Human Resources

Safety Awareness Reminder: No Digital Driving Allowed

Driving is not the time for multitasking. Keep your eyes on the road — not your BlackBerry device!

BlackBerry and other wireless devices — including cell phones and scanners — are integral tools in our day-to-day business. But electronic devices and driving don’t mix. Using these tools behind the wheel can be illegal and dangerous, and you and the Postal Service™ could be liable for any damages that occur as a result of your distracted driving while on the job.

Postal Service policy requires employees to drive professionally and responsibly and to obey local and state traffic laws. It also specifically prohibits fingering and holding mail while driving (Handbook EL-814, Postal Employee’s Guide to Safety, August 2006) and using cell phones while driving (Handbook EL-801, Supervisor’s Safety Handbook, April 2006).

Don’t endanger yourself, your family, your employer, or those around you by allowing yourself to be distracted by phones, mail, BlackBerry devices, scanners, or anything else.

Take the time to pull over or wait to answer that beep or ring tone until you reach your destination.

(The purpose of this article is to promote personal safety—on and off the job. It is not to be construed as Postal Service policy.)