Other Services

Mailing and Permit Fees

The permit imprint application fee and all annual mailing fees increase to $175. Annual accounting fees (account maintenance fees) increase to $550. These new fees apply only to first-time payments and renewals. Customers with current fees paid do not begin paying the new fees until it is time to renew.

Post Office Boxes and Caller Service

Overall, Post Office box and Caller Service fees are increasing. However; individual box holders at different locations may experience a wide variety of price changes as part of our continuing efforts to realign Post Office box fees, as well as Caller Service fees, with our costs for each location. Up-to-date fee group information can be found on webBATS, as well as in Publication 431, Post Office Box Fee Groups. The new fees apply only to new rentals and renewals. Current Post Office box holders (and customers paying Caller Service fees) do not begin paying the new fees until their current rental period expires and it is time to renew. Post Office box and Callers Service fees may be paid for up to two semi-annual periods at a time (i.e., up to 1 year in advance).

Onsite meter services will no longer be offered and the fees associated with onsite meter service, meter resetting, examination, and checking meters in and out of service have been eliminated.