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Supply Management


Semiannual Review of Capital Records

Handbook AS-701, Material Management, Section 541.28, Internal Reviews, contains procedures for conducting a semiannual review of capital records. The procedures require either the installation head or designated material accountability officer (MAO) to conduct a semiannual internal review and an evaluation of the status of property records and files. Installation Heads: If you do not have a designated MAO, refer to Handbook AS-701, Part 541 and Exhibit 541.21 for the assignment procedure and a sample letter of delegation, respectively.

If you are an installation head or a designated MAO, you must complete the review and evaluation process by following these steps:

• Meet with the designated material accountability assistant (MAA) (if you have one) and discuss the material accountability background of the installation. If you do not have a designated MAA, refer to Handbook AS-701, Section 541.3 and Exhibit 541.32 for the assignment procedure and a sample letter of delegation, respectively.

• Review the local standard operating procedures.

• Randomly select and inventory 10 percent of capital items and 10 percent of sensitive items.

• Review files and records to verify that they are being maintained in accordance with procedures outlined in Handbook AS-701, Parts 551, 552, 553, and 556.

• Review the last six property changes for the month to ensure they have been properly verified.

— National Supply Management Programs,
Supply Management, 2-15-07