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Clarification of the Nonmachinable Surcharge for Shrubs, Trees, and Other Nursery Stock

Each spring, questions arise about whether to assess a nonmachinable surcharge for shrubs, trees, and other nursery stock placed in the mailstream. We offer the following information for clarification and to promote consistency.

The nonmachinable surcharge in part 453 of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) applies to Parcel Post® mailpieces that we cannot process mechanically and that require more costly manual sortation. We assess a nonmachinable surcharge for a Parcel Post item that does not meet the machinable criteria in DMM 401.1.5 or that meets the nonmachinable criteria in DMM 401.2.3.2:

• DMM 401.1.5 defines a machinable parcel, in part, as follows:

• Length: Minimum 6 inches, maximum 34 inches.

• Height: Minimum 3 inches, maximum 17 inches.

• Thickness: Minimum 1/4 inch, maximum 17 inches.

• Weight: Minimum 6 ounces, maximum 35 pounds.

• DMM 401.2.3.2 (items a through j) lists nonmachinable criteria for Parcel Post, including the following in item j: "Parcels with characteristics (such as inadequate packaging) that could result in damage to the contents of the mailpiece, other parcels, or postal machinery if mechanical sortation is used."

Based on the requirements in DMM 401.1.5 and 401.2.3.2, use the following guidelines to determine when to assess a nonmachinable surcharge for shrubs, trees, and other nursery stock items:

• Assess a nonmachinable surcharge if the item does not meet the machinable criteria in DMM 401.1.5 or if the item meets any of the nonmachinable criteria in DMM 401.2.3.2 - for example, nursery stock mailed in inadequate packaging, such as plastic, vinyl, or paper bags (sealed or unsealed).

• Don't assess a nonmachinable surcharge if an item 1) meets the machinable criteria in DMM 401.1.5 and is mailed completely enclosed in a box or carton that constitutes adequate packaging, or 2) is mailed as follows:

• At Express Mail® rates.

• At Priority Mail® rates.

• At Parcel Post oversized rates.

• With special handling service.

• At the following Parcel Select® discount rates:

• Destination sectional center facility (DSCF) discount rates sorted to 5-digit containers.

• Destination delivery unit (DDU) discount rates.

For more details see the DMM on Postal Explorer® at

— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 2-1-07