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Information Technology


Enterprise Information Repository Changes

Effective February 1, 2007, part 842 of the Administrative Support Manual (ASM) 13 has been expanded to more fully explain each Information Technology group's responsibilities under the Enterprise Information Repository (EIR).

Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

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8 Information Resources

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84 Business Solutions

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842 Enterprise Information Repository

[Revise 842 to read as follows:]

842.1 Description

The Enterprise Information Repository (EIR) at http://eir is the official central repository of information about Postal Service software applications and application modules. The EIR is used to monitor application status; review applications and infrastructure by their components; identify existing applications that may enhance, or be affected by, proposed applications or infrastructure; and avoid redundancies. When registering an application, you must consider the following: system registration/general information (e.g., name, description, stakeholders, etc.); implementation (e.g., implementation dates, primary user groups, hosting location, desktop components); infrastructure (e.g., network components, infrastructure items); interfaces (internal and external); Web sites (URL(s) for the system); security (sensitivity and criticality classifications and risk mitigation plans); business continuity management, including but not limited to disaster recovery planning and test information; and standards (e.g., section 508, information tool kit, and related factors).

842.2 Requirements

All Postal Service applications, systems, and modules procured, developed, or used by the Postal Service must be registered in the EIR during the planning phase of the Integrated Solutions Methodology (ISM) lifecycle, once funding has been secured. Included in the registration process are all applications, Web applications, and Web sites, regardless of the operating environment (mainframe or server/client, stand-alone PC, or Web), origin (commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, outsourced, or in-house development), or status (pilot, development, production, retired, replaced, future, or suspended). You must continually update all information in the EIR so it is current and accurate as long as the application is in use.

842.3 Responsibilities

Functional organization vice presidents must ensure that their applications and modules are registered in the EIR as soon as funding has been approved. Vice presidents can delegate the responsibility for registration to a portfolio manager, the designated IT point of contact, who may in turn assign responsibility for maintaining EIR information to the program manager, business project leader, or project manager. The portfolio manager must notify the IT manager or designee responsible for each EIR component when the application has been registered. The chart below shows how responsibilities are divided among the IT groups.

Segment Component Responsible IT Group
System Registration/
General Information and Implementation
N/A Portfolio
Infrastructure Hardware and System Information Computing Services
Network Information IT Service Center
Interfaces and Web sites Development managed by Business Solutions Center Integrated Business Systems Solutions Centers (IBSSCs)
Development managed by Portfolio Portfolio
Information Security and Business Continuity Management N/A Corporate Information Security
Standards N/A IT Technology Support

Note: When an application is retired, portfolio managers must ensure the retirement process is followed and the General Information portion of the EIR shows the application has been retired.

842.4 Requests for Access

Anyone with access to the Postal Service Intranet may view (browse) the information contained on the EIR Web site at http://eir. If you would like read or write access to the EIR, you may apply through eAccess. General access is necessary for registering, editing, and removing systems. Restrictive access is reserved for user groups and administrators responsible for entering and editing data on information security assurance; Business Continuity Management, including disaster recovery planning and testing; and other subjects.

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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the ASM and also into the online update available on the Postal ServiceTM PolicyNet Web site:

• Go to

• Under "Essential Links" in the left-hand column, click on References.

• Under "References" in the right-hand column, under "Policies," click on PolicyNet.

• Click on Manuals.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

— Enabling Portfolio,
Information Technology, 2-1-07