Postage Statement Information

Computer-Generated Facsimile Postage Statements

The use of computer software to prepare facsimiles of standard Postal Service™ forms is a practical way for mailers to prepare postage statements and is encouraged by the Postal Service.

Mailers may submit a computer-generated facsimile of the Postal Service form if it is in the same format as, and includes all information required by, the Postal Service form. A facsimile postage statement produced by software certified by the Postal Service Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation (PAVE™) or Manifest Analysis and Certification (MAC™) program, appropriate for the accompanying class of mail and rate claimed, is consid­ered a USPS®-approved form for these standards. A facsimile statement or facsimile-generating software for which general (nationwide) approval has not been granted under the PAVE or MAC program may be approved by the entry office postmaster. If PAVE or MAC approval has not been sought, it is the responsibility of the mailer to contact the postmaster of the Post Office™ where mailings will be submitted concerning the acceptability of com­puter-generated forms. The Pricing and Classification Ser­vice Center (PCSC) is available to provide guidance to postmasters, district managers of business mail entry, and mailers with questions on this matter.

On a facsimile statement, it is not necessary for mailers to “preprint” extraneous information such as processing categories, classes of mail, and postage rate categories that do not pertain to the mailing. In addition, facsimile forms do not have to show the written instructions that are intended for mailers who fill out the forms manually. How­ever, all other information pertaining to the mailing, the complete title of the form, form number, information block labels, and certification statements must appear on all computer-generated postage statement facsimiles. Mail­ers must place data elements on the facsimile in locations as close as possible to where they would be placed on the official form. Line numbers and column heads (if applica­ble) must reflect those on the official form. If a mailer is not claiming a specific price or discount, then there is no need for that line to appear on a facsimile statement. Most importantly, the facsimile must fully and exactly reproduce the penalty warnings, certification statements, and signa­ture blocks that appear on official forms.