service in accordance with requirements in Publication 91. Mailers should prepare
address labels on Label 23 and on Tag 161 and Tag 190
using the formats in 16.5.2 through 16.5.5.
16.5.2 DDU Address Labels
For the DDU address label, use the name of the DDU on
the top line, the street address of the facility on the next
line, and city, state, and ZIP+4 Code on the last line of the
address block. For DDU distribution, use the facility name
and ZIP Code found in the Drop Shipment Address File
available on the USPS FAST Web site at (click on Resources in the left-hand navigation
bar, then click on Drop Ship Product File Download). Directly below the address, indicate the class and processing
category of the enclosed mail. See Exhibit 16.5.2 for an example of a DDU address label.
Exhibit 16.5.2 DDU Address Label

16.5.3 SCF Address Labels
For the SCF address label, use the destination information
in column B of labeling list L005. Directly below the SCF facility name, indicate the class and processing category of
the enclosed mail. See Exhibit 16.5.3 for an example of an
SCF address label.
Exhibit 16.5.3 SCF Address Label

16.5.4 ADC Address Labels
For the ADC address label, use the destination information
in column B of labeling list L004. Directly below the ADC
facility name, indicate the class and processing category of
the enclosed mail. See Exhibit 16.5.4 for an example of an
ADC address label.
Exhibit 16.5.4 ADC Address Label

16.5.5 BMC Address Labels
For a BMC address label, use the destination information in
column B of labeling list L601. (For an ASF address label,
use column B of labeling list L602.) Directly below the facility name, indicate the class and processing category of the
enclosed mail. See Exhibit 16.5.5 for an example of a BMC
address label.
Exhibit 16.5.5 BMC Address Label

16.6 Markings on Enclosed Mail
[Renumber current 16.5 as new 16.6. Revise 16.6 by deleting title and text of renumbered 16.6.1. Delete title of
renumbered 16.6.2, and make the text of renumbered
16.6.2 the entire text of new 16.6, as follows:]
The enclosed mail may show one of the optional markings
below. The optional marking must be placed directly below
or to the left of the postage area. The optional marking may
appear in any type font. When an optional marking is used,
the type size of the required rate marking (202 for letters,
302 for flats, or 402 for parcels) must be at least 8 points.
* * * * *
We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online
DMM available via Postal Explorer® at
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 1-18-07
Labeling Single-Piece Rate Pieces Presented With Presort Mailings
Effective January 4, 2007, section of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) is corrected to specify that the tray
labeling instructions are optional for single-piece rate First-
Class Mail® letters presented as part of a presorted mailing.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
200 Discount Letters and Cards
* * * * *
230 First-Class Mail
* * * * *
235 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
5.0 Preparation for Nonautomation Letters
5.1 Basic Standards
* * * * *
5.1.2 Single-Piece Rate Pieces Presented With
Presort Mailings
[Revise 5.1.2 to clarify labeling instructions for single-piece
rate pieces as follows:]
Regardless of postage payment method, mailers may present single-piece rate First-Class Mail with pieces claimed at
automation or presort rates, and report all pieces on the
same postage statement. The following standards apply:
a. The mailer must prepare the single-piece rate pieces
in separate trays from the automation and presort
pieces. As an option, mailers may label the trays with
barcoded or nonbarcoded tray labels. Create barcoded tray labels under 708.6.0 using content
identifier numbers 246, 260, or 268, as appropriate.
Label barcoded and nonbarcoded trays as follows:
1. Line 1: Use L201; for mail originating in ZIP Code
areas in Column A, use "MXD" followed by city,
state, and 3-digit ZIP Code prefix in Column C
(use "MXD" instead of "OMX" in the destination
line and ignore Column B).
2. Line 2: For barcoded labels, use the human-
readable content line corresponding to the content
indentifier number (see Exhibit 708.6.1.4); for nonbarcoded labels, use "FCM SNGLP WKG."
3. Line 3: Office of mailing or mailer information.
b. The single-piece rate pieces must bear no rate marking or be marked "First-Class" or, if not affixed with
full single-piece rate postage, "Single-Piece" (or
"SNGLP"). See 202.3.0, Placement and Content of
Mail Markings.
c. The mailer must affix additional postage to the single-
piece rate pieces to yield the correct amount on each
piece, or (if prepared with a corrective rate marking)
the mailer must pay all additional postage at the time
of mailing.
* * * * *
We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online
DMM available on Postal Explorer® at
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 1-18-07
Changes to Post Office Box Fee Groups
Effective January 18, 2007, Publication 431, Post Office
Box Fee Groups, is revised with the changes noted below.
Publication 431, Post Office Box Fee Groups
* * * * *
[Add the following entry:]
ZIP Code |
Fee Group |
77584 |
4 |
[Remove the entry for the following ZIP CodeTM:]
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the online version of Publication 431, which is available on the Postal
ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:
• Go to
• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click
on References.
• Under "References" in the right-hand column under
"Policies," click on PolicyNet.
• Click on PUBs.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web
site is
— Value Added and Special Services,
Product Development, 1-18-07
