USPS and New York City revitalize Carrier Alert Program

From left, Triboro District Manager Lily Jung-Burton, NY District Manager and Postmaster Robert Daruk and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg briefed the press on the Carrier Alert Program.USPS representa­tives and the mayor of New York City joined forces recently to announce a revitalized Carrier Alert Program for the city.

Conceived in New York during the mid-1970s, the Carrier Alert Program trains letter carriers to spot dis­tressed seniors and people with disabilities and to notify appropriate officials. A national program was created in 1982.

Larry Cirelli, National Association of Letter Carriers New York Metro Region national business agent, added his sup­port to the effort. “The neighborhood letter carrier is always eager to help monitor the well-being of elderly and disabled mail patrons,” he said. “It’s what letter carriers do every day.”

Triboro District Manager Lily Jung-Burton also attended the press conference and in response to reporters’ ques­tions cited two examples of carrier rescues.