Priority Mail Open and Distribute
The Postal ServiceTM is renaming and improving Priority
Mail® Drop Shipment under the new name Priority Mail
Open and DistributeTM service. To improve the efficiency of
this service, the Postal Service is introducing a new sack
tag and is revising the current sack tag and the current letter tray label for Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers and distributing standard operating procedures for
Priority Mail Open and Distribute service is a premium
service provided primarily to large mailers and consolidators. Priority Mail Open and Distribute service expedites
handling of other classes of mail (except Express Mail® service) entered at business mail entry units (BMEUs) or other
Postal Service acceptance units. Mailers prepare the mailings under standards for the class of mail and then enclose
the mail in containers mailed at Priority Mail rates. Mailers
must prepay postage and fees for the enclosed mail under
applicable standards. The Postal Service provides expedited transport of the Priority Mail containers to destination
delivery units (DDUs) or to other mail processing facilities.
This information kit is designed to inform Postal Service
employees about Priority Mail Open and Distribute service.
The kit contains the following materials:
• General information.
• Images of Tag 161, Tag 190, and Label 23.
• Images of posters for mail processing facilities and
destination delivery units.
• Standup talk for business mail entry unit (BMEU)
• Standup talk for destination delivery unit (DDU) back-
office employees.
• Standup talk for mail processing facility distribution
General Information
Tag 159 - Obsolete
Tag 159, Priority Mail Drop Shipment, is cleared for obsoletion effective February 1, 2007. (The last edition of Tag
159 is dated January 2001). Package Services has
instructed the Expedited Package Supply Center to discard
all remaining stock of Tag 159 after January 31, 2007. Personnel in the field must also discard all remaining stock of
Tag 159 after January 31, 2007.
Tag 159 is replaced by Tags 161 and 190, as
Tag 161 and Tag 190
Tags 161 and 190 replace Tag 159 as follows:
• Tag 161, Priority Mail Open and Distribute, is for containers addressed to mail processing facilities. It is a
revision of the previous edition of Tag 161 (which
bore the title "Priority Mail Drop Shipment with
Delivery Confirmation Service"). Tag 161 is green, its
Postal Stocking Number (PSN) is 7690-09-000-9153,
and its current edition date is February 2007. Package Services has instructed the Expedited Package
Supply Center to discard - after January 31,
2007 - all stock of Tag 161 having edition dates that
are earlier than February 2007. Personnel in the field
must also discard - after January 31, 2007 - all
stock of Tag 161 having edition dates that are earlier
than February 2007.
• Tag 190, Priority Mail Open and Distribute, is a new
tag for containers addressed to DDUs. Tag 190 is
bright pink, its PSN is 7690-09-000-9154, and its current edition date is February 2007.
Label 23
Label 23, Priority Mail Open and Distribute, is for letter
trays destined to both mail processing facilities and DDUs.
It is a revision of the previous edition of Label 23 (which
bore the title "Priority Mail Drop Shipment"). The revised
edition of Label 23 has only minor revisions, so the Expedited Package Supply Center and personnel in the field can
continue to use current supplies of Label 23 until they are
depleted. Label 23 is orange, its PSN is 7690-04-000-5145,
and acceptable edition dates are June 1998 and February
Ordering Information
Customers may order supplies of Tag 161, Tag 190, and
Label 23 by calling the Expedited Package Supply Center
at 800-610-8734.
All mail processing facilities, stations, and branches are
to receive a mailing (scheduled to begin January 13, 2007)
that contains an 18" x 24" poster for Priority Mail Open and
Distribute service. Facilities are to display these posters in
the areas where Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers are processed. The mailing also contains a booklet for
Priority Mail Open and Distribute service as well as samples of Tags 161 and 190 and Label 23.
Tag 161 (for Mail Processing Facilities)

Tag 190 (for DDUs)

Label 23 (for Letter Trays)

Poster About Tag 161 (for Mail Processing Facilities)

Poster About Tag 190 (for DDUs)

Standup Talk for Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) Employees - Priority Mail Open and
Distribute Service
[Please read this standup talk to all BMEU employees (show samples of Tags 161 and 190 and Label 23 when discussing
them), and then post copies of this standup talk on employee bulletin boards.]
The Postal Service is renaming and improving Priority Mail Drop Shipment under the new name Priority Mail Open and
Distribute service. To improve the efficiency of the service, the Postal Service is introducing a new sack tag and is revising the
current sack tag and the current letter tray label for Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers and distributing standard
operating procedures for employees.
What's New
• The green Tag 161 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to mail processing facilities.
• The pink Tag 190 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to destination delivery units (DDUs).
• The orange Label 23 is used on all Priority Mail Open and Distribute letter trays regardless of the destination.
• The tags and the label are bright and easy to see, which will help ensure that the right containers get to the appropriate
What You Need to Do
• Carefully read the address label on a Priority Mail Open and Distribute container to make sure that the mailer has used
the correct address tag or label and that the container is addressed to the correct destination. If it does not have the
correct tag or label or is not addressed correctly, notify the district Business Service Network if it is a National or Premier account or the district expedited service specialist if it is an unmanaged account.
• If it's a green Tag 161, it should be addressed to a mail processing facility.
• If it's a pink Tag 190, it should be addressed to a DDU.
• Double check the address labels on the orange Label 23 to make sure they are properly addressed.
• After verifying and accepting the Priority Mail Open and Distribute container, sign and round stamp the tag or label.
What You Should Remember
• The eligibility and preparation standards for Priority Mail Open and Distribute service are the same as for the former
Priority Mail Drop Shipment service.
• The procedures for accepting Priority Mail Open and Distribute mailings remain the same as for the former Priority Mail
Drop Shipment service.
• Mailers must present their Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers to the BMEU in enough time for acceptance,
processing, and dispatch to the appropriate unit before the critical entry time.
The improved Priority Mail Open and Distribute service is another way we're transforming our services to better meet the
needs of our customers. Your careful verification and acceptance of Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers will help
ensure customer satisfaction and guarantee postal revenue.
For more information about Priority Mail Open and Distribute service, see the article starting on page 2 in Postal
Bulletin 22198 (1-18-07).
Please post on bulletin boards.
Standup Talk for Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) Back-office Employees - Priority
Mail Open and Distribute Service
[Please read this standup talk to all DDU back-office employees (show samples of Tags 161 and 190 and Label 23 when
discussing them), and then post copies of this standup talk on employee bulletin boards.]
The Postal Service is renaming and improving Priority Mail Drop Shipment under the new name Priority Mail Open and
Distribute service. To make the service run smoothly, the Postal Service is introducing a new sack tag and is revising the
current sack tag and the current letter tray label for Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers and distributing work instructions for employees.
What's New
• The pink Tag 190 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to DDUs like ours.
• The green Tag 161 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to other destinations (mail processing
• The orange Label 23 is used on all Priority Mail Open and Distribute letter trays regardless of the destination.
• The tags and label are bright and easy to see, which will help ensure that the right containers get to the appropriate
What You Need to Do
• Carefully read the address label on a Priority Mail Open and Distribute container to make sure it belongs at our facility.
• If it is a green Tag 161 - or a pink Tag 190 or an orange Label 23 addressed to another destination - scan the Delivery
Confirmation service barcode as "missent." Make sure to dispatch the container to the appropriate destination mail
processing facility on the next trip.
• If it is a pink Tag 190 or orange Label 23 addressed to our facility, remove the tag or label from the container and perform a "Delivered" scan event with the handheld scanner. Make sure to complete the scan before close of business on
the day you receive the container.
• Discard the pink Tag 190 or orange Label 23 after scanning.
• Open the container and distribute the enclosed mail to meet the service commitment standards appropriate to the mail
• Make sure to follow color-coding procedures when staging the mail for distribution.
What You Should Remember
• Don't remove the tag or scan the Priority Mail Open and Distribute container as "Delivered" until you make sure it's
correctly addressed to our facility.
• Make sure to scan and dispatch missent containers to the correct destination on the next trip.
• Make sure to scan the pink Tag 190 or the orange Label 23 that is correctly addressed to our facility as "Delivered" -
remember to complete the scan before close of business on the day you receive them.
The improved Priority Mail Open and Distribute service is another way we're transforming our services to better meet the
needs of our customers. Your completion of the scans will help ensure customer satisfaction and guarantee postal revenue.
For more information about Priority Mail Open and Distribute service, see the article starting on page 2 in Postal
Bulletin 22198 (1-18-07).
Please post on bulletin boards.
Standup Talk for Mail Processing Facility Distribution Employees - Priority Mail
Open and Distribute Service
[Please read this standup talk to all mail processing facility distribution employees (show samples of Tags 161 and 190 and
Label 23 when discussing them), and then post copies of this standup talk on employee bulletin boards.]
The Postal Service is renaming and improving Priority Mail Drop Shipment under the new name Priority Mail Open and
Distribute service. To improve the efficiency of the service, the Postal Service is introducing a new sack tag and is revising the
current sack tag and the current letter tray label for Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers and distributing standard
operating procedures for employees.
What's New
• The green Tag 161 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to other destinations (mail processing
facilities) like ours.
• The pink Tag 190 is used on Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers going to destination delivery units (DDUs).
• The orange Label 23 is used on all Priority Mail Open and Distribute letter trays regardless of the destination.
• The tags and the label are bright and easy to see, which will help ensure that the right containers get to the appropriate
What You Need to Do
• Carefully read the address label on a Priority Mail Open and Distribute container to make sure it belongs at our facility.
• If it is a pink Tag 190 - or a green Tag 161 or an orange Label 23 addressed to another destination - dispatch the
container to the correct operation so that it can be sent to the correct destination on the next trip.
• If it's a green Tag 161 or orange Label 23 addressed to our facility, remove the tag or label from the container and
perform a "Delivered" scan event with the handheld scanner. Make sure to scan before midnight on the day you receive
the container.
• Discard the green Tag 161 or orange Label 23 after scanning.
• Open the container and send the enclosed mail to the appropriate operation and provide the service appropriate to the
mail class.
• Make sure to follow proper color-coding procedures when staging mail for distribution.
What You Should Remember
• Don't remove the tag or scan the Priority Mail Open and Distribute container as "Delivered" until you make sure it's
correctly addressed to our facility.
• Make sure to dispatch misdirected Priority Mail Open and Distribute containers to the correct operation so that they can
be sent to the correct destination on the next trip.
• Make sure to scan the green Tag 161 or the orange Label 23 that is correctly addressed to our facility as "Delivered" -
remember to complete the scan by midnight on the day of arrival.
The improved Priority Mail Open and Distribute service is another way we're transforming our services to better meet the
needs of our customers. Your completion of the scans will help ensure customer satisfaction and guarantee postal revenue.
For more information about Priority Mail Open and Distribute service, see the article starting on page 2 in Postal
Bulletin 22198 (1-18-07).
— Package Services, Product Development, 1-18-07
Please post on bulletin boards.